My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 683 Water Transport Plan

Naturally, Li Yanran would not explicitly say that she wanted to control the canal, make money for herself and benefit the people, so she had no choice but to move her father out.

In the whole world, the imperial power is the greatest.

In today's world, it is a great honor to do something for the imperial power, even if it is done secretly.

"Pei Xinqi will go all out to help His Majesty complete the feat of water transportation!"

Pei Xinqi knelt directly on the ground. When Li Yanran said these words, she no longer represented him.

But it was Tang Dynasty No. 1, the current emperor Li Zhi.

He had to worship.

"Okay, since you have said so much, you must have a careful plan in mind, let's hear it!"

"Your Highness, I would like to ask this young man to send me back. My humble residence contains information that I have collected and visited over the years. I see that your Highnesses should have a more intuitive view of the canal."

Pei Xinqi also smiled slightly. Her Royal Highness the Princess was indeed as capable as the rumors said.

I can actually guess this thing, which I have to say is amazing.

"Well, Li Feng, you and Pei Xinqi go back."


Li Feng saluted, and immediately took Pei Xinqi out of the British Public Courtyard, and then returned to Pei Xinqi's humble residence.

Entering the house, the scene inside was different from what Li Feng expected.

Unlike Pei Xinqi's sloppy appearance, the inside of this so-called burrow was extremely simple and neat.

There were several stacks of manuscript papers piled up on the only table in different categories, including docks, rivers, and ships.

"These have to be taken away."

Pei Xinqi found a box and put the manuscript papers in it very carefully.

"Your Highness, Pei Xinqi is back!"

Opening the box, Pei Xinqi's eyes were filled with excitement.

He had long seen the prospect of the canal, and then he devoted himself wholeheartedly to it. Now that the opportunity had come, he naturally wanted to share his achievements with others.

"You've actually done so much? You're serious!"

Looking at the dense drafts, Li Yanran also nodded.

I really found a treasure.

"Your Highness, there are some docks in these canals that can meet the imperial court's water transportation, but they are far from enough to realize the true potential of the canals.

The first thing we have to do is to arrange piers along the line. For example, piers must be set up at the intersection of several rivers.

With enough docks, the canal's tentacles can extend in all directions, allowing millions of people to truly enjoy the benefits. "

Pei Xinqi came up with his own research on the canal. These terminals were the result of his careful consideration and on-the-spot investigation.

As long as we can secure terminals in these places in advance and wait until water transportation begins to develop, these places will become real key places.

A steady stream of goods would be loaded onto ships through these docks and sent along the canals to where they needed to go.

"Well, how much do these docks cost?"

Li Yanran is so poor that she only has money left, and all she can do now is pay.

"Each pier, including land acquisition, will cost at least three to four thousand guan to build. I calculated that about 15 piers need to be built, which means it will cost about [-] guan."

Pei Xinqi calculated that the construction of these docks alone would cost at least 10,000+ ships.

This is still his optimistic estimate. If something unexpected happens, there may be more.

"Looking at it now, 15 yuan may be a lot, but the profits it can bring far exceed this."

"I'll give you 20 yuan!"


Pei Xinqi originally wanted to help Li Yanran analyze the future prospects of these terminals, but unexpectedly Li Yanran not only agreed, but also invested an additional [-] yuan.

This, this special thing was a bit beyond his expectation.

Could it be that this Princess of the Tang Dynasty really had so much money?

It is simply inhumane, inhumane!

"The dock problem is solved, what's next? The ships?"

Li Yanran smiled, it was only 20 yuan. If she could get these forty docks, no one would be able to compete with her in the future.

Now it seems that the places chosen by Pei Xinqi are all at key nodes. If he changes the place, the effect will be far worse.

"Well, ships are very important. Nowadays, the ships traveling on inland rivers vary in size, but the largest ones are just like that.

We must learn from the experience of sea-going ships and develop ships with a larger load capacity.

Only in this way can transportation costs be reduced to a minimum and more merchants can be attracted to transfer their goods through water transport. "

Pei Xinqi calmed down and expressed his idea for the ship.

Inland river vessels are different from sea-going vessels. Due to the difference in draft, inland river vessels are much smaller than sea-going vessels in terms of size and carrying capacity.

So he consulted with a shipbuilder and wanted to combine the structural advantages of sea-going ships to build a larger water cargo ship with stronger carrying capacity.

It’s just that these are just conjectures now. If you really want to create them, you still need to practice them.

Practice requires not only imagination, but also shipwrights, and more importantly, money.

He had no money, so everything could only stay at the first stage.

"Well, don't worry, I will contact the shipyard in Yangzhou to build the largest and strongest cargo ship."

Li Yanran nodded. Shipbuilding is a costly endeavor.

But these must be done. The bigger the ship and the stronger the carrying capacity, the greater the advantage you will have.

