My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 694: There was a lot of blood!

Listening to their ruthless ridicule, Cui Mao also frowned.

What's going on now, why is the other party still like this?

Could it be that they don’t have any other trump cards?
"Kill him! Remember, the wife and daughter inside must be preserved."

Wang Hu glared at Cui Mao. When did this happen, and he so desperately wanted the other party to surrender?

You have really watched too many heroic dramas, and your brain is no longer clear!


A group of private soldiers shouted together and charged towards the black-clothed imperial guards.

"Brothers, fight to the death and fight your way out!"

"Kill out!"

There were still dozens of knights left, and they launched a desperate charge towards the enemy.

They are Her Royal Highness the Princess's imperial army. Even if they die, they must not lose the reputation of Her Highness the Princess, otherwise they will really be unable to take care of Her Highness the Princess.

"Time's up, charge!"

Di Renjie waved his hand directly, signaling for troops to take action.

"Boom boom boom!"

Upon hearing Di Renjie's order, the war drums on the top of the short mountain beat instantly, like muffled thunder that filled the sky in all directions.

"It's Commander Di's order, the whole army charges!"

The war drums were thundering, and the soldiers and horses that had been ambushing on both sides launched an attack in an instant.

Hundreds of cavalrymen stepped on the rumbling hooves of horses, and came from all directions like an overwhelming force.

"What's going on? Where's the sound coming from?"

Cui Mao frowned and glanced at both sides, wondering where the sound came from!

"No, it's cavalry, there are cavalry!"

Wang Hu was stunned. He also recognized what it was. It was nothing but cavalry.


Everyone was dumbfounded now. Luoyang City is not small, but there are not many cavalry.

Five or six hundred cavalrymen couldn't have caused this movement. Could it be that there were forces in Luoyang that I didn't know about.

"Kill! Our brothers are coming!"

Compared with the private soldiers of the aristocratic families, the black-clothed imperial army became more excited.

Each and every one of them seemed to have been given a shot of blood, killing them in the predetermined direction.

"They want to break out! Kill them!"

Seeing the turtle in the urn trying to break out, Cui Mao yelled and wanted to lead his men to chase him.


Wang Hu, however, looked around and directly ordered the private soldiers around him to retreat.

"Leader! Are you confused? Now that the enemy is facing us, do you want us to retreat?"

The private soldiers on one side looked at Wang Hu and were dumbfounded.

What is withdrawal?At this moment, the enemy's cavalry hasn't come yet, so you want to run away?
If you run away, the remaining three families will really be doomed.

"Nonsense, we have obviously fallen into a trap. If we don't run away now, we will die here!"

Wang Hu glared at the man, it was obvious that he was being plotted.

If the opponent can dispatch so many cavalry, it is likely that they are just the vanguard, and there may be many more troops behind.

If you don't run now, when will you wait?

Are you going to be buried with those fools if you stay here?
"But. But!"

The man was a little stunned by what Wang Hu said, but it made sense after thinking about it.

If people don't do it for themselves, heaven and earth will destroy them. Everyone will die here. Then who will protect the family and who will protect the family.

"But what? Before they can react, hurry up and run away.

In order to take the overall situation into consideration, the other party will never pursue us.

When they all start running away, we won't be able to escape by then. "

Wang Hu kicked the private soldier away, his eyes filled with horror.


Wang's private soldiers also obeyed the order and protected Wang Hu and retreated in the right direction.

"Wang Hu ran away!"

"If the Wang family withdraws, I won't fight anymore!"

"Damn it, if you want us to be a shield, there is no way!"

As soon as Wang Hu ran away, the entire battlefield was instantly thrown into chaos.

Before Di Renjie's cavalry came, the battle was likely to be over.

"Commander Di, the enemy is already on the verge of fleeing."

Sun Feng came to Di Renjie, his eyes full of joy.

This battle hasn't even been fought yet, it's almost over.

These private soldiers are really just a mob, and all of them are arrogant masters carrying guns.

If you really meet elites like yourself, you are really nothing.

“We cannot take it lightly and order the cavalry to divide their forces.

Prioritize the pursuit of those who escape, and those who are stubbornly resisting will not be surrounded for the time being.

Wait until the outer perimeter is taken care of, and then attack with all your strength. "

The situation in front of him had been expected, so what they had to do now was not to let any enemy go.

So his decision was to kill those who escaped first. Now anyone who dared to resist would not retreat easily. Instead, he gave himself the opportunity to defeat them one by one.


The war drums sounded again, and the cavalry also moved upon hearing the drums and began to charge towards the private soldiers of the family.

The attacking cavalry were all dressed in black and wearing ghost masks.

During the march, there was only the sound of galloping horses and no noise from people. At first glance, he was not an ordinary soldier.

In the eyes of those private soldiers, these people were simply demons from hell.

With the steel knife in his hand and his long sword, carrying the biting cold air, he directly sent the private soldiers of the four major families to where they should go.Facing such brave cavalry, these private soldiers could not retain the high spirits they had at the beginning, nor could they still sacrifice their lives as before.

