My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 692 Four families plan!

Now the three of them couldn't sit still. Just now they were worried about how to fix this thing, but now someone came with a solution?
This seems to them to be somewhat unreal.

"I feel like there's something fishy about this matter!"

Cui Zhe pressed his hands on the three of them and spoke again.

"What do you mean? What's the meaning?"

Lu Yuanyi frowned, wondering what Cui Zhe meant.

"Do you know how much money I am asking for in this letter? A hundred thousand dollars.

Anyone who dares to ask for so much money must have a lot of money. If he can really bring people out, wouldn't it save us a lot of trouble? "

Cui Zhe spread his hands and handed the letter directly to Lu Yuanyi's hand.

"You're saying that this person is probably a senior executive from Li Siwen's side. The reason why he does this is to get a favor from us? And then fly away?"

After reading the letter, Lu Yuanyi also understood what Cui Zhe meant. He was ready to pay for someone!
"Yes, if we can successfully bring Zhang Maosun's wife and daughter out, and at the same time send a message to Zhang Maosun, then I think it is worth paying for the [-] yuan."

Cui Zhe nodded, he did mean this.

No matter how much money you can spend to keep yourself safe, you are making money. After all, if the money is gone, you can make money again, but if this person is gone, it will be completely over.

Moreover, they are not themselves, but also have the family behind them. This loss is not comparable to one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand guan.

"I don't agree. We already gave Liu Gu 15 gu last time. If we ask for another [-] gu this time, all our working capital will be gone!"

Zheng Qing shook his head. It wasn't that he didn't want to pay, but that if he spent any more money, he would really have nothing left.

What will happen to the family's business then?

"As long as we can still have liquidity, we can save our lives and preserve the majesty of the family. Let's talk about those things later."

Wang Ming gave a cold drink, his eyes full of depression.

How long has it been since then, and you are so damn capable of taking care of the family's business.

Save your life first and then talk about other things.

"What Zheng Qing said makes sense. I have a plan to relieve your worries."

Lu Yuanyi smiled. Even if one hundred thousand guan was divided equally among each family, there would still be [-] guan.

I have already spent 15 yuan to bribe Liu Gu, who can't help feeling sad.

The family's money was not brought by strong winds. Chang'an had already suffered heavy losses. If Luoyang spent such a large sum again.

Even if the aristocratic family had accumulated it for decades, it would still be stretched thin.

After all, they earn more and spend more.

Arrogance and extravagance, as well as buying relationships, all require massive amounts of money to support them.

"Do you want it?"

Cui Zhe was stunned for a moment and immediately understood what Lu Yuanyi meant.

"That's right, after they finish the job, we will go straight to capture them!"

Lu Yuanyi nodded, Cui Zhe still understood him.

“It’s inappropriate, it’s inappropriate, this is a critical moment, don’t add unnecessary complications.

If the money is gone, you can make it again, but if something goes wrong, we will all be in disaster! "

Cui Zhe shook his head. At the moment, stability is the priority. If something goes wrong, his head will be lost!

"I agree with Lu Yuanyi's idea. I would rather pay so much money anyway."

Zheng Qing sneered. Now as long as he is not allowed to pay, he is willing to do anything.

Isn't it just killing people?The people here are not fruitful and have green grass under their hands.

"Well, we can gain wealth through danger, so let's do this. If Cui Zhe is not prepared to do it, we will do it ourselves!"

Wang Ming also nodded. In his opinion, this was a sure-profit deal.

If you can do it without spending any money, then why spend this [-] yuan?
Only a fool would do this!

"Are you all short-sighted? You still have to do such an action at this critical moment.

If something goes wrong, can you afford the consequences? "

Cui Zhe slapped them down and stared at the sleeping dragons and phoenixes in front of him, feeling a little at a loss.

Are all of them human-headed and dog-brained?No priority at all?
Is money more important or life more important? Can't you tell?

"Can you afford it? Put it away!
What can you afford but not afford, just kill a few people?

If this could be traced to me, wouldn’t my wandering around in Luoyang all these years have been in vain? "

Lu Yuanyi also glared at Cui Zhe. If you don't have the guts, you don't have the guts. Don't delay me from making money.

At worst, if you don't go, we will divide your money.

It just so happens that I'm a little tight on money recently.

"Forget it, since you insist on doing this, what else can I do.

Our four families will both prosper and suffer. If you slip up, I will suffer the same consequences.

Whether this can be done or not, the key is to do it seamlessly, so we still need to plan carefully. "

Cui Zhe sighed. The three of them were determined to take advantage of them. What else could he do?

They are now grasshoppers on a rope. If it really explodes, no one can escape.

"Then plan carefully. Cui Zhe, you have more tricks. I'll leave these to you."

Lu Yuanyi glanced at Cui Zhe with contempt, you are really both responsible and upright.

