My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 672 Night attack on Mi Laolu’s donkey pen

Li Hong was stunned for a moment. Who is the victim of this special thing?
Why can you be so arrogant?

I am the prince, so I have no place to reason, right?
"Boss, go back first, my feet are blistered!"

Ma Hou also looked at his feet on the side, his eyes full of depression.

Although it was said that the two of us walked these ten miles, you were on my back halfway through.

I didn't say anything, what do you have to complain about.

"Li Feng, remember this for me, let's go!"

When talking about his feet, Li Hong only felt a throbbing in his calves.

Recuperate your energy first, and then fight with Li Feng.


Ma Hou followed behind Li Hong and snorted coldly. This time the matter was not over yet.

"Hey, you big watermelon! Get out of here!"

Li Feng also slapped Ma Hou on the head.

"Oh oh oh!"

"Boss, wait for me!"

Ma Hou also covered his head and hurriedly chased after Li Hong.

"Two mallets!"

Li Feng also spat, waved his hand and led the people around him back to the fief.

"Wei Shan, His Highness is back and I'll leave it to you. Remember, don't let him run away!"

After looking at Wei Shan, Li Feng also handed this place over to him.

"Brother Li, are you ready to leave?"

Wei Shan was stunned and immediately understood Li Feng's intention.

"That's right, I won't be here for a short time. It's time for me to meet up with His Highness!"

Li Feng nodded. Now that the prince has taken care of things, it's time for him to leave.

"Okay, then Wei Shan wishes Brother Li a good start and a safe journey."

Wei Shan also saluted Li Feng and wished him a safe journey.

Li Feng set off on his own, abandoning his fiefdom and galloping towards Luoyang.

"Mahou, do you think your master should cut it?"

Li Hong collapsed on the sofa and scolded Mahou in front of him.

"Boss, my master is doing it for our own good, so don't blame him!"

Ma Hou also looked depressed, boss, boss, are you stupid?

That is my master. If you ask me to say that he is not, then you can go to my master and accuse me of being cunning.

I still have to be killed by my master.

"Nonsense, is that for our benefit? That's called disrespecting me. If I don't avenge you, I swear I won't be a human being!"

Li Hong glared at Ma Hou, eating everything inside and outside, what's wrong with your master?
If you make me angry, let alone him, even if it is you, my little brother, I will still deal with it.

"By the way, how did Li Feng know about our plan? Could it be that someone leaked the secret?"

After saying the cruel words, Li Hong also came to his senses.

Even if Li Feng is a god, he can't be considered our route.

There must be ghosts in here.

"Boss, it's impossible for me to leak the secret, you have to believe me!"

Ma Hou shuddered and quickly expressed his loyalty to Li Hong.

"Of course I know it's impossible for you to leak the secret. If you lie to me, you will be struck by thunder from heaven."

"It's a godsend"

"Boss, isn't this a bit cruel!"

Ma Hou originally wanted to continue talking, but after thinking about it, he decided not to.

If the lightning strikes, he won't be able to withstand it.

"Why do you care about that? I know it. It must be Mi Laoliu who sold the donkey. Otherwise, who would know that we are taking action!"

Li Hong hit the table with his fist, his eyes full of cruelty.

"Yes, it must be Mi Laoliu."

Hearing that the boss took the initiative to find the target, Ma Hou was also happy.

After all, this Mi Laoliu is not a good person, and selling a donkey would be a rip-off for himself.

For the same price, the quality is really inferior.

Cut him, that's it.

"That's right, if you don't avenge this revenge, you will never be a human being!"

Li Hong nodded fiercely, Mi Laoliu, you wait for me.

"Boss, what are you going to do?"

Ma Hou also approached Li Hong and asked him what he was going to do.

"How to do it? The enemy is strong and we are weak. It will definitely not work if we force ourselves. We must outwit them!"

Li Hong smiled, Mi Laoliu, if you dare to trick me, you are unlucky.

"Boss, tell me what to do!"


After Li Hong whispered a few words into Ma Hou's ear, the two of them also let out a devilish smile.

The next night, two figures also took advantage of the darkness to sneak into Mi Laoliu's donkey pen.

Mi Laoliu came to the donkey pen with excitement on his face, and when he saw the situation in front of him, he was paralyzed.

These dozens of donkeys were all lying on the ground. The ground was also yellow and green, everywhere.

The most important thing is that there are crooked words written on the wall: To do justice for heaven, rob the rich and give to the poor, whistleblowers will not be punished by nature.

"Damn it, who the shameless person would do such an immoral thing."

"You are still doing justice for heaven, robbing the rich and giving to the poor. Why are you harming my donkey?"

"Tell us what secrets I, a donkey seller, can know. I really have no eyesight!"

Li Hong and Ma Hou were waiting outside Mi Laoliu's donkey store. When they heard the screams of ghosts and wolves, they also smiled knowingly.

"Boss, it still has to be you."

"That's right, this is just a small punishment but a big warning. I won't have to deal with him again in the future. Let's go and eat candied haws!"

Li Hong also put his arm around Mahou's shoulders and wanted to take him shopping.

"Boss, do you have money?"

"Damn, do I look like a rich person?"

Li Hong was also stupid. He didn't even have the money to buy candied haws?

Is my little brother actually so poor?
"what is it now!"

"I have no idea!"

Ma Hou spread his hands. Anyway, he was a big man and he was gone.

