My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 681 One-stop service!

Zhang Maosun left in such a grand manner with 15 yuan.

Among them, gold worth [-] guan was sent to Liushou Mansion, and the remaining [-] guan was sent to Zhang Maosun's concubine in Luoyang.

"Liu Liushou, I brought you this money, please check it out!"

Smiling at Liu Gu, Zhang Maosun also opened the wooden box behind him.

"No need to check, I can rest assured that you can handle the matter!"

Liu Gu also pretended to be excited and ordered people to take the box brought by Zhang Maosun down.

"So now we are a family!"

Zhang Maosun also walked to Liu Gu's side, feeling relieved.

Finally, the boss was taken down, and it was time to close the net himself.

"Well, if one family doesn't talk to each other, how on earth are you going to take action against this Longmen Escort Agency!"

Liu Gu patted Zhang Maosun on the shoulder. What he was most concerned about now was how this guy was going to take action.

"The method of taking action is very simple, nothing more than some third-rate means, which are not what you, the stayer, should care about.

All you have to do is show up at the scene with the soldiers and horses of the Liushou Mansion when I inform you.

Then, with your order, declare the Longmen Escort Bureau as a traitor and rebel against the party, and capture Li Siwen in one fell swoop. "

Zhang Maosun smiled. He had taken care of all this in advance, and there was no need for Liu Gu to interfere.

He just needs to be there when he needs it, where he needs it, and say what he needs, and that's enough.

"Beware of me?"

"I don't mean that. These are really not worth mentioning. Believe me, our purpose is the same!"

"That's all, that's your goal.

When are you going to launch, tell me in advance so that I can prepare troops and horses! "

Liu Gu didn't want to break up with Zhang Maosun, so he waved his hand to indicate that he could leave.

"Zhang Maosun says goodbye!"

Zhang Maosun also knew the current affairs and left the left-behind mansion after saluting.

"Come on, call the madam!"


Soon the left-behind wife left the left-behind mansion and headed towards Lan Kwai Fong.

"Brother Li, here's the news. Liu Gu asked Zhang Maosun for [-] yuan, and he successfully broke into them.

At the same time, it also brought news that they may take action in the next few days.

He will inform us of the specific time when the actual action is taken. "

Li Siwen smiled and told all the news he had just received.

"Di Renjie, please pay more attention during this time and keep a close eye on me, do you understand?"

Li Yanran glanced at Di Renjie beside her. She had to leave this matter to him so that she could rest assured.

"Your Highness, I understand!"

Di Renjie nodded, these were his duties.

"Okay, let's see what kind of tricks this maosun can do!"

Li Yanran smiled. She really wanted to see how far the frame-up by the officials of the Tang Dynasty could go.



The two of them bowed and left together. Di Renjie simply stayed in the training ground of the bodyguards, always watching their movements.

"Li Feng, let's go, it's taken him several days, it's time to go see him!"

Now that the matter with the Longmen Escort Agency is almost over, it’s time to go see the River God.


Li Feng nodded and walked directly ahead.

"Boy Li, are you here again? I told you, old man, that I won't help you. You'd better give up!"

Hearing the sound of the door being opened, Zhang Minggu shouted angrily forward.

"Old man Zhang, my husband is here!"

"Huh, it's that little brat, old man, I'm just trying to deal with him!"

Looking at Li Yanran behind Li Feng, Zhang Minggu became furious.

Among these people, Li Yanran is the worst.

He would kidnap someone if they disagreed. If this was his grandson, he would deal with it well no matter what.

"Zhang Minggu, I advise you to be careful with what you say!"

Li Yanran took a step forward, stared at Zhang Minggu and shouted in a low voice.

"Be careful? Why, can you still be a relative of the emperor? It scares me to death!"

Zhang Ming rolled his eyes at Li Yanran. He looks like a brat, but he looks like you, right?

Be careful what you say, he has seen many such people.

It's just a naughty kid from a small family who jumped out to show off his power.

"The River God is worthy of being the River God. That's right, I have a showdown. I am Li Yanran, Princess of Lishan!"

Seeing Zhang Minggu's confused behavior, Li Yanran didn't want to be ink with him and directly revealed her identity.

"Princess Lishan, hahaha, Mr. Li, you are a very brave young man.

I'm deaf, just pretend I didn't hear, take him away quickly! "

Zhang Minggu covered his stomach and laughed. After all, this little kid is a bear. He even dares to pretend to be a princess.

That is a serious crime of decapitation. Besides, he is obviously a boy. If you want to pretend to be a prince, you should pretend to be a prince.

"Zhang Minggu, she is really the Princess of Lishan!"


Li Feng had been visiting him from time to time in the past two days. Zhang Minggu had a small friendship with Li Feng. Now that Li Feng had admitted it, he couldn't help but not believe it.

"Why, do I still want you to see my gold seal?"

After giving Zhang Minggu a blank look, Li Yanran was also a little depressed.

Now that I have revealed my identity, the other party doesn't believe me.

"Of course there is no need. Zhang Minggu has met Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Zhang Minggu hurriedly saluted Li Yanran, but he was also full of doubts.

How could your majestic princess be so concerned about a commoner like herself?