"I suggest that if His Highness is able, he should buy a shipyard, so that once our ship experiment is completed, we will not worry about being plagiarized."

Since Li Yanran has money, Pei Xinqi also has many ways to spend money.Although buying a shipyard may be more expensive than buying a ship directly at the moment, in the long run it will be more cost-effective than buying someone else's.

"Well, I understand, what else is there? Man, what are you going to do?"

Li Yanran smiled, this Pei Xinqi is really a capable person.

He can hit the nail on the head and always get to the root of the problem.

"I have a list here, which is all information I have collected over the years. It contains capable people on various canals.

For example, Zhang Minggu on the Luohe River used to be the God of the Luohe River, but since his son died, he has become decadent, and Zhou Laosi are all talented people.

As long as you can recruit all these people under your command, they will definitely make things clear for you on the canal. "

Pei Xinqi had really worked hard, and he had an idea of ​​​​these talented people on the canal.

If Li Yanran can really capture these people, the matter on the water will really not matter.

Looking at the list handed over by Pei Xinqi, Li Yanran also smiled. This special one also had a hero score and even an introduction to the hero.

It's really enough.

"I will arrange for people to negotiate with these people. As for the outcome, we can only leave it to fate."

"Your Highness, the most important thing here is Zhang Minggu. Luohe can be said to be the pearl of the current canal.

Any tributary will converge here, and Zhang Minggu, as the former Luohe River God, is well-known in this canal. As long as he raises his arms, his followers will surely gather.

It's just disgusting that the Sanhe Gang not only broke Zhang Minggu's legs, but also occupied a sacred place like Luohe to engage in unscrupulous business! "

Pei Xinqi also sighed when he heard the words "resign yourself to fate".

What he regrets the most is Zhang Minggu, the leader of Luohe. If it weren't for the appearance of the Sanhe Gang, the scene in Luohe would definitely be ten or a hundred times better than it is now.

"Zhang Minggu, right? Li Feng!"

Seeing how much Zhang Minggu was valued by Zhang Pei Xinqi, Li Yanran also gave Li Feng a look.

Li Feng nodded and silently retreated.

"Your Highness, don't be impulsive. Zhang Minggu is famous for his short temper, and he won't give in even when facing the Sanhe Gang.

If it weren't for this temper, his legs wouldn't have been broken, and his son and ship wouldn't have been burned to the ground. "

Pei Xinqi also frowned when he saw Li Feng leaving.

He knew very well how he got here. It would be difficult for Li Yanran to treat Zhang Minggu like this.

"Ha ha!"

Li Yanran didn't say anything. She knew clearly that Zhang Minggu was a stubborn old man.

But people have weaknesses, and as long as they are caught, this person will be easy to deal with.

"Pei Xinqi! You little sloppy little guy!"

Just when Pei Xinqi was depressed, Zhang Minggu's voice sounded from behind.

"Zhang Minggu, why are you here, an old man?"

Hearing this voice, Pei Xinqi turned around and looked at Zhang Minggu in disbelief.

Why is this old guy here? He looks much better than before?

Could it be that?
Very meow!
"Your Highness, you really brought this sloppy little guy here!"

Zhang Ming, regardless of whether he was stupid or not, hurriedly greeted Li Yanran.

But as soon as he said this, this guy was brought here, and he had no mobility left.

"Immortal old man, what do you mean?"

After hearing Zhang Minggu's words, Pei Xinqi finally became enlightened.

The reason why Li Yanran came to find her was entirely because of the old immortal Zhang Minggu.

Damn it, don't give me a chance, otherwise I will tear your mouth apart.

"What do you mean? You are going to have a great career, why don't you thank me!"

Zhang Minggu glared at Pei Xinqi, "You've been saying all day long that you've been neglected, but now I've given you a chance, what a look in your eyes."

"Old immortal, thank you for your big hammer!"

Pei Xinqi's eyes darted. To be honest, if it wasn't in front of Li Yanran, he would have let this old stick know how red the maple leaves are in February.

"You little sloppy guy, you have no conscience."

Just because Pei Xinqi didn't dare to move didn't mean that Zhang Minggu didn't dare. He raised his hand and slapped the other person on the forehead.


"What's the matter, do you dare to make a mistake in front of Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

Zhang Minggu smiled. If you want to be an official or climb high, you have a lot of worries.

He is different, he has no desires and needs, and it doesn't matter if he loses face or loses face.


Pei Xinqi was also depressed. He really couldn't lose his grace in front of Li Yanran.

"Okay, Zhang Minggu, you recommended Pei Xinqi, and he has accepted it.

Now Zhang Minggu has recommended you, what do you say? "

Li Yanran smiled and looked at Zhang Minggu on the side.

As Pei Xinqi said, this guy is just a flag, which can play a big role if used properly.

"Pei Xinqi, you are really ungrateful. How old am I, old man, and you still don't let me go!"

(End of this chapter)

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