My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 714: Coming out of the mud but not stained, washing through the clear ripples without being

Looking at the three people staring at him, Di Renjie suddenly felt a bad feeling.

Could it be that what he ate was not meat, but poison?
"Your Highness? But what did Di Renjie do wrong?"

"That's right!"

"Then why are you looking at me like this?"

Di Renjie was depressed and didn't know what they meant.

"Di Renjie, is this meat delicious?"

Li Yanran smiled and directly asked the other party how he felt.

"Well, the meat is soft with a hint of toughness, and the aroma is strong but not overpowering. The taste is truly outstanding.

Di has never tasted such delicious food! "

Di Renjie nodded. Although he was still young, his family background was not bad.

Not to mention dragon liver, phoenix gallbladder, and many rare birds and animals.

But I have never tasted this taste in my memory.

Li Siwen on the side couldn't care less, so he put a piece of dog meat in his bowl, and then started to feast on it.

"You can eat more if it's delicious!"

Li Yanran also grabbed the dog meat in the bowl and ate it in big mouthfuls.

"it is good!"

When Di Renjie saw that Li Yanran had no intention of introducing him, he could only follow along with him full of doubts.

After the four of them had a feast, Li Feng also handed over a handkerchief.

After wiping her mouth with a handkerchief, Li Yanran also looked at Di Renjie in high spirits.

"Your Highness, you have eaten this delicious food. Now you can answer Di Renjie's questions!"

Di Renjie smiled at Li Yanran and asked again.

After all, this thing is so delicious, it would be a bit of a shame not to know what it is.

"Let me tell you, Di Renjie, do you still remember those vicious dogs you saw when you came in just now?"


Hearing this, Di Renjie was stunned for a moment, and said to Li Siwen with some uncertainty: "This meat can't be those vicious dogs!"

"That's right, these are the ones! What, does it taste better when you hear this?

After all, those vicious dogs hurt people, and now we can be regarded as getting rid of them for the people! "

Li Siwen patted the big pot in front of him, his eyes filled with pride.

You hurt people, and I will eat you now. This can be regarded as karma and retribution, eliminating harm for the people.


Di Renjie really broke through his defense now.

During the previous dynasty, dog meat was considered a delicacy and was accepted by the world.

But since the Tang Dynasty, Buddhism has become popular, and it is said in the Buddhist scriptures that dogs are the most filthy things and should not be eaten.

Therefore, those aristocratic families began to abandon dog meat. During the Tang Dynasty, Hu Feng was prevalent and there were many people who loved dogs.

Most ordinary people also keep dogs, so they have no choice but to stop eating dog meat.

Now that he heard that there was dog meat in the pot, to be honest, Di Renjie was shattered.

"Okay, just eat it and be content with it, don't think too much!"

Seeing Di Renjie's discolored face, Li Yanran also patted Di Renjie on the shoulder, acting like a little adult.

"But it's dog meat and filthy. It's somewhat bad to eat it."

Di Renjie was still a little uncomfortable. Although he did not believe in Buddhism, it did not mean that he was not taboo about these things.

"You're a filthy watermelon and a big eggplant. Pigs eat much worse food than dogs, so you still eat pork?
These are all pedantic remarks. It’s not that I insist on eating this. It’s really these vicious dogs that deserve to be killed.

As Li Siwen said, we can be considered as eliminating harm for the people.

I will give you a poem and you will be relieved! "

Li Yanran frowned, any filthy things seemed to her like nonsense.

At the same time, a very educational poem also flashed in my mind, which just fit the current scene.

"I also ask Your Highness to add some poems. Di Renjie is all ears."

"Since the time of the Emperor, the world has loved peonies very much. I only love the lotus, which emerges from the mud but remains unsullied, and washes clear ripples without being evil."

After Li Yanran finished speaking, Di Renjie and Li Siwen were both stunned.

In just two sentences, Lian's uniqueness is clearly introduced.

But this seems to be half a poem. No, this is not a poem but a word.

What about the second half?

"Your Highness is a great talent, but Di Renjie is not as good as him.

The lotus comes out of the mud but is not stained, and washes the clear ripples without being evil.

It's really appropriate, but what about the second half! "

Di Renjie was also very curious about knowledge. He saluted Li Yanran and asked about the second half of the poem.


Li Yanran frowned, this was all a secret.

If I tell you now, if you use it in the future, wouldn’t it be numb claws?

"No? Your Highness, how about you think about it again?"

Di Renjie seemed to be suffering from constipation. There was only such a paragraph in such a good article, which really made him feel itchy.

This is too appetizing!
"I can't remember, haven't you ever heard that articles are made by nature, and by chance they can be obtained by clever hands?

Whether you are writing poems, lyrics or books and articles, you must pay attention to true feelings and personal experience.

If you can get these two sentences, just have fun! "

Li Yanran shook her head and once again rejected Di Renjie's unreasonable request.

