My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 691: Trick them, collect some interest first!

After hearing Li Siwen's words, Di Renjie felt a little numb.

The people he has met since becoming Bingzhou's legal advisor are all kinds of strange, and even extremely evil people rarely do such things.

If a person is really cold and heartless to this extent, is he still a human being?
He didn't know that this Maosun would be like this.

"That's right, so we have to think of other ways."

Li Siwen had a sad look on his face. He had already accomplished more than half of the task and was just missing the last tremor.

As a result, the trembling stopped. Not to mention how uncomfortable he was now.

“If a person can do this, then it is not an exaggeration to say that he is invulnerable.

If even a close relative can be abandoned at will, I really can’t think of how to deal with him! "

Di Renjie tilted his head. He had no good solution for the time being.

"Who did you say he disagreed with just now?"

Li Yanran listened to the two people talking there and understood the meaning clearly.

"Who doesn't agree? He said that the people of Luoyang don't agree!"

Li Siwen glanced at Li Yanran and repeated Zhang Maosun's words.

"What's the official reputation of this maosun?"

Li Yanran touched her chin, as if she had caught something.

"How is your official reputation? You love the people like your own children, and you are honest and upright. Anyway, you can be considered a good official!"

Li Siwen thought for a moment and mentioned Zhang Maosun's reputation.

"Good officials? Haha, I have seen too many good officials, but they are all poor in front of others and noble in back.

What is the purpose of life?Money, power, fame and fortune, even a saint cannot escape.

Didn’t he say that he was an honest official and a parent official?Then check it out for me.

I really don’t believe it. Is this Maosun really an impeccable person?

As long as you can find any stain on him, you can force him to submit.

Do you think he wanted to die as an upright official in the admiration of all people, or as a corrupt official who had his head chopped off? "

Li Yanran smiled. Ancient people loved their names more than their own lives.

That's why there are so many admonishing officials and ministers who dare to risk their lives to remonstrate. Isn't it just a reputation they want?

Human beings are inherently mortal, either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather.

If you can leave your name in history and be admired by future generations when you die, then you will have died well.

Now he can see that this Maosun is really not afraid of death, but there are things that he is afraid of.

There is no cat that doesn't steal fish. Zhang Maosun must have something that he doesn't like, but they just didn't find it.

"I will arrange for someone to do it!"

Li Siwen nodded. Luoyang is such a big place. He believed that as long as he worked hard, he could always find what he wanted.

If you really find out about this old stick's stain, you must definitely take care of him.

"Your Highness, Di Renjie has something he doesn't know whether to say or not!"

Di Renjie glanced at Li Yanran and hesitated.

"you say!"

"Zhang Maosun's family can actually be used as bait.

We know that Zhang Maosun is a shameless person who has no conscience, but those aristocratic families don't know.

You can definitely use them to trick those people again!Collect some interest first. "

After Di Renjie finished speaking, he looked at Li Yanran, wondering what His Highness was thinking.

“It’s okay to use their identities to do things, but I don’t allow them to have any security problems.

Meeting such a heartless husband and father is unfair to them. "

Li Yanran frowned. She had no objection to what Di Renjie did.

But people can do whatever it takes, but there is no bottom line.

An old, weak woman and child, to be honest, she didn't want to take action unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, Di Renjie is not Zhang Maosun, I'm just using their reputation to do something!"

Di Renjie nodded heavily, Li Yanran was really good.

Being brave and resourceful, the key is to have a bottom line, it is such a good person to be a person.

Di Renjie left, but Li Siwen was stunned, wondering what medicine Di Renjie was selling in his gourd.

"Brother Li, what exactly is Di Renjie going to do?"

"It's just that he wants to take advantage of the information gap to tell people from the aristocratic family that Zhang Maosun's wife and daughter are in his hands, and then take some more money out of their hands!

Now that everyone is under our control, the aristocratic family must also want to use this to blackmail Zhang Maosun into not talking nonsense. This is an opportunity. "

Li Yanran is clear about Di Renjie's ideas.

"I didn't expect that Di Renjie looked nice, but he was such a cunning person on the inside."

After listening to Li Yanran's explanation, Li Siwen was completely stunned.

He really didn't expect that this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes would be full of bad ideas.

It seems that I still have to be careful about that kid in the future, so that I don't have to count the money to him after being sold by him.

"Treachery? Is this called treachery?

We must know that the people we are facing have no morality at all. Only by being more cunning than them can we defeat them.

So what Di Renjie did was not only right, but also very right.

These are what you need to learn, you know? "

Li Yanran directly asked Li Siwen, what is treachery?
If you want to defeat those insidious people, you can only be more insidious and cunning than them.

Only in this way can we not be hurt and have the last laugh.

"I can't learn from him. Changsun Yan is the most suitable one. He has been very naughty since he was a child, and he also has the genes for this!"

Li Siwen also shuddered when he heard that Li Yanran wanted to learn Di Renjie's methods.

