My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 682: Little sloppy, little sloppy!

Thinking of Pei Xinqi's appearance, Li Feng was hesitant to speak.

"Of course we're going to meet you! What's wrong?"

Li Yanran was stunned, not knowing what Li Feng meant.

What does it mean to be sure to meet?
If there is no one around, why would you invite them over?

"Then be mentally prepared!"

Li Feng had nothing to say and left directly to bring Yuan Pei Xinqi over.

"Is he Pei Xinqi?"

Seeing Pei Xinqi being tied up, Li Yanran finally understood why Li Feng said that.

This meow can definitely go to the Beggar Clan and become the Nine-Pocket Elder.

Also, I asked you to invite someone, why did you get tied up again?

We are princesses, not robbers, so it’s not good to act like this all day long.

"Yes, this is Pei Xinqi!"

Li Feng nodded and confirmed Pei Xinqi's identity.

"How can you tie someone up? Come and let me go!"

Although Li Yanran was also a little suspicious, she still asked Li Feng to loosen his restraints.

If you have the ability, you will know just by asking.

"Who are you? I am an official of the imperial court. How dare you tie me up?"

After being loosened, Pei Xinqi shouted directly at Li Yanran in front of him.

No matter how slovenly he was, he was still an upright official of the Tang Dynasty. If he dared to touch him, he was in tit-for-tat confrontation with the Tang court.

"Pei Xinqi, how do you feel about the current situation of water transportation?"

Ignoring Pei Xinqi's clamor, Li Yanran went directly to the topic and asked what she wanted to ask.

"Wayun? Who are you?"

Hearing this term, Pei Xinqi also calmed down.

"If you want to know who I am, answer my question first. What do you think about water transport?"

Li Yanran also gained an aura, something unique to those in a superior position.

This kind of thing cannot be seen or touched, but it does exist.

Pei Xinqi frowned. Facing Li Yanran, he felt an irresistible trance.

It’s just a child, why is this happening?

"Wayun, what do you think?"

"Water transportation is very simple. Canals, docks, ships, people, and goods, that's all."

Facing Li Yanran's question, Pei Xinqi quickly gave his answer.

"Then if you were put in charge of the entire water transportation, what would you think?"

Although Pei Xinqi only said a few simple words, Li Yanran was very satisfied.

No long speeches, no flowery words, just what she wanted to hear.

"I'm responsible for the entire water transportation? Who are you?"

Hearing this, Pei Xinqi's eyes flashed with light.

Although he didn't know who Li Yanran was, his demeanor was definitely not that of an ordinary person.

And the person who can say such things cannot be a three-year-old child on the street.

"Again, answer my question, and if I'm satisfied, I'll tell you my identity!"

Li Yanran still did not reveal her identity. After all, the other party was a member of the Pei family and an official in Luoyang.

He will not reveal himself until he is sure whether the other person is the person he is looking for.

"Then what if I don't say it?"

Pei Xinqi sneered, you little devil, how dare you play hard-to-get with me?
Let my uncle teach me how to stay in the officialdom.

"No, you will!"

Glancing at Pei Xinqi, Li Yanran didn't care at all.

From the moment she knew that Pei Xinqi claimed to be from the Pei family, this person could not escape her grasp.

"What do you mean?"

Pei Xinqi was stunned. He didn't know where Li Yanran got her confidence. She asked herself whether she could defeat him.

"After you claimed to be the Pei family, you were regarded as a laughing stock by countless people. However, I can help you return to the Pei family. It is not impossible to even open a branch of the Pei family in Luoyang!"

Li Yanran is still somewhat confident about controlling people's hearts.

What does Pei Xinqi want, a high official and a good salary?

They shouldn't be able to resist the temptation of returning to the Pei family.

These might be problems for others, but they were nothing to her.

"who are you?"

Pei Xinqi's face changed color instantly. He never thought that such a little doll could see his inner desire.

It would be fine if someone on the other side was giving advice behind his back, but if the child thought of these things by himself, it would be terrible.

"You don't have to ask me who I am. If your answer satisfies me, everything I said can help you realize it!"

Li Yanran smiled and gave him a bright smile again.


Pei Xinqi was really not calm now, and there was an uproar in his heart.

If what Li Yanran said was true, then this would be the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time, an opportunity that would allow him to change his life against the odds.

I have no ambition and literary talent, but I have to do a job that even a fool can do.

Now he might actually be taking off.

“Water transportation is not prominent now because the imperial court has not focused on it.

Guanzhong is rich and fertile, and it can indeed provide Chang'an with countless food and grass.

However, Jiangnan, especially Yangzhou and other places, are also developing agriculture on a large scale, and rice production is also large.

If there is a drought in Guanzhong, it is very likely that people will starve to death.

If water transportation is smooth by then, food can be sent continuously to prevent tragedies from happening. "

Since Li Yanran might be his life-saving straw, he also began to talk about the benefits of studying water transportation for many years.

"I can see these, I just ask you how to use the energy of water transport!" Li Yanran looked depressed. If I can't see these, then I am not a time traveler.

