My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 696 River Number

Li Yanran really wanted to kick Li Siwen to death. How big could Luoyang City be? Zhang Maosun was not just a cat or a dog.

He is a dignified governor of Luoyang, and his every move affects the entire Luoyang.

How could it not be found?

Li Feng also gave him a look of contempt. The lady was right, she was just a fool.

I couldn't find such a simple thing for two days, and the Four Heavenly Kings of Chang'an couldn't find it.

"Your Highness, should rest here!
It’s too dangerous outside, so leave it to me and I guarantee to give you a satisfactory answer! "

Di Renjie was stunned, his eyes full of depression.

What time is it now? Don't come out and cause trouble.

By now, the family might have known that they had been tricked. If you go out for a stroll, it would be dangerous if someone discovers you.

"What do you mean?"

Li Yanran kicked him over.

I asked you to come here to work, not to be a mother.

What's wrong, now I can't even leave the door?Then why are you here in Luoyang?
It’s really unreasonable.

I have always been a follower of my orders, why did you rebel now?

"Brother Li, Di Renjie is doing this for your own good. The situation in Luoyang is turbulent now, and it's not safe for you to go out like this.

You'd better stay at home. At worst, I'll ask Fan Ze to make delicious food for you with the remaining half of the cow! "

Li Feng nodded. Di Renjie was right. Li Yanran was not suitable for wandering around now.

Luoyang is not as good as Chang'an. You may encounter danger at any time, so it's better to be cautious!

"What nonsense, get out!"

Li Yanran also treated Li Siwen equally, kicked Li Siwen twice, and then walked out with Li Feng.

"Young Master, aren't you going to persuade His Highness?"

Looking at Li Yanran's little back, Di Renjie also hurriedly spoke to Li Siwen beside him.

"I won't go. This is what Brother Li has determined. Not to mention nine cows, even 99 cows can't be brought back.

I'm going to stop him now, maybe Li Feng will take action.

Even though this kid is not tall and not as handsome as me, I can't stand what he does. "

Li Siwen is well aware of Li Yanran's violent nature and also knows how powerful Li Feng is.

If you try to stop him now, you will get a black nose and a swollen face.

"Di Renjie, you are good at talking, maybe she will listen to you but not necessarily!"

Glancing at Di Renjie again, Li Siwen also kicked back this difficult ball.

"I'm a little scared too. You don't know that His Highness's kick just now was very painful!"

Di Renjie also shuddered. Although Li Yanran seemed to listen to him, the reason was that they had the same opinion.

Now that there are differences, what can I do as a subordinate?

The last time he was kidnapped by Li Feng was still vivid in his mind, but he couldn't do it again.

"Tch, I thought you were some kind of hero, but in the end you were just like that!"

Li Siwen snorted coldly. I originally expected you to rise up, but you turned out to be a coward!
"Young Master, just cut it. If you've cut enough, don't send someone to follow His Highness immediately. If something happens, no one will be able to bear the burden!"

Di Renjie shook his head dejectedly, "We are just laughing at the same time. We have time to talk nonsense here, so why not send someone to protect Li Yanran as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes! Someone, come quickly!"

Hearing this, Li Siwen woke up from a dream and rushed out to arrange for someone to protect Li Yanran secretly.

"Miss, how are you going to find it?"

Li Feng looked at Li Yanran. Li Siwen had found something that no one had found. What was his lady going to do?

"Is it difficult to find someone? Li Feng hasn't found a way.

Luoyang is no better than Chang'an, and Li Feng is just an outsider.

Qianglong has not yet defeated the local snakes. If you want to find Zhang Maosun's tricks, you have to find a veteran! "

Li Yanran smiled, and she had a plan in mind.

"Miss, you want Zhang Minggu to help find someone?"

Li Feng understood instantly that his young lady was really smart.

Cats have cat ways, rats have rat ways. For a wealthy man like Li Siwen, it would be too difficult for him to find those illusory things.

If it were Zhang Minggu, this matter might be different.

"You're smart! Let's go!"

Li Yanran nodded, and the two of them walked directly towards Zhang Minggu's residence.

"You want me to find someone? Or is it Chang Shi Zhang Maosun?"

Zhang Minggu was stunned when he heard Li Yanran's words.

Zhang Maosun has been considered to be incorruptible since he became the governor of Luo. Would such a person do such dirty things?

"Why, you don't want to?"

"Of course I have no objection. Since His Highness wants to do it, then I will go with you!
But one thing I have to say is that this may not be possible! "

Zhang Minggu shook his head, this had nothing to do with him.

He was just afraid that the greater Li Yanran's hopes, the greater her disappointment.

When the time comes, it will be bad if you say that you don’t work hard.

"Don't worry, if you find it, you will be rewarded. If you don't find it, it's not your fault. Just try your best!"

