My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 718 You are wrong, you have to change it!

Li Yanran sighed and told everything she saw and heard.

"A bunch of unruly people, how could they do this.

The Sanhe Gang oppresses and humiliates them, so we can still be considered as eliminating harm for the people.

If they don’t praise you, they can’t scold you either! "

Li Siwen immediately exploded. He had spent so much effort and done so many things.

In the end, it ended up being a scolding, and whoever it is placed on can bear it.

"Stop yelling first, they are right!"

"Brother Li, you are stupid, aren't you? What does scolding mean?
Just wait, I'll ask Liu Gu to lead people to arrest all those unruly people.

It’s so irritating! "

Li Siwen felt even more uncomfortable when he saw that Li Yanran voted in favor.

When others scold you, it's because they have no knowledge. Why are you still with them?

"Hey, let's keep things simple and underestimate the role of the Sanhe Gang on Luohe."

Li Yanran sighed and told the situation of the porters.

"So it's true that we were negligent."

Di Renjie glanced at Li Yanran from the side. To be honest, they had not considered this situation.

I originally thought that as long as the Sanhe Gang was wiped out, the river transport on the Luo River would definitely explode without restraint.

But he ignored this intermediate link, so he deserved the scolding.

Just like what the porters said, I was only looking for face but not caring about my dignity. I was only concerned about merit but forgot about the people at the bottom.

I am young after all.

"Well, you immediately arrange a banquet and invite all the respectable businessmen in the city in Liu Gu's name.

This matter cannot be delayed and must be resolved as quickly as possible. "

Li Yanran nodded. Since he was negligent, he had to make up for it.

Now all she can think about is to gather the merchants together and let the river flow on the Luo River flow.

If this delay continues, problems will arise not only for the porters who rely on the pier to eat, but also for the businessmen.

In the past, the Sanhe Gang served as this intermediate hub, but now we can only rely on ourselves.

"Your Highness, do you want to take the opportunity to push Zhang Minggu out?"

Di Renjie instantly understood what Li Yanran meant, which was to launch the business in advance and take over the role of the Sanhe Gang.

"That's right, Zhang Minggu is considered a celebrity in the Luohe River. He can be a businessman or a captain. He is now the most suitable person to take over the Sanhe Gang!"

Li Yanran smiled, it was really comfortable to have a smart subordinate.

You don’t need to explain this thing explicitly, just tell it in a few words.

No wonder those emperors in history favored eunuchs. There was no other way, who would let them have exquisite orifices?

Sometimes with just one look, the other person can make things happen beautifully and clearly.

Compared with those ministers who spoke uprightly, it was hard for her not to like these ministers.

"I'll do it right now!"

Li Siwen also understood, and ran out directly after saluting.

"Your Highness, are you going to let Zhang Minggu use the banner of staying behind or the banner of the young man?"

Although it has been decided to push Zhang Minggu out in advance, the banner still needs to be confirmed.

After all, it is easy to enjoy the shade with a big tree at your back. With a backstage, everyone can believe it.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Zhang Minggu alone to support Luohe.

"How do you feel?"

Li Yanran is also struggling with this issue, whether it is better to choose Liu Gu or Li Feng.

"If I feel it, it's still Xiaolangjun. After all, his current status is His Majesty the Emperor's special envoy.

Although his official rank is not as good as that of Liu Gu, his authority is much greater.

Moreover, he was originally the son of a British prince and had His Majesty's favor, so he could make those merchants more scrupulous. "

Di Renjie thought for a moment and chose Li Siwen.

After all, the other party is stronger than Liu Gu in terms of identity and status, and Liu Gu may be transferred out who knows when. Li Feng should still stay here in a short time.

"Heroes think alike, I think so too, you can go with them that night.

Otherwise, Li Siwen would be unable to suppress the situation and be in trouble. "

Li Yanran smiled. Di Renjie was really a treasure. With him, she would lose many brain cells.

"Di Renjie understands!"

Di Renjie saluted and left directly.

Li Siwen rode his horse to the left-behind residence and rushed in without announcing anything.

"Special Envoy Li Li, why are you here!"

Liu Gu was lying on the recliner and resting. When he saw Li Siwen, he jumped up and saluted. At the same time, he glared at the servant who was following Li Siwen.

Damn, did you rent your mouth or your brain? When this person comes, won’t you say anything?
"Liu Liushou, one thing. I will immediately call the big businessmen in Luoyang City in your name. I have something important to discuss with them."

Li Siwen waved his hand and directly stated his purpose.

"Special Envoy Li, why are you summoning those businessmen?
Those are people who can't stand on the stage. If you have anything to do, just ask the officials to go over and give orders! "

Liu Gu was stunned for a moment and quickly answered.

In his opinion, he is the controller of Luoyang, in other words, he is the sky of Luoyang.

As long as the officials, businessmen and common people under Luoyang's rule, everyone must obey their own orders.

What's there to say to those profit-seeking businessmen? It's not about what you say and what they do.

"Liu Liushou, you are getting a little carried away now, I have to say something to you about this.

As the saying goes, water can carry a boat and also capsize it. The common people are the foundation of our Tang Dynasty.

If you are not good to the people, how can the people be good to you?

You are wrong, you have to change it! "

Looking at the arrogant Liu Gu, Li Siwen's face instantly turned cold.

He was educated countless times by Li Yanran in Chang'an, and Li Yanran did the same.

