My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 716: If you don’t want to open your eyes, you won’t open your eyes. Even if the King of Heav

Dou Zheng nodded and directly ordered his soldiers to dispatch.

The soldiers also felt complicated, but they still started walking towards the square.

"Visiting hours are over and the family members are withdrawing."

Dou Zheng stood at the front of the team and shouted directly to the crowd in front of him.

"Family members retreat!"

"Family members retreat!"

"Family members retreat!"

The soldiers behind Dou Zheng also shouted together. They knew what these people were thinking, so they didn't want any trouble.

Looking at the officers and soldiers marching towards them, the angry people somewhat came to their senses, but in the face of these life-and-death enemies, they obviously had not vented enough.

Dou Zheng also felt a little numb when he saw this. If these people were really blinded by hatred, this matter would be difficult to handle.

"Anyone who refuses to retreat with his sword out of its sheath will be punished with treason!"

Slowly pulling out the steel knife from his waist, Dou Zheng's eyes were filled with confusion.

Upon hearing the military order, the soldiers behind him also unsheathed their swords and put their shields in front.

For a time, murderous intent filled the air, and the people were also overwhelmed by the murderous intent, and were a little at a loss.

"The government has given us a chance. Now we have to take revenge. It's time to go!"

The people arranged by Di Renjie stood up again and shouted directly to the people.

If these people don't retreat now, they all know what the consequences will be.

"Yes, I finally got my revenge. Now I am going to burn paper for my father and tell him the good news!"

"Yes, it's time to go and comfort your deceased relatives. I'm taking revenge!"

"There is no need to put yourself on the line for revenge. Wouldn't that make your loved ones suffer, your enemies happy, and be buried with these thieves?"

As the voices sounded one by one, the angry people also regained their senses and began to retreat in all directions.

Seeing the people retreating, Dou Zheng was relieved. After all, he was still a sensible person, so this was easy to handle.

"Go forward, everyone goes home. Anyone who dares to linger will be arrested by Henan Prefecture and brought to justice!"

Dou Zheng was ahead, and the heavily armed soldiers also rushed through the crowd and drove the people back home.

Upon hearing Dou Zheng's shouting, the people who were watching the excitement ran away without looking back.

After a while, only the government soldiers and the corpses of the Sanhe Gang bandits were left in the square.


The soldiers rushed to the high platform and looked at the Shura field in front of them. They couldn't bear it for a moment. They all held their stomachs and vomited next to them.

Dou Zheng originally wanted to rely on his strong willpower to endure, but the vomiting of the person next to him also triggered a chain reaction.


A feeling of nausea surged into his heart, and he held his stomach and vomited there.

"Go get some white cloth, hurry up!"

While Dou Zheng was vomiting, he quickly asked his men to get the white cloth. It was not until the high platform was completely covered that everyone felt a little better.

"Joining the army, what should I do?"

A fire chief came close to Dou Zheng, but he accidentally stepped on something and vomited all over Dou Zheng.

Unable to bear it any longer, Dou Zheng followed the fire chief and vomited again.

"You guys stay here first, I'll go find the boss and collect the bodies of these people!"

Dou Zheng felt like he was about to vomit all the jaundice, so he left here and hurried to find a widower.

Professional matters must be left to professional people. I can't stand this anymore, so I can only place my hope on those professionals.

Hope they stick with it.

Several gangsters ran over in a hurry and were stunned for a moment when they looked at the white cloth in front of them.

"Joining the army, what happened?"

"Yang Wuzuo, I'll leave this place to you. If you need anything, just call me."

Dou Zheng also patted Yang Qing on the shoulder, then ran away.

Seeing Dou Zheng running away, none of the soldiers behind him were left behind, and they all withdrew to the outside in a flash.

Yang Qing frowned and slowly opened a piece of white cloth.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he almost couldn't hold it back.

He has been in the industry for so many years and has never seen any weird crime scenes, but the situation in front of him is indeed a bit beyond the scope.

He was fine, but the apprentice who brought help couldn't help it.

These people had never experienced this before. They vomited on the spot.

"Take the ginger slices quickly and cover your mouth and nose with a cloth!"

Yang Qing was worthy of being a professional counterpart. He suppressed the nausea in his heart and took out the ginger slices and put them in his mouth. At the same time, he took out a specially made seal to cover his mouth and nose.

After doing all this, he felt a little better.

After everything was over, Yang Qing asked Dou Zheng to prepare many coffins, and then began to load the bodies on the high platform into them.

This work lasted two or three hours, and the large truck containing the corpses was already full.

“Joining the army, everything was sorted out, 120 of the four of them, none of them survived.

Their corpses were also torn into pieces, making it difficult to tell them apart! "

Yang Qing came to Dou Zheng and told everything about the scene.

"If you can't tell them apart, don't tell them apart. These people are all worthy of death. They sent those corpses to mass graves outside the city."

Dou Zheng frowned. It was not a pity to die for these bandits. Now that they are all dead, let's throw them all into mass graves. That is their final destination.


Yang Qing saluted, and then ordered the carriages carrying the corpses of the bandits to be transported outside the city.

"Fu Yin, the four bandits from the Sanhe Gang, 120, have all been brought to justice. We have arranged for them to be sent to a mass grave outside the city."

After arranging everything, Dou Zheng also came to Luo Zheng to return to his life.

"Okay, those thieves should be killed, you did a good job."