"The article was created by nature, but it was obtained by a wonderful hand? This sentence is also perfect!"

Di Renjie was shocked again when he heard Li Yanran's words.

This sentence is more poetic. Could it be that His Highness is really the reincarnation of Wenquxing?

Otherwise, how could these wonderful poems come at his fingertips? He was really impressed.


Li Yanran was depressed. It seemed that she had lost another opportunity to show off. She was so talkative that she couldn't do this next time. "Di Renjie, you don't have to despair. If you stay with Brother Li for a long time, you will find that you will become more desperate.

Because every time Brother Li takes a small step forward, it may take us a lifetime to catch up! "

Li Siwen is really used to this kind of scene, because Li Yanran herself is a bug.

Any time, any place, any event, she can inadvertently shock everyone.

It's like now, seeing herself eating dog meat, she can actually say such magical words as "the mud is clean but not stained, the clean ripples are clear but not demonic".

One cannot help but despair.

Di Renjie also nodded. It didn't take long, he and Li Yanran only had so much time.

The situations that shocked him were countless times more than those in the previous half of his life.

"So you understand what I mean? It doesn't matter what you eat or what you do.

As long as you stick to your true heart, you will still be you, as noble as this lotus flower. "

Li Yanran spoke again, teaching Di Renjie to stick to his heart.

"Di Renjie has learned the lesson, His Highness is a god! I'm convinced!"

Di Renjie hurriedly saluted. Li Yanran's sermon really enlightened him.

In this world, there will always be some dirt, as long as you can stick to your heart and be yourself, that's enough.

"You've taken it, why don't you take another piece?"

Li Siwen inserted another piece of meat and put it in Di Renjie's bowl.


Di Renjie also broke through his defense this time.

Saying it and doing it are two different things. After all, he has never eaten this thing in half his life.

Although you are more enlightened now, you still have to give yourself time to adapt.

Just eat as you say, who can bear this?

"If you don't eat, you won't give Brother Li face.

She talks so much about life philosophy, but it still doesn’t work for you. Isn’t that hurtful? "

Li Siwen smiled and carried Li Yanran out.

"That's fine!"

Sure enough, Di Renjie couldn't bear it after hearing this.

Glancing at Li Yanran, he also gritted his teeth and took a big bite on the dog meat.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, let's go and see the crimes of those people!"

Li Yanran no longer wanted to embarrass Di Renjie, she always wanted to give him time to slow down.

Besides, now is not the time to talk about this, business is more important.


Di Renjie also felt like he was being pardoned and put the dog meat back into the bowl.

"Brother Li, I'll let the brothers eat the rest of the meat. After all, I've been busy all night, so I can make up for everyone."

Li Siwen looked at the meat in the pot and spoke to Li Yanran.

"Well, I have the same idea, let Lin Cheng divide these!"


The group of people came to the quiet room and looked at the two piles of charges. Li Yanran couldn't help but feel a little dizzy.

So much, it’s time to finish reading this.

"Okay, give these categories to Liu Gu. After he has identified them, he will publicly try these bandits in the square."

After thinking about it for a while, Li Yanran also decided to leave all these troublesome matters to Liu Gu.

After all, if a group of officials under him left so much manpower unused and went to work on their own, wouldn't that be pure fools!

"Brother Li, didn't you say that life would be worse than death for them?

These people don't even care about life and death. Do they still care about being embarrassed?
Isn't this too light for them? "

Li Siwen was also depressed after hearing Li Yanran's decree.

After all this effort, it ended up being a public trial?

He didn't understand what Li Yanran was planning.

"Did I say it was just a trial?"

Li Siwen was stunned for a moment, wondering what Li Yanran had other ideas, and glanced at Di Renjie beside him.

The other party also shook his head, wondering what kind of medicine Li Yanran was selling in his gourd.

"After these bandits are judged in the square, order the soldiers to evacuate temporarily and come back in a quarter of an hour!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Li Yanran's mouth. It was easy to die, but how to die was a question.

"Your Highness, this is not good."

Di Renjie had already thought about what Li Yanran wanted to do.

He really couldn't imagine what the angry people would do if those soldiers evacuated.

There may be trouble by then.

"Let's do it this way. Those who have a grudge will seek revenge, and those who have an injustice will avenge them. If anything goes wrong, I will take full responsibility for it.

I said, evil people still need to be punished by evil people, and I am here to punish them! "

However, Li Yanran made the final decision and directly asked the two of them to do as she said.



The two of them had no choice but to retreat together and arrange for someone to send all the incriminating documents to the left-behind residence.

Liu Gu looked at the two piles of indictments in front of him, and his whole body was stunned.

God knows what this guy brought here. Didn't he go to annihilate the Sanhe Gang?

what are these things.

"This is the confession of the Sanhe Gang bandits. You immediately send officials to sort it out, identify it, and then publicly try them in the square, and then..."

Li Siwen also told Li Yanran's arrangements at once.

"This is not good!"

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