My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 720: The most ruthless chapter requires the lowest price!

Zhang Minggu was not a fool, he just turned around and glanced at Li Siwen.

None of those businessmen were fools, and Zhang Minggu's seemingly casual actions were obvious to them.

Is it really Li Siwen?
No, Liu Gu should be involved, otherwise it would be Li Siwen himself who summoned them today.

If Li Siwen and Liu Gu join forces, who can resist this special thing?

"Then I dare to ask Zhang Heshen, how much are you prepared to set for this price?"

Although Lin Ling was a little angry, she had to bow her head under the eaves.

Now that Clay Legs can reach the sky in one step, what can he do?

Unless you don't want to stay in Luoyang anymore, you can't offend Li Siwen even a little bit.

"How much money did the Sanhe Gang earn before? Datong Logistics' ships are [-]% lower than theirs!"

Looking at the nervous Lin Ling, Zhang Minggu also smiled slightly and told his price.

Naturally, they can now act according to the price of the Sanhe Gang, or they can surpass them.

But that would be tantamount to killing the goose to retrieve the eggs and fishing by consolidating the lake.

So after asking Li Yanran for instructions, the final price was [-]% lower than the original Sanhe Gang.

"Twenty percent lower?"

Lin Ling was a little stunned, why did he feel like he was listening to a myth?

Could it be that they all guessed wrong?
Is Li Siwen really trying to restore Luohe water transport? Isn't he trying to take advantage of merchants like them?

is it possible?

Anyway, they don't believe it.

Is there really a cat that doesn’t steal fish?

"Envoy Li, isn't this a little too low?"

Liu Gu on the other side was also dumbfounded. He originally thought that Li Siwen was doing this to make money from it, but now he couldn't understand it.

[-]% lower?What the hell is this?

Although Sanhebang's prices are not low, they have already been accepted by these merchants. Even if you don't want to increase the price, you can keep it.

If the price is reduced, wouldn't it mean that the wasted money will be given to those merchants again?
"Liu Liushou, we are doing this just for the people of Luoyang, not for Li Siwen's personal gain.

Just give [-]%, it doesn’t matter. "

Li Siwen smiled, although it seemed that the discount now was not as much as before.

But with these [-]% profit concessions, these merchants will lower their costs and increase the competitiveness of their products, so that they can sell more goods.

Selling more goods will increase production capacity, expand transportation, and require more ships.

In this case, although the unit price will be lower, the total volume will increase in the long run, and correspondingly more money will be made.

When Li Yanran's large cargo ship appears, his own costs will also be reduced. By then, no one on the Luohe River can compete with him.

After the Luo River is completely controlled by themselves, they can radiate outward based on the Luo River. By then, the entire water transportation of the Tang Dynasty will be taken over by them.

This is Li Yanran's big plan.

"Li Special Envoy Gao Yi, Liu Gu admires him!"

Hearing what Li Siwen said, Liu Gu also nodded.

You are noble and have nothing to do with me. In the end, you will make less money, so just don’t look for me.

"Dear proprietors and shopkeepers, what do you think of this price?"

Zhang Minggu smiled slightly and looked at Lin Ling again.

He knows the importance of the other party in Luoyang's business community, so he must first obtain his consent.

"If the price is this, I can first make a guarantee that this year's water transportation will not be less than last year, or even more!"

Under such circumstances, what else could Lin Ling say?

The other party's carrot has been delivered. If you haven't lifted it up yet, then it's time to lift up the stick.

I have already been punished with alcohol once. It would be really shameless if I did it again.

"I can also guarantee that this year's water transport will definitely not be less than before!"

"Well, water transportation still has many advantages over land transportation, and we can guarantee that!"

With Lin Ling taking the lead, the remaining businessmen also expressed their support one after another.

"Okay, this special envoy is very satisfied. You are all businessmen who care about the people. Liu Liushou, I will lend you the wine in your house!"

Li Siwen was also smiling. This matter was completed, and the first step of Datong Logistics to control Luohe water transportation was completed.

"Come on, have a drink!"

Liu Gu also clapped his hands, and a servant immediately brought the wine.

"After drinking this glass of wine, today's affairs will be completed for us.

But the ugly lies ahead. One day of preparation, and within three days I saw Luohe restored to its original state.

If it can't be completed by then, don't blame Li Siwen for being ruthless. "

Li Siwen drank the wine in the glass directly and stated his bottom line at the same time.

"Don't worry, Special Envoy, we have already prepared the goods. As long as there are no problems with Special Envoy Zhang's ship, these are not problems!"

Lin Ling also drank all the wine in the glass, and then expressed her concerns to Li Siwen.

Their cargo had been prepared a long time ago and was about to be shipped out, but something like the Sanhe Gang happened.

So it all depends on Zhang Minggu.

"Don't worry, the ship is ready, there will be no delay!"

Zhang Minggu also drank the wine in one gulp and patted his chest to ensure that he would complete the task.

"Okay, then let's go prepare ourselves individually. If anyone loses the chain, he will bear the consequences!"