Li Yanran smiled, Zhang Minggu was really a good person.

But only such a person can run rampant on the vast Luohe River and become the Luohe River God that everyone gives a thumbs up to.


After Zhang Minggu saluted, he left directly with Li Yanran.

"Where are we going?" The carriage was traveling endlessly on the streets of Luoyang. Looking at Zhang Minggu in front of her, Li Yanran was also a little confused.

"Where to go? To the river!"

Zhang Minggu said a name without even thinking about it.

"River number?"

Li Yanran was stunned, wondering what kind of magical place this was.

"Hehao was originally a place where we river workers could gather together when we had nothing to do. Later, people from all religions and professions joined in, and over time it became the most crowded place in Luoyang.

Although Hehao is crowded with people, the news here is also the most complete. If you want to find the news you are looking for, this is the best place! "

Zhang Minggu quickly told He Hao's situation.

"There is actually this place?"

Li Yanran also became interested when she heard that the river number turned out to be such a place.

This Maosun usually disguises himself so well, it will definitely not be easy to find the handle on him. Think about it, this is the only place where you can find it.

"Miss, it's too messy there, you'd better not go there!"

Li Feng's voice also came from outside the carriage.

He would rather not find any evidence of Zhang Maosun than let Li Yanran go to that place.

Too dangerous.

"Drive your car, the person arranged by Li Siwen is by your side, what are you afraid of!"

Li Yanran also took a picture of the carriage, now that we are here, there is no way to turn back.

Now, if you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs. If you want to capture Zhang Maosun, you must get this news.


Li Feng glanced behind him and saw that there were indeed two carriages chasing him. If this was the case, there should be no problem.

"Zhang Heshen, long time no see!"

Two strong men who seemed to be lying casually at the door saw Zhang Minggu's figure and came over directly.

"Second Laizi, San Mazi, you two are still here guarding the gate?"

Zhang Ming and Gu nodded to the two of them. These two had been guarding the river many years ago, and they were still responsible for guarding the gate after all these years.

It really saved me decades of detours!

"There's nothing we can do, it's just our fate, we are born with water sickness and can't get on the boat.

I don’t want to do anything else, so just hang out here! "

The second rascal also smiled calmly, knowing his own situation.

They live by their abilities and are not afraid of others treating them differently.

"You guys, get out of my way quickly, I want to go in!"

Zhang Minggu shook his head. Everyone has his own way of living. As long as the other party does not steal or rob, no one has the freedom to interfere with others.

"Zhang Heshen, it's no problem for you to go in, but these two?"

San Mazi glanced at Li Yanran and Li Feng beside Zhang Minggu, and frowned involuntarily.

"Damn it, you can't control the people I take care of? Get out of here!"

Zhang Minggu kicked him over.

Even though he was quite young and was lame in one leg, his strength was quite strong, and he kicked the tall San Mazi in one fell swoop.


Seeing San Mazi's embarrassment, the scoundrel on the side also laughed unkindly.

"Go away, you are not a good person either!"

"Okay, I'm going!"

The second laizi knew Zhang Minggu's bad temper, so he trembled and hid quickly.

"Zhang Heshen, I didn't realize it, your reputation is quite bluffing!"

Li Yanran smiled. Who would have thought that this ordinary old man could have such a face.

The two big men were so stunned that they didn't dare to fart, but they underestimated each other.

"Look what you said, old man, I used to take their father to live on the Luohe River, and I also contributed to the establishment of the river name.

If they dare to fight back, not only will their job be lost, but their father will not be able to spare these two fools. "

Zhang Minggu has nothing to say. He has been living in Luoyang for such a long time.

Although today is different from the past, not just any small fish or shrimp can sit on your neck and shit.

"Ha ha!"

Li Yanran didn't say anything. Besides, he was about to start showing off. Naturally, she wouldn't give Zhang Minggu this chance!

The three of them walked through a wooden corridor, and then something suddenly opened up in front of them.

What caught Li Yanran's eyes was a small pier, with many ships docking on the shore, and porters carrying goods from the ships.

"Is this a private dock?"

Li Yanran was really not calm now. She really didn't expect that something like this would appear here.

"Yes, it was just a ferry at the beginning, and then it gradually developed into this.

Originally they were just selling rare goods, but since the Sanhe Gang took control of Luohe shipping, this place has become a little different. "

Zhang Minggu sighed, this place was not like this in the beginning, it was all the good deeds of the Sanhe Gang.

"I see!"

Li Yanran nodded, Sanhe Gang, right? We will calculate the general ledger when the time comes.

The most important thing now is to find the news!
Zhang Minggu glanced at Li Yanran again, and then took him to a place like a wine shop.

"Hey, you're a rare visitor! Zhang Minggu, are you still alive?"

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