My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 707: There won’t be a private dock here, right?

Chapter 707: There won’t be a private dock here~
Liu Gu's eyes were full of anger, these bastards were so cruel.

I am dragging the whole of Luoyang to be buried with you!

The elite soldiers of the left-behind mansion dismounted their war horses and rushed directly into the scene of the fire.

"How about it?"

Lu Feng glanced at the corpse beside him, but there was no emotion in his eyes.

So what if the other party is elite?Not all of them were killed by themselves.

"found it."

A man dragged a body that was burned beyond recognition to Lu Feng, his eyes full of excitement.

"Can you confirm?"

After looking at the corpse, Lu Feng also frowned.

The man shook his head, his face was burned, and he still confirmed the light!
Lu Feng looked at the prison that turned into a sea of ​​fire again, and squatted next to the corpse.

Looking around, he also sneered.

"This body is not Zhang Maosun's!"


Hearing Lu Feng's words, the private soldiers around him were all stunned.

This face has become like this, how did you recognize it?

Isn’t it a bit too amazing?

"Zhang Maosun is the governor of Luozhou. He is holding a pen. Look, the palms are covered with calluses. They are caused by holding knives all the time. They want to hide it!"

Lu Feng slowly stood up and walked step by step to the side of the prison.

"Rush in!"

"Lu Feng, this place is about to burn down. If you rush in now, you will die!"

Wang Qiang glanced at Lu Feng, wondering what this guy wanted to do.

This prison has been burned to such a degree. If you rush inside now, isn't it like a moth rushing to the flame and causing your own destruction?
"Yes, this prison has become like this. What if Zhang Maosun is still in it? Isn't he still dead?"

"That's right, we should withdraw!"

The surrounding private soldiers also hesitated for a while. It wouldn't matter if they died by swords, but being burned to death would be too terrifying.

"No, the head of the family has said that if you are alive, you must see the person, and if you are dead, you must see the body.

Even if Zhang Maosun is really burned to death, I still want to see the body.

Come inside for me! "

Lu Feng glanced at the soldiers around him, as indifferent as machines.

"I'm not going!"

"I won't go in either!"

"Go to yourself!"

Facing Lu Feng's order, the leaders of the other three families also refused.

"Okay, where are the Lu family members? Follow me and charge!"

Lu Feng looked at the private soldiers of the Lu family beside him. Since I can't count on you, I will do it myself.


Although the private soldiers of the Lu family did not want to go in, they all agreed and followed Lu Feng towards the prison.

As the shouts of killing rang out, Liu Gu led his men out of the fire scene and fought outside the prison.


Looking at the man in black in front of the prison, Liu Gu also gave an order.

The elites behind him also roared and killed each other.


Seeing that someone dared to rush out despite the fire, Lu Feng gave up the idea of ​​rushing into the prison and led his men to fight with Liu Gu's elite.

The cry of killing resounded through the night sky, and the battle between the two sides became fierce. However, private soldiers were private soldiers, and it was still difficult to resist the elites of the left-behind mansion.

After a while, they were all killed and retreated. They could only retreat to the entrance of the prison and rely on the terrain to make the final resistance.

"Bow and Arrow!"

Liu Gu waved his hand, and dozens of soldiers also bent their bows and nocked arrows, scattering arrows into the men in black.

"No, I can't resist it anymore."

Looking at the dead and injured brothers around him, Wang Qiang's eyes were full of despair.

"You have to stop me even if you can't. At least you have to hold on until this prison is completely burned down!"

Lu Feng glanced at the elite members of the left-behind mansion in front of him, his eyes full of cruelty.

Not knowing what was going on inside, he could only place his hope on the fire. If the prison could be burned down, Zhang Maosun would be completely doomed.

"If you want to die, die, I want to break out!"

Hearing that Lu Feng still wanted to hold on, Wang Qiang gave up.

This meow has done enough to deserve the money he gets.

He doesn't want to die here now!

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a steel knife piercing his chest directly.

"Lulu Peak!"

Before Wang Qiang finished speaking, he fell to the ground with a thud, and dark red blood spread all over the ground.

"Whoever dares to run away now will be killed by me."

Lu Feng, who had killed Wang Qiang, was full of rage and shouted at the private soldiers around him.

The private soldiers of the Lu family also looked at Pao Ze just now with a fierce look on their faces, and if they disagreed, they would kill with their swords.

"I'll fuck you eggplant!"

"You're so cute, why are you pretending to be a wolf with a big tail!"

"Brothers, kill them!"

These private soldiers are not fearful at all. It is impossible for Lu Feng to scare them by killing people.

Seeing the enemies fighting among themselves, Liu Gu was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?
"Stay behind, what should I do?"

"What to do? Add fire to them and keep shooting arrows!"


Arrows soared into the sky and fell directly into the melee of private soldiers.


Someone shouted, and the private soldiers who were still fighting dispersed in an instant, leaving only Lu Feng standing there with twenty or thirty private soldiers of the Lu family.

"Go to jail!"

