My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 719 From now on, Datong Logistics has the final say on Luohe water transportation!

How many days have you not eaten?

Aren't we talking about business? Why do you look like you are here to eat at a wealthy restaurant?

Liu Gu sat next to Li Siwen, feeling more deeply than anyone else.

He has lived most of his life, and his tutor has taught him to chew carefully and slowly since he was a child.

He had never seen people eating like this before. The chopsticks were really made of wood, and if they were made of iron, they would be prone to sparks.

The rice stains were all thrown on his face.

Is this the way a man from a military family like the British father raises his son?
This time he really opened his eyes.

"Young Lord!"

Di Renjie stood next to Li Siwen and almost collapsed when he saw this scene.

It doesn't matter if you are like this in the fiefdom, they are all your own people.

Where is this place now, Liushou Mansion.

What is your identity? His Majesty the Emperor's special envoy.

This is no longer impolite, it is simply embarrassing.


Li Siwen looked at Di Renjie and then at the businessman who was staring at him, and he suddenly realized.

"You all eat, treat it as your own, use chopsticks, you're welcome!"

Li Siwen said something and threw himself into the wind and the remaining clouds.


Now Liu Gu was even more depressed. What does it mean to be his own family?

Is this your home?This is my stay-at-home residence.

You really don’t think you are an outsider.

"Everyone move your chopsticks."

Liu Gu had no choice but to grab the chopsticks with his right hand, put a piece of fish into his mouth, and started chewing slowly.

Di Renjie stopped talking now. As expected, he had as many friends as he had.

With Li Yanran like this, and Li Siwen following her for such a long time, it was more or less willful.

Seeing Liu Gu moving his chopsticks, other businessmen also picked up their chopsticks, picked up a little bit and started eating slowly.

After he was full, Li Siwen put down his chopsticks and patted his belly, his eyes full of satisfaction.

Li Siwen stopped his chopsticks, and Liu Gu and the businessmen also quickly put their chopsticks down.

Glancing at everyone, Li Siwen also smiled and said: "Liu Liushou, it seems that everyone doesn't like your delicious food, so please withdraw!"




Now everyone is depressed. Why don't everyone like this delicious food?

Are you unwilling to eat it?
Isn’t that why I haven’t had time to eat yet?

It's better now. I could still resist it at first, but now that I've taken a few bites and you pulled away, I'm even hungrier now!

Liu Gu was also depressed. He was also hungry, but there was nothing he could do.

I can only apologize and order people to remove all the dishes.

"Okay, after eating and drinking, let's get down to business!"

Now everyone's defenses were broken again, including Liu Gu, who cursed in their hearts.

What does it mean to eat and drink, that is limited to you.

He caught a glimpse of himself and was taken in.

"I don't know why Special Envoy Li invited us here!"

As the head of the largest trading house in Luoyang, Lin Ling was the first to speak and asked Liu Gu and Li Siwen.

"Lin Ling, right?"

"Special Envoy Mou Li is worried about Lin Lingyu!"

Lin Ling saluted Li Siwen and replied.

"Well, I called you here today because I actually have something important to discuss with you.

Now the Sanhe Gang has been wiped out by the court, but the Luohe water transportation has also been stagnant.

This is not a good thing for either the people of Luoyang or the proprietors of the trading houses, so this special envoy has asked you to come here to discuss a countermeasure.

Restore Luohe water transportation as soon as possible and restore stability to Luoyang. "

Li Siwen also said what he meant directly.

"Want to restore the Luohe river transport?"

Hearing this, all the businessmen frowned.

In the past, the Sanhe Gang controlled the Luohe water transportation. The Sanhe Gang had the final say on how much the freight was and how much goods could be transported at one time.

Although they have opinions, they are helpless.

The Sanhe Gang was finally gone, the mountain that was weighing on them was knocked down, and now Li Siwen jumped out again.

Could it be that he wanted to take over the Sanhe Gang and control the Luohe water transportation again?

This makes them a little difficult to accept.

Just out of the wolf's mouth and into the tiger's den, who knows how many layers of skin Li Siwen will peel off from his body.

"Yes, this is a national plan, so everyone must quickly restore it! What do you think, Lin Ling?"

Looking at the shopkeepers around him, Lin Ling was also a little depressed.

How to do this?
People have raised this matter to the national agenda. How should they respond?

“Special Envoy Li, it’s hard to do business now, and my family’s business has plummeted.

Some goods can be transported by land, but water transportation is more or less useless! "

When Li Siwen called her by name, Lin Ling was too embarrassed to say anything, so she pushed the matter aside first.

After all, who doesn't want to control his own destiny? He is really afraid.

After all, if these officials were to be ruthless, they would be much more ruthless than those bandits.

If Li Siwen didn't make it clear, he wouldn't dare to answer.

If you promise, you have to do it. If you can't do it when the time comes, it's better not to promise.

"Special Envoy Li, Mr. Lin is right. Business is difficult to do now. My business has not transported goods by water for a long time."

"That's right, our business is even more like this. Forgive us for being powerless!"

These businessmen were all human beings. When they heard Lin Ling's words, they immediately understood what the other party meant, and each of them also complained to Li Siwen.

"???" Li Siwen thought that as soon as he said this, these people would clap and cheer.

Unexpectedly, I gave myself a mallet now.

What the hell is this?Don't you all want to work anymore?
Since it is a discussion, there must be discussion and consideration.

If he directly uses his power to suppress, what is the difference between this and Liu Gu.

Then what's the point of calling these people over?