"Then go back and let the kitchen cook something delicious. Let's celebrate and punish the bad guys. Have fun!"

Since both of them are paupers, there is nothing much to say.Anyway, if the chefs of the fiefdom don't spend any money, it's okay to let them cook something delicious.

"Xiao Langjun, your highness's letter!"

Li Qing came to Li Siwen and handed over the flying pigeon letter he had just received.


Li Siwen took the letter and tore it open directly.

"Your Majesty is here!"

After reading the letter, Li Siwen was stunned.

"Xiao Langjun, this is impossible!"

Li Qing was also depressed, how could His Highness come here.

Chang'an is a thousand miles away from Luoyang. His Highness came from Chang'an in person?

Just because of a small Longmen escort agency?This meow is too fantasy!
"How is that impossible! Let's stop the matter with the escort agency first and wait until His Highness comes to talk about everything.

Don't make any trouble at this time, understand? "

Li Siwen was also depressed now. Li Yanran came over and proved that the Longmen Escort Agency was definitely not as simple as he thought.

No matter how courageous he is, he still doesn't dare to make an independent decision.

If this ruined Li Yanran's big deal, he would really be beaten to death.


Li Qing nodded and immediately went out to make arrangements.

Soon the recruitment and training work of the Longmen Escort Bureau was stopped, and all the escorts were closed down.

"Chang Shi, the Longmen Escort Bureau suddenly stopped recruiting. Did they notice something?"

A petty official came to Zhang Maosun, his eyes full of caution.

"How is that possible? We haven't done anything yet."

Zhang Maosun also frowned, he hadn't done anything yet, how could he be discovered.

Is this Li Siwen a dog?Can you still smell it?

"Then what should we do now? Do we still want to take action?"

The clerk looked depressed, everything was possible, maybe Li Siwen was born in the year of the dog.

"Don't take action yet. I'm not ready yet. Let's wait and see the situation in a few days!"

Zhang Maosun shook his head. No matter what the reason was, he couldn't take action now.

Let’s wait and see what happens.


After the clerk left, Zhang Maosun stood up suddenly and hurried towards a house.

Li Feng drove all the way, non-stop day and night, hurrying slowly and finally caught up with Li Yanran's team.


Li Feng approached Li Yanran's carriage and saluted inside.

"What's wrong with that boy Li Hong?"

Li Yanran opened the car curtain and smiled at Li Feng.

Now that Li Feng is here, he must have taken care of the little brother.

"Miss, Li Feng needs to apologize first."

After hearing the question about the prince, Li Feng also hurriedly apologized to Li Yanran.

After all, the young lady has to take the lead in dealing with Li Hong.

"It's okay. You don't have to apologize for dealing with him. Tell me, what did he do again?"

Li Yanran had a sneer on her face, saying that it was unnatural to punish Li Hong.

Just take him and do it!

"Miss Xie!"

With the words of the young lady, Li Feng also told everything about Li Fengdi.

"Well done, this Mahou knows the current situation, but you are too gentle.

If I have to ask Zhang Dazhuang to deal with him, it will save him from causing trouble next time! "

Hearing Li Hong walking for more than ten miles on his legs, Li Yanran also yelled "Hello".

This can be said to be clear.

These ten miles are enough for Li Hong to drink a pot.

Li Feng glanced at Li Yanran and couldn't help but shudder.

Miss, Miss, that's your biological brother, is this really okay for you?
He was even asked to beat him up. If he were just an ordinary kid, that would be fine, but he was a prince.

If this were to come out, it would be easy to kill everyone in the family. Maybe the three tribes of Yi and the nine tribes would be killed.

"Okay, since Li Hong is fine, let's rush to Luoyang at full speed. We don't have much time!"

"His Royal Highness has a decree, all speed up and rush to Luoyang."


With Li Yanran's order, the escort team also speeded up immediately and rushed towards Luoyang.

A few days later, a carriage also slowly stopped outside the Lan Kwai Fong branch.

"Sir, we have already rested. If you need anything, come back tomorrow!"

The boy glanced at Li Feng who was driving the car and saluted him respectfully.

This is the rule set by Li Yanran, and the guests are bigger than the sky.

The customer is God, no one can offend the customer.

"Really? Then why should I go in?"

Li Yanran also slowly stepped off the carriage and asked the boy.

"Young gentleman, this is our rule. Why don't you leave your name and come to buy perfume tomorrow? How about I give you some gifts?"

The boy was also depressed. I had seen people eating Overlord meals, but I had never seen anyone forced to buy anything.

This perfume is not very popular, is it like this?

"Then what if I want it or not?"

Li Yanran smiled, stepped in front of the boy, and continued to speak.

"Young gentleman, if you want to buy something, you are welcome in Lan Kwai Fong.

If you are looking for trouble, you should also consider your own weight.

This is the property of Her Royal Highness Princess Lishan. "

Although the customer base is huge, it does not mean that Lan Kwai Fong is a soft persimmon that can be pinched by anyone who wants to.

When you meet someone who is looking for trouble, you have to compete to see who is more aggressive.

Anyway, officially, I don’t know who has a higher status than my proprietor.

"Haha, what happened to Princess Lishan again? Use her to suppress me, right?"

Li Yanran smiled again. The boy handled it well, and Li Siwen did a good job finding someone.

"Everyone inside comes out, someone wants to cause trouble!"

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