My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 721: The family’s countermeasures!

Hearing this, Li Yanran also slapped her forehead in depression.

What is short-sightedness? This is called short-sightedness.

Te Miao said so much before, haven't you forgotten it?
"Brother Li, my vision is not high, but it's not like this! Besides, I don't feel like I'm wrong!"

Li Feng's face fell instantly. I'm not as good as you, but I'm not as bad as you said.

Besides, the matter in front of me is just like this, so why am I so short-sighted?

"Then let me ask you, you said we have taken over the business of the Sanhe Gang, but are we the Sanhe Gang?"

Seeing that Li Siwen dared to talk back, Li Yanran also sat upright to teach him a lesson.

"Of course we are not the Sanhe Gang. How can I know this?"

Li Siwen was also stunned, how could he compare himself with the Sanhe Gang so easily.

You are a human being, but they are a group of beasts. You are a bit underestimating yourself.

"Okay, then let me ask you, where did the business of Sanhe Gang come from?"

"Of course it's an act of plunder and force to force those merchants and merchants to submit! What does this have to do with us?"

Without thinking, Li Siwen told the Sanhe Gang how to control Luohe's water transportation.

Li Yanran really wants to kick Li Siwen to death now. You still don't understand even after talking about this. What a fucking stick.

"Then can you do this? If not, those boat operators and merchants will definitely find ways to eat into our share.

After all, no one wants to hand over this transportation line to others. What will you do then? "

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Siwen also understood a little.

Without the Sanhe Gang, the competition on the Luohe River will inevitably turn from the bright side to the dark side.

At that time, whoever has lower prices and higher timeliness will win more shares.

After all, Brother Li is Brother Li, and his vision is indeed much broader than his own.

"Brother Li, I understand."

"I understand, why don't you go to work quickly? There are a lot of things waiting for you, so don't stand here and get in the way."

Li Yanran kicked him over, but Li Siwen nimbly dodged and ran away.

"wooden club!"

Li Yanran shook her head. She didn't know when these idiots would be able to stand alone.

As the industrial chain expands, what should she do if they can't keep up with her?

The next day, Zhang Minggu began to recruit ship leaders and boatmen in the name of Datong Logistics, and then sent people with his own invitations to major trading houses to collect goods and sign contracts.

The major trading houses also followed the agreement and transported the goods they had prepared long ago to the dock.

The dock, which was originally in a state of depression and apocalypse, suddenly became busy again, and the porters also exerted their strength and began to work.

After experiencing the previous Sanhe Gang rebellion, they also cherish their current jobs.

The water transport of Luohe River has been restored, and the whole of Luoyang seems to be alive again.

And Zhang Minggu has become the busiest person, allocating ships and dispatching goods, which really makes him a little overwhelmed.

If Li Yanran hadn't lent him some accounting staff in advance, it would have been impossible to rely on him to complete these tasks.

In the evening, Zhang Minggu also returned to the British government mansion exhausted, and saw Li Yanran's little figure face to face.

Is this. Are you waiting for yourself?
"Your Highness, why are you here!"

Zhang Minggu hurried over to see the gift.

"I'm waiting for you, how are you? Are you tired?"

Li Yanran smiled at Zhang Minggu, her eyes full of expectation.

This is the first battle of Datong Logistics, and it all depends on Zhang Minggu’s ability.

"You're not tired, Your Highness, the first batch of goods has been sent out, and Luo He is alive again."

Zhang Minggu also shook his head and told today's results.

"That's good, but we cannot delay cultivating our own power. These are related to the future of Datong Logistics. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, Li Yanran also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, there are ships, people, and cargo. If he can't even do this, then Zhang Minggu may only be qualified to be the leader of the ship.

"Zhang Minggu understands!"

"Okay, go down and rest."


Zhang Minggu saluted again and walked towards his house.

"Stay, stay,"

Butler Liu Ding rushed directly to Liu Gu's side.

"what happened?"

"I bought the Yuye wine you asked me to buy. There are twenty bottles in total, and they are all here!
But there isn’t that much cash in the account, but luckily Lan Kwai Fong is very atmospheric and can put it directly on your account! "

Liu Ding smiled and ordered his servant to bring the Yuye wine.

Liu Gu was stunned and slapped him in the face.


Liu Ding was also confused, covering his head and feeling a little at a loss.

"How many bottles did you say you bought?"

Liu Gu stared and grabbed Liu Ding's collar.

"Twenty bottles! Didn't you say so?"

Liu Ding was trembling all over. He didn't know why Liu Gu was so crazy and why he suddenly wanted to eat people. "I said ten bottles, ten bottles. When did I ask you to buy twenty bottles?"

As Liu Gu spoke, he slapped him across the face, and in the end kicked him out.

"Stay behind, I'll retreat right now, I'll go right away!"

Liu Ding hurriedly knelt on the ground, with ten thousand grass and mud horses running wildly in his heart.

What do you mean you said ten bottles, but you clearly heard it was twenty bottles.

