My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 717 Changes at the Pier!

"How to say?"

Li Yanran smiled, and she knew that Di Renjie would not let her down!

"Actually, we still have the upper hand. Although the Sanhe Gang was wiped out, their boat was well preserved.

As long as we activate all these ships first, we can still have an advantage.

Moreover, the fleets of commercial companies on the Luo River are already suppressed, and they do not have many large ships in hand. If they want to expand their shipping capacity, they can only order from shipyards.

We can place orders to shipyards in various places and occupy the production capacity first.

In this way, even if they can buy new ships, our new ships should be built by then, and the river transportation on the Luo River will still be ours. "

Di Renjie smiled, these were not problems to him.

The first is the disaster caused by the Sanhe Gang. They burned and smashed all the big ships on the Luo River. Only their own ship was the biggest.

Second, it’s only three months, and it’s easy to delay it.

"Di Renjie, it's you who's still the devil!"

Hearing Di Renjie's analysis, Li Yanran was relieved.

After all, it is these literati who are more calculating than themselves.

If this is the case, Luo He really can't escape from his grasp.

Di Renjie was depressed. Is this a ghost?This is called wisdom.

I really have nothing to say.

"This matter has been resolved. What do you think about the people from the four major families?"

Li Yanran is in a good mood now. Luo He's matter is over and it's time to tie up.

After all, the people from these four aristocratic families are a hot potato, how to solve it.

“Your Highness, I feel that the people from the four major families should be left to His Majesty’s disposal.

Although you have a lot of power now, you are still a princess and have no rights to the court.

If you deal with them rashly, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble! "

Di Renjie also thought about the people from the four major families for a long time.

After all, these people are not the same as the thieves from the Sanhe Gang. If I kill them rashly, I will just stoke a hornet's nest.

If it can't be closed, it will be in trouble.

"In my opinion, these people are more worthy of death than the Sanhe Gang. If it weren't for their secret support, the Sanhe Gang wouldn't have been able to harm Luohe for so long."

Li Yanran also knew that people like Cui Zhe were difficult to deal with, but if she handed them over like this, she was afraid that her father would compromise with the family.

When the time came for a painless punishment, she really couldn't swallow it.

“Your Highness, even if we leave this situation to His Majesty, they will not survive.

After all, these people are no longer just aiding the tyrants, but the private soldiers also confessed that they ordered people to besiege the prison with the intention of murdering Luo Governor Shi.

With these responsibilities, even the King of Heaven would not dare to come to the rescue. Those aristocratic families probably hope that these black sheep will die quickly.

Now that these people are being dealt with by us, it is better to punish His Majesty. Your Majesty can do much more than us. "

Di Renjie shook his head. Not only was he looking forward to Cui Zhe's death, but the family behind them also wanted them to be reborn as soon as possible.

"Then we have to make them confess their crimes first, and then send them to Chang'an together with Zhang Maosun and the bandit leader of the Sanhe Gang."

After hearing Di Renjie's analysis, Li Yanran also smiled.

These people are just like dogs now. If this is the case, then send them to your father to have some fun for him.


Di Renjie saluted, but still stood where he was.

"Why are you still here? Is there anything else?"

Looking at Di Renjie standing there, Li Yanran was also stunned for a moment.

"Your Highness, the matter in Luoyang is almost over. When are you going to return to Chang'an? After all, there is still a lot of things waiting for you in the fiefdom!"

Di Renjie felt a little embarrassed and directly said what he was thinking.

I did some things here and did some shopping.

It's time to go back. Things are like this in Luoyang, and there's no need for you to stay around.

"Are you chasing me away, Li Feng? Is he chasing me away?"

Li Yanran glared at Di Renjie.

Now I have taken the people and done the work. Before I have a rest, you have to drive people away.

Isn't it a bit too inhumane?

"Miss, it's time for you to return to Chang'an!"

Li Feng shook his head. In her opinion, Luoyang was always inferior to Chang'an.

I am unfamiliar with everyone here, so if something goes wrong with him, I have no way of explaining it.

"Go away, I'm not going back, so hurry up and arrange those things. I have my own plans as to when I'll go back!"

Li Yanran glared at Li Feng.

Whose side are you on? Do you know that you belong to this girl?

Now that Di Renjie has kicked me out, you are also teaming up with Di Renjie to want me to leave.

What a thing.

Originally, you contributed a lot this time, and I wanted to reward you with some money to enrich your small coffers.

Now with your words, it’s gone.

"Di Renjie resigns!"

Seeing that Li Yanran was angry, Di Renjie had nothing to say and hurriedly bowed and left.

Some things can be settled by just mentioning them himself. If he really wants to force Li Yanran to return to Chang'an, then he will not be a capable minister, but a powerful minister.

He can still grasp this point of propriety.

"Why are you still here? I'm annoyed when I see you!"

Seeing that Li Feng was still around, Li Yanran gave him a big roll of her eyes.

