My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 723: Keep the elder or the younger?Of course, it’s to protect yourself!

A forbidden soldier rushed over impatiently and handed the still-warm letter to Ruian.

After hearing that it was an urgent letter from Liu Gu, Ruian didn't dare to neglect and hurriedly entered the imperial study room again.

"His Majesty!"

"what happened?"

Li Zhi was stunned and stopped the imperial pen in his hand.

He knew that something must have happened when Ruian Wuzhao came in.

"Your Majesty, this is an urgent letter from Liu Gu who is staying in Luoyang."

Ruian held the letter in both hands and delivered it to Li Zhi step by step.

"Liu Gu's urgent letter, did something happen to Yanran?"

Li Zhi's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. He snatched the letter away, tore off the paint and read it carefully.



Li Zhi slapped the dragon case with one slap, and the dragon's whiskers almost flew up.

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

Ruian also knelt down on the ground with a plop, and at the same time his heart was pounding.

Could it be that something really happened to Princess Lishan, the Demon King?
"Calm down, how can I calm down? It's too much!"

Li Zhi's eyes almost popped out. Calm down?
It would be strange if his anger could be extinguished.

"Your Majesty, what on earth is going on? Is this true of Princess Lishan?"

Ruian was also anxious to death. What was going on?
If you don't say that you are just angry, I can't continue talking.

"Shut up! My precious princess is very kind. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will tear your mouth apart."

Li Zhi smashed the inkstone directly, and Ruian didn't dare to hide, so he could only wait with his eyes closed.

Fortunately, Li Zhi didn't really want to deal with Ruian, and the inkstone fell next to Ruian.

"Slave, thank you for Your Majesty's mercy!"

Ruian's heart was also in his stomach, "It's okay, it's okay."

Otherwise, when the inkstone comes down, I will be forced to go to the hospital.

"Ryan, do you know why I am so angry?"

After reading the letter, he was furious. Li Zhi also needed someone to share it with him.

Ryan, damned as he was, was the only one to share it with.

"This slave is stupid! Your Majesty, please show me!"

Ruian was also very curious as to what Princess Lishan had done to make Li Zhi, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, so angry.

"See for yourself, I'm ashamed to say it!"

Li Zhi threw the letter he had just read directly in front of Ruian.

Ruian took the letter and scanned it at a glance.

"It's really infuriating that such a thing exists!"

Ruian was also shocked after reading it, but it was not because of the dirty things in the letter. He had no idea about these things in his mind.

The crows in the world are as black as the crows in the world, and the noble families in the world are as bad as each other. He has long been accustomed to such things.

Anything more outrageous than this is lost to the sea.

He was shocked because Li Yanran was so awesome.

In just a short time, all the four major families that had been operating in Luoyang for decades were overthrown?

Now he really couldn't see where this Princess Lishan came from as a deity, and why she was so disobedient to Nezha wherever she went.

Turn the rivers and seas upside down and cause havoc in heaven.

The most important thing is that these things may be difficult for others, but for her it is simply a matter of course.

It seemed as if those opponents lost their minds as soon as they faced Princess Lishan.

Being manipulated at will by the other party.

"That's why I'm so angry. These four aristocratic families and that Zhang Maosun must be taken to Chang'an. I want to personally interrogate and deal with them!"

Li Zhi's eyes were shining with anger, but he could also see the things in it clearly and understand them thoroughly.

Zhang Maosun doesn't matter, but Cui Zhe and Lu Yuanyi are crucial.

Now those charges can convict a few people, but they are limited to a few people. At most, they can confiscate some belongings and punish some trivial matters.

Even if it can take the opportunity to cause a huge blow to the reputation of the four major families, so what.

There is no substantial loss to the strength of the family.

But it would be different if people could be controlled by him.

Because this way he has a trump card in his hand.

At that time, whether it is to suppress the noble family or make deals with them, he will have the absolute initiative.

"As it should be!"

Although Ruian is not as talented as Li Zhi, he is not a fool either.

He could guess the importance of these people, and it was reasonable for Li Zhi to want to take them.

"But do you think this person, Yanran, can be sent to Chang'an for me?"

Li Zhi touched his own dragon's beard, with a somewhat worried look in his eyes.

What he can see, the four major families can also see.

It's not that easy to bring those people over.

"If your Majesty is worried, just issue a decree and ask Liu Liushou to send troops to escort a few people back to Chang'an, and then ask the states and counties along the way to provide support. Wouldn't that be the end of it?"

Ruian was also stunned, and with a bald tongue, he also expressed his thoughts.

But as soon as he said this, he regretted it.

Is this what a slave of mine should say?Teaching the emperor to do things, he was too ambitious to be brave.

"This slave deserves to die. You shouldn't talk nonsense. I hope your majesty will forgive you."

With a pop, Ruian knelt on the ground again and kowtowed.

