My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 689 Is this a coincidence?I also received a tip!

Du Fang hurriedly saluted and told all the dirty things he had done for Zhang Maosun, especially how he framed the Longmen Escort Agency.

"Special Envoy Li, what Du Fang said is all lies.

As the governor of Luozhou, how could I possibly do those things that break the law knowingly and illegally?

It is even less likely that there will be so-called frame-up with armor. These Longmen escort agencies are the best proof. "

Zhang Maosun sneered. Now he was really glad that he didn't find the armor he had hidden in the Longmen Escort Agency.

Otherwise, he really couldn't tell clearly.


Liu Gu also glanced at Li Siwen beside him. Young people are young people.

Some of you can't handle the pressure. If you keep these armors now, you can catch Zhang Maosun off guard.


"Special Envoy Li, Du Fang is a minor official in the Changshi Mansion, but he has a grudge against me and wantonly framed me. Please leave this Du Fang to me."

Now that he had no leverage, Zhang Maosun became hardened again and even asked Li Siwen to have sex with Du Fang.

"Di Renjie, what did Zhang Changshi say when he came in?"

Li Siwen was not panicked at all. So what if there is no armor here? Do you know that we have prepared a big gift for you.

"Returning to Special Envoy Li. When we entered, Zhang Changshi said that he had received a secret report that the Longmen Escort Bureau was planning to commit rebellion and was secretly hiding prohibited items."

Di Renjie smiled, now it was time for him to counterattack.

"Zhang Changshi, is this a coincidence? I also received a secret report.

I don't know what you want to say about Zhang Changshi's intention to commit rebellion and hide prohibited items. "

Li Siwen smiled slightly. It was a coincidence. He thought so too.

Intention of treason and hiding prohibited items is really a good word.

"Haha, Special Envoy Li, I, Zhang Maosunxing, am sitting upright, and everyone in Luoyang knows who I am.

If you want to use these unfounded charges to accuse me, even if you can deceive His Majesty, you can't deceive all living beings and ordinary people. "

Zhang Maosun was not afraid at all. He paid great attention to his reputation in Luoyang.

In front of others, he always seemed to love the people and be an official. In addition to a wife, a daughter, and three or five slaves, he was praised by the people of Luoyang.

When mentioning Zhang Maosun, no one gives a thumbs up.

But secretly, he took in four concubines, each of whom was well-dressed and well-fed.

Therefore, what he is least afraid of is for others to search his house, because nothing can be found there except his name.

Not to mention the so-called contraband.

"Haha, then let's go to Zhang Changshi's house to check it out. If nothing is found, we can settle the matter with the Longmen Escort Agency!"

Li Siwen's face was filled with disdain. He knew you were awesome and knew you were pretending to be one.

But no matter how you pretend, you can't stand being framed by others.

Just like the dirty things you did in Longmen Escort Bureau, this is called not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of being missed by thieves.

"it is good!"

Seeing Li Siwen so sure, Zhang Maosun's heart was beating, but he had to shoot as the arrow was on the string.

He couldn't stop the other party now, just like Di Renjie couldn't stop him at the beginning.

Why?The first level of officialdom crushes people to death.


Li Siwen waved his hand, and everyone turned into a fire dragon and ran towards Zhang Maosun's Changshi Mansion.

"Go in and search!"

Looking at the somewhat dilapidated Changshi Mansion, Li Siwen also inherited Zhang Maosun's arrogance and directly ordered soldiers to go in and search.

"Search, search whatever you want! Searches are welcome!"

Zhang Maosun smiled. It would be amazing to see what kind of contraband you can find in this broken house.

After a long time, the soldiers who stayed in the mansion returned and reported directly to Li Siwen, but found nothing.

"Lin Cheng, go!"


Lin Cheng saluted and went directly to the place where he hid his armor, and took out all the armor Zhang Maosun had prepared for Longmen Escort Bureau.

"Return to the special envoy and search these armors from Zhang Changshi's mansion."

Looking at the armor Lin Cheng held in his hand, Zhang Maosun was stunned.

Aren't these the armors from the previous dynasty that he sent to Longmen Escort Agency?How could he appear in his own house?

Could it be that.
Thinking of this, Zhang Maosun shuddered. He might have underestimated Li Siwen, a young boy.

If all this is true, then he will really be doomed.

"Zhang Changshi, what do you have to explain!"

"Li Siwen, you are cheating on me!"

Zhang Maosun's eyes almost flew out. If eyes could kill, Li Siwen would have been cut into 360 pieces.

"Zhang Changshi, what did you say? What do you mean by taunting you?

You should think about how to explain this now. Hiding armor privately is a crime of treason. I will kill you ten times! "

Li Siwen's face was full of disdain, just to spite you.

You are allowed to cheat on others, but others are not allowed to cheat on you?
Doesn't your reasoning make sense?
Old stick, wait to die!

"Take it!"


The soldiers from the left-behind mansion dispatched directly and captured Zhang Maosun on the spot.

Seeing Zhang Maosun being captured, Luozhou soldiers and horses did not dare to move.

