My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 690 Are you worthy of being called Iron Bone?

Li Yanran nodded, and now she could only believe Di Renjie's calculations. After all, what the other party was best at was scheming.

Yuanfang, what do you think, made her chase him for many years.


"Okay, I'm tired. It's too late and will delay my beauty sleep! Li Feng, leave!"

Li Yanran stretched out. After waiting for such a long time, she was finally satisfied for the time being.


Li Feng said and followed Li Yanran, leaving the second floor and heading towards Li Siwen's mansion.

The next day, Zhang Maosun's incident spread throughout Luoyang City, and the entire Luoyang City was detonated in an instant.

After all, he was the governor of Luozhou, the de facto leader of the entire Luozhou, and he was arrested as soon as he said he would be arrested?
"What? Zhang Maosun was actually arrested? Or was he hiding the armor with the intention of treason?

is it possible?He was the governor of Luo, hadn't Liu Gu already received the money?
what is happening. "

After receiving the news, Cui Zhe stood up immediately, his eyes full of surprise.

"That's right, the news just came.

It is said that His Majesty has issued an imperial edict and appointed Li Siwen as the special envoy to govern Luoyang and all affairs surrounding Luozhou.

Zhang Changshi was captured by this special envoy. As for why he had armor at home, I don't know. "

The person who reported the news was also depressed and had no way to answer Cui Zhe's questions. He could only tell everything he knew.

"Check it out for me. You must figure out the ins and outs of this! Be quick!"


The man saluted and left, but he was stopped by Cui Zhe before he had even taken two steps.

"You go find the other families and come over immediately, hurry!"


Soon all the heads of several aristocratic families in Luoyang rushed over.

"Cui Zhe, didn't you ensure that this matter was foolproof before? Why has it become like this now? You must give us an explanation!"

Lu Yuanyi looked at Cui Zhe, his eyes full of depression.

I thought it was a good opportunity to vent my anger, but now it's gone.

Not only did he not go out with this tone, but he also spent 15 yuan to go out with a Luo governor, which might even implicate them.

I really went to my grandma's house.

"Lu Yuanyi, did I ask you to come here because of a quarrel?"
What we have to do now is not to hold anyone responsible, but to find ways to minimize losses.

At the very least, we must ensure that Zhang Maosun will not bite us like a mad dog. "

Cui Zhe really wants to give Lu Yuanyi a big-eared melon seed now, what time is it now?

I still have to explain to you. I really want an explanation.

It’s really weird. I don’t know what’s going on in your head?Will Ollie give it?

"Yes, Cui Zhe is right. Now we need to find a way to make Zhang Maosun stop talking, or even shut up completely!"

A trace of cruelty flashed in Zheng Qing's eyes. It doesn't matter if Zhang Maosun dies, it doesn't matter if he loses some money.

Only this fire cannot burn him. This is something he will never allow.

If a person doesn't fight for his own good, he will be punished by heaven and earth. Who can make him feel at ease?I'm afraid there are only dead people.

"I feel like you are being too unfounded. Don't you know who this Maosun is?
It is impossible for Li Siwen to confess us from his mouth. Don't worry, the matter is not that dangerous! "

Wang Ming didn't take it seriously.

He knew Zhang Maosun's character very well and admired him very much.

Such a person also believes that the other party will not betray him, so there is nothing to worry about at all.

"Human beings have shortcomings. We cannot bet on a person's character with our wealth and life, because we represent not only ourselves, but also the faces and interests of the four major families in Luoyang.

So now we must find a way to shut him up, such as protecting his wife and daughter immediately.

Then he told Zhang Maosun that as long as he didn't talk nonsense and took all the responsibility, I would protect their wife and daughter. "

Cui Zhe thought for a while, and it seemed that the current situation could only use Zhang Maosun's wife and daughter as bargaining chips to threaten the other party.

"As I say, just stop doing nothing and kill Zhang Maosun directly, so that we can end it all at once.

I only believe that the dead cannot speak. As long as a living person is alive, nothing can be foolproof! "

Lu Yuanyi raised his brows, asking what was the use of talking nonsense.

As long as a person is alive, he is a threat. Instead of plotting something here, it is better to just kill the person and end it once and for all.

“Lu Yuanyi, I warn you not to act recklessly, Zhang Maosun cannot die yet.

Now that His Majesty's special envoy has appeared, it proves that he has noticed the situation in Luoyang.

If Zhang Maosun suddenly died now, what would His Majesty think?
A dignified long history suddenly died, and everyone knew that there was something wrong inside. Only Zhang Maosun could bear everything.

Besides, Li Siwen will definitely deploy heavy troops, and killing people is not that easy.

Rather than killing people, it is better to govern them. This is the best strategy! "

Cui Zhe almost drew his knife in anger. He really didn't expect why the dignified Lu family would send Lu Yuanyi, a reckless man, to take charge of Luoyang's affairs.

It can really make people mad!

