My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 688 Believe it or not, I can make you kneel down!

Zhang Maosun also realized at this moment that he was being tricked and was being played around like a monkey.

Unexpectedly, I spent [-] yuan, but in the end I bought a white-eyed wolf.

"Zhang Changshi, I don't like what I said, what do you mean by betrayal? I have never been with you!"

Having said this, Liu Gu stopped hiding it and directly stated his identity.

When did I spend time with you, even if I did, it was only in your own mind.

Bangchui, Bangchui.

"Liu Gu, I advise you not to be conceited, but you are seeking your own death!"

Zhang Maosun stared at Liu Gu with his eyes full of threats.

"Liu Liushou, don't waste any time arguing with him, just take him down!"

Li Siwen was too lazy to listen to Zhang Maosun's nonsense, and directly ordered Liu Gu to take down the opponent.

Of course, he was telling Liu Gu now as the emperor's special envoy.


Liu Gu naturally understood the identity of the other party, and directly waved his hand to signal his soldiers to capture Zhang Maosun.


Now not only Zhang Maosun was dumbfounded, but also all the soldiers under both sides were dumbfounded.

Just now they were a family, inside and outside. Why did it suddenly become like this?

"Why are you standing there? Do it!"


The soldiers and horses of the left-behind mansion immediately boiled and rushed towards Zhang Maosun.

"I see who dares!"

The soldiers and horses of the left-behind mansion moved, and Zhang Maosun's people took action immediately to stop the opponent.

"Liu Gu, I'll tell you that you are a big watermelon and eggplant, you are a despicable and shameless villain who goes back on your word.

You took my money and now you are playing this trick with me. You really think I am afraid of you.

I am the governor of Luozhou, and I have not made any serious mistakes. Who can accuse me?

Besides, you are staying in Luoyang and have no authority over me. If you dare to touch me, aren't you afraid of His Majesty's reproach? "

Zhang Maosun also had a cold look on his face. You Liu Gu may be the boss in Luoyang, but you are invincible in the entire Luozhou.

Except for the emperor's edict, it can be said that no one in Luoyang can touch him at all.

But now the emperor wants to issue an edict to arrest him, is it possible?It's simply not possible.

"Are you going to heaven or something? Those who know you are the governor of Luo, but those who don't know think you are the King of Heaven."

Li Siwen did not expect that even at this time, Zhang Maosun would still be stubborn and arrogant.

It's so annoying.

"Li Siwen, if you dare to speak nonsense again, be careful, I will punish you for disrespecting the superior."

Zhang Maosun doesn't have the evidence now, and he can't get Li Siwen.

We should still be wary of British public figures Li Ji and Li Yanran.

"Disrespecting Shangguan? Zhang Maosun, do you believe I can make you kneel down for me!"


Zhang Maosun was really stupid now. Did he hear it correctly? Li Siwen actually asked him to kneel down?
"Li Siwen, what did you say?"

"I said I could make you kneel down!"

Li Siwen put his hands on his hips and his eyes were filled with pride.

Although this special envoy is a thunderbolt and can't tell what he will be like in the end, he is very happy now.

No matter what your long history is, staying behind means nothing in front of yourself.

"I rebelled against you, you really thought you were lawless, didn't you?

It is true that your father is a public servant, but you are just a white man. ,

Even if he has a title, it doesn't matter. In my opinion, he is just a kid playing in the mud.

I want to see how you made me kneel down! "

Zhang Maosun was really angry now. A young boy could say such shameless words.

The family of the reckless man really has a lax family tradition, and even if he is the Duke of the country, he is just a violent person.

By the time Li Ji passes away a hundred years later, this British lineage may not survive for a few generations.

"Then just watch and ask for the imperial edict!"

Li Siwen saluted with both hands in the direction of Chang'an.

Since you asked the question sincerely, I can only mercifully let you know.

Lin Cheng held the brocade box containing the imperial edict in both hands and slowly brought it to Li Siwen.

"Holy decree?"

Zhang Maosun was completely stupid now. How could an imperial edict suddenly appear so suddenly?
The emperor is thousands of miles away, so even if he has the ability to predict the unknown, it is impossible for him to do this.

Could it be that the emperor had planned this for a long time, and that these were all his strategies, just to catch himself as a little fish?

No, I can't get into His Majesty's eyes. Could it be that His Majesty wants to target the aristocratic family behind him?

Zhang Maosun also took a breath of air when he thought of this. If this is really the case, things will really change in Luoyang.

"Zhang Maosun, are you kneeling now or not?"

Li Siwen held the imperial edict and looked coldly at Zhang Maosun in front of him.

This special envoy now wants to see if you will kneel or not!
"Your Majesty Liu Gu respectfully welcomes the imperial edict!"

No matter what Zhang Maosun thought, Liu Gu first bowed.

This is an imperial edict, as if the emperor is coming in person, all etiquette must be fulfilled.

"Welcome the imperial edict!"

"Welcome the imperial edict!"

"Welcome the imperial edict!"

Liu Gu saluted, and the men and horses in the residence and the bodyguards at the school all saluted Li Siwen and the imperial edict in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Maosun's people also hesitated, and finally they all gave in and knelt in front of Li Siwen.

In the end, only Zhang Maosun was staring at Li Siwen.Seeing Zhang Maosun still standing there, Li Siwen stepped forward and slapped him.

