My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 676 Even the River God can’t withstand a blade!

Li Siwen stood up directly, saying that he was looking for Liu Gu, but in fact, what he was thinking was to quickly tell his subordinates that anyone who dared to offend Li Yanran would die.

This saves you from being implicated and having to help wipe your butt when the time comes.

Li Siwen left, but Li Yanran smiled and told Li Feng to clean up and prepare to go out.

"Miss, for safety's sake!"

Hearing what Li Yanran meant, Li Feng was immediately stunned.

We have just arrived in Luoyang, are you going out?

You're not familiar with this place, so why don't you go out and look around.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

After giving Li Feng a blank look, Li Yanran raised her feet and walked out.

As for Li Feng, he will follow shortly.

"Miss, wait for me!"

Looking at Li Yanran's back, Li Feng hurriedly licked his lips and followed her.

"Stay behind, someone has sent a letter!"

The captain of the guard of the left-behind mansion delivered the letter to Liu Gu.


Liu Gu tore open the letter and turned green after reading it.

A child with a dirty mouth actually dares to speak so shamelessly about himself.

After all, he is also a left-behind man in Luoyang, a second-grade official.

You little bastard with no official title, what can you do even if you become the Duke of the country?
Do you really think that with the support of Her Royal Highness, you can be lawless?
If you don't see me tonight, you will be treated as an enemy. I will treat your grandma like a bastard!
"Come on!"

"Stay behind!"

The captain of the guard glanced at Liu Gu, the big black-faced man, and felt depressed for a while.

I don’t know what the left behind saw, and why it suddenly turned cloudy.

"It's okay, let's go down!"

Liu Gu waved his hand and motioned for the guard to get down!


Now the captain of the guard was completely stunned. Just now he was calling himself anxiously, but now he is okay?
What about playing?
Liu Gu went directly to the inner house, and soon the wife who was left behind got on the carriage and headed towards Lan Kwai Fong.

"Li Feng, the prosperity of Luoyang is not inferior to Chang'an at all!"

Walking on the streets of Luoyang, Li Yanran's face was full of excitement.

After all, this place is worthy of being the companion capital of the Tang Dynasty, the capital of the Wu Zhou court, and it is prosperous.

"Xiao Langjun, don't make any trouble, this is Luoyang, not our territory!"

Li Feng looked around with a wary look.

After all, this is Luoyang, and all my people are outside the city. What if a monster pops out?

Besides, according to the physique of the young lady, she is bound to run into some trouble.

"I understand. I'm not that idiot like Li Hong. I don't have any sense of propriety in my actions."

Li Yanran didn't care at all. She was not a trouble maker, like Li Hong.

"You know it!"

Li Feng sighed, now he can only hope that there will be no trouble.

The two of them walked and stopped, shopping and shopping. After a while, Li Feng's hands were full of things.

There are all kinds of things to eat and play.

"Li Feng, this is fun, I want to buy it!"

"Xiao Langjun, can we not buy it? I can't put it here!"

Li Feng was dumbfounded. He still wanted to buy this special one. If he bought it again, he wouldn't be able to fit it in anymore.

"Bangchui, then just wait for me. I'll buy you next time!"

Hearing this, Li Yanran could only look at the toy with an aggrieved look, then walked away.

After wandering around, the two of them came to the edge of the canal. Looking at the boats in front of them, Li Feng finally understood the lady's intention.

This is to explore the water transportation situation in advance. After all, if you are a young lady, you are smart.

"Young Master, there are many boats on the water."

"Well, luckily I came early, the water transport seems to be in trouble!"

Compared to Li Feng's excitement, Li Yanran frowned.

Originally, she thought that only the water transportation office was operating on the canal, but now it seems that she had underestimated this.

There will always be some visionary people who can be ahead of others.

"Xiao Langjun, do you mean that someone has already taken advantage of us on this canal?"

Li Feng is not stupid, so he naturally understands what Li Yanran means.

"Let's go and take a look before we talk!"

Li Yanran nodded and walked over directly.

Looking at the endless stream of men and ships at the dock, Li Yanran frowned tightly.

"My father-in-law, there is so much excitement on the Luoyang River!"

Li Yanran squatted directly next to an old man and spoke to him with a smile.

If you want to inquire about some things from the top down, you will not get useful information at all, but it is much easier from the bottom up.

"That's natural. There is an endless stream of ships passing by the Luohe River every day. There must be at least hundreds of large and small ships loading and unloading every day. How can it not be lively?"

The father-in-law glanced at Li Yanran, who looked like a tiger-headed man, and also smiled.

"With so many ships on the Luo River, these boatmen must be very profitable!"

Li Yanran also smiled and continued her topic.

“Boy, I’m afraid you’re overthinking.

First of all, these ships belong to various caravans, and the boatmen who are in charge can only earn a hard money at most.Secondly, although ships come and go, a large part of their money has to be handed over to the Sanhe Gang, and even the owners of those ships cannot make much. "

When the Sanhe Gang was mentioned, a trace of anger flashed in the old man's eyes.