What I was talking about just now is a lot of fussing, and now I am planning something carefully.

It's amazing that you have taken advantage of everything.

"Okay, your people must obey my command when the time comes, understand!"

Cui Zhe almost died. Why do you think I have more tricks?

My name is wit. If you can speak, just speak. If you can't speak, just shut your mouth.

If your bad mouth were used on ordinary people, it would be an eye-opener for God to live for more than a full moon.

"Don't worry, I will listen to you when the time comes! Everyone has no objections!"


"Listen to you!"

The three of them nodded together. It was difficult to do this anyway, so leaving it to Cui Zhe would be a good use of it. "Okay, then prepare the money first, [-] yuan per family."



The three of them left separately to prepare 15 guan. After all, this amount of money was not a small amount, especially after they paid [-] guan.


After everyone left, Cui Zhe called Ah San back.

Ah San came to Cui Zhe tremblingly, his eyes full of fear.

Could it be that this owner of the house still has some back-up accounts?I don’t like this!


He knelt on the ground with a thud, and Asan's head almost hit the ground.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Seeing Ah San's appearance, Cui Zhe was also depressed.

Are you that terrible?Besides, I told you to spare your life, you are so scared.

"No, how could Asan be afraid of the family master.

I am born as a member of the Cui family, and die as a ghost of the Cui family. If I want to kill Ah San, I will never even frown. "

As Asan was talking, his body was trembling involuntarily.

not afraid?Can you not be afraid?

You don't even have to ask, is there any servant in the Cui Mansion who isn't afraid of you?

I'll kill you with a rod at every turn. Those who know you are the head of the family, but those who don't know think you are the king of hell.

"Okay then, get up. You did a good job this time. Did the person who sent the letter tell you how to reply to him?"

Cui Zhe still liked Ah San's words.

He is so kind to these servants that they love him and the Cui family so much.

"Master, he said that as long as we want to reply, we will send someone to write a letter and put it in the lion's mouth at the door at night. They will naturally send someone to pick it up, but."

"but what?"

"But they also said that we can't send people to monitor them, otherwise they will increase the price to 15 yuan."

After Asan finished speaking, he knocked his head to the ground again.

"Okay, I'll write a letter and you can put it in the stone lion's mouth tonight."

Cui Zhe sneered, "If I don't monitor you now, won't you still have to meet me then?"

Ah San knelt on the ground, motionless.

"Do it! Why are you kneeling?"

Looking at Ah San, Cui Zhe was also stunned for a moment, not knowing what this slave meant.

"Master, you haven't written a letter yet, how can I do anything?"


Cui Zhe slapped his forehead and hurriedly wrote a reply letter and handed it to Ah San.

That night, after the curfew, Ah San also sneaked out of Cui's house and put Cui Zhe's handwriting into the stone lion's mouth.

After the release, he just ran away and even called the guard at the door to come in, for fear of being misunderstood.

At midnight, a figure appeared from a distance, took the letter out of the stone lion's mouth, and then disappeared outside Cui Mansion.

"Commander Di, there's a reply!"

Lin Cheng smiled and handed over the letter.

"Haha! The fish bit the hook! Didn't they notice you?"

Di Renjie took the letter and couldn't help but smile after reading it.

"No, even the guards at the door have been removed today."

"Hurry up and send this letter over, and stuff it into the stone lion's mouth!"

Di Renjie smiled. Now that the fish has taken the bait, it's time to lift the hook.

He casually handed over the letter he had prepared, and then Lin Cheng disappeared directly in front of Di Renjie.

Lin Cheng stuffed the letter into the stone lion's mouth like a gust of wind, and then disappeared like a gust of wind.

At dawn the next day, Ah San rushed out of the house.

Looking at the letter in the stone lion's mouth, he was completely stunned.

What's going on with Te Meow? Why is this letter still here?
Could it be that that person lied to him and didn't come to collect the letter at all?

If this is the case, he will be deceived. If the head of the family finds out, he will be shot with a stick.


Depressedly, he took out the letter from the stone lion's mouth and was about to tear it up when he didn't notice it, but when he looked at the envelope, something was different.

Taking a closer look, his little heart started to pick up!

This special thing is easy to look at. If it is really torn, Cui Zhe will have to peel off his skin.

At a quick trot, Ah San rushed in front of Cui Zhe.

"Master, there is a reply!"

Looking at the letter in Asan's hand, Cui Zhe snatched it away.

Cui Zhe's face instantly turned cold after reading it, but you still took the bait.

Then don't blame me next time. Li Siwen beat them very passively this time, and they will always have to collect some interest.

If I help you kill some traitors, it will make me feel better and also eliminate the danger for you. It's a win-win situation for us, right?

"Ah San, go immediately and send a message to Lu Yuanyi, Wang Ming, and Zheng Qing, asking them to prepare the money and people within two days, and trade on the third night!"


(End of this chapter)

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