My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 686: It’s not shameful to pick up gold, I think it can be fixed!

Zhang Maosun glanced at the Liushou Mansion behind him, his eyes full of coldness.

Now it was time to launch, and he would never allow any accidents.

So even if he is an ally like Liu Gu, he will not let down his guard.

Because this is not only related to the face of the family, but also related to his own life and death.


"Come on."

A confidant came to Liu Gu, and he also handed a note to that person.

The confidant nodded and disappeared directly in front of Liu Gu.

"Zhang Maosun, Zhang Maosun, one wrong step and another wrong step. If you delay this time, it will be the first step to your own destruction!"

Liu Gu sneered, and we will see how you die next!

The confidant quietly hid in the grocery cart and left the residence. When no one was around, he emerged again and headed towards Lan Kwai Fong.

"Shopkeeper, someone sent this!"

Li Qing came to Li Siwen and handed over the note he had just received.

After taking the note, Li Siwen was stunned after reading it.

"Prepare the carriage, I want to go back home!"

The opponent is about to launch, is about to launch.

They also need to be prepared.


"Brother Li, Brother Li!"

Li Siwen rushed into the British palace and shouted to Li Yanran loudly.

"what happened?"

Hearing Li Siwen's shout, Li Yanran immediately had bad thoughts in her mind.

"Brother Li, Brother Li, Liu Gu sent someone to deliver a message.

Zhang Maosun will join forces with Liu Gu to attack the Longmen Escort Agency tonight after the curfew. He asked us to prepare early. "

Li Siwen immediately told the news from Liu Gu.

"It's here after all. They must be ready, but I don't know what's going on with Di Renjie."

Li Yanran frowned, the other party was about to attack, now it was up to her to respond.


"Brother Li, where are you going?"

"Go to Longmen Escort Agency and see what's going on with Di Renjie!"

The carriage left and ran towards the Longmen Escort Bureau's station.

"Commander Di, the princess is here!"

"Come with me to greet you!"

When he heard that Li Yanran was coming, Di Renjie didn't dare to neglect and hurried out to greet her.

"Okay, don't make any noise, keep talking inside!"

Li Yanran waved her hand. This was obviously not the place to talk.


Several people left together and came to the house where Di Renjie was staying temporarily.

"Your Highness, why are you here?"

Di Renjie hurriedly served tea and smiled at Li Yanran.

"It's okay, I just wanted to ask, you should have made some progress here after so many days!"

Li Yanran took a sip of tea and smiled back.

"Your Highness has a wonderful plan, and we really found out the clues last night.

Zhang Maosun was so cruel that he sent someone to quietly deliver many pieces of armor from the previous dynasty.

Now these people have been monitored by me, and when I find their accomplices, I will catch them all. "

Di Renjie was stunned, how did Li Yanran know? Could she be able to predict the future?

"Zhang Maosun has invited Liu Gu to join forces to attack the Longmen Escort Bureau after the curfew tonight. Do you know what to do?"

Hearing that Di Renjie had understood Zhang Maosun's scheme, Li Yanran also told him the news she had just received.

"Action tonight? Your Highness, what are you going to do?"

Di Renjie sneered. He now wanted to know what Li Yanran wanted to do.

"How? What are you going to do?"

Li Yanran didn't answer, but asked Di Renjie in return.

"It depends on whether His Highness is prepared to solve the problem once and for all or just solve the current dilemma!"

"What do you say?"

I rolled my eyes at Di Renjie, why should I delay when I could get rid of it once and for all.

Really awesome.

"Then Di Renjie can only repay him with his own treatment."

"Are you going to pick up the money and send it back? Are you going to send all other people's things back?"

Li Yanran also smiled. She seemed to have guessed what the other party wanted to do.

"Your Highness, you must return the things that don't belong to us!"

Di Renjie nodded, Li Yanran and he thought about it together.

If it was just an ordinary frame-up, then I wouldn't be too unreasonable.

But since you want someone else's life, you can only repay it with your own life.

Since they are unkind, don't blame yourself for being unrighteous.

Murderers are always killed.

"Well, you can make your own arrangements. This is not Chang'an. Do you need me to ask Liu Gu to help you?"

This matter is not simple. It is not that easy to send these armors back.

After all, the Changshi Mansion is the residence of high-ranking officials. It is difficult to sneak in without anyone noticing.

"Your Highness, you are worrying too much about this. Since they are going to raid us, the defense of Chang Shi's Mansion will probably not be so tight by then. It shouldn't be that difficult to sneak in!"

Di Renjie has already thought about it. Your all-out attack will give us the opportunity to steal the chicken.

"Okay, I'll leave these to you. I hope you won't disappoint me."

Patting Di Renjie on the shoulder, Li Yanran was still very confident in him.


Di Renjie smiled. He was not completely sure about these things, but he was [-]% to [-]% confident. "Okay, let's wait until we watch the show tonight!"