"It's over!"

Wang Hu looked at the cavalry chasing him with despair in his eyes.

He really didn't expect that these people are really bastards. Damn it, I gave all my companions to you. Why are you still chasing me?

Do you really want to capture them all?Isn't this a bit too shameless?

"Leader, what should we do?"

The private soldiers looked at Wang Hu in front of them, and they were all confused.

It's not like you said running away now. With the other three companies as a foil, the other party will definitely let you go.

Why now, instead of attacking the remaining people, they are chasing after our butts and killing us.

If I had known this, I might as well have resisted with the other three families.

"What should I do? What else can I do? Just throw your arms away and run away.

Those with faster legs and feet survive, while those with slower legs and feet resist on the spot to give the brothers a chance to survive. "

After Wang Hu said this, he whipped the horse on the buttocks, and then the horse carried him and flew out with its hooves.


Seeing Wang Hu, the leader of Yiqi Juechen, these private soldiers were all dumbfounded.

You are really a dog. You abandoned the private soldiers of the other three families before, but now you have abandoned your own people as well?
"Damn it, run!"

"Come on!"

"Whoever runs slower should resist on the spot and give us a chance!"

As soon as Wang Hu left, the Wang family's private soldiers under his command were completely exploded, and they scattered in all directions like headless flies.

Seeing that the enemy was defeated so easily, the pursuing cavalry were dumbfounded.

But they immediately divided their troops, forming a team of five cavalry, just like herding sheep.

They died, they surrendered, and except for a few with extremely fast legs and feet, the rest were basically wiped out in one fell swoop.

The encirclement and suppression of the enemies on the periphery was almost complete, and they immediately launched an attack on those enemies who were stubbornly resisting.

The final result was that of these thousand private soldiers, except for 200, the rest were either dead or surrendered.

"Commander Di, the battlefield is over. The remaining people are retreating towards Luoyang. I have arranged for people to pursue them!"

Sun Feng came to Di Renjie's side, his eyes full of excitement.

He also expected this battle. After all, hundreds of people sneak attack an enemy of nearly 1000 people. Even if he has a lot of cavalry, it may not be that easy.

But what surprised him was that he didn't expect it to be so easy. Some of the cavalrymen were not even stained with blood, and it was over.

It simply caught him off guard.

"Well, with Lin Cheng over there, it's not that easy for the defeated soldiers of those aristocratic families to pass that level!"

Di Renjie smiled, everything was under his control.

With one hundred thousand coins and nearly a thousand private soldiers, Luoyang's aristocratic family was bleeding heavily.

As Di Renjie expected, he captured the defeated troops who fled to Luoyang one by one, especially Wang Hu, who was galloping on horseback.

He was immediately brought down by the pre-set trip rope, and then tightly tied up.

After struggling from night to day, Di Renjie also came to Li Yanran.

"came back!"

Looking at Di Renjie, Li Yanran also smiled.

He knew that the matter should be done, otherwise the other party would not be able to come here early in the morning.

"Your Highness, this battle was a complete victory. Not only did we extort a hundred thousand dollars from them, but we also captured nearly a thousand private soldiers."

Di Renjie nodded and told everything about last night's battle.

"Well, you did a good job!"

Li Yanran patted Di Renjie on the shoulder and fully affirmed his work yesterday.

"Your Highness, why do you look so calm? Could it be..."

Di Renjie was a little depressed. What does it mean to be good?

Isn’t what you did beautiful?Why so calm.

Could it be that all this was expected by His Highness?
Or is it that His Highness simply doesn’t like these?
But one hundred thousand guan is not a lot!

"What? I have expected this for a long time. If you can't even do this."

"Miss, the beef meatball soup is ready. The master chef has sent someone to invite you to have breakfast!"

While Li Yanran was talking to Di Renjie, Li Feng came over.

"Let's go and eat beef meatball soup."

Li Yanran didn't want to say anything else. The most important thing now was eating.

As for what the battlefield is like over there, Di Renjie has already finished cleaning it up, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

Because it is simply unnecessary to ask. If he, the princess, has to intervene in everything, then these people under his command will be useless.


Looking at Li Yanran's back, Di Renjie was completely stunned.

Could it be that what I reported was not worth a small breakfast?

What is this?
"Di Renjie, let's go quickly. You don't know that Li Siwen, the master chef in the kitchen, is very skilled at cooking, but he's just a bit too picky.

I couldn't bear to make more breakfast all day long. If I arrived late, Li Siwen would snatch it all up! "

Looking at Di Renjie who was stunned on the spot, Li Feng also spoke to him.

Apart from anything else, Fan Ze's cooking skills are indeed very good, at least much better than those cooks in the fiefdom.


When Li Feng said this, Di Renjie felt his stomach growl.

Last night, although he didn't have to go into battle to kill the enemy, it still took a lot of effort. After a night of fighting, his stomach was rumbling. This should be normal!

"hurry up!"

Seeing that Li Yanran had disappeared, Li Feng also pulled Di Renjie's arm and ran towards the kitchen.

"Xiao Langjun, are you here?"

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