My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 713: After being cured, continue to hit, hit the good leg!

Sankui was stupid, Li Siwen was stupid, and the doctors in charge of bandaging were also stupid.

What the hell does this guy want to do? He just wrapped it up and now he wants to break it?

This is going to hurt like hell.

"What are you doing standing still? Smash it!"


Li Siwen shook his head and pushed directly towards Sangui.

Sankui was dumbfounded. Looking at the smiling Di Renjie, he felt like he was seeing an evil ghost from hell.

Those who are too cute are no longer human.

Looking at Li Siwen walking towards him, Sankui also trembled and said, "What are you going to do!"

"Don't come here!"

"What nonsense? If you want loyalty, then I will help you!"

Li Siwen held a wooden stick in his hand and smashed it directly.

"and many more!"

"Di Renjie, what do you mean!"

This shout almost made Li Siwen flash his waist.

"Young gentleman, don't hit his wound, it's not easy for the doctors to bandage it.

Besides, I'm used to the pain there, so hit it somewhere else! "

Di Renjie glanced at Sangui and asked Li Siwen to hit his back leg.

"You are ruthless!"

Li Siwen gave Di Renjie a thumbs up, then raised his stick and hit it directly on his thigh.


Sankui felt like his world was about to collapse. The old injury hadn't healed yet, and a new one had appeared.

It hurt so much that he almost fainted.

"This strong man said he didn't say anything!"

"Kill me if you can, I won't tell you!"


Li Siwen hit him with another stick, but Sangui gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Seeing that San Kui was so resistant, Li Siwen also struck a few more times with the stick, breaking the newly connected limbs of San Kui again.

After finishing, Sankui was sweating profusely and fainted.

"Splash him awake, keep going!"

A basin of cold water immediately woke Sankui up.

Looking at Li Siwen in front of him and then at Di Renjie on the side, Sangui gritted his teeth and remained silent.

"Treat his injuries again. If he still doesn't say anything, continue beating him."

After hearing Di Renjie's words, Sankui couldn't hold himself any longer.

Really, I can't stand it any longer.

Even a tough guy can't stand such a torment.

In the end, he also told all the innocent things he had done and the crimes of his subordinate Dai Laosan in front of all the thieves.

"I've already said it, you should spare me! Give me treatment."

After signing and depositing the money, what Sankui wants to do most now is to quickly treat his injuries.

Regardless of life or death, all he wants now is to have his hands and feet reattached.

"Well, that's right. Throw him into jail and wait. Who is Dai Laosan? Come out!"

Di Renjie didn't care about that, he just had San Kui thrown back, and then called out Dai Laosan.

"Sankui, you betrayed me so badly, I'll give you an account. Sankui said that's not all, I'll give you a full account!"

Hearing Di Renjie call his name, Dai Laosan was filled with anger and anger, and he immediately supplemented the list of Sangui's evil deeds.

"Young Master, break that Sangui's legs and feet again and treat him as the price for lying."

Without saying a word, Li Siwen just hit Sankui with a stick and screamed on the ground.

"Okay, do you have anything to add to what he confessed next? If not, name another person and explain his crime!"

Looking at the miserable Sangui, Dai Laosan didn't dare to hide it. After all, no one knew about the insignificant things he did.

If this was revealed, he didn't want to be like that Sangui and do it again.

He really wants to die now, but he doesn't want to be hurt to death.

So he hurriedly told all the unknown things, then glanced at his good brother in prison, and immediately revealed all his crimes.

After all, the one he knows the most is his best brother.

As the saying goes, we share blessings and share hardships. Good brothers should die together!

"Dai Laosan, I'm so crazy about you, uncle!"

"I want to explain, I want to explain."

What follows is a pleasant confession and leniency session. With the lessons learned from past mistakes, each of these gangsters is eager to tell all the things they did when they were young.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Di Renjie also arranged for the Forbidden Army to arrest and interrogate them, striving to complete these interrogations as quickly as possible.

After all, Li Yanran was still waiting for a reply.

Seeing this scene, Li Siwen really admired Di Renjie's control over people's hearts.

With just a few sticks, these bandits were fooled around.

After all the thieves and bandits were accounted for, Di Renjie and Li Siwen went to find Li Yanran with a thick stack of indictments.

"Brother Li, where is he?"

"I do not know!"

Looking at the empty quiet room, Li Siwen and Di Renjie were dumbfounded together.

"Di Renjie, do you smell anything?"

Li Siwen sniffed, and a familiar smell wafted from a distance.

"Xiao Langjun, did you miss breakfast? You are hallucinating from hunger. Why didn't I smell it?"

Di Renjie took a deep breath, but couldn't smell anything.

"No, there must be something delicious. If Brother Li isn't here, he must be out to get some delicious food!"

Li Siwen shook his head and ran directly towards the front yard following the scent.

