My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 684: One armor carries three crossbows, and three armors enter the underworld

Zhang Minggu was also depressed. He recommended Pei Xinqi just to get rid of him and to give him a chance.

Now Pei Xinqi seized the opportunity, but he didn't expect that he would also be taken out.

What the hell is this?
Shoot yourself in the foot?

"Old immortal, it's still early for you. Now that His Highness is employing people, of course you have to use your remaining energy to stand up.

Don't you want to wipe out the Sanhe Gang who are doing evil in Luohe River, so that the men who make a living on Luohe River will no longer be oppressed by them?

Where is the Luohe River God I met before, and where is Zhang Minggu who dared to fight against the Sanhe Gang for the porter? "

Pei Xinqi stared at Zhang Minggu in front of him. The river god he admired was gone.

What he saw now was just an old man, and a stubborn old man at that.

"Okay, don't use any provocation methods.

As long as you don't die, Zhang Minggu, I will decide this person.

If you don't agree, I will kill all nine of your tribes. Believe me, I will do what I say. "

Li Yanran sneered. Now that he knows my entire plan, it is impossible to stay out of it.

One is responsible for coordinating the overall situation, and the other is responsible for charging into the battle. Neither one can run away.


Zhang Minggu was also depressed now. His son was dead, so he had no relatives or friends. This was because he had implicated the Nine Clans.

Then he would become a sinner of the Zhang family, and he could not bear this responsibility.

"Hahahaha, Zhang Minggu, you also have today, are you feeling comfortable now?

If you don’t eat the toast, you’ll be fined with alcohol, that’s right! "

Seeing Zhang Minggu's silly look, Pei Xinqi almost burst out laughing.

I called you an old boy a stubborn donkey, but now you are better, you have met a serious donkey tyer.

See what you do.

"You, old man, I will fight with you!"

Zhang Ming was looking at his head, and now he had somewhere to spread his anger.

Li Yanran couldn't afford to offend him, and she didn't dare to offend him, but she still had no problem dealing with a posthumous child of the Pei family.

As he spoke, he swooped down and landed directly on Pei Xinqi's body.

As an old leader, even if Zhang Minggu is older and has a lame leg, Pei Xinqi, a scholar, cannot deal with it.

"Ouch, don't hit!"

"Isn't it okay that I'm so damn wrong?"

"Hit me again!"

"Holy shit, don't slap me in the face!"

After a while, Pei Xinqi was beaten until his mouth was full of teeth, and he begged for mercy again and again.


Li Feng watched from the side and also had a headache. These two people are really a pair of treasures.

He dared to be so disrespectful of etiquette in front of Li Yanran. It was so weird that he wanted to clean it up.

"Watch them play! It's fun!"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Feng had nothing to say and could only take out a handful of green dates from his pocket.

"Hehe, you still understand me!"

After grabbing the green dates, Li Yanran also crossed her legs to watch the show.

Zhang Minggu and Pei Xinqi were both depressed. One was tired from the beating, and the other was in pain.

Just waiting for Li Yanran to say something and tell them to stop.

Who would have thought that Her Royal Highness the Princess is so ingenious, lest the world not be in chaos.

You are fighting life and death here, while you are eating dates and watching a show over there.

Is this really good?

Drunk, not only drunk, but also stupid.

If Li Yanran doesn't speak, how long will they continue to fight?

How old is the world?

"No more fighting, old man, I'm tired!"

In the end, Zhang Minggu couldn't bear it anymore and got off Pei Xinqi's body while holding his waist.

"do not fight?"

Seeing the two separated, Li Yanran also felt disappointed.

This is just a little bit of fun, and it’s over?

"Your Highness, don't say that, it's rude!"

Pei Xinqi was really embarrassed now.

The first time I met Li Yanran, it was embarrassing to have such a thing happen.

"Okay, then Pei Xinqi, prepare to submit your resignation to the transportation envoy's office and focus all your attention on water transportation.

As for you, Zhang Minggu, contact me with your old guys. We will start in the next few days. "

The two stopped fighting, and Li Yanran assigned tasks to them respectively.

If the Lord is inside, then the Lord is inside; if the Lord is outside, then the Lord is outside.

"Your Highness, the transfer officer's office is a quiet place. Even if I don't leave my job, it won't delay things!"

To be honest, Pei Xinqi was a little reluctant.

Although this was only a minor official position, he was admitted step by step through the provincial examination.

It's a pity that I didn't get Jinshi, but I am still a public official after all.

"Why, reluctant?"

Li Yanran knew that Pei Xinqi would definitely be reluctant to part with this iron rice bowl position, and she would probably not be able to part with it if it were her.

After all, a family with thousands of furniture is not as good as a country clerk for one year.

This also illustrates the benefits of this iron rice bowl from the side.

The harvest is guaranteed by droughts and floods, and there is no need for wind or sun. As long as the Tang Dynasty does not fall, he can hold the thigh of the Tang Dynasty and chew himself to death.

"No, it's just that I've been doing this for several years and I have feelings!"

Pei Xinqi smiled. He had been doing this for several years, but in terms of emotions, there seemed to be nothing but anger and disappointment.

"Okay, I won't treat you badly, don't worry!"