Since he was a child, his father has taught him to be upright and upright, and to be courageous and responsible.

This set of rules of conduct has been with him since he grew up, and it would indeed conflict with his thoughts to ask him to learn any conspiracy and tricks now. "What are you talking about? Come back here!"

Looking at Li Siwen's back, Li Yanran also shouted.

"Brother Li, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first!"

Unexpectedly, Li Siwen ran even more happily after hearing this, and disappeared in front of Li Yanran with the wind all the way.

"wooden club!"

Li Yanran also sighed and shook her head.

The four sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks under his command, in the final analysis, are really the most suitable ones for Changsun Yan.

After all, this guy is full of bad ideas at first glance, and he has been influenced by Chang Sun Wuji. If he really learns it, he should be talented.

Forget about the remaining three!One is more interesting than the other, and one is more stupid than the other.

When the time came, he didn't take advantage of others, but instead became the weight for the other party's breakthrough.

"Miss, eat dates!"

As always, Li Feng took out a few dates from his arms and handed them to Li Yanran's hand.

"Hello again!"

Li Yanran smiled, grabbed a date and bit it.

"So sweet!"


Just when Di Renjie was planning around Zhang Maosun's people, Cui Zhe and his people were also in trouble, because now Zhang Maosun's wife and daughter were in the hands of Li Yanran's imperial army.

Not to mention finding ways to kidnap people, they couldn't even enter Chang Shi's Mansion.

"How to do?"

The four of them got together again, and everyone looked at Cui Zhe, hoping that he could give him an idea.

"What to do? How do I know?

At this moment, even if we want to spend money, we can't find a place to spend it. No one knows how many cards Li Siwen has in his hand who suddenly appeared! "

Cui Zhe also has a black face. If he can't be taken down, it will be difficult for Zhang Maosun.

"Since you don't know, just do as I say and just pay someone to kill Zhang Maosun. Even if you are in trouble, you won't be so passive now!"

Lu Yuanyi stood up directly. Since you don’t know, just follow what I said.

In the end, the conspiracy and conspiracy are not about fists. If you kill Zhang Maosun as soon as possible, you won't be worried all day long.

"Lu Yuanyi, what you're doing is our last resort, and we can't use it unless it's a last resort.

Now we should think about how to capture all Zhang Maosun's wives and daughters. This is the top priority. "

Cui Zhe clenched his fists. Now he really wanted to thank his family for developing him an excellent self-cultivation skill.

If it weren't for the wrong timing, if Lu Yuanyi wasn't of a high status, if he hadn't read poetry and books, he would have drawn his sword to kill someone right now.

“Take, take, take, why do you take it?

If there is really any difference between trying to forcefully break in and killing Zhang Maosun, I would just capture the thief and capture the king directly to save the trouble! "

Lu Yuanyi rolled his eyes at Cui Zhe and chattered all day long.

Don’t you know what it means to be unstoppable and suffer chaos?
In the end, we got stuck in the mud and got deeper and deeper.

"You Lu Yuanyi."

"Master, someone sent a letter!"

Just when Cui Zhe was about to explode, the servants of the family also walked in.

"Who allowed you to come in? Didn't you see me talking about something? Pull me down and kill me with a cane!"

Cui Zhe slapped the table. He was worried that there was no place to vent his anger, so you barged in.

Consider that the blessings you cultivated in your previous life can help me solve my problems. In your next life, work hard and join a good family.

"Master, please forgive me."

"Ah San knows that you have something important to discuss here, but the person who sent the letter said that this letter can help you solve your problems, so Ah San risked his life to send it!"

Ah San knelt on the ground with a plop, holding the letter in his hands, his eyes full of horror.

"Cui Zhe, I think this man is quite loyal. Read the letter first and then discuss his life and death!"

Zheng Qing smiled. This Ah San was quite good. He dared to do this for his master. It would be a pity to kill him just like that.

"Bring it!"

Cui Zhe frowned, waved his hand and asked Ah San to hand over the letter.


Ah San hurriedly handed over the letter, then shivered and stepped aside, waiting for the result.


After reading the letter, Cui Zhe was completely stunned.

"what happened?"

"You're telling me, I'm so anxious!"


Looking at Cui Zhe's face, the three of them were all stunned. You can read the letter as soon as you read it. Why are you so excited all the time?
"Ah San, you go down first! If you dare to do this next time, you will be beaten to death."

"Thank you, Patriarch!"

After hearing this, Ah San also looked happy and ran out quickly.

"Someone wrote a letter saying that he can help us bring Zhang Maosun's wife and daughter out, and he can also find a way to help us send a message to Zhang Maosun in the prison."

Looking at the people in the room, Cui Zhe also told the contents of the letter.

"Really? Is it possible?"

"That's right, I've tried every method with those people. They can be said to be incorrigible and selfless."

"Don't lie to us."

(End of this chapter)

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