My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 705 Lu Yuanyi, we have been waiting for a long time!

Li Yanran was also a little depressed. Why did Li Feng, who had always been smart, become stupid? He couldn't see such obvious things.

Could it be that he is in love?They say love makes people stupid.

That's for sure.

"I understand!"

Li Feng glanced at Li Yanran again. He was really impressed by his young lady.

Soon, all thirty members were ready. One person was arranged to inform Li Siwen, and another person was arranged to go to the Longmen Escort Station. The remaining 28 people took several carriages and ran straight towards the river.

"Why is there fire there?"

Di Renjie was on the second floor, looking at the red light in the distance and frowning.

"Maybe he got lost!"

A forbidden soldier also set up a pavilion, frowned and replied.

"No, that's the direction of the prison. Send someone to investigate the situation immediately. Be quick!"

Di Renjie's heart trembled. Could it be that he had fallen into someone else's trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain?

Are you making a deal with yourself here openly, but secretly sending people to attack the prison and kill Zhang Maosun, the most important witness?

The imperial guards did not dare to neglect, thumped down the stairs, mounted their horses and ran towards the direction of the fire.

Time passed little by little, and the prison was in dire straits, with dozens of forbidden soldiers all trapped inside.

Zhang Maosun was dumbfounded at this moment. He had never thought about it and dared not imagine that those aristocratic families could be so crazy.

Braving the disapproval of the world, he ordered people to attack the prison.

Simply lawless.

"Chief Huo, we can't go on like this. If we wait a little longer, everyone will be buried in the sea of ​​fire and die in this prison!"

"Chief Huo, fight with them. Kill one to earn enough money, kill two to earn one!"

"That's right, Fire Chief, fight out!"

The Imperial Guards around Fire Chief Zhou Kun all had cold faces and indifferent eyes.

He was not afraid of death, but instead of being burned to death in such a miserable way, it would be better to just go out and fight with the opponent.

"It's okay to get out, but what is our mission?"

Zhou Kun glanced at the Imperial Guards around him, his eyes filled with perseverance.

Hearing this, all the Imperial Guards became silent and all looked at Zhang Maosun.

Their mission is to protect Zhang Maosun and not let Zhang Maosun have any problems under any circumstances.

"Protect Zhang Maosun from any harm!",

"Then can you guarantee that you will fight out and save his life?"

Zhou Kun sighed. They now only have less than one fire of soldiers and horses. Depending on the terrain, they might be able to withstand it. If they really go out for a decisive battle.

The consequences can be imagined, and it is simply difficult to guarantee Zhang Maosun's safety.

"Then if we sit still and wait for death, we will die!"

Although no one can pat their chests and say that Zhang Maosun will be able to escape safely, this is not the solution.

The fire will always come, and Zhang Maosun will die with him when the time comes.

"So I said I'm going to kill him, but I have to change my method!"

"What do you mean?"

Everyone was stunned, wondering what Fire Chief Zhou Kun meant!
"What do you mean? This may cause Zhang Changshi to be wronged. He should immediately dig a fire pit from the ground.

Then Zhang Changshi took off his clothes and put them inside. "

Zhou Kun smiled mockingly to himself. The situation at this moment was already a desperate situation for him.

In such a desperate situation, he still has to protect a drag bottle, which is really a big headache for him.

But there is no way around it, who asked this to be their mission!
As the Forbidden Army, they have the honor of all their guards. Even if they have left the palace, these are things more important than their lives.

"You want us to pretend to be Chang Zhang Maosun and pretend to break out, and then let him use the fire pit to blow up and escape?"

There are also smart people in the Forbidden Army. After hearing Zhou Kun's words, some people immediately reacted.

"You're okay with that!"

Zhou Kun nodded and looked at Zhang Maosun, who was still shaking behind him, feeling helpless.

If you want to be famous all your life, why would you risk your life just for a guy like this?

"I, I... I was born between heaven and earth, how could I live like this?

I would rather fight out with you, or die at the worst! "

Although Zhang Maosun was trembling, he still pushed forward.

He still didn't want to lose his character as a scholar.

Besides, he really didn't know if the fire pit was useful. Instead of dying in such a miserable way in the prison, he might as well fight out with them.

He must die vigorously.

"You'd better stay in this prison obediently!"

Zhou Kun shook his head, how could such a smart person not understand?

When I say that I am discussing with you, I am actually just informing you. You only have the right to accept it.


"No problem, help Zhang Changshi undress."

Zhou Kun gave the order, and several forbidden soldiers took action directly. In a short time, Zhang Maosun was stripped down to his underwear.

Soon a fire pit was dug and Zhang Maosun was pushed into it.

It was covered with a wooden board, and the remaining people quickly covered it with soil.

After doing all this, Zhou Kun glanced above his head and unbuttoned his belt.

"Chang Huo, isn't it good to do this?"

Seeing Zhou Kun's appearance, these forbidden soldiers were all dumbfounded.

