My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 704 Blocking your escape route

A soldier pointed to the fire in the distance and said to Colonel Linde.

"No, it's a prison. Someone wants to rob the prison. Come with me to support him!"

Looking at the direction of the fire, Linde was stunned, and a terrifying thought suddenly came to his mind.

Everyone knows who is locked up in the prison.

Is there really someone who would risk the disapproval of the world to rob a prison?


Nearly a hundred soldiers and horses behind Linde also followed him and ran straight towards the prison.

Not only Linde, but also the leader of the street patrol that night were all rushing towards the prison at this moment. Everyone knew what the consequences would be if something went wrong with Zhang Maosun.

"The archers are ready, come out one and kill one, come out a pair and kill a pair, no one is allowed to leave alive."

Looking at the prison in flames, Lu Feng also sneered, waved his hand, and ordered the archers to bend their bows and set arrows.

The death order he received, Zhang Maosun must die.

Live to see people, die to see corpses.

Otherwise everyone will be buried with him.

"No, someone is here!"

A man in black rushed over and shouted loudly at Lu Feng.

"Set the surroundings on fire, be sure to stop them!"

Lu Feng had made preparations before he came. Even if they all died here, he would still kill Zhang Maosun!


Soon these private soldiers were also moving around, igniting the kerosene that had been hidden for a long time.

Instantly, there were rushing flames in all directions, which not only lit up the night sky of Luoyang, but also blocked all the reinforcements coming from all around.

"Captain, I can't make it through!"

The soldier looked at the burning street in front of him and was stunned.

"Detour, there must be no problems in the prison!"

Linde was also stunned. He had never thought that such a crazy behavior would happen here.

If this flame spreads, the whole of Luoyang will be in danger.

"Captain, if this fire continues to spread, our responsibility will be huge!"

He really didn't understand when he heard that Linde ignored the fire in front of him and wanted to save the prison.

The prison was personally guarded by Special Envoy Li's troops. It didn't matter to them even if it was lost, but if they didn't save the fire, they would be doomed if it spread.

"Don't you know who is in the prison? If something goes wrong with Zhang Maosun, everyone will be guilty of dereliction of duty."

Lin De also stared at Fire Chief Liu Sheng and shouted.

"In order to save one person, you have to worry about the safety of so many people. Lieutenant, do you think it's worth it?"

Liu Sheng glanced at the fire scene in front of him again. He still knew whether one person was more important or ten people and a hundred people were more important.

"What do you mean?"

Hearing Liu Sheng's words, Lin De's brows were already twisted into the character "Sichuan".

"Lieutenant, the crime of dereliction of duty is a small one, but human life is a big deal. I hope you can put aside the prison matters for the time being and save the people from misery!"

Liu Sheng knelt directly in front of Linde, his eyes full of pleading.

He was born and raised in Luoyang, and he joined the army just to ensure peace.

Now seeing his home in flames, he has to abandon them to save a dying person.

He doesn't accept it.

If Linde really wants to have his own way, then he can only risk it.

"I hope the captain will put down his prison sentence temporarily and save the people from disaster!"

"I hope the captain will put down his prison sentence temporarily and save the people from disaster!"

"I hope the captain will put down his prison sentence temporarily and save the people from disaster!"

The soldiers behind Liu Sheng also followed him and begged Lin De to put out the fire and save the people.

"You guys are trying to force me to make a mistake!"

Linde felt that his hands were trembling. He really didn't expect that his soldiers and horses would be in such a situation.

Now it is really urgent. If the house burns down, it can be rebuilt. If Zhang Maosun dies, everything will be over.

"Captain, since you don't want to, then you are offended!
Tie up Lieutenant Lin and put out the fire with all your strength. I, Liu Sheng, will bear any responsibility! "

Seeing that Linde was still hesitating, Liu Sheng couldn't stand it anymore.

Nothing is as important as putting out the fire at the moment. Every delay will increase the intensity of the fire.

Isn't it just the fear of taking responsibility?He gave it all!

After hearing Liu Sheng's words, several soldiers rushed out and surrounded Linde.

"That's all, I can bear the crime of dereliction of duty, but if you tie me up, you are guilty of the following and will be executed immediately!"

Glancing at the soldiers beside him, Linde also sighed.

"Fight the fire with all your strength!"


"It's on fire!"

Cui Zhe, who was far away in Cui Mansion, stood on the roof, looked at the fire in the distance, and sneered.

With the fire, the prison was reduced to ashes, and Zhang Maosun will become history.

"Master, your valuables have been packed. When are you going to leave?"

Asan thumped up to the roof and spoke to Cui Zhe.

"Leave now!"

Hearing that everything was packed, Cui Zhe nodded, followed Ah San down to the roof, and boarded the carriage that had been prepared for a long time.

Cui Zhe had already made secondary preparations when he decided to attack the prison.

If the prison cannot be taken down, or if Cui Li loses his account book, he will die if he stays in Luoyang.

