My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 695: Miss, you are running so fast now!

Chapter 695: Miss, you are running so fast now!
Looking at Li Yanran's little figure, Fan Ze also smiled.

Although he didn't know Li Yanran's identity, he would be a complete fool if he didn't guess that the other party had a noble identity after such a long time.

So he also changed his thinking, from resisting at the beginning to catering now.

After all, I am a cook, and I am not cooking for anyone.

"Well, today I have beef meatball soup. Give me a bowl of beef meatballs and half a bowl of soup!"

Li Yanran sat there and waved her hand towards Fan Ze.


Fan Ze saluted, put a white towel on his body, and walked towards the kitchen.

"Miss, you run so fast now!"

Li Feng also sat down next to Li Yanran.

How long did it take to be stunned before the lady ran away?

This speed is simply a piece of cake.

"That's not to say you brought an oil bottle. Di Renjie, let's try the craftsmanship of Master Fan Zefan."

Li Yanran glanced at the depressed Di Renjie and, like Li Feng, strongly recommended Fan Ze's craftsmanship.


Di Renjie nodded, but he was still depressed.

"Don't be depressed, it's not that I don't care about what you did last night, but I can rest assured that you can do things.

There is no need to talk any more about what is available and what is not.

This is my trust in you and our tacit understanding as principal ministers! "

Glancing at Di Renjie, Li Yanran knew that he must still not be able to figure it out, so she could only explain it to him.

"It turns out that it's Di Renjie who thinks too much!
Then I want to see what kind of ability this Fan Ze has that makes His Highness care so much! "

Di Renjie was really relieved this time. He really wanted to see what kind of abilities this so-called Fan Ze had that could make His Highness admire him so much.

"Soup is here!"

Just when Di Renjie was looking forward to it, Fan Ze came to Li Yanran with a bowl of beef balls and half a bowl of beef soup.

"Master, just like the young master."

After sniffing the beef meatball soup, Li Feng twitched his index finger and asked Master Chef Fan Ze for the princess set meal.

"Okay, one bowl of beef meatballs and half a bowl of beef soup!"

Fan Ze shouted behind him, then looked at Di Renjie sitting next to him.

Feeling Fan Ze's gaze, Di Renjie also raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

The two of them just looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"Look at what I'm doing, what do you want to eat? How can I scoop soup for you if you don't tell me!"

Fan Ze was still awesome as always, and he could see it.

Li Yanran has a noble status, even the young man is afraid of him, but Li Feng is slightly inferior to Li Yanran.

As for Di Renjie, he looked like a newcomer, and his status and status were not as good as those of Li Yanran and Li Feng, so he felt that he could do it again.

"Me? Just like them!"

Di Renjie blushed, glanced at Li Yanran who was enjoying the meal, smiled and ordered the same set meal.

"Another bowl of beef meatballs and half a bowl of beef soup!"

Fan Ze shouted again, and the kitchen assistant also responded.

Soon the breakfast for both of them was delivered.

"I'm welcome!"

Li Feng picked up the chopsticks and started a storm attack, sweeping up the beef meatballs in the bowl.

Di Renjie smelled the aroma of beef meatballs and tasted them briefly.


The rich beef flavor hits your taste buds and hits your lips and teeth. It’s really delicious!
Seeing Di Renjie start to devour the food, Li Yanran also smiled and said to him: "I said that although Fan Ze is not a good person, he is a good cook!"

"Young Master, Chef Fan's cooking skills are really good. Compared with the others in your house, he is definitely better!"

Di Renjie was chewing beef balls hard while answering Li Yanran's words.

"Well, Fan Ze, come here!"

To be praised so much by Di Renjie, Fan Ze is considered a talent.

Since it is a talent, it must not be let go.

"Young Master, why are you calling Fan Ze?"

Hearing Li Yanran's call, Fan Ze rushed over again in a hurry.

"Fan Ze, have you ever thought about leaving Luoyang?"

"Leave Luoyang? Xiao Langjun, please stop joking.

This Luoyang is the eastern capital of the Tang Dynasty. There is no other place in the world that can compare with this place.

I don’t know how many people have sharpened their heads to get into Luoyang, but you told me to leave Luoyang. "

Fan Ze was stunned, not knowing what Li Yanran meant.

What does it mean that I have never left Luoyang? Where can I go after leaving Luoyang?

Back to Xinzhou?Go back to that poor ravine where birds don’t poop and don’t have enough to eat?

Forget it, if that were the case, he would rather die here.

"Of course we have to go to a better place than Luoyang!"

Li Yanran was stunned. When his mother was in power in the future, Luoyang might really be a good place.

But judging from the current situation, Chang'an is the number one city in the world. No, it is the number one city on earth.

Luoyang really can't be compared with Chang'an.

“Where can be better than Luoyang!”

Fan Ze has actually thought of what Li Yanran was going to say, but is that possible?

"Of course it's Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty. How about it? Do you want to come with me to see the prosperity of Chang'an!" Li Yanran stood up, stared into Fan Ze's eyes, and revealed her destination.