He pursed his lips at Di Renjie, who also nodded.

"The Lin Family Trading Company sailed 170 and four boats last month, the Zhou Silk and Satin Shop sailed 110 and two boats, the Li Family Liang Company sailed 210 and three boats last month, and the Merchant's Workshop sailed 74 boats last month."

Di Renjie read out a few numbers. After hearing this, all the businessmen, including Lin Ling, fell silent.

These were their water transportation data last month. Unexpectedly, Di Renjie actually told them all.

This is so embarrassing. Just now I said that my business was shrinking and I couldn't use water transportation.

Now people are slapped in the face instantly, slap bang.

"After all, you are all big merchants. You have such great capacity despite a sluggish business. Li Siwen really admires you!"

Li Siwen slapped the table with a slap in the face, his eyes filled with coldness.

I give you face, but you don’t appreciate it.

It seems that this person is really cheap. If he had known this, he should have arrested everyone.

If you don't drink a toast, you will be punished with a drink. These are the people I'm talking about.

"Special Envoy Li, calm down!"

"Special Envoy Li, calm down!"

"Special Envoy Li, calm down!"

The group of people all shivered in fright. They all saluted and apologized to Li Siwen, and at the same time cast resentful glances at Lin Ling.

It's all your fault, you black sheep. If it weren't for you, how could I be like this?
It's fine now. If you make people angry, you might end up in jail.

"Calm down, am I angry? Liu Liushou!"

Li Siwen also smiled, but this smile shocked Liu Gu.

At such a young age, this guy didn't expect to be so smart. After all, he was a good son of the British Catholic Church.

"What's there to be angry about? This also proves that Luoyang's economy is stable, so you should be happy!"

Liu Gu also smiled and glanced at the businessman below.

A group of people were almost sweating while listening to the conversation between the two.

After all, they were disrespectful just now, so it is right for them to be angry now.

"Special Envoy Li, since you just said that you want to restore water transportation, Lin Ling will do your part.

But in the past, we always contacted the Sanhe Gang and let them allocate ships.

Now that the Sanhe Gang has been wiped out, we don't understand why we are rashly asked to contact the cargo ship ourselves. "

Lin Ling couldn't bear it anymore when she saw the two of them not talking but looking at her.

Don’t you want to control the water transport of Luohe River? Then I will give you this opportunity.

Just peel off the skin. The green hills will remain, so you don’t have to worry about running out of firewood.

At worst, make less money and save your life first.

After hearing what Lin Ling said, the remaining businessmen also expressed their support for Li Siwen's plan to restore river transportation.

"Isn't this right! It's hard to tell if you want a ship. Come on, recruit Zhang Minggu!"

Li Siwen nodded. They were indeed a bunch of boneless things and had to get angry on their own.

Now he finally understands what it means to be a man and not lose his power for a day.

If it weren't for the special envoy, I really wouldn't be able to handle these profit-seeking bastards.

"Zhang Minggu?"

Upon hearing this name, everyone present was stunned.

The famous Zhanghe God is unknown to everyone.

Before the Sanhe Gang came to dominate the Luohe River, Zhang Minggu was the most senior captain. They charged fair prices and delivered goods in a timely manner.

It can be said that Luohe at that time was much more prosperous than it is now.

But didn’t everyone say that Zhang Minggu had one of his legs broken by the Sanhe Gang because of his son’s affairs, and he has since retired from boating?
Could it be that Li Siwen actually found him?
Amid everyone's confusion, Zhang Minggu, also dressed in fine clothes, limped over from outside.

"It's really Zhang Minggu!"

After seeing clearly the appearance of the person coming, everyone was confirmed.

"Zhang Minggu has met Special Envoy Li and Liu Liushou!"

Zhang Minggu came in front of everyone and greeted Li Siwen and Liu Gu directly.

"Zhang Minggu, these proprietors want to transport goods in Luohe but can't find ships. Talk to them!"

Li Siwen waved his hand, and now the matter was handed over to Zhang Minggu.


"You proprietors want to use a boat. That's a good feeling. I happen to have a boat here."

Zhang Minggu glanced at the businessmen around him, his eyes full of smiles.

Although he was called the River God in the past, in the eyes of these merchants, he was just the bow of a sailing ship. He was not a good person and often had his freight deducted.

It's different now. He, Zhang Minggu, has come back to fight, and he has come back to fight in an upright manner.

"Zhang Heshen, it's easy to talk about sailing and other things, but how to calculate the price?

If you still stick to your previous price, that would be the best! "

Lin Ling looked at Zhang Minggu, a light flashed in his eyes.

In the past, Zhang Minggu could be said to have eaten rice from his own bowl. He couldn't afford to offend Li Siwen, and he still had a sense of superiority towards Zhang Minggu.

"Dragon Lin, what are you thinking? I am not negotiating business with you myself, but doing business with you on behalf of Datong Logistics."

Zhang Minggu sneered, Lin Ling, Lin Ling, do you really think that I am still the same as before?
I am now the shopkeeper of Datong Logistics under Her Royal Highness the Princess, and I am also the head of a big ship. You still dare to quote the previous price.

What about sending beggars?

"Datong Logistics? Is this available in Luoyang?"

When they heard the name Datong Logistics, Lin Ling and others were stunned.

What's going on? Why didn't I know about this business name?

"May I ask who the owner of Datong Logistics is?"

"You are not qualified to know this. You just need to know that from now on, we, Datong Logistics, have the final say in Luohe Water Transport."

(End of this chapter)

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