"A woman's kindness, you can see it, but Li Siwen can't see it? I'm afraid he took her away last night.

Aren't you saying that you are afraid that he will die suddenly and you can't explain it clearly?Then spend money to buy relationships and make it look like committing suicide.

If one hundred guan is not enough, then [-] guan is not enough. If [-] guan is not enough, then [-] guan is not enough. Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. "

Although Lu Yuanyi was reckless, it didn't mean he was stupid. After saying these words, the three of them were all stunned. "what to do?"

"First send someone to check on Zhang Maosun's condition. If this is the case, then we should consider letting him commit suicide!"

Cui Zhe glanced at Lu Yuanyi again. He really didn't expect that this guy could say such words. It really made him a little surprised.

If this is the case, Lu Yuanyi will have to be careful in the future to avoid being betrayed by this guy again.

"Okay, then do it!"

A group of people also left separately.

While Cui Zhe and the others were discussing, Li Siwen had already arrived at Zhang Maosun's prison.

In order to prevent those people from jumping over the wall and ensure Zhang Maosun's safety, the prison has now been replaced by Li Yanran's Imperial Army and the British Duke's troops.

He couldn't trust the people in the yamen, even Liu Gu's soldiers from the left-behind mansion.

"Zhang Maosun, this special envoy is here to see you!"


Looking at Zhang Maosun sitting in the cell, Li Siwen was also stunned for a moment.

Why is this guy so calm?It's a bit abnormal.

"So, are you still used to living in this cell?"

After shaking his head, Li Siwen also smiled at Zhang Maosun.

"Don't be pretentious. Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Zhang Maosun still closed his eyes, not even looking at Li Siwen.

"Zhang Maosun, you must know the current situation better than anyone else. You definitely have no way to survive, but you can find a way out for your family! What do you think?"

Li Siwen was not angry, so he couldn't mess with a mortal man.

"Do you want me to reveal the person behind me?"

Zhang Maosun opened his eyes and looked at Li Siwen in front of him, his eyes full of smiles.

But this smile was full of sarcasm.

"Yes, if you are willing to cooperate with me, I will ensure that this matter will be trivialized and only you will be killed. I will save the lives of your wife and daughter."

Li Siwen nodded, talking to smart people is that simple.

"Li Siwen, don't you think Zhang Maosun is not smart?"

"Zhang Maosun, what do you mean? Do you really want to give up your family for those aristocratic families?
Are you worthy of your wife and underage daughter? "

Li Siwen was stunned, not knowing what this guy meant.

Do you really want to abandon your loved ones for those who have nothing to do with you, causing them to die innocently?

"Li Siwen, you can't kill me now, do you believe it?"

Zhang Maosun smiled confidently and said something that made Li Siwen confused.

"Do you really think those aristocratic families will go to war because of you? You are overthinking it!
In their eyes, you are not only an abandoned child but also a volcano that may erupt at any time.

It's too late for them to kill you now, let alone save you.

Besides, everyone has seen the armor you secretly hid, and there are both witnesses and physical evidence. How can you make a big difference? "

Li Siwen doesn't know who gave Zhang Maosun the confidence to kill you?
Do you really think you are a god?It would be amazing if you could reverse the verdict now.

"I have been operating in Luoyang for several years, and I have worked hard without any credit.

I think I am fairly honest as an official, and I am quite popular among the people.

Your frame-up plan is so clumsy that the people of Luoyang will not accept it.

If they cause trouble by then, even His Majesty will not be able to kill me indiscriminately! "

Zhang Maosun smiled coldly, do you really think that I have been pretending to be a good person in Luoyang for so many years for nothing?

This is my capital. As long as those aristocratic families are not stupid and incite the common people, Li Siwen will be unable to get off the tiger!

Even if Li Siwen really kills him for this crime, he will be regarded as a righteous man and can remain in the hearts of the people.

"Hmph! Let's see who can have the last laugh!"

Li Siwen just slapped him with a melon seed. You are so damn imprisoned, and you are still showing off with me?

Do you really think you are some kind of fairy?

"No delivery!"

Zhang Maosun felt his head buzzing. Li Siwen's hand was so strong that he almost stopped breathing.


Li Siwen waved his hand, ordered the soldiers to take strict precautions, and then left.

"Brother Li, that's not possible. This Maosun is so incompetent that he doesn't even want his wife and daughter. He just wants to fight to the end.

I really want to kill such a thing with a knife. He is such a shameless villain!
This man still claims to be an upright official, and even says that if I want to kill him, I have to ask the people of Luoyang if they agree.

I really don’t know where his face is, where the confidence comes from that makes him so self-righteous. "

Li Siwen was so angry that he had never seen such a shameless person.

In order to reach the top, in order to climb up, he was able to ignore anything, and his wife and daughter could be abandoned at any time.

If he couldn't be killed now, Li Siwen's sword would have been unsheathed long ago.

"Is Zhang Maosun so cruel?"

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