My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 675: For the mutton soup, come on!

Li Yanran nodded. As long as the Ministry of War can give her an order, she can produce it.

It doesn’t matter if it’s less, just increase the price per customer.

Besides, this is not just for the Ministry of War, businessmen who are on the road can also buy it.

No matter how bad it is, you can just sell it to Silk Road. You won’t lose money after all.

"Brother Li, if nothing happens, you can rest early. After all, you must be very tired after traveling for such a long time!"

After everything that needed to be said and asked, Li Siwen stood up and left.

"Miss, go to bed early!"

Li Feng also stood up. Li Yanran was indeed too tired, and her face was almost turning green.

If he didn't get a good night's sleep, he was really afraid that the other party wouldn't be able to handle it.


Li Yanran also stretched, it was indeed time to rest.

Although she wasn't sleepy, she still felt physically exhausted and it was really time for a good sleep.

"Commander Yi, what should we do?"

Looking at Di Renjie in front of him, the school captain Liu Xun also stood up.

"What should I do? Follow His Highness's will and stay hidden for the time being."

Di Renjie had nothing to say. Without Li Yanran's will, they could only hide where they were.


Liu Xun gave the order, and the Imperial Guards immediately began to set up camps and set up cordons.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, what is going on with you? You promised to go and investigate the situation and then come back. Why did you just leave and never come back?"



Looking at the sky above his head, Di Renjie also sighed.

The sun shone into the room, and Li Yanran also stretched out. She hadn't slept in bed for a long time.

Still this comfortable.

Opening the door, Li Feng was already waiting at the door.

"Miss, did you have a good rest last night?"

Smiling at Li Yanran, the lady who slept all night was really different.

Compared with yesterday, he was completely different.

"I've had enough sleep! It's so comfortable! What's for breakfast? I don't want to eat biscuits!"

Li Yanran also smiled, but what she was most concerned about now was what to eat for breakfast.

After all, after running for such a long time, they basically never had anything hot to drink except for rushing.

"Li Siwen made mutton soup and said it would replenish your vitality!"

"I can already smell the aroma of mutton, let's go! Let's drink mutton soup!"

Li Yanran rushed out immediately, she couldn't wait any longer.

After drinking the hot mutton soup in the morning, my body will stay warm all day long.

"Miss, slow down and be careful where you step!"

Li Feng also followed closely behind the young lady, his eyes fixed on his feet, for fear that Li Yanran would fall down if he was not careful.

The two of them rushed all the way to the back kitchen. Looking at the two strangers in front of them, the chef in the back kitchen was dumbfounded.

Where did these two things come from? Why have I never seen them before?

Could it be that the Duke's grandson is here?
The thick eyebrows and big eyes don't look like a prince.

"What do you do and how did you get in here!"

The master weighed the spoon and asked Li Yanran's identity with wide eyes.

"Where's the mutton soup? Bring me a bowl quickly!"

Li Yanran didn't pay attention to the other party. Following the smell, she could already see the steaming pot.


"Wait a minute, the kitchen is an important place, no one is allowed to enter!"

Seeing that Li Feng was about to rush inside, the chef quickly stretched out his hand to stop him, but was knocked to the ground by Li Feng's cannon punch.

"If you dare to hit the master, beat him!"

One of my own was actually beaten, and the cook inside quit his job and rushed towards Li Feng.

"court death!"

Facing five or six big and round cooks, Li Feng was not afraid at all.

Just like a lion facing a lamb, he immediately showed his fangs.

After a while, all these people were knocked to the ground, wailing non-stop.

"Xiao Langjun, the mutton soup you want!"

Li Feng scooped up a bowl full of mutton and placed it in front of the other party.

"Haha, thank you for your hard work, you can eat it!"

Li Yanran smiled, Li Feng's kung fu has improved again now, and these Zhuang Xing were all defeated at this time.

"Li Feng is not hungry!"

Li Feng shook his head and waited until Li Yanran had finished eating.

"Sit down and feed me! That's an order!"


Li Feng also scooped up a bowl of mutton, stood behind Li Yanran and started eating.

"Is the mutton soup ready? When it's ready, give it to the guests who come to the room. What's going on!"

Li Siwen also came because of the smell, but when he saw the situation in the kitchen and Li Yanran who was eating outside, he was completely stunned.

What a fool.

What's the situation with this special meow.

"Hi! Mr. Li Xiaolang."

Li Yanran smiled at Li Siwen and had no idea about what would happen next.

That's right, because this mutton soup was originally made for me, but now I am not allowed to eat it.

Just saying that one person deserves to be beaten is already considered a slight.

"Brother Li, what kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd? What's going on with these people?"

Li Siwen came closer to Li Yanran, his eyes full of confusion.

On one side is the Princess of the Tang Dynasty, my brother Li, and on the other side is my father's cook, who represents the face of the Li family.

How does this make him decide? "Xiao Langjun, you have to make the decision for us!"

Before Li Yanran could say anything, the chef started crying at the top of his lungs.

These two people were too reckless. They were dealt with without even saying anything.