After hearing that everything was arranged, Luo Zhengfang nodded, indicating that he had done a good job.

"Fu Yin, could you please open your eyes and take a look!"

Seeing that Luo Zhengfang still had his eyes closed, Dou Zheng became depressed.

It’s all over and you’re still closing your eyes. What a big deal!
"I won't open my eyes, just watch the arrangements!"

Luo Zhengfang shook his head. He had made up his mind that he would never open his eyes today.

One is to avoid risks, and the other is to have a beginning and an end.If Liu Gu can do it, he can do it too.


Liu Gu fell down the stairs, and he did the same. He fell flat on his back and landed on his face.

"Fu Yin, Fu Yin."

Officials from the surrounding Henan Prefecture also hurriedly gathered around.

"Everyone, get out of the way, I'm fine!"

Luo Zhengfang still closed his eyes. Anyway, he had made up his mind today. Even if he had to go to the toilet, he would never open his eyes.

After getting into the carriage in the dark, the driver also flicked his whip and drove the horse away.

"Everyone is wearing something!"

Dou Zheng cursed in his mind and asked the soldiers to clean up the place.

"Let's go too!"

Seeing that everything was over, Li Yanran also stood up and left.

"Miss, Zhang Minggu wants to see you!"

"Let him in!"


Li Feng saluted and brought Zhang Minggu in directly.

"Zhang Minggu has met His Highness!"

Seeing Li Yanran, Zhang Minggu also hurriedly saluted.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Li Yanran knew that Zhang Minggu was the master who would not go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, so there must be something wrong with him coming here now.

"Your Highness, you asked me to organize those old guys before, and now they have agreed to join you. I wonder if you have any restrictions on the number of people?"

Zhang Minggu scratched his head. Since the news of his decision to form a fleet spread, in addition to his old buddies, many unrelated people have also volunteered.

This made him a little undecided. Although monopolizing water transportation required a lot of manpower and ships, who knew what Li Yanran was thinking.

If he just accepts everything, he won't be able to bear the responsibility if Li Yanran is blamed.

"In terms of numbers, the more the better, but I want to make something clear to you first.

In terms of selection, my intention is to rather lack than to overwhelm, and not to let out a bad one.

After all, we are doing this not only to make money, but also to rectify water transportation and drive the surrounding people to become rich together.

So that's the bottom line, you know? "

Li Yanran thought for a moment, she knew very well that there was strength in numbers.

But she didn't allow a mouse dropping to spoil the whole pot of porridge.

"Zhang Minggu understands!"

Zhang Minggu nodded. From this point of view, he and Li Yanran were the same.

"If you have nothing to do, go to work and set up the business as quickly as possible."


After Zhang Minggu left, Li Yanran looked at Li Feng again: "How is Pei Xinqi doing now?"

At this time, the Sanhe Gang has been wiped out, and it can be said that the biggest cancer in Luohe has been eliminated.

Someone will definitely come out to snatch the share left by the Sanhe Gang, and now he has to build up the business as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, it would be somewhat unsightly to wait until all the benefits are distributed and then go and snatch it away.

So what he has to do now is to seize the time to win these shares, and all this depends not only on Zhang Minggu, but most importantly on Pei Xinqi.

If he wants to unify Luohe water transportation, Pei Xinqi's big ship is his sharpest weapon.

"Commander Di has to answer these questions!"

Li Feng shook his head, saying that he would not be in charge if he was not in his position. This was not something he should understand.

"Then why don't you call Di Renjie over?"


After Li Feng saluted, he left directly.

"Your Highness, are you looking for me?"

Di Renjie came to Li Yanran, his eyes full of doubts!
Why do you keep looking for me here all the time?Could it be that they are going to interrogate people from the four major families?

"Well, sit down!"

"I won't sit down. Your Highness, just ask if you have any questions!"

Di Renjie shook his head. He still had a lot of things waiting for him, and he didn't have time to chat with Li Yanran here.

"How far is Pei Xinqi's progress? Now that the Sanhe Gang has been wiped out, we need those new cargo ships now!"

Li Yanran took a sip of tea and asked Di Renjie.

"Pei Xinqi used His Highness's money to acquire three medium-sized shipyards, then merged the three shipyards and started building new cargo ships.

However, from the beginning of shipbuilding to the launch of sea trials, it will take at least three months.

It is a bit difficult to get out of the water in a short time. "

Di Renjie also knows the current situation in Luohe, but shipbuilding is not something that can be done in one fell swoop.

Even if there are no problems, the ship will take two to three months to complete.

"It's taking too long. I'm afraid that by the time our big ship is built, the interests on the Luohe River will have been divided up!"

Li Yanran shook her head. She only knew that during World War II, the United States could reach the speed of building an aircraft carrier in seven days.

I didn’t expect that it would take two or three months to make a wooden shell by myself.

This is also too slow.

"Your Highness, this is already very fast. Some shipyards take half a year to build a ship. This thing cannot be rushed!"

Di Renjie was stunned. You really don't know how expensive firewood and rice are when you are not a family member.

It takes two or three months to build a large ship, which is already very fast. At least he has not heard of any shipbuilding company that can exceed this speed.

"No, we have to find a way. We can't do it ourselves and let others take advantage."

Li Yanran shook her head. If it were before, she would have nothing to worry about.

But now is the time to race against time, so I am passive.

"This is actually not difficult!"

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