Li Yanran said and left directly. Since everything has been arranged, there is no point in her staying here.

The most important thing is that she is a bit conspicuous here and can easily expose her target.

After all, it is abnormal for a little baby to appear in this Longmen escort agency.

If someone discovers it, there will probably be some twists and turns.


Li Yanran left the Longmen Escort Agency under the escort of Li Siwen.

At noon, Di Renjie also started to close the net, catching all the spies and collecting all the armors at the same time.

These were Zhang Maosun's cronies, and they refused to obey Di Renjie's coercion and inducement. In desperation, Di Renjie had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​finding loopholes in these people.

He called Lin Cheng and told them to put away their armor. After whispering, the other party also left early to investigate the situation.

Time went by, and soon night fell, and Lin Cheng, who was already ready, took his armor and headed towards Zhang Maosun's Changshi Mansion.

"Brother Li, it's almost time!"

Li Siwen was so comfortable now. When he first got the news about Liu Gu, he was so worried that he couldn't sleep all day long.

Ever since Li Yanran brought Di Renjie here, he has returned to his previous state.

There's nothing more comfortable than lying flat on your back.

"Well, let's go then. Let's see if the fish eats the shrimp or the shrimp eats the fish tonight."

Li Yanran stood up slowly and stretched. She had been waiting every day.

If she waited any longer, she felt like she was going to get moldy.


Li Siwen quickly packed up and then rode the carriage towards the Longmen Escort Bureau's station.

"Chang Shi, it's almost time, it's time to take action!"

"Let's go, gather all the soldiers and horses, and make sure not a fly can fly out!"

Zhang Maosun's face was filled with seriousness. It was time to pick fruits.


Soon the soldiers and horses under Chang Shi's Mansion began to gather. At the same time, the soldiers and horses under Liu Gu's Liushou Mansion also got the news and gathered in advance.

"Stay here, it's time for curfew!"

"Let's go to Chang Shi's Mansion."

Liu Gu didn't know what Li Siwen and the others were thinking, but he had to deal with Zhang Maosun in the current situation.

We can only adapt to circumstances. If Li Siwen can't even pass this level, then there seems to be no need for him to follow and die.


Liu Gu left with the soldiers and horses of Liuzhou Mansion and headed in the direction of Chang Shi Mansion.

When Liu Gu arrived at Chang Shi's Mansion, Zhang Maosun was also riding on his horse and smiled at Liu Gu.

"Liu Liushou, you came on time!"

"Zhang Changshi, don't talk about this anymore, let's set off!"

Liu Gu was also wearing armor and said to Zhang Maosun in front of him.

Zhang Maosun glanced at Liu Gu. For some reason, he always felt that something was wrong with this guy.

But there was nothing unusual about his spies.

"Since there's nothing wrong, let's go and set off!"

Looking at Liu Gu again, Zhang Maosun also waved his hand and rode forward in the direction of Longmen Escort Bureau.


Liu Gu also sneered and followed Zhang Maosun.

The two parties came together and ran towards the Longmen Escort Bureau in a menacing manner.


Lin Cheng watched Zhang Maosun leave with his troops and immediately rushed towards Chang Shi's Mansion.

Zhang Maosun may not know until his death that while he was plotting against Li Siwen, someone was also stealing his home.

"Your Highness, they are coming!"

Li Siwen came to Li Yanran and told the situation outside.

"Well, now we're just waiting to see the show!"

Li Yanran opened the window on the second floor and looked at the fire dragon in the distance, with a cold light flashing in her eyes.

"I just don't know what the situation is in Lincheng."

Li Siwen frowned. There was nothing wrong with him now, but if he wanted to kill him, he still had to see whether Lin Cheng could return the other party's things.

"Don't worry, Lin Cheng will not let us down!"

Li Yanran was not worried at all. After all, Lin Cheng was an elite forbidden army. If he couldn't do these things well, it would really be useless.

"Then just wait and see what happens!"

Li Siwen also looked out the window, focusing on the crowds of people approaching from far away.

"Surround the Longmen escort agency for me!"

Looking at the large courtyard in front of him, Zhang Maosun waved his hand, and his soldiers immediately acted and surrounded the Longmen Escort Bureau.

"Liu Liushou!"

Liu Gu smiled and waved his hand, and the soldiers belonging to the Liushou Mansion also followed Zhang Maosun's people.

"Call the door!"

"Bang bang bang."

"Open the door!"

Several soldiers rushed forward and knocked on the door of Longmen Escort Bureau with beatings and kicks.


Hearing this voice, Di Renjie also smiled.

"Commander Di, is this door open?"

"Open, of course it's going to open."

Di Renjie said and walked ahead. How could he send Zhang Maosun to his death without opening the door?
"Break the door!"

Seeing no response from inside, Zhang Maosun also waved his hand, indicating to his subordinates to be tough.


Several soldiers also picked up the battering ram and rushed towards the door.


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