No matter how much you hate him, you can't do this!
This is too embarrassing.

"What's wrong? Te Miao's father wants to save him.

If these soils are not kept moist, even if he hides in them, he will be dead!

Why don't you all come here quickly and wait for me to cut you? "

Zhou Kun knocked that man over with one kick. Do you really think I am as dirty as you?
"Oh!" After hearing this, everyone did not dare to neglect. Like Zhou Kun, they untied their belts and started to let out water.

Zhang Maosun was not feeling well in the fire pit.

What the hell does this smell like? What on earth is Zhou Kun doing?

"Are you scared!"

After everything was done, Zhou Kun also glanced at the Forbidden Army beside him.

"Chief Huo, what are you talking about? Ever since we surrendered to the army, we have put life and death aside."

"Afraid, I'm afraid they aren't enough for me to kill!"

"Look what you said, it's enough for one person to kill ten!"


A group of forbidden soldiers also grinned wildly and asked them if they were afraid.

If they were afraid, they wouldn't be alive now.

There is a saying that goes well, the more you fear death on the battlefield, the faster you will die.

Those who really survive are often the soldiers who are least afraid of death.

"Then what are you waiting for, kill!"

Zhou Kun directly took out the steel knife from his waist and took the lead to rush outside.

None of the 42 Imperial Guards flinched, and they all rushed to the prison door in a swarm.

Looking at the flames in front of him, Zhou Kun roared and rushed out without fear.

"Come out, shoot the arrow!"

Looking at Zhou Kun who was furious, Lu Feng also sneered and ordered the soldiers to fire arrows.

Arrows flew out one after another, and Zhou Kun, who was rushing at the front, was shot several times on the spot.

"Brothers, charge forward! Protect Zhang Changshi from breaking out!"

Even though he was hit by several arrows, Zhou Kun continued to move forward as if nothing had happened, and like an immortal god of war, he charged into the crowd of private soldiers of aristocratic families.

Behind Zhou Kun were 41 people from the Forbidden Army pretending to be Zhang Maosun, surrounding him and following Zhou Kun forward.

"Siege and kill them!"

When he heard that the person guarding the other party was Zhang Maosun, Lu Feng became excited instantly.

If you really step through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it.


A group of private soldiers also attacked Zhou Kun and the others like hungry wolves.

While the battle was going on in the prison, Li Yanran also led people outside the river.

"Just stay here, let's wait and see!"

She ordered people to ambush on both sides of the river, while she slithered up to a tree.

Di Renjie was always worried about Li Yanran's recklessness, but Li Yanran cherished his life more than anyone else.

After all, as a human being, nothing is as important as your own life.

"Ha ha!"

Li Feng glanced at Li Yanran on the tree and smiled.

His young lady was really clever. Even he didn't know that Li Yanran could climb a tree. This really opened his eyes.

"Pip Li Li!"

The group of people had just hid when they heard the sound of horses hooting in the distance. Li Feng also made a gesture, and two horse ropes were placed directly across the road.


The horse in the front was immediately knocked to the ground by the tripping rope, and the carriage behind it also overturned instantly.

"what's the situation?"

Lu Yuanyi got out of the second carriage directly, holding a hundred-forged steel knife, his eyes full of murderous intent.

He also made the same decision as Cui Zhe.

Through the Sanhe Gang, escape from Luohe first, and then come back when the weather calms down.

"do not know."

The confidant Lu Bing also got out from under the carriage, his eyes full of fear!

This special cat was about to reach the river, but he didn't expect that he would stumble here.

"No, be careful!"

Lu Yuanyi glanced at the grass next to him, and a trace of nervousness flashed in his eyes.

Could it be that his actions were discovered, and Li Siwen or Liu Gu actually arranged troops here?
"Lu Yuanyi, in the name of Special Envoy Li, I have been waiting here for a long time!"

Li Feng emerged from the grass generously, waved his hand, and all 28 British public figures stood up!

They were lined up in a row, with the steel knives pointing outwards, and they seemed to have the aura of one man being able to block all others.

"Haha, just because you, a young boy, and these [-] or [-] other fish want to take me, just dream!"

Lu Yuanyi sneered, not taking Li Feng's words to heart at all.

Not to mention that Li Siwen could predict that he would sneak away through the river number, even if he knew the river number, he would be considered powerful.

If he really knew it, he wouldn't have put such a rotten fish and shrimp here to resist him.

This kid must have guessed his itinerary, so he hurriedly brought people here.

If you want to win over yourself, take credit from Li Siwen.

"Really? Then let's give it a try and see if I, a rotten fish and a shrimp, can win over a rich man like you!"

Li Feng held a three-foot green peak in his hand and stood there with a sense of freedom and aura.

"Master, please go first, I will help you capture this kid!"

Lu Bing took out the steel knife from his waist with his backhand and killed Li Feng.


Aware of the power of Lu Bing's sword, Li Feng struck out with the Qingfeng sword in his hand, directly piercing Lu Bing's chest.


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