"You dare to hit me?"

Zhang Maosun covered his mouth, his eyes full of anger.

Although he is not a wealthy family, he is also an heir of poetry and calligraphy.

No one has ever dared to do this to him since he was a child, not even his father has ever beaten him like this.

"Come here, kill him!"

Zhang Maosun yelled angrily. He couldn't control anything now. The only thing he had to do was to take down Li Siwen and chop off his head.

Only in this way can the great hatred in one's heart be relieved.

But Zhang Maosun shouted, but no one answered.

No matter whether you are smart or stupid, you have already seen the situation.

Someone has the Holy Purpose, so to attack Li Siwen now is to commit rebellion.

This is treacherous and will implicate the nine clans.

"Zhang Maosun, this is the holy purpose. I ask you again, kneel or not!"

Li Siwen slapped him again. You are a fool and you still can't understand the situation.

If you dare to act arrogant, you are like a nine-headed insect, and your head is not big enough to cut off by yourself.

"Your Majesty Zhang Maosun respectfully welcomes the imperial edict!"

After two ears of melon seeds went down, Zhang Maosun was also woken up by the slap. He shivered and knelt in front of Li Siwen.

When the imperial edict arrives, no matter who he is, even if he is the emperor's son or the prince of the Tang Dynasty, he will kneel down to receive the edict.

With a sidelong glance at Zhang Maosun, Li Siwen also read out the imperial edict in front of everyone.

From this moment on, he, Li Siwen, was no longer the original Li Siwen, but the emperor's incarnation in Luoyang, the imperial envoy on behalf of Tianxun.

From this moment on, the whole of Luoyang, and even the surrounding Luozhou, must obey his orders.

"Liu Gu received the order."

Liu Gu glanced at the pale Zhang Maosun and was the first to accept the order.

Soon there was a response like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

"Zhang Maosun, don't you accept the decree? Or do you simply want to resist the decree!"

Li Siwen's whole body and mind were focused on Zhang Maosun. He wanted to see what this grandson would do.

"Zhang Maosun received the order."

Now Zhang Maosun has nothing to resist. The imperial edict has been issued, and Li Siwen is already the most powerful person in Luoyang.

He has lost the ability to fight against the opponent.

His offensive round was over, and it was time for Li Siwen to take action.

Fortunately, he didn't do anything extraordinary, and he also took care of everything that needed to be done.

The tail was swept away, and he made no big mistake. Even if Li Siwen was the imperial envoy, he could not deal with himself, the governor of Luo, at will.

Unless Li Siwen goes crazy and has to fight him to the death.

"Just take the order, come here, capture Zhang Maosun for me!"

Li Siwen waved his hand, indicating that Zhang Maosun should be taken down directly.

"Who dares to touch me? I am the governor of Luo.

Li Siwen, even if you are His Majesty's special envoy, you cannot take me for nothing.

Otherwise, you have violated the laws of the Tang Dynasty and will be prosecuted by the Tang Dynasty! "

Zhang Maosun stood up directly and glanced at the imperial troops surrounding him with disdain in his eyes.

Although the official level is overwhelming, it is only for government affairs. It is impossible to take down oneself for no reason.

"Special Envoy Li, since Zhang Changshi wants a reason, how about I give it to him?"

Liu Gu smiled slightly, Zhang Maosun, do you really think you have wiped your butt clean?

Don’t you know that God is watching what people do?If you don't want others to know, don't do anything except yourself.

"Oh? Liu Liushou, do you have anything good?"

Hearing Liu Gu's words, Li Siwen also looked forward to it a little. Does he have any other back-ups?

"Haha, the special envoy will know it at a glance!"

Liu Gu also gave up and clapped his hands directly.

There was a commotion in the crowd, and several people were immediately sent over.

"This is?"

Looking at these people, Li Siwen was stunned for a moment, wondering what their identities were.

"Special Envoy Li, it's normal that you don't know their identities. Zhang Changshi must be very familiar with them!"

Liu Gu smiled, you don't know, but you can't stand Zhang Mao and Sun Shu!

"Du Dufang!"

Sure enough, Zhang Maosun was stunned when he saw Du Fang's face clearly.

He should have been on the Naihe Bridge by now, how could he appear here.

Could it be said that it was all Liu Gu's good deeds?

"That's right, Special Envoy Li, this is Du Fang, a junior official in the Changshi Mansion. Du Fang has not met Special Envoy Li yet!"

Seeing Zhang Maosun's stunned look, Liu Gu also gave Du Fang a look.

"Du Fang has met Special Envoy Li!"

Du Fang hurriedly saluted Li Siwen, who was now his life-saving straw.

He had just been rescued from the tiger's mouth by Liu Gu, but after all, he was helping Zhang Maosun do those dirty and tiring things, and it was the Special Envoy's Longmen Escort Bureau who framed him.

If the opponent really wanted to kill him, he could kill him in minutes.

"Du Fang?"

Li Siwen frowned. The other party was a minor official in the Changshi Mansion. Could it be that he knew Zhang Maosun's secret?
"Du Fang, tell us what good things you have done for our Zhang Changshi!"

Liu Gu also gave Du Fang a look, indicating that he should quickly tell all Zhang Maosun's good deeds.


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