In fact, if you say it nicely, we won’t let you eat it.

It's just a bowl of mutton soup, it's not dragon liver and phoenix gallbladder. It's not that valuable. As for beating someone like this?
"To shut up!"

Li Siwen glared at the master chef in the kitchen. He knew Li Yanran's character best.

I've never seen her humiliate the people below me in the fiefdom, why would she beat you up here?

"Okay, actually this is just a misunderstanding. I heard Li Feng say that you asked the chef to make mutton soup in the morning, so you came over to eat it.

Unexpectedly, this master might not know me, and then they started fighting. Let me make it clear that he was the one who made the first move.


Li Yanran didn't have anything to say, she took care of this anyway.

She has reason to travel around the world, and she has reason to fear.

The food is as big as the sky, even in the palace no one dares to deny him food.

"Xiao Langjun, what he said is wrong, what he said is wrong, he was obviously the one who made the move first!"

The master is also stupid. I have seen evil people complain first, but I have never seen such evil people.

It was obviously this little brother who made the first move, and you were beaten yourself, so can't you tell the truth?

This is going to kill people!

"Okay, if you disturb my distinguished guests, I will treat you badly and apologize immediately."

Li Siwen didn't listen to the master's explanation at all. Brother Li, who is so cute, does whatever he says, so what do you say to refute him!
If it doesn't work out, she'll chop off your head, and you'll feel better.

"Xiao Langjun! You"

Master, my whole body is not feeling well. My dear little man, you can't turn your elbow outwards.

Logically speaking, we are your servants, so even if you don't turn to me, you still have to keep a bowl of water in your hands!
Li Siwen glared at the master again and kicked him away.

"Little Master, don't fight, don't fight!"


"This young man, Fan Ze, is ignorant and has disturbed you. I hope you will forgive me!"

Master Fan Ze has no choice. According to Xiao Langjun's temper, if he doesn't apologize, he will really break his leg.

"Okay, I forgive you! This mutton is good, let's have another bowl."

Li Yanran slurped up the mutton in the bowl and then handed the bowl over.


Looking at the big bowl stretched out, Fan Ze was dumbfounded.

Is such a big bowl of mutton finished just now?And you, your little body, are not full after eating such a big bowl of mutton?

"Why are you standing there? Hurry up!"

Li Siwen kicked Fan Ze again. Why are you so stupid? Go away quickly.


After taking the big bowl from Li Yanran, Fan Zelao felt aggrieved.

This meow has gone round and round and come back again. If I had known it was like this, why would I be so stupid to bother with it in the first place.

Ma Liu's work is not over yet.

Crossing the river with a whip, I am really a stick.

"Two bowls!"

Li Feng also handed over the bowl. I have to say that drinking a bowl of mutton soup in the morning really made me feel comfortable.

After taking the big bowl from Li Feng, Fan Ze felt even more aggrieved.

The two of them really didn't treat each other as human beings, so he had no choice but to do as he was told.

In response, Fan Ze also carried two large bowls and headed towards the kitchen.

"and many more!"

"Young Lord!"

Fan Ze was stunned, wondering what Li Siwen was going to do.

"Give me a bowl too and scoop out more meat, do you understand?"


Fan Ze's head was filled with blood and he almost fell to his knees in front of Li Siwen.

Young Master, Young Master, please stop causing trouble right now. I feel uncomfortable right now.

You are here to add another insult to the problem. This is not how you bully honest people!

"What am I? Get out of here!"


Fan Ze sighed, hurriedly walked into the kitchen, kicked two cooks who were lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and soon placed three bowls of mutton soup in front of Li Yanran.

"Young gentlemen, please use it slowly!"

Fan Ze bowed, turned around and left, as if he didn't feel any pain anymore if he didn't look at these three people.

"Wait a minute, bring me half a piece of biscuit."


A group of cooks left, leaving only Li Yanran and the three of them.

"Brother Li, let's not do this again. These young men and slaves cannot stand the torment!"

He broke off half a piece of cake and handed it to Li Yanran, but the other party shook his head.

She was tired of eating Hu Pancakes. At least she couldn't remember to eat them during this period of time.

"Do you think I am willing to ignore them? If they hadn't let me eat, would I have done anything?"

After giving Li Siwen a blank look, Li Yanran still felt aggrieved.

Food is as big as the sky, and anyone who dares to deny himself food is an enemy to life and death.

A beating would be cheaper for them.

"Forget it, Brother Li, are you going to stay in my mansion later or are you going to Lan Kwai Fong?"

Li Siwen shook his head. He was also confused. Why were he talking to Li Yanran about this?

If you have the time, teach the servants in the house more and provoke Li Yanran less.

"I won't go to Lan Kwai Fong for the time being. I'll wait until I meet Liu Gu in the evening!"

Li Yanran shook her head, why are she going to Lan Kwai Fong? There's nothing going on there. Instead of going there to expose her target, it's better to rest in Li Siwen's house.

"Okay, then I'll go make an appointment with Liu Gu to meet you tonight!"

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