My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 685: I saw the carrot, where is my donkey meat?

The Forbidden Army glanced at Di Renjie. It could be said that now he had both the man and the stolen goods. He didn't know what the other party was waiting for.

"Don't be impatient. Monitor them closely to see if they have any accomplices."

Now that people already know, there is no need to be so impatient. The only way to cut off the grass is to root out the roots. God knows if these people have any accomplices.

If there is, it will always be troublesome if it cannot be cleared away at once.


Everyone saluted and could only watch the spies leave.

"Long history, long history!"

Du Fang, a junior official, came to Zhang Maosun's mansion excitedly, and Zhang Maosun was also waiting for the junior official's arrival.

"Du Fang, what's wrong?"

"Chang Shi, it's done. If someone comes to reply, all those pieces of armor will be sent in."

Du Fang smiled slightly and told the news he had just received.

"Okay, okay, you did a great job this time. Once you clean up the Longmen Escort Bureau, I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

I don’t need to teach you how to deal with the tail! "

Zhang Maosun also smiled. He was a little nervous at first, fearing that the armor would be discovered due to the heavy security there.

I didn't expect it to be done so easily.

It seems that he is a young man after all and has very little social experience.

Then let your uncle teach you how to deal with things, but you have to go to the underworld to digest it.

"Xie Changshi! Du Fang naturally knows how to deal with it!"

Du Fang saluted knowingly and then slowly withdrew.

The world is full of goodwill, and the world is all good.

The reason why he worked hard for Zhang Maosun was not because he was not afraid of Princess Lishan's revenge, but because he was more afraid of living an ordinary life in inaction.

He believes that as long as he is given a chance, he can definitely fly into the sky.

And this maosun is just his stepping stone.

After Du Fang left, Zhang Maosun also greeted his cronies.


"Take someone to follow Du Fang and see where he goes.

When he really takes action, take him down for me.

After you finish your work, you will hide for a while, do you understand? "

Glancing in the direction of the door, Zhang Maosun's eyes were full of coldness.

I'm the best at solving tails, but the tail you want to solve and what I want to solve seem to have some way out.


The man saluted and followed Du Fang with a few of his cronies under the cover of night.

After everyone left, Zhang Maosun also ordered someone to fetch Yuye wine.

He bought this wine from Lan Kwai Fong. It was a good deal to use Princess Lishan's wine to see off Princess Lishan's people.

"Li Siwen, today will be your death anniversary next year. I hope the British Lord will not blame me!"

Zhang Maosun raised his wine glass to the bright moon above his head, his eyes full of pride.

A figure quickly rushed into the residence.

"Stay behind!"

"what happened?"

Hearing the sound, Liu Gu's voice also sounded from the house.

"Standing behind, Du Fang left Zhang Maosun's Changshi Mansion, with a few sneaky shadows following behind him."

The man immediately told the news he had just discovered.

"Send someone to follow Du Fang. My director will see what Zhang Maosun is going to do. If he wants to kill Du Fang, please protect him for me!"

Liu Gu's voice came out, and the people outside bowed and left directly.

After a while, the door of the room opened, and Liu Gu's figure slowly walked out of it.

"Zhang Maosun, are we finally going to start? This Du Fang should be your gun.

Then I will use your gun to deal with you, it must be fun! "

Liu Gu walked towards his study room. He had no intention of sleeping now.

Many people were destined to have sleepless nights, but Li Yanran was not included among them.

At dawn the next day, Li Yanran stretched out and rolled out of bed.


Opening the door, Li Feng was waiting outside.

"Well, is there anything going on? Especially with Di Renjie!"

The most critical thing now is the Longmen Escort Agency where Di Renjie works. If the first step is not done well, she will be passive everywhere.

"No news!"

"I know, what are you going to eat this morning?"

Since there is no news, Li Yanran's first priority now is today's breakfast.

"It seems to be carrot and donkey meat soup."

"Let's go."

Li Yanran was a little excited when she heard that there was carrot and donkey meat soup.

This donkey meat is a holy nourishing product, otherwise there would be no such thing as dragon meat in the sky and donkey meat on the earth.

The two rushed to the back kitchen, and the kitchen staff all shuddered when they saw them.

The scene of being punished last time is still swirling in the mind, who can not be afraid.

"Little man, I'm hungry."

The master trembled and asked Li Yanran.

Mr. Li Yanran has a lot of food, and he has long forgiven the master chef who did not let him eat mutton soup.
Smiling at the master, Li Yanran rubbed her palms and asked, "Is the donkey meat soup ready?"

"It's just right. Please wait a moment, young man. I'll serve it to you right now."

The master chef turned around and left to help Li Yanran serve soup.

"I like to eat donkey meat, but I don't want to eat carrots!" "Two bowls."

The master shuddered. What he made was donkey meat and radish soup, not donkey meat stew.

You guys have eaten all the donkey meat. What will you eat when Mr. Li Siwen comes?
Stewed radish?
What a nonsense.

Li Yanran ate two bowls, and Li Feng went overboard and ate three bowls.

"You guys got up early enough!"

