My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 677: Kidnap someone if they disagree

Li Feng nodded, he also felt that Luohe was really not that simple.

On the surface, it may be a small shrimp from the Sanhe Gang, but behind the scenes, there may be some big crocodile.

Interesting, interesting.

The two of them were like two loaches jumping up and down on the dock. Apart from anything else, Li Yanran really dug out a lot of useful secrets.

Why is the sister-in-law of the leader of the Sanhe Gang the sister-in-law of the Luoyang Waterway Transport Envoy?

The brother-in-law of the Luoyang Water Transport Envoy is the third son of the Lu family.

"Boss, these two boys have been asking questions on the dock. I don't know what their plans are."

A few gangsters gathered together and pointed at Li Feng and Li Yanran on one side, their eyes full of coldness.

"It doesn't matter what he does, let's give him a good beating first."

The leader tilted his mouth, stared, and with a wave of his big hand, several rogues immediately surrounded the two of them.

"Xiao Langjun, the situation is not good!"

Li Feng frowned, already feeling the potential threat.

"what happened?"

Li Yanran was stunned, not knowing what Li Feng meant by this.


Li Feng knocked a gangster over with one punch, grabbed Li Yanran's arm and ran outside.

"Follow them!"

"Take it!"


The gangsters also started shouting and chased after Li Yanran.

But Li Feng ran fast, and coupled with the complex terrain of the dock and the secret help of the porters and shipwrights, the two of them managed to escape without any danger.

"Go away!"

The naughty Han San looked at the backs of the two of them and pushed the porter beside him away, his eyes full of anger.

"Boss, what should I do?"

A rogue approached Han San, his eyes also filled with depression.

These two boys are like two skinny monkeys, they are as slippery as anything and can't be caught.

"What should I do? Remember these two people. Next time they dare to come to the dock, I will catch them directly.

You dare to pry for information on our territory. I really don’t want to live anymore. "

Han San gritted his teeth. If he didn't take care of these two boys, he would really think that the Sanhe Gang was a vegetarian!

"Oh, I see!"

Seeing that no one was following, Li Feng let go of Li Yanran.

"These Sanhe Gang people are quite smart!"

Li Yanran was also a little worried. If someone blocked her, she might not know what the consequences would be.

"Xiao Langjun, can we not do this next time? It's too dangerous!"

Li Feng was really scared to death just now. If it was just him, he would definitely not care about a few rogues.

But Li Yanran was by his side. If anything happened, he wouldn't be able to make up for it even if he transformed into Xuanzang and went to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures.

"How could you find out so much information otherwise?"

However, Li Yanran didn't take it seriously. Wealth comes from danger. If you bring hundreds of people here shouting and shouting, who will tell you these things.


Li Feng had nothing to say. He knew that his young lady had this temper.

No matter what he says to Miss, nothing will change. Since he can't change Li Yanran, he can only change himself!
Next time the young lady goes out to explore, he will never go out alone.

No, I have to think of a way to get someone to come over.

"Young Master, it's time for Di Renjie to enter the city."

After turning his mind around, Li Feng also thought of Di Renjie.

Only by letting him enter the city can he bring the manpower he wants.

"Well, it is true. Let him bring 50 people into the city. Remember to hide your identity."

Li Yanran naturally understood what Li Feng meant and did not refuse.

I didn't ask Di Renjie to come here just to let him eat dust outside the city, but to do something. It was time to come in.

"Then I will send you back to Li Siwen's house right now!"

Li Feng couldn't wait to send Li Yanran back as soon as possible so that he could go out of the city to find someone early.

"Don't be impatient, let's go find Zhang Minggu."

Li Yanran smiled. She was not in a hurry now. She was going to meet Zhang Minggu.

"Zhang Minggu? Do you know where he is?"

Li Feng was stunned when he heard that Li Yanran was going to find Zhang Minggu.

Is the lady a fairy?All this can tell us about Zhang Minggu’s situation.

"Come with me!"

Li Yanran smiled and led the way confidently.

After walking for a long time, we finally came to a deep alley in a corner.

"It's here!"

Pointing to the broken door in front of her, Li Yanran pushed it open and walked in.


Hearing the noise outside, Zhang Minggu also walked out on crutches.

"How did you find me?"

Zhang Minggu was stunned, why did these two people come here? It must be Zhou Laosi's big mouth, he deserves to be slapped.

"Zhang Heshen, come and be safe!"

Li Yanran waved her hand and looked at Zhang Minggu with eyes full of smiles.

"Boy, stop talking nonsense, it's impossible for me to go to your place to help.

I am alone and have no desires or desires.

Although I don’t know who you are, just give up on this idea! "

Before Li Yanran could say anything, Zhang Minggu immediately blocked the road.

His son died in that shipwreck, and now his motivation for living is to see what will happen to the Sanhe Gang.

"Then let's see you next time!"

After Zhang Minggu said so, Li Yanran didn't hesitate and turned around to leave. "Miss?"

