My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 712 It’s true that no chicken or dog will be spared!

"Zhang Heshen, what does this mean?"

A boatman shook his head, there was no water!

"I, I, am convinced.

Who doesn't know the relationship between the Sanhe Gang and the Land and Water Transport Envoy's Yamen? If they wanted to wipe out the Sanhe Gang, they would have taken action long ago.

Will you wait until now? "

Zhang Minggu went crazy. What the hell are these people doing?

He already regretted it a little now. If he introduced these people to Li Yanran, if something went wrong, he would also be implicated.

"That's true, then who is behind you?"

"Hey you guys, behind me is the new special envoy Li Siwen.

He followed His Majesty's decree to rectify the Luohe River and even the entire water transport.

So now you have two options. One is to follow me. Each of you will be given a big boat, and you can follow Special Envoy Li to do something great.

The other is to convert your ship into money according to the market price plus your losses, and leave! "

Zhang Minggu was also a little speechless. He was really impressed by these sticks.

Don’t these people watch the news?

Are you not aware of the changes in Luoyang now?
"Big ship? How big is it? How is it compared to those transfer ships?"

This is the second time they have heard of the so-called big ship, but the captains of these ships have little experience. The largest ship they have ever seen is the official ship of the transshipment envoy Yamen.

"Official ships are nothing. Special Envoy Li has spent a lot of money to build large ships. Each ship can carry at least two thousand stones."

Zhang Minggu didn't know how big the watercraft built by Li Yanran was, but he still knew how to draw cakes.

"Two or two thousand stones? I'm such a good boy!"

Everyone gasped when they heard this.

The official ships of the transshipment envoys can be large or small. The smallest one can carry 1000 shi, and the large one can carry more than [-] shi.

This was already a huge thing in their eyes, but now Zhang Minggu said that he wanted to build a big ship with a load of two thousand stones.

How much goods should be transported on one trip and how much money will be earned?

They couldn't even imagine it.

"Don't be shocked, just tell me whether you want to do it or not!"

Zhang Minggu smiled when he saw everyone's shocked eyes and asked them again.

"Fuck it, old man, I have never seen a two thousand stone big ship in my life. If I can sail such a big ship once, it will be worth my life!"

"That's right, let's do it. One trip of the two thousand stone ship is worth the income of my small boat for several months!"

"That's right, Zhang Heshen, you have to take us with you for such a good thing!"

The eyes of the dozen or so captains are full of light. These people have been sailing all their lives, and their lifelong wish is to change to a bigger boat and make more money.

Now that Zhang Minggu has given them this opportunity, how could they not fall for it?

"Okay, when the thieves from the Sanhe Gang are wiped out, I will take you to see Special Envoy Li.

But there are ugly words ahead. Once you take this step, there is no room for regret.

Otherwise, you all know what the consequences will be! "

Zhang Minggu nodded, these people will be his weapons to control the Luohe River and the Canal Canal.

I believe His Highness will be happy.

After a night of fierce fighting, the Sanhe Gang was captured from top to bottom, inside and out.

Not to mention humans, even the vicious dogs responsible for guarding the door had their limbs broken off and taken back to the prison.

So far, except for those Sanhe Gang members who have not returned home, the Sanhe Gang that has been running rampant in Luohe for several years has been wiped out.

"Your Highness, all those people have been brought back!"

Li Siwen looked at Li Yanran excitedly. He really didn't expect that it would be so easy to wipe out the Sanhe Gang.

Originally, he thought there would be some waves, but he didn't expect that these people were really a mob.

It really breaks down at the first touch.

"Li Feng, prepare a car and go to the prison."

Li Yanran nodded, got up and walked directly to the prison.

"Is this going to leave?"

"It seems we haven't gotten in the car yet!"

Looking at the rolling carriage, Li Siwen and Di Renjie were both stunned.

"That's right! We haven't gotten in the car yet, Brother Li, please wait for me!"

Only then did Li Siwen realize that Brother Li had run away on his own and he hadn't gone over yet.

"Why are you standing still! Chase!"

Di Renjie directly got on the horse tied outside the door and followed Li Yanran's footsteps.

Looking at the empty surroundings, Li Siwen felt bad.

The carriage and horses were gone. How was he going to get to the prison?
All the horses in the mansion have been sent out. Do you want to go there on your own legs?

After all, he is also a special envoy conferred by His Majesty. He has to walk through the streets in full public view. He doesn't want to lose face.

Just when Li Siwen was worried, Chef Fan Ze also rode a donkey from a distance.

"Chef Fan, I feel happy every day. I am the best when it comes to shopping for groceries and cooking!"

"Walk in the waves. Waves in the waves."

"Today's dishes are really cheap. I bought courgettes and Kunlun!"

"Walk in the waves. Waves in the waves."

Li Siwen's eyes also lit up when he saw the donkey under Fan Ze's crotch.

"Come down you!"

He pulled Fan Ze off the donkey, then Li Siwen skillfully got on the donkey, slapped the donkey's butt and chased after Li Yanran.

"Young Master, you can just grab the donkey for the vegetables. The vegetables I just bought are still on top!"