Of course he didn't say Lishan, but Lishan is right next to Chang'an, so it's not a lie to say he's going to Chang'an.

Moreover, Lishan is now called Little Chang'an. She believes that Lishan will get better and better in the future. This is absolute.

"Xiao Langjun, please stop making fun of me.

Chang'an is rich in treasures and has outstanding people.

I'm just a cook, there's no one named in Chang'an who's not better than me.

Besides, I am the cook of the British Duke. If you do this, you will probably make the Duke unhappy.

It's not worth it for me to be a cook. "

Fan Ze thought about it for a long time and couldn't figure out what Li Yanran liked about him.

If Fan Ze were a dozen years younger, he would have followed Li Yanran to Chang'an without hesitation, but he is almost forty now.

What is the most important thing for an adult, stability!

It's nice to be here in Luoyang. Although it's not as prosperous as Chang'an, even if he gets to Chang'an, he will still be just a cook.

Every day's work is to work around the pots, bowls and chopsticks. No matter how prosperous the scene is, he can still see a little bit.

Besides, Li Yanran is just a doll, so what if she has a noble status?

Water has no constant momentum, soldiers have no constant shape, people have no normal state, and things have no routine.

Such a child only lasts three minutes. If he really goes to Chang'an with the other party, he may lose interest in three or two days.

By then, the jobs in Chang'an will be gone, and the jobs in Luoyang will also be lost.

He can't afford to lose that person.

"Xiao Langjun, if there is nothing wrong, you can eat first and I will leave first!"

"Xiao Langjun, this chef has a bit of a personality!"

Seeing Li Yanran deflated, Di Renjie also smiled.

In this world, the only people in the world who can make Her Royal Highness the Princess do this are the Emperor and the Queen. Unexpectedly, Fan Ze is also a ferocious cook.

Just don't know how long it will last.

"It's good to have character. I like people with character!"

Looking at Fan Ze's leaving figure, Li Yanran sneered.

Let's wait and see. With such a good craftsmanship, if I don't take you to Chang'an to give your father a try, wouldn't I be an unfilial person?

"Master Fan, have another bowl!"

Li Feng didn't care so much and just picked up the big bowl and raised it into the air.


When a monk strikes the clock, his task at this moment is to feed a few people.

Just as they were feasting, Li Feng also arrived belatedly. Looking at the newly joined Di Renjie, his face darkened instantly.

"Fan Ze, Fan Ze, are there any more! I'm hungry!"

Sitting next to Di Renjie, Li Siwen also shouted loudly at Fan Ze.

Every one of these special cats got up really early. They all rushed over to eat even though they still had half an hour before dinner.

You just need to pay for errands, but why do you have to pay for a meal?

Today I felt something in my heart, so I came here early, otherwise it would be difficult to even drink soup, let alone meat.

"Don't worry, I've already left it with Mr. Lang!"

This time Fan Ze was also well prepared and reserved breakfast for his little master in advance.

If Li Siwen is always left to eat leftovers, he really won't be able to stay in this British public courtyard any longer.

"It's almost there!"

Hearing Fan Ze's words, Li Siwen also smiled. Isn't this what he looked like!
After all, he was also the young master of the British government. If he was allowed to eat leftovers all day long, he would have to kick Fan Ze out.

A few people ate hazelnuts in a daze, and in the end they all patted their bellies with contentment on their faces.

"Let's go and talk about business!"

After eating and drinking, Li Yanran slowly stood up and walked towards Li Siwen's small study.

When he heard that Di Renjie had won this time, Li Siwen gave him a kind look.

"I have long believed that you can do it, and sure enough, you never let me down! It's not in vain that I traveled all the way from Bingzhou to tie you to Chang'an."

"Young Master is too praised!"

Di Renjie really wanted to strangle Li Siwen to death now.

If you hadn't been the son of a man and had you tied up if you disagreed, he would still be his legal advisor in Bingzhou.

As for reaching the bottom now?
Wake up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs.

There are so many things to worry about all day long, and my hair is falling out in handfuls. The most important thing is that my salary is even less than that of the previous law cao.

If it weren't for Li Yanran's dividends, he would really explode.

"Haha, no need to thank me!"


Di Renjie smiled awkwardly, don't be so proud about this.

It's not a glorious thing. Kidnapping thousands of miles away, if word spreads about it, it will be infamy even if it can't be remembered forever.

"Okay, have you found what you were looking for?"

What Li Yanran is most concerned about now is not the outcome outside the city, but Zhang Maosun's pigtails.

Outside the city, it may only be related to the ownership of [-] yuan, and at most a thousand private soldiers.

If Zhang Maosun's shortcomings could be found, the entire situation in Luoyang would be interesting.

"Brother Li, I didn't find it. Are you overthinking it?
Maybe this Maosun may be a good official, not as dirty as you imagined! "

Li Siwen shook his head. He sent people to inquire outside for two days but could not find what Li Yanran said.

"Idiot, let's go find Li Feng!"

(End of this chapter)

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