A group of businessmen also bowed to each other and left.

"Liu Liushou, it's over now. Thank you very much, Li Siwen!"

Li Siwen also smiled at Liu Gu. Although he had his own contribution to the success this time, Liu Gu also worked hard in the middle.

"Special Envoy Li, we don't have to be like this anymore. If anything happens again, just say anything and Liu Gu will definitely cooperate with us."

Liu Gu also cupped his fists at Li Siwen, his eyes full of temptation.

This matter was nothing to him. Now he really wanted to see what kind of medicine Li Siwen was selling in his gourd.

"Well, then Li Siwen won't bother you anymore, let's say goodbye!"

Li Siwen poured another glass of wine, stood up and left. "Liu Gu sends envoy Li!"

Liu Gu also stood up and sent Li Siwen out.

Looking at the carriage in front of him, Li Siwen also waved to Liu Gu, signaling him to stay.

"Liu Liushou, don't mind if I tell you something before I leave. I'm just saying it!"

Li Siwen got on the carriage, opened the curtain, and looked at Liu Gu standing beside the carriage.

"Special Envoy Li, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

"Your drink is still too old, and it doesn't match your status. After all, it's me, the Great Tang Dynasty, who is staying behind!"

Liu Gu's face turned dark instantly.

He also knows that his own Tibetan wine is not as good as Yuye wine, but you don’t have to drink it if you don’t like it. There is no need to belittle people.

What's the difference between picking up the bowl to eat and then putting the bowl down to scold your mother?

The really special thing is not human.

"Someday you can ask someone to go to Lan Kwai Fong to get some Yuye wine. It's just a show of appearance!"

Seeing Liu Gu's dark face, Li Siwen also smiled.

"How embarrassing that is!"

Liu Gu's face changed from cloudy to sunny when he heard this. Did he hear it correctly?

How embarrassing it is to ask yourself to get a drink.

You must know that he also has Yuye wine at home, but he drinks it by himself, so he is a bit reluctant to part with it.

I didn't expect that even though Li Siwen didn't speak nicely, he would be so generous.

I forgave him.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You go get the wine and I'll ask Lan Kwai Fong to give you a [-]% discount!"


After hearing Li Siwen's words, the driver also raised his whip and drove the carriage away.

"Twenty percent off?"

Liu Gu has really broken his guard now. He originally thought that your conscience had discovered it, but unexpectedly he still wanted to take advantage of himself.

If the other party wasn't of noble status, he would really want to give him a slap in the face.

What a damn, black-hearted radish.

"Come on."

"Stay behind."

"Go to Lan Kwai Fong tomorrow and buy twenty bottles of Yuye wine!"

Liu Gu sighed. Li Siwen had already said it. If he didn't go, it would be a bit of a loss of face.

Why is it so difficult for me?

Not only do people need to contribute, but now they also need to contribute money.

This little bastard might be taken away by God that day.


The housekeeper also saw Liu Gu's embarrassment.

The head of my family is very frugal. He usually drinks a small cup of Yuye wine at a time. This time he is breaking his fast.

too difficult.

"Brother Li, Brother Li, we are back!"

When they returned to the mansion, Li Siwen came to report to Li Yanran excitedly.

“These businessmen really don’t let the hawk see the rabbit!”

After hearing what she saw in the mansion, Li Yanran also had a cold face.

Some unscrupulous melons, if you don't need them now, you will have to tidy them up.

"There is no other way. It is the nature of businessmen to pursue profits."

Di Renjie shook his head. He was also a little ashamed of these people.

But there is no way, this is society.

"Zhang Minggu, don't sleep tonight, hurry up and prepare the fleet for me, and we must restore water transportation in Luohe within three days!"

Li Yanran glanced at Zhang Minggu on the side and signaled him to prepare all these quickly.

If those businessmen still want to cheat and cheat, then I will have a way to deal with them.


Zhang Minggu quickly saluted and limped away.

"Di Renjie, I asked you to go to those shipyards to place orders. Have you sent anyone out yet?"

Li Yanran set her sights on Di Renjie again. Although they had the upper hand now, they still had to take precautions before their big ship was built.

"The people haven't been sent out yet, and the money hasn't been secured yet!"

Di Renjie scratched his head. It wasn't that he didn't want to send people, but that he didn't have any money.

"Li Feng went to the accounting office and sent an order to allocate funds to Di Renjie, asking him to act as soon as possible!"



Li Feng and Di Renjie also saluted and left together.

"What are you still doing? Is there nothing else to do over there?"

Looking at Li Siwen who was still there, Li Yanran also frowned.

"Brother Li, there's something I can't figure out!"

Li Siwen also smiled at Li Yanran.

"I'm not a roundworm in your belly. If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Brother Li, you see, we have basically taken over the previous business of the Sanhe Gang. Do we still need to spend so much money to order merchant ships from the shipyard?
When our big ship is built, won't it be wasted? "

Li Siwen sat down next to Li Yanran and asked all his questions.

"Don't say you followed me after you got out. Why can't you improve your horizons?"

(End of this chapter)

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