My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 697: The powerful dragon overwhelms the local snake!

The owner of the wine shop, Chen Ming, was stunned for a moment when he saw Zhang Minggu's figure, and immediately came over.

"Young Te Miao's nonsense, I want news!"

Zhang Minggu glared at the other party and directly stated his purpose.

"Want news about Zhang Changshi? Do you know that he was just arrested?"

Chen Ming was also stunned for a moment when he heard the news that the other party wanted Zhang Maosun.

"I know. Just say whatever I ask you. I will make my own decision!"

"There really isn't much news about Zhang Maosun, but there is one piece that you should be interested in, but!"

The boss rubbed his fingers at Zhang Minggu.

Friendship is friendship, business is business.

Do what you should do, earn what you should earn, and no one can say anything.

"Old Bangzi, how much will it cost to deal with you in the future?"

Zhang Minggu glanced at Li Yanran beside him, feeling a little embarrassed.

Just now he was bragging that he could brush his face here, but now he was slapped in the face instantly.

Whoever you put it on will be ashamed of yourself.

"You also know that our news is based on grade. The higher the status, the more expensive the price.

This piece of Maosungui is the history of the governor of Luo. What a price! "

Chen Ming smiled, then stretched out a finger towards Zhang Minggu, while looking at Li Yanran aside from the corner of his eyes.

This little guy is not only handsome but also has a noble temperament. At first glance, he is no ordinary person.

Zhang Minggu returned to the river for no apparent reason, and suddenly came to inquire about Zhang Maosun. There must be something fishy in this.

And the trouble probably lies with this child.

"Usual money?"

Zhang Minggu frowned, after all, the price was not too expensive.

This Chen Ming somewhat gave himself face and did not kill himself.

"Zhang Minggu, are you out of your mind? Is it always possible to buy Master Chang Shi's information?"

Chen Ming was also depressed. If the money was just for you, it would probably be the same.

But if you have something fishy, ​​I will naturally kill you with all my strength.

"Then how many do you want? Ten sticks?"

Zhang Minggu was stunned, wondering how much Chen Ming wanted!

“Zhang Heshen, don’t underestimate yourself, and don’t underestimate me.

This news is worth one hundred dollars. "

Chen Ming stopped beating around the bush and directly stated his asking price.

One hundred strings may be a lot to you, but it may be nothing to those who really need it.

He believed that he would not misjudge the person, and that this child would be his God of Wealth.

"You Chen Ming, I advise you to be kind and keep a secret in your behavior so that we can meet again in the future!
Don't take the road to death, otherwise it will be ugly to meet again! "

Zhang Minggu grabbed Chen Ming's neck, his eyes filled with horror.

He was not doing it for himself, but for Chen Ming's benefit.

Who is this Li Yanran? Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Tang Dynasty. You have ripped her off.

How is this different from dancing on a tiger's head?
No, there is still a difference.

If you dance on the tiger's head, maybe the tiger won't be able to eat you, but you will be able to rip off Her Royal Highness.

The outcome would be many times worse than being eaten by a tiger.

Chen Ming, you'd better listen to me, I don't want a gray-haired person to give away a gray-haired person.

"Zhang Heshen, I guess it doesn't matter what you say now. Little brother, what do you think of this price?"

Chen Ming ignored Zhang Minggu at all, but stared at Li Yanran in front of him, hoping to get a positive answer.

"Money is not an issue, the most important thing is that your news must be worthwhile, otherwise, you won't get the money!"

Li Yanran sneered. She was not stupid. She knew that Chen Ming was a master of food.

Although she didn't know where she was exposed, the other party must have guessed that her identity was unusual.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the lion to open his mouth and charge a hundred dollars for a piece of news.

That's a hundred guan, how much effort does it take for me to earn it.

What a shame!
"Don't worry, this news will definitely satisfy you, how about it?"

Chen Ming was also a little excited. Although one hundred yuan was a lot, he still had a small amount of money, and the money was really not that much.

What made him happy was his vision. The child in front of him was really no ordinary person.

"Then I want to hear the news first before making a decision!"

Looking at the excited Chen Ming, Li Yanran's heart fell to the bottom.

Since I started working alone, apart from being ripped off by my father and mother, I have never suffered such grievances.

Especially since this person was still a little-known person, this was really hard for her to accept.

"This is against the rules. Collect money first and release the news later."

Chen Ming shook his head. News was something special. If he told it, he would have nothing to rely on.

So this thing must be paid first, and then the news is given.

"My rule is that I confirm it first before giving the money. Don't worry, Zhang Ming is here. Are you still worried that I will run away?"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Zhang Minggu suddenly had a bad thought.

Now that he has put himself out there, does His Highness have any other intentions?

After looking at the stunned Zhang Minggu, Chen Ming also hesitated.