Li Zhi also rolled his eyes at Ruian, his eyes full of depression.

If it was so easy, why should he worry?

The four great families have been in this land longer than the Tang Dynasty, and they are deeply rooted in the soil of the Tang Dynasty.If we really want to issue an edict, I'm afraid Cui Zhe and the others will be gone as soon as they leave Luoyang.

Even if he sends the Imperial Guard there, there will inevitably be problems.

So the only thing he can trust now is his precious daughter.

"Okay, you go out!"


Ruian knew that there were some things that a slave like himself could not know, and of course he didn't want to know.

Because the more people know about it, the greater your risk.

If something went wrong and the emperor blamed himself, he would not be able to say a word.

"and many more!"

"His Majesty!"

"Stop, I'm going to see the queen!"

Li Zhi also wanted to discuss this matter with someone, but the only one who could talk to him in the palace was his own queen.


Ryan stepped back step by step and cleared his throat when he came to the door.

"Your Majesty, drive!"

"Meiniang, Mei Niang!"

Li Zhi rushed into the hall directly.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?"

Wu Zetian put down the memorial in her hand and stood up to greet him.

"Okay, Mei Niang, I have a great thing to say!"

Li Zhi sat directly next to Wu Zetian, his eyes full of excitement.

"Your Majesty, what good thing happened again?"

Wu Zetian smiled at Li Zhi.

Your Majesty really remembers it every time. He is like a child who has not grown up.

"Liu Gu did something big in Luoyang, and people from the four great families fell into his hands!"

Li Zhi also handed Liu Gu's letter to Wu Zetian.

After Wu Zetian read Li Zhi's letter, she was a little confused.

He knew that Li Siwen was in Luoyang, but what about this special envoy?

And what's going on with Liu Gu? I've never seen him so powerful before.

Zhang Maosun and the four major aristocratic families were dealt with immediately, and there was no room for resistance at all.

She didn't know why, but she always felt that there was something evil about this, but this evil was extremely familiar.

"Your Majesty, this is a great joy for us!"

Wu Zetian suppressed the doubts in her heart and smiled at Li Zhi.

"Well, happy events are happy events, but what do you think we should do now?

I don't trust Liu Gu and others to send Cui Zhe and others to Chang'an.

Who else is absolutely reliable? "

However, Li Zhi was a little unhappy. As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. He was really afraid that Cui Zhe and the others would not be able to deliver it.

If I am so excited now, then my happiness will be in vain if people disappear.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Xiao Yanran is a ghost. She will definitely find a way to send the person safely to Chang'an."

Wu Zetian smiled and spoke slowly to Li Zhi in front of her.

"That's right. Xiao Yanran is wrong. What does this have to do with Yanran?"

Li Zhi nodded first, then turned his head and quickly shook his head in rejection.

It's over, it's over, it's blown out.

"Really? That's a good relationship. I miss Yanran. I'll send someone to Lishan to bring her back!"

Although Li Zhi shook his head and denied it, Wu Zetian was so smart. Unless she didn't want to know, there really wasn't much that the Tang Dynasty could hide from her.

"Hey, these were indeed done by Xiao Yanran, at first."

Li Zhi also sighed. Since he could no longer hide it, he could only confess honestly.

Now he should keep one person safe, and he can't let himself be dealt with along with Li Yanran.

Anyway, Xiao Yanran had contributed to Sheji. Even if Wu Zetian was angry, she would still be tolerant.

Moreover, this daughter has a tough life and can bear it.

"Your Majesty, you are really cruel. You just sent my little Yanran to Luoyang. Fortunately, she was fine on the way, otherwise I would not be alive!"

After confirming that Li Yanran had indeed gone to Luoyang, to be honest, Wu Zetian only felt tutu in her heart.

so far so good.

He was fine, he arrived safely, and he did such a big thing.

She just said that neither Li Siwen nor Liu Gu looked like someone who could do this, and it had to be her own girl.

Follow yourself and be a person who does great things.

"Isn't this okay? Come on, don't be angry!"

Li Zhi was also a little numb. He was really afraid that Wu Zetian was making trouble.

He really couldn't stand it.

"It's okay if you don't get angry, please call Xiao Yanran back now.

After all, the south of Luoyang was no better than Chang'an. She didn't even have a place to stay in Luoyang, so she didn't know what she was going through! "

Wu Zetian was also worried, after all, she was her daughter.

As the saying goes, when a son travels a thousand miles, the mother is worried, and when a daughter travels a thousand miles, the mother is also worried.

No matter what important matters Li Yanran has over there, now that Zhang Maosun and the four major families have been captured, Li Siwen and Liu Gu can solve any problems.

After all, Li Yanran is just a child. Don't you think it's cruel to ask a child to work for Datang?

"Mei Niang, Xiao Yanran will naturally come back, but the key now is what should Cui Zhe and the others do?"

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