Di Renjie was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly followed Li Siwen.

"Miss, are you okay?" Looking at the big pot in front of him and smelling the rich aroma, he really couldn't bear it anymore.

He was already imagining how wonderful it would be to have the meat enter his mouth and then go down his intestines.

"Why are you so anxious? You don't know what it means to be impatient and you can't eat hot tofu? Just wait."

Rolling his eyes at Li Feng, didn't you say before that people who practice martial arts must be firm-minded and not be tempted by vulgar things.

Why can't I bear this?

Why do you still say that you are a martial arts genius? Are you that talented?
"Okay, I'll wait!"

Li Feng could only hold his breath and stare, letting himself maintain his true intentions.

But being so close, it was really difficult for him to control his greed.

The meat in the pot was also tumbling in the broth, and Li Yanran and Li Feng stared at it eagerly, as if the meat would fly away if they were not careful.

"Miss, it's almost done!"

Li Feng felt as if 1 years had passed, and he couldn't help it anymore.

"Look at you like that, let me try it first!"

Li Yanran also licked her lips, took out Li Feng's sword from his waist, and inserted it directly into the pot.


"Miss, my sword."

Li Feng's mood at this moment was simply indescribable.

His sword was passed down to him by his master, and was used to kill people in battle.

"What happened to your sword?"

Li Yanran picked up the sword with a large piece of meat stuck on it and put it directly into Li Feng's bowl.

"My sword is easy to use!"

Smelling the aroma of meat, Li Feng felt relieved instantly.

There is no sword but no sword, no one kills but no one kills.

Now his biggest role is this.


As Li Yanran said that, she stabbed a piece of meat out with her sword again and put it in her bowl.

"Brother Li!"

"Your Highness!"

Just when the two were about to feast, Li Siwen and Di Renjie also rushed over from a distance.

"Why are you here? Have you asked all the bandits about their charges?"

Li Yanran took a hard bite, and stars appeared in her eyes.

This meat is really delicious, no wonder it rolled three times and even the gods couldn't stand still.

"good to eat!"

Li Feng also took a bite of a piece of meat, and then let out a sound of admiration with a satisfied look on his face.

"Those crimes are all placed in the quiet room. Brother Li, what are you doing!"

Li Siwen came to the edge of the big pot and looked at the delicious food in the pot eagerly.

"You got it done so quickly? That's ok, you've made a lot of progress!"

Hearing that all the charges were collected, Li Yanran was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the two of them, somewhat disbelieving.

"Brother Li, don't talk about whether you are making progress or not. What is in this pot? Why do I feel like I have seen you before?"

Li Siwen was depressed and quickly told Di Renjie's method.

But who wants to hear your praise now? I just want to know what good things are in this.

It's so fragrant, it's simply captivating.

"It seems familiar, that's for sure. Do you still remember the good things I made for you when we were in the palace before?"

Li Yanran glanced at Di Renjie, who was staring straight at the cauldron, and also gave Li Siwen a look.

"It turns out to be that thing, no wonder it smells so good."

Li Siwen also suddenly realized that it was dog meat. No wonder it felt so familiar to him.

He didn't get it last time at the palace and forgot about it after he went out. Now he can finally get what he wanted.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Siwen wanted to use the sword on the table to pierce his flesh, but Li Feng grabbed the sword first.

"You cannot use this sword!"

Li Feng could tolerate Li Yanran using his sword for other purposes, but he couldn't tolerate Li Siwen's mistreatment.

Besides, what is that on your waist? Why do you have to use mine?


Li Siwen muttered, took out the sword from his waist, and stabbed it into the pot.

"and many more!"

"what happened?"

Li Siwen's hand shook and he almost smashed his sword into the pot.

"Di Renjie showed great strength this time. Whether it was setting up an ambush in advance or interrogating those bandits, he should be the first to eat!"

When Li Yanran said this, the corner of Li Siwen's mouth also tilted.

Although this dog meat is delicious, it is not acceptable to everyone.

Di Renjie is a scholar and has many rules. I wonder if he will have a grudge against this bitch.

So Brother Li is quite a nice person, thinking about his subordinates in everything.

"Di Renjie, please invite me first!"

Putting the dog meat stuck on the sword in the bowl, Li Siwen also followed Li Yanran's words and sent the dog meat over.

"Di Renjie is so virtuous and capable, I'd better eat it first!"

Di Renjie was really flattered now. In his opinion, he could only do so much.

I don't deserve this kind of preferential treatment at all. I'm so sorry.

"You can eat it if I tell you to!"

Li Yanran smiled and signaled Di Renjie to hurry up.

"Then Di Renjie will thank His Highness!"

Di Renjie was more respectful than obeying orders. He tore a large piece of dog meat in one bite and swallowed it in his stomach.


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