Because everyone knows that Zhang Maosun is finished. If anyone helps Zhang Maosun now, even if he just says a word, he is an accomplice.

You can lose your head in minutes.

Some people do the profitable business, but no one does the beheading business.

"Zhang Changshi, do you have anything to say now?"

Seeing Zhang Maosun who was about to be pushed to the ground, Li Siwen felt much relieved.Where's your awesomeness?What's your magic like?

No more pretending now!

"Winner or loser, I lost this time, I have nothing to say.

But do you think you won?Hahaha! "

Zhang Maosun sneered. This time he really missed a move and lost. There was nothing he could do.

But this does not mean that Li Siwen has completely won. Who knows whether a miracle will happen until the end of the matter.

It's not certain that I'll be able to make a comeback by then.

Li Siwen slapped him again, which only made Zhang Maosun's eyes glow with gold and his mind went blank.

"You're so tough-talking, take it away from me!"


Lin Cheng escorted Zhang Maosun away, and Liu Gu quickly came to his side.

"Special Envoy Li, what are you going to do next? As Zhang Maosun said, this matter is not over yet.

He is just the brand that the family puts forward. If they want real stability, they have to find a way to deal with Cui Zhe and the others. "

Liu Gu said what he meant directly.

It is true that Zhang Maosun won, but the matter is not completely over yet.

The aristocratic family is the mastermind behind this matter. Without them, it will be too difficult for Luoyang to live peacefully.

"Then based on what you see, what should we do?"

Li Siwen also frowned. He also knew that this matter was not that easy, but what should he do?

“If you want to win over those aristocratic families who are adding fuel to the flames, you have to pry open Li Siwen’s mouth.

But this guy is famous for being soft-spoken and has a bad temper.

He believes that even if nine cows are tied together, he can't bring it back, so it's up to Li Special Agent to find a solution for this matter! "

Liu Gu smiled. He had some ideas, but they were all based on winning Zhang Maosun.

But he has known Zhang Maosun for a long time. This guy is really invulnerable. There is nothing he can do against him anyway.

We can only hope that Li Siwen will have some wild ideas.

"We'll talk about it when we go back first. It was too hard tonight."

Li Siwen frowned. He didn't dare to make a decision on his own in this matter. After all, Brother Li was there, and it wasn't his turn to slap him on the head.


Liu Gu nodded and directly ordered the soldiers to return to camp.

"Brother Li, it's all done!"

Li Siwen and Di Renjie returned and excitedly reported the results to Li Yanran.

"Zhang Maosun confessed?"

Li Yanran smiled and knew from their looks that it must have gone well.

"Not yet, but the evidence is solid and there is no way for him to quibble, but!"

While talking, Li Siwen stopped. It was already so late, and he didn't want Li Yanran to lose sleep.

"But this matter is not over yet, right? Zhang Maosun has been solved on the surface, but the family in the dark will become more dangerous, right?"

He rolled his eyes at Li Siwen, what a grown man looked like hesitating.

Do you really think you are blind and deaf?

If you can't even see this, how can you still be the boss of a fool like you?

"Brother Li, since you know everything, I won't hide it anymore.

If you want to clean up the aristocratic family in the dark, the most important thing is this grandson.

As long as he opens his mouth, he can tear off a piece of flesh from the noble family.

But Liu Gu had no idea how to break through Zhang Maosun's defense. "

Li Siwen also told everything he knew about the situation.

Through such a short period of contact, he also had a certain understanding of Zhang Maosun, and it could be seen that this old man was definitely not an easy character to deal with.

If you want to win him, you have to rely on Brother Li.

"No one is perfect, and no one is barefoot. He will have shortcomings, but others haven't found them yet."

Li Yanran smiled slightly. She didn't believe that there were people in this world who didn't have weaknesses.

As long as he finds it, it won't be a problem to capture Zhang Maosun.

"But how to find it? Where to start?"

Li Siwen tilted his head. He naturally knew that humans have shortcomings, but what were the shortcomings of this maosun?

"Di Renjie, what do you think?"

Li Yanran looked at Di Renjie who was silent on the side. This kind of calculating work should be left to professionals.

"Your Highness, the crimes Zhang Maosun has committed now range from major to minor.

At a small scale, it would be enough to chop off one of his heads, but at a big scale, it would be a crime of treason, and it would be easy to kill the Nine Clan.

If we use family members as threats, as long as he is willing to cooperate with us, we will kill only one person. If he does not cooperate, we will kill them all.

I don’t know what Zhang Maosun will think when the time comes. "

Di Renjie has been thinking about Zhang Maosun's weakness. At least in his opinion, the only way to take action now is from his family.

Although he didn't want to be too violent, sometimes it was just like that.

In court battles, you will die or I will live.

There is no justice and morality, only victory and defeat.

As for the wives and children who will be affected, I can only blame them for being with the wrong person.

"Threatening family members is a good strategy, Di Renjie, you go find out what Zhang Maosun says tomorrow.

If he agrees, there is no need to commit too many crimes.

If you don’t agree, we’ll find a way! "

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