My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 711 Encirclement and Suppression of the Three River Gangs!

Several people looked at Li Yanran and took a breath of air. It was not that they had never seen Li Yanran angry before, but this was the first time they had seen such a scene.

At this moment, all of them silently mourned for the thieves of the Sanhe Gang.

Killing can only be done with a nod, but if Li Yanran really catches him, it may not be a matter of nodding.

Poor, pitiful, so good, so good.

"Why don't you reply?"

Li Yanran glanced at a few people and was stunned for a moment.

"Brother Li, don't worry. I'm going to tell those people to try their best to stay alive. Even if they are about to die, they must use ginseng to hang on to their lives."

Li Siwen quickly stood up straight and assured Li Yanran.

"Are you stupid? Are the lives of those thieves worth taking ginseng? You can burn it if you have the money!"

Li Yanran's eyes are about to fly out, and she still hangs herself with ginseng. Is there any brain in your head?

It's not that she can't afford it, it's just that the thieves from the Sanhe Gang don't deserve it!
"I don't have any money."

Li Siwen was depressed. What do you mean I have money to burn? Isn't that what you said?

Try to stay alive, don't I listen to you?

Besides, my father doesn’t know, my mother doesn’t know, and I don’t know whether I have money or not. Only you know best.

"Hurry up and do it. Tell the soldiers not to chop on the head when they attack. As long as you can take the person, it doesn't matter if the arms or legs are broken."

Li Yanran was depressed, I asked you whether you have money or not?

Hurry up and get out of here, I'm really getting more and more upset the more you look at it.


Li Siwen saluted directly, and then gave Di Renjie a look, indicating that he would leave with him.

"Your Highness, let me go with the young man, so that I can help him plan something!"

Di Renjie also received Li Siwen's signal and bowed directly to Li Yanran.

"Forget it, I'll go with you!"

Li Yanran glanced at the two of them and stood up directly. She wanted to see the scum of the Sanhe Gang destroyed with her own eyes.

It's not that she has a strong sense of justice, but she just can't stand it.

She can be regarded as one of the four good young women of the 21st century who have grown up in the spring breeze. In the past, she had no ability and could only verbally criticize her.

Now that she has the ability, if she sees these things again, she doesn't mind being a scavenger and helping Datang clear his stomach.

Some people may say that you can still sweep away the darkness in the world?She could only reply, trying her best.

"Brother Li, you'd better rest!"

"Your Highness, as long as Di Renjie and Xiao Langjun are there, you should rest in the mansion!"

Li Siwen and Di Renjie also spoke to Li Yanran at the same time.

It's a joke, if you let me go, there might be something wrong.

Staying at home is a peace of mind.

"That's a lot of nonsense, Li Feng prepares a car!"

Li Yanran didn't bother to pay attention to the two of them and directly asked Li Feng beside him to take action.


Soon everyone arrived at a civilian house outside the Sanhe Gang's station. This was the temporary command post set up by Li Siwen. All the surrounding houses had been taken down by the Forbidden Army.

Whether they were ordinary people or the thieves of the Sanhe Gang, they were all under their control.

"Your Highness, we have now completed the siege of the Sanhe Gang's station, and have deployed control here and across the river.

Zhang Minggu's boat has reached the upper and lower reaches of the Luo River. At the same time, he also arranged for people to lower the net in the river, waiting for the third watch to start. "

Di Renjie spread out a map, which was based on Zhang Minggu's field collection and drawings of the area around the Sanhe Gang.

According to this drawing, Di Renjie and Li Siwen also set up a dragnet.

"Did you send someone to wait outside the Riverboat?"

Li Yanran also frowned after hearing Di Renjie's words.

"What are you doing on the river?"

Li Siwen was stunned for a moment and didn't know what Li Yanran meant.

“The Sanhe Gang is a mixed bag of good and bad, with quite a few members, and it’s impossible to guarantee that some of them will stay overnight in places like brothels.

Now that we are eradicating them, will those who slipped through the net come over and surrender?
Certainly not.

Their best choice is to go to Hehao. Only there are opportunities, so people must be arranged there. "

Li Yanran shook her head. Since she wanted to do something, she had to cut the grass and root out the roots, but she couldn't leave any tail behind.

"Brother Li, can you walk slower? Why do I feel that after half a year, the gap between me and you is getting bigger and bigger!"

Li Siwen looked at Li Yanran, somewhat stunned.

He had never thought of these things. Who knew how much wisdom Li Yanran had hidden in her little head.

Anyway, he felt like he was really falling behind him.

"Why are you flattering me? Hurry up and arrange for someone to do it!"


Li Siwen immediately called Lin Cheng and asked him to arrange for someone to set up an ambush outside Hehao.

At midnight, Zhang Minggu's men took the lead and dug dozens of ships into the upstream and downstream rivers of the Sanhe Gang.

After doing all this, he also immediately asked someone to come over and notify Li Yanran.

"Okay, let's get started!"



