My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 706: If you kill one of me, I will kill your whole family!

Seeing Lu Bing being instantly killed by Li Feng, Lu Yuanyi behind him was also a little surprised.

Lu Bing was tall and powerful, but he was considered a good player. Unexpectedly, he didn't even make a single move under Li Feng's hands.

It’s a bit difficult now!
"Lu Yuanyi, it's still too late for you to surrender!"

The Qingfeng Sword bloomed with a cold light in the moonlight, and coupled with Li Feng's handsome face, he looked a bit like a jade-faced killer.

"Li Feng, right? What good will it do to you if you arrest me? It's nothing more than asking for money and power.

As long as you are willing to let me go, I am willing to give you a thousand taels of gold and a letter of recommendation from the Cui family.

how is it? "

Since Li Feng was so powerful, Lu Yuanyi also gave up the plan of facing hard steel and slowly leaned on the carriage.

"Surrender or be captured, choose one!"

Li Feng didn't answer his words at all. Did he care about money?Is it a right?

Lu Yuanyi really valued money and power, and he looked down on Li Feng.

"There are ten thousand taels of gold on this carriage. As long as you agree, these are all yours!"

Lu Yuanyi stuck closer to the carriage, and at the same time doubled his chips tenfold in an instant.

Ten thousand taels of gold converted into copper coins is equivalent to one hundred thousand guan. This is such a fortune that he believes that [-] out of [-] people would not be able to refuse it.

"Surrender or be captured!"

Li Feng did not waver at all, and waved his hand to order the troops to prepare for the attack.

"You don't want it either? As long as you take this Li Feng and let me go, the gold will be all yours!"

Seeing that Li Feng was not taking advantage of the trap, Lu Yuanyi again targeted the soldiers behind him.

If you meet a person who regards money as dirt, you will be unlucky, but there is still a solution.

"Ha ha!"


The British public glanced at each other and laughed instantly.

"Why are you laughing? This is ten thousand taels of gold, don't you want it?"

Lu Yuanyi was stunned for a moment. What he said was ten thousand taels of gold, which converted into one hundred thousand taels.

Are all these people crazy?


Li Feng didn't waste any time and rushed towards Lu Yuanyi with the Qingfeng Sword in hand.

"I see who dares to move!"

Lu Yuanyi took out a crossbow directly from the car, his eyes full of coldness.

"You think you are invincible just because you have a powerful crossbow?"

However, Li Feng didn't stop at all, and didn't even look at the threat of Qiangnu.

It's just a powerful crossbow. I really think I'm invincible.

Li Feng moved forward, and Li Ji's troops also surrounded him.

You only have a powerful crossbow, and you can only kill one person at most. Isn't it just death? Let's see who is unlucky!
Looking at the people gathered around, Lu Yuanyi also frowned.

He really didn't expect that these people were not afraid of death. He was really drunk.

“Lu Yuanyi, do you think it’s your crossbow or my sword that’s faster at such a short distance?

Even if your crossbow is fast, once you fire it, I guarantee that everyone behind you will be buried with you! "

Li Feng slowly approached and threatened at the same time.

Let’s see if he is determined to go there and burn the boat.


After hearing Li Feng's words, Lu Yuanyi's scalp went numb instantly.

It is simply unreasonable to kill one person, but the other party also wants to kill his whole family.

The other party's behavior was simply worse than that of a bandit, and this was so special that it really shattered his outlook.


Li Feng moved forward step by step, but Lu Yuanyi retreated step by step.

He was really scared now, and the crossbow he held on Ji Kuo was like a thousand catties of weight.


"I surrender!"

Lu Yuanyi was speechless and threw the crossbow in his hand to the ground.

"That's right! Tie him up!"

Li Feng kicked the crossbow away, then ordered the soldiers to move forward and tied up Lu Yuanyi tightly.

"Take everyone down!"


After taking down Lu Yuanyi without any blood, Li Feng also came to the big tree where Li Yanran was hiding.

"Miss, I got it!"

"Well, I saw it, but don't take such risks in the future, do you understand?"

Li Yanran really wants to slap Li Feng now. You dare to do anything special.

The ancient crossbow was more powerful than a pistol at such a short distance. If you do this, what will future generations say? What is the difference between a gun that is fast three steps away and a gun that is fast and accurate within three steps.

"Haha, I understand. Besides, he may not be able to shoot me. I'm not stupid and won't risk my life."

Li Feng smiled, he was not stupid, he hadn't lived enough yet.

"Well, put the people aside and wait, someone else will come!"

She rolled her eyes at Li Feng and asked someone to quickly pull the carriage away, so as not to alert the enemy later.


The battlefield was quickly cleared, and Lu Yuanyi and his family were all tied up tightly.


As soon as we finished cleaning up here, we heard the sound of horses croaking in the distance.


Li Feng smiled, and then several tripping ropes appeared again, lying across the road.

"hurry up!"

Cui Zhe sat in the carriage and kept urging Asan to drive the carriage. Now Luoyang is already a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

Only by hurrying to Hehao and leaving Luoyang could he sit back and relax.