"Okay! Zhang Heshen, if I don't receive the money, your reputation will be ruined!"

Gritting his teeth, Chen Ming slowly spoke out the news he had received.

"That's it?"

After hearing Chen Ming's news, Li Yanran also frowned. How dare he ask for a hundred coins for a piece of vague news?


After looking at Li Yanran, Chen Ming's brows also wrinkled.

This is what this thing is afraid of. I think it is worth a hundred coins, but you think it is worthless.In the end, it was myself who was at fault.

"Zhang Minggu, what do you mean!"

Now it depends on Zhang Minggu, whether he wants his reputation or money.

"What do you mean? It's very simple, you come with us.

If the information is accurate, I can find the money I want and give it to you.

If the information is inaccurate and nothing is discovered, your life is mine! "

Li Yanran was not an unreasonable person, so she directly gave Li Feng a look.

"Do you think it's possible?"

When he heard that Li Yanran wanted not only people but also lives, Chen Ming took a step back.

He had heard before that someone gave false information and was beaten up by the buyer.

He also knew this news accidentally. He really didn't know whether it was true or false, and he never confirmed it.

If this is true, it's easy to say. If it's false, he will be thrown into the Luo River to feed the fish.


Li Feng didn't know when he had turned behind Chen Ming, and a bit of cold light pierced his waist directly.


Feeling the pain coming from behind, Chen Ming also took a breath of air.

He didn't notice when this guy turned behind him, and he was still carrying a weapon.

Are the two bastards and bastards at the door blind?

It's really meowing a dog.

"Zhang Minggu, this is Hehao. You know better than anyone the consequences of daring to use force here!"

Chen Ming looked at Zhang Minggu sweating profusely, his eyes full of horror.

Although it is said that strong dragons will not overwhelm local snakes, we still have to see what the situation is.

Li Yanran is so young, if he really goes crazy and it's his own fault, he will be in trouble.

"Chen Ming, you can see that I can't decide much.

The best thing you can do now is to act in accordance with our requirements and come with us to find out!
Otherwise, if you are here, I hope your brother won’t blame me! "

Zhang Minggu responded with a sneer, "Just now I asked you to keep your integrity as a human being so that we can meet each other in the future."

Why don't you give me a toast and you'll be punished with a drink?

Do you know how powerful it is now?too late.

His Highness can be said to be frighteningly courageous, and it would be an understatement to say that he acts wantonly.

If it really stabs you, you can only consider yourself unlucky.



Chen Ming still wanted to speak, but Li Feng used his right hand hard, and he shut up in an instant.

His waist is now in other people's hands, and he doesn't dare to take risks.

"I'm going with you!"


Seeing that Chen Ming was obedient, Li Yanran looked at the private dock again and walked out.

"Zhang Heshen, are you leaving now?"

Looking at Zhang Minggu who was leaving and coming back, Er Laizi also smiled and said hello.

"Shopkeeper Chen, you are very rare today. After all, Zhang Heshen is so proud that even you, a person who has not been out for a long time, came out!"

San Mazi looked at Chen Ming who was following Zhang Minggu and nodded and bowed.

If we want to say that the richest person in this river, apart from the Sanhe Gang and the river leader, is Chen Ming.

For such a rich man, if he is not respectful, then he is a fool!


Chen Ming's hands were really cold now and his feet were trembling.

He knew very well what would happen to him if he was kidnapped, so he winked at the two idiots crazily.

I hope they can receive the signal and save themselves.

"Shopkeeper Liu, what's wrong with you? Are your eyes uncomfortable?"

Looking at Chen Ming, San Mazi was stunned for a moment, and then asked with concern.

"Fuck off."

Zhang Minggu glared at the two of them again and walked away if nothing happened.

If the secret is revealed, he really won't know how to end it.

"Haha, don't be angry! Don't be angry!"

After being scolded, the two of them smiled flatteringly and retreated to both sides.

They couldn't even afford to offend Zhang Minggu, let alone Chen Ming.


Seeing the two fools retreating, Chen Ming also sighed. He knew that he had decided on this pirate ship.

"Chen Ming, there is something wrong with your eyeballs. Do you want me to take them off for you to check?"

When she reached the carriage, Li Yanran sneered and spoke to Chen Ming.

"Who the hell are you!"

It's now that Chen Ming is no longer entangled, and he frowns and asks Li Yanran's identity.

After all, he has been living in Luoyang for so many years, and he has never heard of a young master from any family being so unreasonable.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go to Linghe Lane first!"

Zhang Minggu was depressed, you are so smart, why are you so stupid now.

Sometimes words can be spoken, and sometimes words cannot be spoken.

Could it be that you have lived all your years on a dog's belly?
The more you know, the more dangerous you will be. Do you need to teach yourself these things?


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