Emperor Enjie and Li Siwen saluted together and directly arranged the movement of the forbidden army.

Hundreds of forbidden troops, coupled with elite guards transferred from Liu Gu, slowly surrounded the Sanhe Gang.At this time, basically everyone in the Sanhe Gang was asleep. Even the sentries they arranged had all fallen asleep, unaware that they were now surrounded.


Lin Cheng waved his hand, and several forbidden soldiers easily climbed into the Sanhe Gang and slowly pushed open the wooden village door.


A Sanhe Gang thief got up at night and was stunned when he saw the imperial army outside.


There was a bow sound, and the man fell to the ground with a bang.

This sound immediately woke up the Sanhe Gang, and the thieves rushed out of the house one after another carrying their guys.

"Kill, leave as many people alive as possible, just break off the legs and feet."

Lin Cheng also perfectly conveyed Li Yanran's instructions, breaking his limbs and saving his life.


The soldiers shouted loudly together, and then rushed towards the Sanhe Gang bandits as a small team.

"Damn it, what kind of thieves dare to come to the Sanhe Gang to run wild? I'll chop them up!"

A burly man also carried a ghost-headed sword on his shoulder, his eyes full of murderous intent.

This man's name is Sankui, and he can be regarded as the most prestigious person among the three brothers.


After hearing Sankui's words, the bandits from the Sanhe Gang only thought that the other party was a thieves who came to seize territory, and they had no idea who they were facing.

The two sides didn't say much and just fought together. For a moment, swords flashed and blood flowed.

The Sanhe Gang is just a ragtag group, how can they be the opponent of the battle-hardened Forbidden Army.

Although the Forbidden Army did not kill them, the Sanhe Gang bandits still could not resist them.

In a short time, a large section was cut down, and even Sangui, who was the most skilled in martial arts, was surrounded by a group of forbidden troops and fell to the ground.

"No, we can't stop it. Hurry up and evacuate by boat."

I don't know who shouted, and the remaining bandits also jumped on the small boat next to them and dispersed to both sides.

"What's going on ahead? Why are there so many sunken ships?"

A bandit held a small boat and looked at the river that was already occupied by sunken ships, his eyes full of fear.

“I don’t know, it was fine during the day, but why it became like this at night.

What kind of bastard did this? If the boat breaks down, wouldn't it be nice for him to sell it for scrap?Why don't you have any sense of ethics? "

Another bandit also stared at the river and cursed.

"What should we do now?"

"Everyone jump off the ship and swim out of here."

"Yes, yes, jump off the ship, jump off the ship, or it will all be over!"

Looking at the Sanhe Gang who had already fallen into the sea of ​​​​fire, the Sanhe Gang thieves also jumped out of the boat one after another, trying to escape with their own water skills.

"What the hell! I'm stuck!"

"Ouch, I'm stuck too!"

"We are ambushed, hurry up and cut through the rope net, quickly!"

Just when Sanhe was busy helping the thieves, a loud shout came from nowhere.

"The net is closed!"

The ambushes ambushing both sides of the river also directly collected the fishing nets laid in the river, and all the Sanhe Gang bandits who fell into the fishing nets were pulled out one by one.

Even if there are fish that slip through the net, they are still in a daze in the river.

With obstacles in front and pursuers behind them, they really had no chance of survival.

"How to do?"

"What else can I do? Either die in the river, or go ashore and fight for your life, maybe you can escape!"


The remaining thieves from the Sanhe Gang gritted their teeth and began to swim towards the river bank.

But Di Renjie had already arranged for men over there. As soon as they landed, their limbs were broken and they lay on the river bank wailing.

"Zhang Heshen, will anyone really reimburse us for the losses caused by this shipwreck?"

In a farmhouse in the distance, more than a dozen boat captains all looked towards Zhang Minggu in the middle.

"Don't worry, it's just your broken boats. As long as you follow me well, I will replace you with a big boat when the time comes."

Zhang Minggu also smiled. These were the leaders he had secretly contacted.

These were all his good buddies in the past. Now that Li Yanran wants to control Luohe water transportation, he naturally cannot forget them.

Moreover, these are people who have been on the water for half their lives. It is not enough to let them kill people and set fires, but let them use the water and sail boats. They are all first-class talents.

"Then you should be able to tell me who is behind you now."

Zhang Minggu was able to make up his mind to organize them to plot against the Sanhe Gang this time. After all, this old guy is no longer the indomitable Zhang Heshen he was a few years ago.

"Can't you see it after all this?"

Zhang Minggu was really depressed. Who else could organize such a large battle and gather so many troops?

My old friends are still young after all.

It's a disgrace to themselves that they can't even see the world clearly. Otherwise, this is the fate they will have in this life.

"Could it be that your backend is the land and sea transport envoy's office?"

The man who looked like an old man thought for a moment and made a bold guess.

"Water and land transportation is a brain, have your brains been soaked in water?
(End of this chapter)

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