Canal water transportation has become the main artery of the Tang Dynasty since the prosperous Tang Dynasty. It not only maintained the prosperity of Guanzhong, but also shouldered the well-being of the surrounding people.

Especially before and after the Anshi Rebellion, without the support of water transportation, the rebel army would not have been able to reach Anlu Mountain, let alone rebuild the country and restore the glory of the Tang Dynasty.

So what she wants now is the method, not the so-called opinion.

“As I said just now, it is easy to say that it is easy to develop water transportation, but it is also difficult to say that it is difficult.

First of all, we must ensure that the canal is smooth and free from obstructions.

The second step is to build docks in various places so that the canal can deliver goods to any coastal city or country.

Next comes the ships. Today’s water transport ships range from big to small, good to bad. If we can build a strong enough ship, we can carry more cargo and further reduce costs.

As for personnel and goods, they complement each other and are also the most critical link.

Only if enough goods are carried, more people will join the dock.

These conditions are like the internal organs of a person. If someone is strong enough to integrate them, it will be easy.

If there is a problem in any link, the water transportation will be like a pool of stagnant water, lifeless. "

Pei Xinqi also spoke freely and directly expressed his thoughts.

It takes great courage to manage the canal unless the country is really determined to do so.

Otherwise, with personal energy, no matter how powerful he is, he will not be able to complete it.

This is the difficulty of water transportation.

"How much do you want!"

Li Yanran nodded. Pei Xinqi was indeed the person recommended by Zhang Minggu.

Regarding water transportation, the other party really understands and sees through it.


Upon hearing this, Pei Xinqi was instantly confused.

What do you mean how much do I need?
"What you are talking about, such as recruiting sailors, hiring captains, manufacturing ships and even building docks, how much does it cost?"

With a slight smile, Li Yanran directly pointed out the problem.

To put it bluntly, they need money, and as the richest young woman in Chang'an, the thing she probably lacks most is money.

"I said, these cannot be solved with money. This has risen to the national level and must be done from top to bottom with the help of the Tang Dynasty!"

Pei Xinqi was depressed because money was involved again.

Is this a problem that money can solve?

Of course, money may solve some problems, such as docks, ferries or dredging rivers.

But how much it would cost, he really didn't know.

"I believe money can make all the difference. How much money will it cost?
One hundred thousand guan?A million dollars?Or tens of millions? "

The last thing Li Yanran wants now is to use the imperial court. Now that water transportation is not obvious, no one may pay attention.

Once Datang really shows up to show some kind of signal, everyone will turn their attention to it.

She hasn't really reached the point of being invincible yet, so what she has to do now is to act quietly so as not to be remembered.

"First of all, what is your identity?"

Now Pei Xinqi was completely shocked. What is the identity of this baby? There are millions of words to open and shut.

Is this something that ordinary people can say?

Even the noble sons of those aristocratic families, even the princesses and princes cannot afford so much money.

"Me, Li Yanran, Princess of Lishan!"

Li Yanran smiled. Now that she had confirmed that Pei Xinqi was indeed a talented person, she would take him down.

The identity of the princess is her most powerful weapon.

"Princess Lilishan? Pei Xinqi has met Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Pei Xinqi was also dumbfounded when he heard Li Yanran's identity.

He had been full of curiosity about Princess Lishan before. I believe that not only him, but everyone in the entire Tang Dynasty was not curious about her.

After all, this princess has created countless myths. If we say who is the richest in the Tang Dynasty now, there may be objections.

But when it comes to who is the richest among women, then the real owner of Lan Kwai Fong, Li Yanran, will definitely bear the brunt.

But isn't she in Chang'an?Why did you come to Luoyang?

You must know that princes and princesses, especially those who go out to fight, cannot leave without an edict.

Not to mention that the other party traveled thousands of miles and appeared in Luoyang without anyone noticing.

This is simply a fantasy.

But since someone revealed his identity, he had to pay tribute.

Because don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

If it was true and he was rude, it would be a grave sin for him.

"Don't you need to confirm my identity? Aren't you afraid that I am a fake?"

Seeing Pei Xinqi being so obedient, Li Yanran was also a little surprised.

Do you believe what I say?Do you just trust people that much?

"Your Highness is joking. I am just a petty official, and I have no value in being deceived."

Pei Xinqi smiled, whether you are a princess or not has nothing to do with me.

If you are, I have done what I should do. If you are not, the court will take care of you.

Besides, I am just a small person, and there is no value in being deceived.

"You are very smart. I like to work with smart people the most!"

Li Yanran also smiled back, saying that working with smart people is actually the happiest thing.

This will save you a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Your Highness is ridiculous! Pei Xinqi is just a small official and should not be treated like this!"

"Okay, I won't beat around the bush with you. I came to Luoyang under the decree of my father to fully develop the canal.

Of course, these cannot be made public now and can only be done quietly.

Otherwise, not only will this canal not be a good deed that benefits the people, but it may also be regarded by those who are thoughtful as a tool to enrich the people and make money. Do you understand? "

(End of this chapter)

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