"Three Rivers Gang? Why do ship dealers have to pay them?"

Looking at her father-in-law's face, Li Yanran's face also turned cold.

If nothing else, this Sanhe Gang is definitely not a good guy.

“Speaking of the Sanhe Gang, you really asked the right person.

The Sanhe Gang used to be a water bandit entrenched on the Luo River, but in the past two years, they somehow changed their identity and came directly to Luoyang City from outside.

Not only was his identity washed away, but he also became the water bully in Luoyang City.

No matter which merchant ship wants to pass through Luoyang, they must be given a share of the cargo when loading and unloading at the dock.

Anyone who dares not to pay will have their ship destroyed and everyone killed! "

The old man glanced around, then moved closer to Li Yanran.

"Lao Zhang, if you dare to say bad things about the Sanhe Gang, you don't want to live anymore, right?"

A man glanced at Lao Zhang, who was full of gunfire, and spoke in warning.

"Zhou Laosi, the Sanhe Gang did these things, and I, Zhang Minggu, can't say anything about it?"

Zhang Minggu also glared at the man. The Sanhe Gang has been doing evil for so long, and he can't talk anymore?
"Just do it. If someone reports this to the Sanhe Gang, you will be beaten!"

Zhou Laosi also spat, a dog bites Lu Dongbin and does not recognize a good heart.

I care about you, but you don't know how to appreciate me. It's a pity that you were brought down so low by the Sanhe Gang.

"Old man, it sounds like you have something going on with the Sanhe Gang?"

Li Yanran looked at the angry Zhang Minggu with interest.

This old man doesn't seem to be that stubborn, why does it seem like he is sworn in with each other whenever he mentions the Sanhe Gang.

"Humph, to tell you the truth, I was also a famous river leader on the Luo River, and in this generation, I am also the one who speaks the truth.

The person who gave me face in Luohe also gave me the title of Luohe River God.

Just because he refused to obey the Sanhe Gang, he fell to this point! "

Zhang Minggu crossed his arms and looked like I was very powerful before.

"Just you? Also Luohe River God? Why don't I believe it?"

Li Yanran smiled, are you going to repay the River God like this?

Is this what the river god looks like?
This old man is really good at blowing stuff.

"Boy, don't tell me, this Lao Zhang was just a stick in the water before, and he was the famous Luohe River God.

But the River God couldn't withstand the knife, and his legs were broken!Wasted. "

Zhou Laosi didn't leave at all. Looking at Zhang Minggu, he confirmed the other party's identity from the side.

"Get out of here, you old man. You were a famous leader before. Why are you now working as a coolie at the dock?"

"You old man, I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

Zhou Laosi wiped the sweat from his head, stuck his buttocks out and turned around to leave.

"Is he really the river god?"

Li Yanran looked up and down. She didn't expect Zhang Minggu to be so powerful before?
River God, I really made a mistake.


"Well, old man, I heard that someone wants to do this water transportation business. Since you have the ability, you might as well give it a try. The price will satisfy you!"

What does it mean to walk through iron shoes and find nowhere? It takes no effort to get there.

She was worrying about how to handle the water transportation, but she didn't expect that the river god was by her side.

If she didn't seize the opportunity, she wouldn't be Li Yanran.

"Old man, I don't care about that a long time ago. It's useless no matter how much money you have."

Zhang Minggu shook his head. He had nothing to think about now. What was the use of making money?

His intention is not there, making money?
If he wanted to make money, he wouldn't have openly fallen out with the Sanhe Gang before, because the price the other party offered him was not low.

In his opinion, the other party was simply a leech on the Luo River, sucking the blood of the Luo River. How could he join the other party?

"Really? What if that person can take down the Sanhe Gang? Zhang Heshen, are you willing to go there?"

After looking at Zhang Minggu, Li Yanran also sneered.

You have no desire, but you have hatred.

There is always something to look forward to in life, otherwise there is no difference between death and death.

"Haha, they are all a nest of snakes and rats, just working together.

Only evil people can control evil people, and those who can control the Sanhe Gang are definitely more evil than the Sanhe Gang.

No matter how much money you give me, I will not help such a villain to harm Luohe! "

Zhang Minggu ignored Li Yanran and stood up, leaning on a cane and walking away.

"Xiao Langjun, what are you going to do?"

Li Feng looked at Zhang Minggu's figure and knew that Li Yanran must be tempted.

"What do you say?"

Li Yanran smiled. She was now very interested in Zhang Minggu.

You don’t even need any money, is there really such a master?
If that were the case, this would be fun.

"I understand, let's go then!"

Li Feng was naturally very clear about his young lady's temper. Zhang Minggu's experience was so interesting, it would be strange if the young lady didn't take it to heart.

"This Zhang Minggu is a key person. We still have to figure out the situation in Luohe. Zhang Minggu is not in a hurry. The same is true for the fourth child this week.

Let’s explore more and see how much fun there is in Luohe! "

Li Yanran shook her head, Zhang Minggu was not in a hurry now, the water in Luohe River was really messy!
I really need to get to the bottom of it.


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