My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 674 Canned Ideas

Li Siwen had a grimace on his face. He now wished that Li Yanran had not given this imperial edict to him. Tate was in trouble.

"There's nothing you can do about it. The imperial edict has been issued, and you can't go back on it."

"Hey, Brother Li, you are really my dear Brother Li. You always turn to me for everything."

Sighing, Li Siwen could only bite the bullet and accepted the job.

"Actually, this job is not as difficult as you think. Don't worry, I won't harm you!"

Li Yanran stood up slowly, patted her younger brother on the shoulder, and reassured him that everything was fine.


"Brother Li, how are you going to handle the matter with Longmen Escort Agency?"

The water transportation matter was like that, and Li Siwen was worried about the Longmen Escort Agency again.

After all, there is still time for water transportation, but the Longmen Escort Bureau is imminent.

If Zhang Maosun is not eliminated, it will be like a ray of light on his back and a fishnet on his throat.

No one knows when this poisonous snake will jump out and deliver a fatal blow to himself.

"It's not urgent. You should make an appointment with Liu Gu tomorrow. If you want to win this grandson, you will need his cooperation."

Li Yanran glanced into the distance. Zhang Maosun was just a guard dog of a noble family.

Of course she could easily take down the opponent, but she had other ideas.

Take the opportunity to ask Liu Gu to take sides, so that Luoyang can ensure nothing goes wrong until she returns to Chang'an.

After all, it is still very important for Luoyang to stay behind, this is what he must win.

"Brother Li, this Liu Gu is a veteran, and Zhang Maosun is the spokesperson of the family. I'm afraid it won't be easy for him to help us openly!"

Li Siwen frowned. He wanted to talk to Liu Gu before, but he had avoided seeing him since the last time he sent a message.

Even the wife who often comes here to purchase the left-behind wife has not been here for a long time.

“He wants to be a wallflower and fall to whoever wins, so you send someone to tell him.

If she doesn't come, it will be assumed that the other party is with Zhang Maosun, and you will be responsible for the consequences! "

Li Yanran didn't take it seriously. These were all veterans who had been in the officialdom for many years. If they had any skills, they definitely had them.

But what they are really proficient in is playing both sides, and never taking sides easily is the label of these people.

After all, in a court battle, if you make one mistake, you will lose everything.

This is why there are many people who provide the icing on the cake and few people who provide help in times of need.

But that was just before. Now she is here to tell Liu Gu that it's time for you to show off.

If you really wait for yourself to take action, you may not even be able to eat hot Oli.

"I'm afraid this won't work. This kind of intimidation will probably not scare the other party, but will push him to Zhang Maosun's side.

Why not make it clear that you have arrived in Luoyang? He will definitely come here in a hurry. "

Li Siwen didn't agree very much with Li Yanran's proposal.

High pressure is not necessarily the best choice. If you say this, it will completely push Liu Gu away.

"I said, judging from the last message he sent you, Liu Gu is definitely an old man.

Such a person will never make a decision until the last moment. The tougher you act, the more docile he will be.

Besides, I also want to see if Liu Gu is a real speculator or a pure good guy! "

Li Yanran shook her head. Of course she could reveal her identity, but in that case, she wouldn't be able to test Liu Gu's intentions.

So this time it was said to be an invitation, but it was actually an opportunity given to Liu Gu by Li Yanran.

If he is really ignorant of current affairs, then don't blame yourself for being cruel.

I have to take away a long history, and I think he won't mind if I give my father another one to stay in Luoyang.

"I understand, let's do it now!"

Li Siwen nodded. Since Brother Li said so, it depends on Liu Gu himself.

"By the way, Brother Li, where are you going to stay at night? And what about your guards? If you enter Luoyang now, your identity will be exposed!"

"Those people are hiding outside the city, so their identities will naturally not be exposed! I can just live in your house!"

Li Yanran thought about it and chose to live in Lan Kwai Fong. She didn't want to reveal her identity yet.

"I understand!"

The group of people got on Li Siwen's carriage and left Lan Kwai Fong towards his house.

"Shopkeeper, who is this young gentleman? The boss is here!"

A boy came to Bi Tu, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Go away. You talk more every day. You don't ask questions that you should ask. You don't do anything that you shouldn't ask!"

Li Qing kicked the young boy to his knees. There was so much nonsense.

Day by day I don’t know what to think.


The boy also looked depressed and hurriedly covered his butt and left.

"Li Siwen, you are extravagant!"

Looking at the big house in front of her, Li Yanran also smiled.

He really didn't realize that this guy actually had such a big house in Luoyang.

"Brother Li, what are you talking about? Your Majesty gave this to my father. How could I spend so much money to buy a house?"

Li Siwen was also depressed. When had he ever cared about this?

A tile-roofed house is enough for him to live in.

If it weren't for the fact that he could live in this house for free, he wouldn't be so extravagant.