Fan Ze looked at Li Siwen's back and was completely confused.

Young Master, young Master, when did you change your taste? Instead of riding a horse, you ride a donkey.

Even if you want to ride a donkey, just wait until I get the food first!
What the hell is this.

Li Yanran rushed to the prison first. As soon as she entered, she saw more than a dozen vicious dogs with four broken legs lying on the ground howling.


Li Yanran is really not calm now. She asked you to arrest people, but you didn't even let the dogs go.

Are you crazy?Wouldn't chickens and dogs be so ruthless?
"Your Highness, wait for me!"

Di Renjie came to Li Yanran's side in three steps and one run.

"What is going on?" Li Yanran glared at Di Renjie, "You are not allowed to explain this situation to me?"


Di Renjie was stunned for a moment when he looked at those vicious dogs. What the hell are these?

He didn't remember that he had given such an order.

"I don't know what's going on here! Lin Cheng, Lin Cheng!"


Hearing the shouts, Lin Cheng rushed over immediately.

"What are these situations!"

Di Renjie also pointed at those vicious dogs and asked Lin Cheng.

"This is what Xiao Langjun specially told me. I don't know what the specific situation is!"

Lin Cheng was depressed. These were all explained by Li Siwen, and he didn't know why.

While Lin Cheng was talking, a donkey also brayed and ran from a distance.

Li Siwen got off his donkey in a handsome manner and rushed in directly.

"What happened?"

Looking at Li Yanran's dark face, Li Siwen was also stunned for a moment.

"Did you ask people to bring these dogs back? They are promising!"

After glaring at Li Siwen, Li Yanran also pointed at the vicious dogs and asked him.

“Yeah, you don’t know, the people in the Sanhe Gang are not toys, and the dogs they raise are not good things either.

Didn’t you see those crimes?When they see a river worker they don't like, they will release these vicious dogs to bite them.

So I asked the soldiers to bring back these vicious dogs. Is there any problem? "

Li Siwen's eyes were filled with coldness when he looked at those vicious dogs. These were considered to be aiding the evil, and he would feel uneasy if he didn't kill them.

"Give them a good time, it's their fate to live with such a master!"

Li Yanran also left a message and took the lead to go inside.

Entering the prison, I saw that the cells were already crowded with prisoners. Although these people looked different, they had one thing in common.

That is, everyone has their limbs broken off and is lying on the ground wailing.

After taking a quick look, Li Yanran retreated.

It's too brutal and bloody!

She really couldn't stand it.

"Di Renjie, these people are handed over to you. No matter what method you use, I want them to confess all their crimes."

After glancing at Di Renjie and Li Siwen beside him, he immediately threw the task away.

"Your Highness, don't worry!"

Di Renjie saluted.

"Well, Li Feng, let's go and wait."

Li Yanran nodded and led Li Feng outside.

"Di Renjie, what do you want to do!"

Li Siwen looked at Di Renjie and then at the thieves, his eyes full of coldness.

“Interrogate them one by one in front of these bandits.

Let them take responsibility for their crimes and claim everything that belongs to them and others.

If anyone doesn't tell me, ask a doctor to reattach their limbs. "

Di Renjie smiled and expressed his thoughts.

"I can understand face-to-face interrogation, but why do you ask a doctor to answer the questions if you don't want to answer them?"

Li Siwen was stunned. What kind of medicine was sold in Di Renjie's gourd?

"Xiao Langjun, just watch it!"

Di Renjie didn't say anything, he just smiled.

"Lin Cheng, go get the doctor over!"


Soon several doctors rushed over with medicine boxes on their backs. They were all dumbfounded when they saw the injuries.

"Pick one up! Just the strongest one!"

Di Renjie sat in front of the table and directly asked Sangui to be brought out.

"The Sanhe Gang is finished. Please honestly account for the crimes you committed."

"Bah, Grandpa has been in the world for so long, and he has never been afraid of anything.

If you can kill me, I won't be a man if I frown. "

Sangui looked at Di Renjie with disdain.

Even you, a pretty boy, want to interrogate grandpa. You were not weaned when I killed someone.

"Then there's no need to talk, just treat his injuries!"

Di Renjie was not angry at all and directly asked the doctor next to him to set Sankui's bones.


Seeing the other party's operation, Sankui was completely stunned.

What kind of situation is this? I just want to die, and you still want to heal me?

Is there really such a thing as repaying evil with kindness in this world?
I'm afraid this guy is mentally ill.


The broken bone hurt, and the bone setting also hurt. It took a few doctors a while to help San Kui bandage it.

"Boy, no matter what, I thank you in advance."

Although he didn't know what Di Renjie meant, he still deserved a thank you.

"Don't say thank you yet, I'm asking you again if you want to explain yourself and the Sanhe Gang's guilt!"

Di Renjie also smiled at Sankui and asked the question again.

"The Sanhe Gang is kind to me. I will not betray them. Just kill me!"

Sankui's face turned cold, I would have betrayed my brother if you hadn't helped me heal my injury.

"Okay, break his legs!"


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