My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 673 Congratulations, you are now an official!

Chapter 672 Congratulations, you are now an official!
The boy's temper also got angry, and he yelled directly inside.

Don't cause trouble in normal times and don't be afraid of trouble when things happen. This is the code of conduct in Lan Kwai Fong.

With a whoop, a dozen boys all rushed out of Lan Kwai Fong, staring at the master and servant in front of them.

"What do you want?"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Feng hurriedly stood in front of Li Yanran, looking on guard.

"What do you want to do? Leave quickly, or you won't blame us for being rude!"

The boy put his hands in his pockets and looked at the two of them coldly.

"You're welcome. I'd like to see how you're so rude!"

Li Yanran pulled Li Feng away and said to the group of guys.

"You, you, get it for me!"

The boy also swallowed his saliva. He had never seen anything so rude before.

At that moment, he also waved his hand to signal the boy next to him to take action.

"and many more!"

Just when everyone was about to take action, a voice sounded, and Li Qing also appeared in front of everyone.

"The shopkeeper!"

"The shopkeeper!"

"The shopkeeper!"

When the boys saw Li Qing, they also hurriedly saluted.

"what's the situation."

Li Qing frowned and asked the boy why he wanted to be violent.

"We've all packed up, but this guest insists on going in.

I asked him to leave temporarily and come back tomorrow, but he refused to listen and insisted on forcing his way in.

I only call people because I have no choice! "

The boy quickly told Li Qing everything about the situation.

"Haha, I want to see who is so bold and dares to cause trouble in Lan Kwai Fong!"

There was a hint of ferocity on Li Qing's face. Ever since Lan Kwai Fong opened in Luoyang, he has never seen such a brutal person.

"is it?"

Li Yanran pulled Li Feng away from her and smiled at Li Qing.

"I'll go to the palace!"

Li Qing has never met Li Feng, but he has met Li Yanran. The princess has really arrived.

Thinking that one of his people almost took action against His Highness, he couldn't help but shuddered and froze there.

"Shopkeeper? Do you want to do anything?"

The boy glanced at Li Qing and was also ready to take action.

"Touch you idiot."

Li Qing slapped him in the face.

Fortunately, you didn't do anything just now, otherwise you and I would all have to be dealt with.

Beat the princess, thank you for your imagination.

"Shopkeeper, you made a mistake. The person is on the other side! Beat them!"

The boy was dumbfounded. Is the shopkeeper crazy?

Why did you whip yourself when nothing happened?Shouldn't we beat the two people opposite us?
"I'll beat you to death!"

Li Qing gave him a big kick.

A bunch of stupid people waited and hit the wrong one, I'm going to hit you!

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Li Qing, why are you so busy?
Are you here to watch your performance?
"Get the hell out of here!"

Li Qing kicked the boy, and after driving him away, he came to Li Yanran's side.

"Your Highness!"

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up. Where is Li Siwen?"

Li Yanran ignored Li Qing and walked directly inside.

"Young Master is at the Xicheng Escort Camp, looking at the newly recruited escorts!"

Li Qing hurriedly reported Li Siwen's whereabouts.

"Tell him to come back as soon as possible, I have something to do!"


Li Qing didn't dare to neglect, so he hurriedly saluted and went to report to Li Siwen.

"Brother Li, you came a little too unexpectedly."

Li Siwen rushed in directly and looked at Li Yanran sitting on the chair, his eyes full of excitement.

"Is it unexpected? Didn't I send you a letter from Fei Ge before?
I haven’t seen you for a while. Have you grown again? "

Looking at Li Siwen's tall figure, Li Yanran also smiled, then flew up and gave Li Siwen a big dick.

"Brother Li, why did you hit me?"

Li Siwen was stunned for a moment, covered his head and asked aggrievedly.

"Try the feel! Hehe! It's still the same as before, crunchy and crunchy!"

"Brother Li, what are you doing here this time? It's not like a Longmen escort agency!"

Li Siwen shook his head depressedly and sat down next to Li Yanran.

Brother Li has always been a businessman who can't afford to get up early without profit, so he must have big business when he comes to Luoyang.

"You are the smartest kid. Since a Longmen Escort Bureau is not capable of that, guess what I came all the way from Chang'an to Luoyang for?"

Li Yanran leaned on the sofa and looked at the roof in trance.

"If I could have guessed it, I would have done it a long time ago. Just tell me and don't tantalize me!"

But Li Siwen didn't want to waste those brain cells. He already had what he could think of.

"You lazy idiot, your brain will be useless if you don't use it, you know?"

Li Yanran slapped him again, and the boy also changed.

What about the catfish effect?

Why did the fish stop moving after this separation?

"Brother Li, I can only guess that you must have more than this. Where is the Longmen Escort Bureau? You must have some big deal!"

Li Siwen, on the other hand, looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. Anyway, I don’t want to use my brain when I have you.

"Wayun, how do you feel?" Li Yanran didn't want to seduce Li Siwen anymore, so she directly stated her purpose of coming.

"Water transport? Brother Li, what do you mean?"

Li Siwen was stunned when he heard these two words.