Li Yanran patted Pei Xinqi on the shoulder and told him not to be nostalgic and just concentrate on his work. "So, Pei Xinqi understands!"

Since Li Yanran insisted, Pei Xinqi couldn't say anything else.

Just let it go. He believed in his ability.

"Your Highness, if we don't get rid of the Sanhe Gang, I won't be able to do it even if I call all the sailors and leaders on the Luohe River. They are doing evil, insidious and vicious, and it's hard to deal with them!"

Zhang Minggu looked at Li Yanran. He had many old people, but they were all persecuted by the Sanhe Gang.

If you call people together now, you won't find yourself being dealt with by the Sanhe Gang.

"That was before. The Sanhe Gang will soon become a thing of the past. From now on, everyone on the Luohe River must obey my command."

Li Yanran clenched her fists, her eyes full of determination.

Luohe is the most important place for water transportation, which is equivalent to the human heart. If she can't get this place, her identity will be lost in vain.

"I understand, let's find someone now!"

Hearing Li Yanran's domineering words, Zhang Minggu felt relieved.

He had reported to the police before, but the Sanhe Gang was so powerful that if he hadn't saved Tong San's youngest son before, the grass on his grave might be several meters high by now.

Now that Li Yanran is here, although it is said that strong dragons will not overwhelm local snakes, we still have to look at the dragons.

This is a real dragon, no matter how smooth the local snake is, it still has to be coiled obediently.

"Your Highness, I will go too!"

Seeing Zhang Minggu leaving, Pei Xinqi saluted and was about to leave.

"and many more!"

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

The two of them stopped together and turned to look at Li Yanran behind them.

"Li Feng! Arrange a carriage to send them away!"


Li Feng nodded, and then arranged for two carriages to leave.

"Miss, it's been arranged. Someone will monitor the two of them."

"Well, what's going on with Di Renjie? Have you found anything?"

Li Yanran leaned back and stretched.

The water transportation matter should be implemented next, and the key now is Di Renjie's side.

This is a key. Only by capturing this maosun can they be qualified to use it to rectify Luoyang's officialdom.

After all, Chang Shi is the spokesperson of the aristocratic family, and Luoyang officials, big and small, are able and willing to have something to do with him.

"Di Renjie said that he has initially grasped the whereabouts of the interested person and has implemented key monitoring. There will definitely be no problems!"

Li Feng smiled slightly. Di Renjie's work was done very quickly, and it was almost done in one day.

If he doesn't become a police dog, his talent will be wasted.

"Well, be careful these two days, do you understand?"


Li Yanran's side died down, and Zhang Minggu's work was also carried out secretly. With Li Yanran's support, he soon got in touch with the original sailor and leader.

But it's limited to contact. Now the Sanhe Gang is still on the Luohe River, and they don't have any boats.

No rush, no rush.

"Chang Shi, the time is almost up. If you delay, I'm afraid the superiors won't be able to explain it!"

The clerk came to Zhang Maosun. He had been here for several days, and the people in the Longmen Escort Bureau could hardly hide themselves.

You haven't started it yet, why don't you save it for the New Year?
"Well, I'll send the stuff in tonight and start it tomorrow night!"

Zhang Maosun nodded, and it was almost time. It was time to send Li Siwen and the Longmen Escort Agency to the West!


"I'll make arrangements now!"

The clerk smiled, bowed and left.

That night, the Yexiang car also drove into the station of the Longmen Escort Bureau, and then hid the armor that had been prepared at the designated location.

Armor was a rare item, even in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

As the saying goes, one armor carries three crossbows, and three armors enter the underworld. This is all based on evidence.

If you hide more than three pieces of armor privately, you will be executed regardless of your identity.

This leads to the fact that even if many people are powerful, they will never get two pieces of armor for their own people to play with.

Because armor is not only expensive, but also the weakness of the emperor. No one will allow you to have armored men.

Now Zhang Maosun also has evil thoughts. These armors are all armors from the previous dynasty that were lost among the people. They are things he collected during his daily law enforcement.

The purpose is to throw them out when necessary and kill people.

Well now, it finally comes in handy.

After the Ye Xiang car was finished, he left quietly without taking a single cloud with him.

"Commander Di, something has been discovered!"

The first thing Di Renjie did when he came to Longmen Escort Bureau was to arrange for the imperial army to monitor the logistics department, especially the chef and Ye Xiang.

One of these two items is the place that has the most frequent contact with the outside world, and the other is the most secretive place.

If he wanted to frame someone up, he would probably do it through these two places.

So when the Ye Xiang car entered the escort station, the Imperial Army targeted the people.

Every move he made was watched by the Forbidden Army.

"what happened?"

"Yexiang Che has hidden a dozen pairs of armors from the former dynasty over there. They are really vicious!"

The Forbidden Army directly told the information he saw.

"Haha, I'm not afraid that the fox won't leak his tail, but I'm afraid that the fox won't steal the fish. Continue to monitor and see who our moles are!"

When he heard that the other party had hidden his armor, Di Renjie flashed a scornful smile.

I've been waiting for so many days, and you only have such a simple and despicable method?What a disappointment.


The Forbidden Army did not touch the armors. When it was almost dawn, several sneaky figures appeared. After each looking at each other, they took out all the armors.

"Commander Di, why don't you take action yet?"

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