Lu Feng's eyes flashed with determination, he turned around and rushed into the sea of ​​fire.

The remaining people looked at each other, but no one followed him in. Instead, they chose to throw away their weapons and kneel on the ground to surrender.


Seeing that the overall situation was decided, Liu Gu waved his hand, and the elite elites from the left behind him rushed forward and captured all the private soldiers.Looking at the prison full of flames, Liu Gu was also a little overwhelmed.

"Stay behind, is it necessary to rush in?"

"Come, Zhang Maosun is probably inside. He wants to see people alive, and wants to see his body even if he dies!"

Liu Gu also gritted his teeth. Zhang Maosun was too important and there must be a result, otherwise Li Siwen would not spare him.


All the soldiers also promised together, then gritted their teeth and prepared to rush into the prison.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the solid prison collapsed instantly.

"Stay behind, be careful!"

One of the guards threw Liu Gu to the ground.

When the dust and smoke cleared, Liu Gu also fanned the dust.

"Why are you standing there? Help!"

After looking at the stunned soldiers, Liu Gu also shouted angrily.


A group of people began to dig through the ruins of the prison, and finally found clues deep in the cell, and finally rescued Zhang Maosun.

"Here comes!"

Listening to the sound of horse hooves in the distance, Li Feng also waved his hand, and several tripping ropes were placed across the road.


Li Siwen was now focused on Li Yanran, and before he could react, the horse under his crotch also fell to the ground.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and climbed up from the ground. The Qingfeng sword in his hand also flashed a ray of cold light and was unsheathed in an instant.

"Who! Come out!"

Glancing at the grass on both sides, Li Siwen also roared.

At this moment, dozens of strong men emerged from the grass.

"Li Siwen!"

"Li Feng?"

Looking at the person opposite them, the two of them were instantly stunned.

Isn't it a coincidence? The flood washed away the Dragon King Temple, and my family beat my own family.

"You're so cute, can you spot the person who's doing it?"

Li Siwen put the sword back into its sheath, his eyes full of depression.

I really thought that I was wise all my life, but I didn't expect that the boat capsized in the sewer, and it was capsized by one of my own people.

"Who knows who you are, you fool?"

Li Feng also scratched his head, good guy, it's a good thing he shouted, otherwise the sword might have struck down.

"Get lost! Where is Brother Li?"

After scanning around and finding no trace of Li Yanran, Li Siwen's eyes were full of anxiety.

"The lady is there!"

Li Feng pointed to the top of his head, and Li Feng and Di Renjie also looked up together.

He didn't see anything yet. A date stone fell from the sky and hit Li Feng directly on the forehead.


Li Feng also screamed, and when he looked closely, he saw a black shadow on the branch of a tree, with a pair of calves swinging back and forth on it. Who else could it be if it wasn't Li Yanran.

"Brother Li, come down quickly!"

Li Feng was depressed. What are you doing in the tree?

You are not a cat, what should you do if you fall?

"Haha! Then I'm going down, catch me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yanran jumped down from the tree.


Looking at Li Yanran being held in his arms, Li Feng also felt relieved.

This jump really scared him to death.



Looking at Li Feng's flushed face, Li Yanran also smiled like a silver bell.

"Brother Li, you scared me to death! Did you fall?"

Li Siwen hurried over and saw that Li Yanran was fine, and his heart calmed down.

"What's going on over there?"

Li Feng put Li Yanran on the ground, and she looked at Li Siwen and asked him about the situation there.

"They were fooled and they didn't even think about paying."

It was okay if Li Yanran didn't mention it, but she felt aggrieved when she mentioned Li Siwen.

After so much effort, I felt lonely in the end.

Both parties want to take advantage of others, and have no sense of morality.

"I've guessed it a long time ago. You know what happened in the prison, right?"

Li Yanran shook her head. The wool comes from the sheep, so you can't pluck the wool from a sheep.

These aristocratic families are rich, but they have been cheated twice in such a short period of time, so there is no money left.

Even if you really have some extra money, you may not dare to take it out.

"I understand. Liu Gu has already sent people there. There shouldn't be any problems. By the way, have you gained anything here?"

Li Siwen frowned and put the prison aside for now, as long as you are fine.

"Did you gain anything? Hey, come with me!"

Li Yanran didn't feel sleepy anymore when she mentioned this, and led people directly to the bottom of the river embankment.

Looking at the carriages below and Cui Zhe and Lu Yuanyi who were tied up, Li Siwen had to give Li Yanran a thumbs up.

"Brother Li, how did you know this place, and how did you calculate that they would come here?"

Li Siwen also transformed into a hundred thousand whys, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Thank you for staying in Luoyang for so long. You don't even know the river number. If you knew what was here, you wouldn't wonder why they came here."

Li Yanran jumped up and gave Li Siwen a headshot.

You have been to so many places in Luoyang, and you don’t even know the river number. No wonder you are being plotted against.

"What's in here?"

Li Siwen was even more confused. What place was the river number? Do he have to know it?
"There won't be a private dock here~!"

(End of this chapter)

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