Li Siwen arrived late and sat directly in front of Li Yanran and Li Feng.

Seeing the two of them enjoying their meal, he moved his index finger and waved directly to the master.

"Fan Ze, give me a bowl too."

"Little Master, why don't you wait a little longer?"

Fan Ze was also depressed. He only prepared so much for breakfast.

It was originally enough to feed seven or eight people, but who would have thought of encountering these two freaks.

I only eat meat and no vegetables in the morning. I don’t know if my parents know that I am such a picky eater.

Now there are only radishes left in the pot, how can this be put on the table?

"What nonsense are you talking about? Serve it up for me quickly!"

Li Siwen was depressed, wondering if his master was sick.

Don't you know who is yours? I am your master.


Fan Ze has nothing more to say. Since you want to eat, then be the Carrot King!

Soon Fan Ze brought a bowl of carrot soup to the young master Li Siwen.


After looking at the big radish in the bowl, and then at the large pieces of donkey meat in Li Yanran and Li Feng's bowl, Li Siwen felt bad.

what is this?Are they treated differently?
Why can Li Yanran and Li Feng, two outsiders, eat meat, but I, the master, can only eat carrots?

This Fan Ze really can't tell the difference between the big and small kings.

Time to fight!

"Fan Ze, I think I asked you to make donkey meat and radish soup. I saw the radish. Where's the donkey meat?"

Li Siwen picked a carrot and smiled coldly at Fan Ze.

"Young Master, these two have already eaten this donkey meat, so I asked you to wait just now."

Fan Ze is really going to cry, he has had enough every day.

After being beaten two days ago, it was easy to live a happy life for two days, and this started again.

"With so many excuses, why don't you make more if there's not enough food?"

Li Siwen glared at Fan Ze, and Brother Li finished everything he said.

It’s not that you haven’t done enough. If you throw a donkey in, they won’t be able to eat or play.

"What Xiao Langjun taught me is that Fan Ze understands!"

Fan Ze felt depressed but couldn't say anything because he had no way to say anything.

Now Li Siwen has reached an unreasonable height, and nothing can be said to help.

"Li Feng, I think you can't finish eating. Why don't you give me a few pieces?"

Since there was no donkey meat in the kitchen, he could only put his idea into Li Feng's bowl. After all, he couldn't afford to offend Li Yanran.

"What are you thinking!"

"Just give me two pieces!"


While Li Yanran and the others were fighting for breakfast, Zhang Maosun also came to the left-behind mansion.

"Liu stayed behind, Zhang Maosun came uninvited, please forgive me!"

Zhang Maosun looked at Liu Gu in front of him, his eyes full of smiles.

"Zhang Maosun, if you have anything to say, just say it. Let's not let this happen between us!"

Liu Gu also smiled back, not caring at all about Zhang Maosun's rudeness, because he had already guessed this.

How proud the opponent is now, how embarrassed he will be after being overturned.

"I have received reliable information that there are contraband in the Longmen Escort Bureau. Please stay behind and gather your troops and follow me to kill them!"

After looking at Liu Gu who was so wise, Zhang Maosun also smiled and told all his actions.

"Okay, I will immediately gather the people from the Liushou Mansion, and you will also gather all the people from Luo Governor Shi, and we will catch them all in one fell swoop!
But I have a suggestion, whether it’s worth saying or not! "

Liu Gu nodded directly to Zhang Maosun, saying that he would fully cooperate with the other party.

Luoyang is a very magical place. As the eastern capital of the Tang Dynasty, it has a second-level official like Liu Shou who only controls Luoyang, as well as the Luozhou system that includes Luoyang.

Luozhou Shepherd, like Yongzhou Shepherd, is either held by a prince or led remotely, so the chief minister usually handles it on his behalf.

Therefore, the capital that Zhang Maosun and Liu Gu, the left-behind branch, have to compete with is not only the family behind them, but also the rights of Luo Governor Shifu.

This is also the reason why Zhang Maosun must fight for Liu Gu. If the two teams have a dispute, no one will get a good result.

"Liu Liushou, please speak lightly if you have anything to say!"

Zhang Maosun was stunned, wondering what else Liu Gu wanted to say.

"The arrests of many people during the day may cause the Longmen Escort Bureau to take precautions in advance. It is better to wait until after the curfew at night before sending out troops. This way, everything will be foolproof!"

Liu Gu smiled. He explained that he was helping Zhang Maosun implement the plan, but in fact he was buying time for Li Siwen and the others.

If Zhang Maosun can't find the details hidden in it when he activates it, then this matter is much more technological and passive.

"Well, you're right. I was indeed too hasty. I can only do it at night to ensure everything is safe.

Then we agreed to meet at my Changshi Mansion after curfew!Attack the Longmen escort agency together. "

Zhang Maosun smiled, this Liu Gu was indeed a veteran, he was really a little impatient.

It would be really inappropriate to do things in broad daylight. It would be safer to do things at night.

"Then we'll see you after curfew!"

Nodding, Liu Gu also sent Zhang Maosun directly out.

"Give me a close surveillance of the stay-at-home residence. Everyone entering and leaving must be closely monitored!"

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