"That's true. Wouldn't it be nice to invest this money in him?"

Li Yanran nodded. It seemed that Li Siwen had been trained very well by him. He was not extravagant or wasteful. He was considered a good young man of the Tang Dynasty.

"Stop talking so much, I'll have the two upper rooms cleaned up immediately."

Li Siwen didn't say anything. He knew everything about this, so it was useless to talk so much. "one!"

Li Feng pointed his finger directly at Li Siwen. His mission was to ensure Li Yanran's safety, and there was no need to consider anything else.

"Two rooms, adjacent to each other."

Li Yanran shook his head. Although Li Feng was his bodyguard, it didn't mean that he didn't have his own life.

Besides, this is the British government, and I believe that no random person would dare to take an idea of ​​Cheng Yaojin, the devil in the world.


Li Feng was a little unhappy.

"Just do it!"

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now!"

Li Siwen didn't give Li Feng a chance to refute, and directly ordered the housekeeper to clean up the room.

In the evening, Li Siwen also specially prepared a reception banquet, and Li Yanran, who had been bumpy all the way, didn't care about her image at all and started to feast.

"So full!"

"Me too!"

After inhaling the whirlwind, Li Yanran and Li Feng patted their bellies with satisfaction.

It's been a long time since they've eaten so well. They really had enough of those marching meals.

"Brother Li, what are you going to do when you have an appointment with Liu Gu? After all, this maosun is not easy to deal with!"

Seeing that Li Yanran was full, Li Siwen also handed her a glass of water.

“If we talk about this in person, it’s actually nothing more than trying to take advantage of our father.

As long as Liu Gu believes that we can give him a great future, I believe he will not refuse.

In fact, he still prefers us, otherwise he wouldn't have told you about the family's thoughts in the first place! "

Li Yanran grabbed another piece of mutton and bit into it hard.

"It's that simple?"

Li Siwen frowned. Liu Gu was a veteran among veterans. If he couldn't see the actual thing, it would be difficult for him to get into the game.

"It's that simple. The imperial edict is our capital. The moment we get the imperial edict, Zhang Maosun is finished. Do you understand?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, as long as Liu Gu had a holy purpose and Liu Gu was not stupid, he would turn to her for sure.


Hearing this, Li Siwen also nodded.

The imperial edict is indeed a good thing, at least that's what he thought before his head was chopped off.

"Li Siwen, have you ever gone on an expedition with the army?"

Looking at the delicious food in front of her, Li Yanran suddenly had an idea.

A slightly crazy, but useful idea.

"Going with the army? No!"

Li Siwen shook his head, he thought so.

After all, he is a serious military noble, and his father is a famous commander-in-chief.

As the son of the Duke of the country, how could he not imagine that he would lead troops to fight and kill the enemy in blood?

But his father doesn’t allow it, and there’s nothing he can do.

"Then tell me how much more difficult it will be to go out with the army than to travel with us, especially in terms of food."

Li Yanran sighed, but no one seemed to ask her now.

"Brother Li, our journey before was just like playing house compared to marching to fight. There is a huge difference between us.

At least we have the vegetables, meat and eggs we prepared ourselves when we are on the road, but when we are marching and fighting, these things will not appear at all. "

Li Siwen shook his head, Li Yanran still thought too simply.

To put it bluntly, you are traveling on the road, but when an army marches, you have to travel across mountains and rivers.

It's okay to say that at the border, if you go deep into the enemy's country, you will eat whatever you can find for military rations.

This gap cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

"If I make something that allows soldiers to eat delicious food even on the front line, will it be marketable?"

That's right, all she's going to do is can.

Just like what she saw in novels and TV, as long as the method is right, many things can be canned.

In this way, even if the army is marching outside the country, they can still eat items preserved in cans, not just corn and flour.

I just don’t know if the Ministry of War will buy it.

"Brother Li, what do you mean?"

Li Siwen was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Li Yanran meant.

What does it mean to allow frontline soldiers to eat delicious food?It would be nice to have enough to eat while marching and fighting. The delicious food is too luxurious.

"Just tell me whether the Ministry of War will buy it!"

Li Yanran didn't want to explain so much, she just wanted to know whether the can would be a big seller.

If she can make money, she can consider researching it. If she can't make money, that's another matter.

After all, the economy determines technology. If you work hard to make something but cannot sell it, it is not a waste of time and energy.

Although she also understands the importance of food and grass, sufficient nutrition can ensure the combat effectiveness of soldiers.

But no one bought it after it was made, and it was still a piece of cake.

"It should be possible. Even if it cannot be used by the whole army, it can still be supplied to the generals, but the quantity may be much less!"

Li Siwen thought for a while. Although he didn't know how far Li Yanran could achieve it, he believed in her.

"It's okay, don't be in a hurry, finish what you are doing first, and let's talk about it later when you have some free time!"

(End of this chapter)

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