Instead of sitting back and waiting for death, it is better to take action as the best strategy. Nothing is as valuable as your own life.

He is running away now. If the matter in Luoyang is resolved, he will come back immediately.

If things go wrong, it would be a good idea to find a remote place and become a rich man.

Looking at Cui Mansion behind him again, Cui Zhe also sighed and pulled up the car curtain. "Let's go, Riverhorn"

Seven or eight carriages lined up and headed in the direction of the river.

He had already contacted the Sanhe Gang to prepare a big boat for him, just for now.

"Stay behind, something happened."

A personal guard came to Liu Gu's door and whispered inside.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing that something had happened, Liu Gu immediately ejected and collapsed from the bed.

"Someone attacked the prison, and now it's turned into a sea of ​​fire!"

"Assemble the remaining guards immediately to support the prison!"

The door of the room was pushed open, and Liu Gu walked out wearing only a coat.


"and many more!"

"Stay behind!"

"Send someone to the British government immediately to inform Special Envoy Li of this matter!"


After the Liubei guards assembled, they also galloped towards the prison and killed each other. At the same time, a Liubei soldier also came to the British government's annex.


Seeing the people rushing towards them, the British government officials also became alert.

“The prison was attacked and has now turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Liu Liushou has already led his troops to support him, and he came here to inform Special Envoy Li! "

Hearing this situation, the two tribesmen were also dumbfounded. They knew that Li Siwen was not in the house.

They didn't know who to inform about such a big matter.

"Go find that young man."

"Yes, I'll go find him right now!"

After thinking about it, everyone saw Li Siwen's attitude towards Li Yanran. At this critical moment, it seemed that only Li Yanran could resist.


Someone ran over, and Li Feng immediately drew the long sword from his waist.

Coming here in the middle of the night is definitely up to no good.

"I have something to ask you to see the young man!"

Looking at the sword in Li Feng's hand, the Bu Qu also showed a little envy.

This sword is not an ordinary object at first glance, at least it is a hundred-refined steel sword. It is a bit of a waste just to follow Li Feng.

"If you have anything to say, just say it and I will convey it to you!"

Li Feng glanced at the man, but he didn't let down his guard at all with the steel sword in his hand.

"Someone attacked the prison and set it on fire. Liu Liushou has sent people to support him and specially sent people to inform him.

But now that the young master is not here, we don’t know where he is, so we can only report the matter to the young master and hope to make a decision. "


The door of the room cracked open, and Li Yanran walked out with a frown on her face.

"Li Feng deserves to die. He disturbed the young man's rest. I hope he will be punished!"

Seeing Li Yanran, Li Feng quickly put away his sword and saluted, his eyes full of depression.

"What a lot of nonsense!"

Li Yanran glared at Li Feng. How long has it been? There are still so many red tapes.

"How many people are there in the mansion now?"

After looking at the sky, Li Yanran also asked the guard.

"Going back to Young Master, there are still thirty people in the house. May I ask what Young Master is going to do?
But want to support the prison and help the people put out the fire? "

The guard was stunned, wondering what Li Yanran was going to do!
"Thirty people is a bit small. Gather them all right away. Hurry!"

Li Yanran did not reply to him, but just asked him to gather the people together.


The guards left, and Li Feng glanced at Li Yanran.

"Miss, what do you want to do?"

Don't think about it, you and the eldest lady must not be gathering troops to protect themselves, but to capture people.

This sword has no eyes, and it was in the middle of the night.

He was really afraid that Li Yanran, a reckless young man, would do something dangerous.

"What are you doing? Of course we're going to arrest people!"

"Arrest someone? Do you want to go to jail?"

Li Feng is no longer calm now. There is chaos outside now. Are you going to arrest people?
Besides, there are only thirty Buqu around now, so what if this isn't asking for death!
"Who said I was going to jail!"

After rolling her eyes at Li Feng, Li Yanran also started to get dressed.

"If you don't go to the prison, where are you going? Are you going to Cui Mansion to arrest people? That's even worse!"

Instead of going to prison, the only place Li Feng could think of was to catch the culprit, but 30 people seemed unable to do anything!

"I really want to catch Cui Zhe and the others, but not to their mansion, but to the river!"

Li Yanran sneered and told her where she was going.

"River number? Miss, what do you mean!"

Li Feng was really confused now. He didn't understand why Li Yanran went to Hehao to arrest Cui Zhe.

It is obviously a place that cannot be reached by eight poles. There seems to be no connection between the two.

"Idiot, things in Luoyang are so big, if it were you, would you still stay in Luoyang?
If things were exposed, wouldn't it be just a matter of sitting there and waiting for death?
If I were Cui Zhe and the others, they would definitely want to run away.

But it was night now, and leaving the city with four locked doors was too conspicuous. The only way to leave was through the private dock of the River No. [-].

After all, the Sanhe Gang is secretly supported by the four major aristocratic families, so walking from here is not only secretive but also safe. "

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