What is the use of this thing? Besides transporting some food, what else can it be used for?
Moreover, this thing is very expensive. Not only building those water transport ships, but also raising so many sailors is not a small sum.

"What do you mean? The reason why I came to Longmen Escort Agency this time is only secondary. The most important thing is for this water transport."

Li Yanran also sighed. Water transportation is still not prominent now. That is because there is no capital to promote and operate it, and no one has discovered the greatest role of water transportation.

It seems that shipping freight is a waste of time and money, but as long as these resources are integrated, these upfront investments are just a drop in the bucket.

"Brother Li, do you really want to do this water transport? This is a thankless job!"

As a person from the early Tang Dynasty, it was impossible for Li Siwen to view this water transport from a so-called strategic perspective, so he was confused.

"That's right, I have to win this water transport, do you understand?"

Li Yanran can't explain it right now. You will know the convenience of this Grand Canal when I start water transportation.

"I understand, but how are you going to do it? There should be a starting point!"

Although Li Siwen didn't know why Li Yanran was so concerned about water transport, he believed in her vision.

But everything is difficult at the beginning, and this first step is the hardest to take.

Now it depends on how Li Yanran wants to take this step.

"The starting point, the starting point is very simple. What is most important in this era?"

"What's most important? Of course it's money!"

Li Siwen was stunned. What was most important, besides money.

"Money, you bighead, what's most important is talent.

If you want to improve water transportation, the most important thing is to have talents.

Recruit people for me, whether they are sailors or commanders, as long as they are good people, I want them! "

Li Yanran had already thought about it along the way. Although she didn't understand water transportation, she couldn't help but have money.

Leave professional matters to professionals. This is what successful entrepreneurs should do.

As long as she was willing to spend money, let alone the boss or sailor, she could move even the Sea Dragon King.

"Understood, I'm going to put up notices, recruiting sailors, and be the leader!"

Since Li Yanran said so, Li Siwen immediately saluted and was about to perform it.

"It's getting dark now. Go recruit an eggplant. Sit down. I have some good things for you!"

He glared at Li Siwen, you are too action-oriented!

By the time you finished writing the notice and went out to Zhang, it was already midnight.

"Good stuff? Brother Li, what new inventions have you come up with?"

Li Siwen's eyes instantly lit up when he heard that there was something good.

The good thing Brother Li mentioned must be something he has never seen before. Could it be that besides the facial mask, there are new products?
"Invention has something to do with it."

If this special envoy or imperial envoy is an invention, then he is indeed involved.

"Then why don't you hurry up and let me see it!"

"Are you sure you want to see it?"

Li Yanran smiled, but Li Siwen nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Then you have to kneel down and watch!"


Li Siwen was dumbfounded. Although Li Yanran had a noble status, they never cared about this.

Why did it suddenly happen again?

"Brother Li, stop making trouble!"

"Li Siwen accepts the order!"

Li Yanran stood up directly, and Li Feng handed over Li Zhi's imperial edict very well.

Seeing that Li Yanran was serious and even brought out the imperial edict, Li Siwen trembled and knelt on the ground quickly.

"Your Majesty Li Siwen, accept the order!"

"I specially appoint Li Siwen as the emperor's special envoy, governor of affairs around Luoyang, with the power to mobilize all armies around Luoyang.

I hope Aiqing will live up to my expectations and finish the matter in Luoyang as soon as possible! "

Although the imperial edict only contained a few lines, after reading it, Li Siwen was trembling all over and raised his hands high.

"Sir, take the lead!"

Li Yanran placed the imperial edict in Li Siwen's hand, and he also knocked his head to the ground.

"Okay, get up!"

After reading the edict, Li Yanran sat down on the sofa again.

Although Li Siwen is considered well-informed and has seen a lot about imperial edicts and other matters, this is still the first letter addressed to him.

"As for that, isn't it Zhang Shengzhi? Look at you like that!"

Looking at Li Siwen with contempt, Li Yanran also didn't know what to say about him.

"Brother Li, this is my first imperial edict, so it is naturally precious.

This is His Majesty’s affirmation of me, you don’t understand! "

Li Siwen hugged the imperial edict, looking unwilling to let go.

"Tsk, this imperial edict is not only an honor, but also a responsibility.

My father has said that if the water transportation thing goes wrong, you will lose your head! "

Li Yanran patted Li Siwen on the shoulder. This imperial edict was never a good thing, especially one with a mission.

If it succeeds, it will naturally bring glory to the ancestors. If it fails, it will be the crime of confiscating the family and exterminating the clan.

You can treat it as a snack!

"Brother Li Li, don't scare me!"

Hearing this, Li Siwen was dumbfounded, and the imperial edict instantly felt unpleasant.

What's so weird about this imperial edict now is that it's not a glory, it's just a reminder.

"Why am I scaring you? These are my father's exact words, so you better be smarter than me."

Li Yanran smiled. This can be regarded as a tightening spell for Li Siwen, saving you from having to deal with official matters on your own.

"Brother Li, can you not accept this imperial edict? Yali Mountain is huge!"

(End of this chapter)

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