If you can't bear to part with it, just say so. Can I just go and withdraw?
Is it worth taking it out on yourself?

"Where are you going? Isn't it embarrassing enough?"

Hearing that Liu Ding was going to return the goods, Liu Gu raised his eyebrows, kicked him again, then sat on him and started beating him violently.

It's already embarrassing enough to be charged, but now you have to return it.

Do you really think I am shameless?

You are really looking for death!
In the next few days, Li Yanran lived a comfortable life.

Every day when I have nothing to do, I go to the pier to chat with the porters. When I have enough chat, I go with Li Feng to survey the bustling city of God.

While Li Yanran was resting, the Cui family in Qinghe was crowded, and a group of Cui family elders gathered in the ancestral house.

"Tell me what you think!"

Cui Shiqing, the eldest of the Cui family, looked at the old men with his brows furrowed.

"Uncle, what Cui Zhe committed this time was too big. He not only colluded with Zhang Maosun to frame the British noble son, but also dared to send private soldiers to attack the prison.

If any of this comes out, it will cause huge harm to Cui. "

Cui Zhan glanced at Cui Shiqing, his eyes full of worry.

"Uncle, I think Brother Pu Lin is right. Cui Zhe has gone too far this time. He can't stay in the world!"

Cui Qian also looked at Cui Shiqing and directly expressed his thoughts.

"Don't use it, you said it simply. Now Cui Zhe is captured by Li Siwen, and our people in Luoyang have also been wiped out.

You want Cui Zhe to disappear, but how to do it?

I think that rather than taking a risk, it is better to take a preemptive strike and report Cui Zhe's situation to His Majesty directly through Yuan Jian and others.

Then I killed my relatives out of justice and begged your majesty to punish Cui Zhe in order to restore the reputation of my Cui family. "

Cui Qun shook his head. If he wanted to kill Cui Zhe now, it was obviously impossible.

Instead of working hard on that impossible thing, it would be better to admit the mistake proactively, push Cui Zhe out and chop off his head.

"Our Majesty is a man of great talent and strategy who is no less inferior to the late Emperor. During the late Emperor's time, the world was initially settled, and he would also rely on our family to help the Tang Dynasty stabilize the four directions.
But now that Li Tang is stable, we have become a burden in their eyes.
Your Majesty has already started to take action against us. Now if Your Majesty catches Cui Zhe doing these things, will he only punish him? "

Cui Shiqing glanced at his nephews below and sighed.

After hearing Cui Shiqing's words, all the young old men fell silent.

They also knew that what their uncle said was right. The Tang Dynasty had matured and was no longer the fledgling it was when it was born.

"Uncle Clan, what do you think we should do?"

Cui Zhan looked at Cui Shiqing again. Since he said this, he must have his own ideas.

"People still have to be killed, but not in Luoyang!"

As he spoke, Cui Shiqing's turbid eyes lit up with a bright light, and a murderous aura instantly filled the air.

"Uncle Clan, do you mean to ambush outside the city?"

Cui Qian smiled, as if he already knew what the other person was thinking.

"Ambush outside the city? Now everyone knows Cui Zhe is a treasure, how could they let him out so easily?"

Cui Qun was stunned, wondering what kind of riddle they were playing.

"It is precisely because Cui Zhe is a treasure that he left the city, because His Majesty will never let go of such a chess piece.

Therefore, the other party will definitely escort Cui Zhe to Chang'an, which will give us an opportunity. "

Cui Shiqing smiled. Cui Zhe had a special status and would definitely be sent to Chang'an. Then his chance would come.

"But the other party will definitely send officers and soldiers to protect us. If we really take action, there will be big trouble if we are found out!"

Cui Qun frowned again, his uncle was really cruel.

It's a bit too risky to actually attack the official army.

This is much more powerful than Cui Zhe's attack on the prison. Maybe the Cui family will be wiped out.

“Sifang, I taught you to read more military books when you had time, but you just refused.

If you were Li Siwen, would you dare to recruit officers and soldiers to escort Cui Zhe to Chang'an with great fanfare? "

Cui Shiqing shook his head. Cui Sifang's knowledge was good, but he was a bit of a deadbeat and didn't know how to adapt.

"Uncle Clan, you mean that they are afraid that our people will infiltrate the rhyme team, so they will definitely act in secret and secretly escort Cui Zhe to Chang'an?"

Cui Qun is a bookworm, but that doesn't mean he has no brains.

Cui Shiqing had already talked about this. If he still didn't know, he would really have no shame in staying here.

"Yes, they will definitely do this. You should immediately notify our spies in Luoyang and ask them to closely monitor every move in Luoyang.

And let all the bandits we support in various places mobilize. I want to lay a dragnet on the road from Luoyang to Chang'an.

Cui Zhe must not be allowed to reach Chang'an safely! "



A group of old men also stood up and saluted, then turned around and left.

"Don't use it. Do you have anything else?"

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