He wanted money but had no money, and wanted people but no one. It was really puzzling for him. "Zhang Minggu, it's still the same topic as last time. If I can destroy the Sanhe Gang and restore order in Luohe, are you willing to come and help me?"

With her identity revealed, Li Yanran had nothing to hide, so she directly expressed her thoughts.

"Your Highness, Zhang Minggu is really old and may not be able to take on important responsibilities!"

Zhang Minggu is depressed, I'm just a lame old man, you want to leave the job of reorganizing Luohe order to me now?
Isn't that too arrogant?

"You must take on difficult and important responsibilities. This is my order, and it is also the order of my father.

What we want is not just the Luohe River, but the water transportation of the entire Tang Dynasty.

This concerns millions of people along the entire Datang Canal, do you understand? "

Regarding Zhang Minggu, Li Yanran had nothing to hide.

This is a talent, a great talent in water transport. Only by telling all these things can he outline what he needs based on his own vision.

"The entire canal of the Tang Dynasty?"

Zhang Minggu was really frightened now. He originally thought these were just princess Li Yanran's playthings, but he didn't expect that these were actually ordered by His Majesty the Emperor.

And it was not just the Luo River, but also affected the entire Tang Dynasty.

This was really hard for him to imagine.

"Yes, so I need you, the God of the Luohe River, to help me. Do you understand?"

"Your Highness, you really think highly of me. The so-called Luohe River God is just familiar with the waterways. If he really wants to radiate all the canals, old man, I really don't have the ability to help you!"

Zhang Minggu sighed. He could only claim a third of an acre of land in Luohe River, so he was only familiar with these rivers.

If he had gone to another canal, he wouldn't even be a fart.

If he went to help Li Yanran, he would be harming her.

He really couldn't take on a big job that affected millions of people.

"Are you rejecting me?"

Li Yanran was stunned. She really didn't expect that Zhang Minggu would refuse even after talking about it.

The old man's stubbornness was beyond her imagination.

“Your Highness, I must reject you.

If your goal is just Luohe, then I can certainly help.

If your goal is the entire Tang Dynasty, I'm afraid of delaying your big event! "

Zhang Minggu shook his head. It wasn't that he didn't help, but that he really didn't have the ability.

This is not something you can brag about and say you are a river god.

The livelihoods of millions of people along the canal are at stake, and he cannot afford this responsibility.

"Really? Do you have any recommendations?"

Hearing what Zhang Minggu said, Li Yanran felt relieved.

"When it comes to water transportation, it turns out that there was a clerk in the transshipment envoy's yamen named Pei Xinqi, and that guy was a talent.

Every time we chat about canal water management, it makes me dizzy.

But I don’t know if it can stand up to His Highness’s ambition! "

Zhang Minggu thought for a while, and he also thought of a person in his mind.

"Pei Xinqi?"

Li Yanran also frowned when she heard the name.

In the Tang Dynasty, the aristocratic families were mainly composed of five surnames and seven Wangs. However, in addition to these aristocratic families, there were also four surnames in Guanzhong, namely Wei Pei, Liu Xue and others.

Could it be that Pei Xinqi belongs to this wealthy family?

"That's right, this guy claims to be the queen of the Pei family in Hedong, but he has been lonely since he was a child.

Relying on his ability and taking the imperial examination, he finally got a job as a clerk in the Yamen. "

After looking at Li Yanran, Zhang Minggu also told Pei Xinqi's life experience.

"I understand, Li Feng is going to bring Pei Xinqi, and Zhang Minggu can't run away, do you understand?"

Hearing this, Li Yanran also smiled.

It's still the trick of a wealthy solitary son. If this is the case, this Pei Xinqi can be used.


Li Feng left directly and followed Li Yanran's order to find the so-called wealthy son Pei Xinqi's home.

Looking at the house, which was not much better than Zhang Minggu, Li Feng also sighed.

Look at the other noble sons, none of them are well-dressed and well-educated, and look at Pei Xinqi again, it's really a world of difference.

"who are you?"

Li Feng was about to push the door open when a man appeared in front of them with a roast chicken in his hand.

"Let's find Pei Xinqi!"

"Looking for me? I don't know you!"

That person was none other than Pei Xinqi, the talent Zhang Minggu mentioned.

"Are you Pei Xinqi?"

Li Feng looked him up and down. He was in his thirties and looked slovenly all over. It might be more convincing to say that he was a beggar.


Pei Xinqi also looked at Li Feng, and his colleagues began to search in their minds. He didn't seem to recognize him.

"Someone wants to see you, go change your clothes and follow us!"

Although he found the rightful owner, Li Feng was not happy at all.

Could such a person be the great talent Zhang Minggu said?Why didn't he believe it?

"See me? Don't go!"

Pei Xinqi shook his head, squeezed past Li Feng, and walked towards his home.

Li Feng smiled and gave the people around him a look.

Several people also smiled back, and then began to cooperate smoothly.

Sealing, bundling, packaging, getting on the bus, one-stop service.

The person was gone before Pei Xinqi could react.

The carriage slowly left and returned to Li Siwen's British villa.

"Miss, I've brought you back!"

"Then bring people here!"

"Miss, are you sure you want to see this person?"

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