You are an ignorant white-eyed wolf, and now you still dare to hang out in front of me.

I really thought this girl didn’t dare to slap you, did you?

Li Feng shook his head and stood beside her with his arms folded.

"You're not going, are you? I'm going!"

Li Yanran said and walked directly outside.

"Miss, wait for me!"

Seeing that Li Yanran was serious, Li Feng also hurriedly chased after her.Li Yanran got on the carriage, and Li Feng was also sitting in the driver's seat, not knowing what to do.

"Miss, where are we going!"

"Where to go? To the dock!"

Li Yanran replied angrily to Li Feng.

Not only is he a white-eyed wolf, he is also a little fool.

Where else can I go now? The most important thing at the moment is water transportation. I have to go and see what's going on in Luohe.


Li Feng flicked his whip, mounted his horse and ran towards the dock.

Arriving outside the pier and looking at the scene in front of her, Li Yanran was completely stunned.

The porters at the pier were all sitting there, their faces full of sadness.

What's happening here?
It stands to reason that the Sanhe Gang has been wiped out, and the spring breeze of reform should be blowing all over the dock, and everyone is smiling.

How did it become like this.

"Brother, what's the situation at this dock? Why are you all sitting here and not working?"

Li Yanran came to a porter, Ali, and asked him with doubtful eyes.

"Work? There has to be work. Look, are there any boats on the Luo River?"

Ali dusted himself off and sighed.

"No, I heard that the Sanhe Gang has been wiped out by the imperial court.

Without those thieves, wouldn't this business be better?

How come there is no work to do! "

Li Yanran really didn't understand now. Could it be that she had made a mistake?
What do these boatmen and merchant houses in Luoyang think?

"Baby, when the Sanhe Gang was here, they almost monopolized transportation in Luohe.

Those merchants who want to transport goods must first go to the Sanhe Gang, and then they will help allocate ships.

For large goods, look for big ships; for small goods, look for small ships.

But now that the Sanhe Gang is gone, it means people have lost their brains. Now merchants can't find boats, and boats can't find merchants.

Except for those merchant houses that own their own cargo ships, the rest of the merchant ships are almost at a standstill. "

After hearing the two chatting, a slightly older porter also came over.

“That’s right, I thought everyone’s life would be better now that the Sanhe Gang is gone.

It's fine now. Although I got my revenge, I have no more work to do! "

"Well, why do you think the government has nothing to do with wiping out the Sanhe Gang? Although they are bastards, at least everyone can still make a living. Let's go drink the northwest wind now!"

"Hey, there's nothing we can do about it. This is fate. We have to accept it. Anyway, I'm already planning to do something else. Luohe will be ruined in a short time."

A group of porters started complaining when they saw this.

Although they also hate the Sanhe Gang, revenge cannot be a meal.

Now everyone can only wait here to die.

"You can't say that. Don't you hate the Sanhe Gang?"

Li Feng was furious after hearing everyone's complaints.

Together with your own lady, you helped destroy the cancer, but now you are blaming us.

Is there any reason for this?

“This little brother, we are not here to speak for the Sanhe Gang.

To be a human being, we need to eat. If we have no work to do, how can our family members survive?
This government only cares about face and not about sex.

They succeeded in suppressing the bandits, but we suffered. "

The porter glanced at Li Feng and sighed.

He can accept being bullied and squeezed, but he cannot accept not having a job.

"Why don't you know what is good and what is evil?"

"do not talk!"

Seeing that Li Feng still wanted to defend himself, Li Yanran also stopped him.

The other party was right, but he hadn't thought it through before.

It’s really a disaster for those at the bottom of society who are struggling to make ends meet.

"Baby, your attire is definitely not ordinary. If you feel sorry for us, think of a way.

Let the government quickly restore this Luohe commercial road, and we will give you a longevity card! "

"Don't worry, I will do my best!"

Li Yanran looked at the porter's pleading eyes, nodded, and walked straight back.

"Miss, don't take it personally!"

Li Feng saw that Li Yanran was in a bad mood, so he also opened his mouth to comfort her.

"How can I not take it to heart and leave!"

Li Yanran slid into the carriage and asked Li Feng to leave quickly.

"Miss, where are we going!"

"Go back to the British Public Courtyard, and then call Di Renjie and Li Siwen over to me."


Li Feng also raised his whip again and drove his horse to leave the dock and return to the British government.

"Brother Li, are you looking for me?"

"Your Highness!"

When the two of them heard the call, they gave up what they were doing and came directly to Li Yanran.

"Well, I went to the pier just now. What do you think I saw?"

After looking at the two of them, Li Yanran also asked them questions.

"Is the dock thriving? The people are cheering for us."

Li Siwen looked excited when he heard that the other party had gone to the dock.

I have done such a good deed for the country and the people, and the people are not allowed to give myself a longevity card.

"There is everything on the pier, but there is no boat. The porters all over the pier are pointing at us and scolding us!"

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