All matters, big and small, are based on the people. While you are making money, you must also benefit the people.

After studying for so long and listening to so many complaints, it was finally time for him to educate others.


Liu Gu was dumbfounded as he watched Li Siwen talk so freely.

He had been hearing this stuff since he was three years old. What is it?
I'm buried up to my neck in loess. Are you telling me this now?
Looks like you can do it?
So drunk. "What? Does Liu Liushou disagree with me? It seems that I still haven't made it clear."

Seeing Liu Gu embarrassed, Li Siwen also raised an eyebrow.

I had refuted this when I first heard this, but what I encountered was a crazy beating from Li Yanran.

Do you also want to suffer this kind of punishment?
"Envoy Li's teachings are correct. Liu Gu is now enlightened and has benefited a lot!"

Liu Gu understood now and hurriedly saluted Li Siwen to show that he understood.

Don't say it. If I say this, I can tell you that you will be buried in peace.

"Okay, so you understand everything I said?"

Seeing Liu Gu surrender, Li Siwen nodded.

It is said that a boy can be taught. This Liu Gu deserves to be a guard in the Eastern Capital, and his understanding is comparable to his own.

At least he is stronger than Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan.

"Understood, I will send people to summon those businessmen for a discussion at night."

Liu Gu also gave Li Siwen a smile, saying that he knew what to do.

"Well, then I'll be waiting for your good news tonight!"

Li Siwen said that and left.

"Young Master, please eat before you leave!"

"No time!"

Li Siwen replied from a distance, "Do you think everyone is like you? It's no big deal to just throw away the shopkeeper."

I have a lot of things to do over there, so I don't have time to chat with you here.

"Stand behind, what should we do now? Are we really going to invite those businessmen?"

The servant also came over and asked with a frown.

"Nonsense, is there anything else you can say now? Prepare invitations and invite those big merchants to come to Liushou Mansion tonight!"

Liu Gu immediately waved his hands and left.

What's the matter!
"Come here, prepare the invitation."

Soon those invitations were sent to the big merchants in Luoyang City.

Looking at the invitations in front of them, these businessmen were also confused.

Now everyone is well aware of the situation in Luoyang. The Sanhe Gang has been wiped out and the four major families have fallen.

It can be said that Luoyang is in great turmoil at the moment. Anyone who does business in Luoyang will not have anything to do with these people.

It's better now. I'm really afraid of whatever comes next.

As the saying goes, there is no good banquet. It is obvious that even if Liu Gu does not want to destroy them, he still wants to take advantage of them.

I just don’t know how much blood I will need to shed this time to save myself.

But it’s okay not to go. After all, Liu Gu is now the most powerful person in Luoyang. If you dare to refute his face, then don’t even think about staying in Luoyang.

That night, all the invited businessmen arrived at Liu Gu's stay-at-home residence with gifts.

Liu Gu looked at the gifts brought by these merchants and was a little confused for a moment.

These people are really rich, these gifts alone are worth more than ten thousand dollars.

If he had known this, why would he hesitate?

Hold a few more banquets and you'll have everything.

"Everyone has almost arrived, please take a seat!"

Looking at the filled hall, Liu Gu also smiled and sat next to the first person.

All the businessmen were dumbfounded when they saw this situation.

You must know that the most important thing in ancient times was the seat, because the seat was a symbol of status.

It is said that the host does not sit at the guest seat. Liu Gu did not sit at the host seat but sat next to him. What does this mean?

Could it be that there is someone with a higher status than Liu Gu in Luoyang City? Could it be that the emperor's special envoy is coming?
"The imperial envoy has arrived!"

Just when everyone was confused, Li Siwen, also dressed in grand attire, arrived belatedly with Di Renjie.

"Liu Gu respectfully welcomes the special envoy!"

Regarding face, Liu Gu has always done a good job.

When he saw Li Siwen coming, he stood up and saluted to greet him.

"Welcome to the special envoy!"

"Welcome to the special envoy!"

"Welcome to the special envoy!"

All the people present stood up and saluted Li Siwen.

It was called a kiss, and even Liu Gu on the side got goosebumps when he heard it.

"Okay, everyone sit down!"

Li Siwen couldn't resist this posture, and quickly waved his hands to them, and led by Liu Gu to the side of the main seat.

"Envoy Li, please sit down!"

Liu Gu smiled and made a gesture of invitation to Li Siwen.

"Then the special envoy would rather be respectful than obey orders!"

Li Siwen didn't hesitate and sat down.

He is no longer himself, but the emperor he represents.

Not to mention Liu Gu next to him, even if he is the prince, the throne still belongs to him.

"Special Envoy Li, should we tell the story first or do the dishes first?"

Liu Gu sat next to Li Siwen and also smiled at Li Siwen.

"Let's start with the food. I believe you are all hungry too. Let's talk while we eat!"


Upon hearing this, Liu Gu also waved his hand and signaled his servants to bring over the delicacies that had been prepared long ago.

Looking at the food in front of them, the businessmen didn't have any thoughts at all.

After all, the situation is unclear now, and it would be a real disaster if they had the appetite to eat.

Li Siwen couldn't control that much, he had developed good habits in the fief.

Eat delicious food and don't hesitate. Otherwise, you will not only be sorry for your own five internal organs, but also sorry for the chef who worked hard to cook.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw Li Siwen acting like he was reincarnated as a starving ghost.

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