Ah San also knew the current situation and also whipped the horse on the butt.The horse was in pain and ran forward.


There was a loud noise, and the horses pulling the carriage fell to the ground, and the carriage behind them all turned sideways.

Cui Zhe was completely stunned. What was the situation? Why did he fall down when he was so good!
Cui Zhe climbed out of the carriage with difficulty. Just when he was about to curse, he felt a chill on his neck. Li Feng's Qingfeng sword was already lying on his shoulder.

"Who is it? Do you know who I am?"

After looking at the unfamiliar Li Feng, Cui Zhe was also in a trance.

I don’t understand where such a blind person came from.

"I know, I've been waiting for you here for a long time, Cui Zhe!"

Li Feng sneered. I don't know who you are, so why should I rob you?
You didn't sleep at night and you were full after eating?
"who are you?"

Cui Zhe's heart suddenly hit rock bottom. The other party was well prepared.

Could it be that his whereabouts have been exposed?It shouldn’t be!

The only people who know about themselves are the Sanhe Gang. Do they want to take advantage of others?
This is impossible. It’s too late for them to curry favor with themselves. This will never happen.

"According to the order of Special Envoy Li Siwen, I am here to capture the criminal Cui Zhe!"

"Tied up!"

Li Feng also gave him an understanding and revealed his identity.

"and many more!"

Cui Zhe became even more uneasy when he heard that the other party turned out to be Li Siwen's person. How could this special Li Siwen person appear here.

Could it be that he can pinch it?
"what happened?"

Li Feng smiled and waited for Cui Zhe's performance.

"You are just making a living under Li Siwen. There are several boxes in the carriage behind me, and they are all filled with gold.

As long as you let me go, those will be yours, okay? "

Cui Zhe smiled. In the current situation, as long as he could escape safely, it didn't matter how much money he gave up.

"Haha, how many are there!"

Sure enough, it's the same thing again. Apart from money, don't you have any innovative tricks?

"Not much, 2 taels of gold, brother, make a friend.

I am a member of the Cui family. If you want to be an official, I can also recommend you! "

Hearing Li Feng ask how much money there was, Cui Zhe hurriedly reported the gold in the box.

The 2 taels of gold were the private wealth he had accumulated over a long period of time. He believed that for a lower-class person, this was enough to buy the lives of himself and his family.

"Lu Yuanyi said the same thing as you. She is still tied up over the river ditch. If this is all you have, go and accompany her!"

Li Feng shook his head, it's boring, it's really boring!

"Lulu Yuanyi?"

Cui Zhe was also stunned when he heard Lu Yuanyi's name.

He really didn't expect that Lu Yuanyi, who seemed reckless and bellicose, could run just like him, or even faster than him.

Damn it, you old man is so timid.

"Stop talking nonsense, tie me up!"

Li Feng gave the person next to him a wink, and the two subordinates also came over with ropes in hand.

"Wait a minute, there are several concubines of mine sitting in the carriage behind me. Each of them is beautiful and fragrant, and they are proficient in all kinds of poetry and songs.

If you want, they are all yours, as long as you let go of my wife and children.

Can. Can it be done? "

Cui Zhe also yelled, then gritted his teeth and sent his concubine out.

"Haha, gold, official position, women, besides your life, what else can't you give up!"

Li Feng just slapped him with a big mouth. It was so weird that he had never seen such a nasty person before.

Sure enough, as the young lady said, none of the people from these aristocratic families are good.

Is this how poems and books are passed down from generation to generation?What family did it pass on to?



Before Cui Zhe could say anything, the two tribes gave him a slap each, and then gave him a five-flowered bun.

"Clean it up!"


Cui Zhe's carriage was also driven aside, and Li Feng and the others were like wild wolves, lurking again, waiting for the next prey to appear.

"Xiao Langjun, Xiao Langjun!"

A horse came galloping, Buqu jumped down and rushed directly in front of Li Siwen.

"Why are you here? I don't want you at home anymore?"

Seeing that the man was a guard guarding the mansion, Li Siwen was instantly confused.

"The prison was attacked by the enemy and someone set fire to it. Liu Liushou has already brought people to support.

The young man in the mansion took his brothers to Hehao, saying that he wanted to intercept Cui Zhe and the others from escaping. "

"What did you say!"

Li Siwen knew best how many people there were in the mansion. When he heard that Li Yanran was taking people to the river, he almost lost his temper.

He has never even heard of the river number, so what are you doing there?

"Don't think about it, send someone for support immediately!"

Di Renjie also spoke nervously to Li Siwen.

"Do you know where the place is?"

Li Siwen also grabbed the man's collar and asked him for the direction of the river number.

"I probably know, Xiao Langjun said it!"

The guard was stunned for a moment and then spoke quickly.


After speaking, Li Siwen directly mounted his horse with a dozen soldiers and followed the guard towards the direction of the river.


Lin Cheng and the remaining imperial troops also marched on foot, following Li Feng.

Liu Gu's cavalry moved very quickly, leading the soldiers and horses towards the prison. Looking at the flames in front of them, the horses stopped instantly.

"Abandon your war horse and charge inside for me. We must ensure the safety of the prison."

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