When he came outside, Li Feng was stunned.

You worked so hard to find this nook and cranny just to hear this sentence?

This is not your style.

"Don't worry, this guy will be my favorite sooner or later. When Di Renjie brings his people, tie up this river god for me first!"

The reason why Li Yanran doesn't say anything now is because it is of no use.

After the person is tied up, there will be plenty of time to chat.

"It's not good!"

Li Feng was depressed. The young lady's temper was really terrible.

He kidnapped people whenever they disagreed, from the initial kidnapping of Sun Simiao to the later capture of Di Renjie thousands of miles away.

Okay now, when you get to Luoyang, you have to use this trick on the leader of a boat.

"What's wrong? Zhang Minggu is a talented person. I tied him up to protect him. You don't understand!"

He glared at Li Feng and gave him a hammer.

Zhang Minggu is definitely capable, and he has a grudge against the Sanhe Gang. If such a person is killed by the Sanhe Gang, who will give her a river god back?


Li Feng glanced at Li Yanran again and nodded.

"Commander Di, Li Feng is back!"

Li Feng looked at Di Renjie with excitement in his eyes.

After the chaos at the dock, he truly understood the disadvantage of not having manpower.

"What does Your Highness say?"

Seeing Li Feng appear, Di Renjie instantly understood that it must be Li Yanran who wanted him to enter Luoyang.

"My lady asked you to bring fifty forbidden troops into Luoyang. Remember, you must act in secret."

Li Feng nodded and said what Li Yanran meant.

"Understood, Liu Xun, you continue to hide here, and then lead a fire forbidden army to follow me into the city!"

Di Renjie smiled and asked Liu Xun to continue hiding while he followed Li Feng into Luoyang with fifty forbidden troops.

After entering the city, Li Feng first arranged for 40 people, then got a carriage and went directly to Zhang Minggu's house.

"What is this for? Can you tell me?"

Looking at the house in front of him, Di Renjie was stunned.

Could it be said that His Highness actually lives in such a place?

This is too cautious, too cautious, and too disrespectful to oneself!

Li Feng also rolled his eyes at Di Renjie, wondering what he was thinking.

Is that that kind of person, Miss?
At that moment, he also expressed Li Yanran's thoughts.

"Bind someone?"

Di Renjie was stunned for a moment. Why was it this way again?
Your Highness, can't you change this habit?

"Well, hurry up!"

Li Feng didn't say anything, just opened the door and walked in.

"Who is it!"

Zhang Minggu was completely depressed, what was going on with these special waves.

Are you annoying?
"Zhang Heshen, the boy is here again!"

After looking at Li Feng, Zhang Minggu felt completely unwell.

Why is it like dog skin plaster? What on earth do you want to do?

"You kid, don't you understand human language? I told you old man, I won't go to your place!"

"Then don't blame me for offending!"

Li Feng waved his hand, and several forbidden troops rushed in directly.

These people are all veterans, move quickly and have a clear division of labor.

Zhang Minggu had already been clearly arranged before he could react.

"take away!"

After throwing Zhang Minggu into the carriage, Li Feng immediately took the people away.

From the conversation to loading the car, there was no drag at all.

Zhang Minggu couldn't even fart, let alone beg for mercy.


"Your Highness!"

Li Feng and Di Renjie came to Li Yanran together.

"Well, where's Zhang Minggu? Did you bring him?"

What Li Yanran cares about most now is Zhang Minggu. This person is likely to be the core of her future water transportation.

If she didn't win this person, she would go crazy!
"Of course I brought you here, and I'm just waiting in the guest room! Do you want to meet me?"

Li Feng smiled. If he couldn't bring this person over, he wouldn't have the shame to come back.

"Don't worry, let's wait for him for two days. The key now is to capture Liu Gu, take a rest and go meet this old fried dough stick with Li Siwen at night!"

Li Yanran shook her head. She had nothing to worry about when everyone arrived. We would wait and see.

Zhang Minggu, an old man, seemed to be a stubborn man at first sight, so it would take him two days to do it. Anyway, he didn't have the energy to engage in water transportation now, so he had to stabilize the situation in Luoyang first.



The two of them also bowed and left together.

Li Feng was okay, but Di Renjie was really tired. No matter how comfortable the outdoors was, it was not as comfortable as living in a house.

"Brother Li!"

As soon as the two left, Li Siwen walked in.

"Brother Li, Liu Gu's wife came to Lan Kwai Fong today, and my colleagues also brought Liu Gu's message and agreed to attend a banquet tonight!"

"Haha, I told him that he would definitely not refuse, so let's meet in the evening!"

Li Yanran also smiled. That night was the time to decide Liu Gu's life or death.

Before nightfall, Liu Gu had already taken his wife's carriage out of the left-behind residence in advance and arrived at the restaurant they had agreed upon.

"Stay here, why did you come here early? We have to wait for a long time!"

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