My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 724 One step is fast, step by step is fast, what we have to do is to be far ahead!

Li Zhi was also depressed. He knew that Li Yanran's biggest purpose in the past was not to capture Cui Zhe. These were just convenient things.

We still don't know what's going on with the water transportation. If Li Yanran is transferred back, her daughter will blame her to death.

"If it were me, I would avoid its sharp edge and take a detour. Although it will take a little longer, safety is the most important thing.

Yanran's ideas have always been wild and unconstrained, like an antelope hanging its horns. I don't know what she will plan. "

Wu Zetian frowned, she understood what Li Zhi said.

Cui Zhe and the others must be brought over, but Xiao Yanran will stay in Luoyang for the time being.

If that's the case, Li Yanran's mission in the past must have been more than just punishing Zhang Maosun. There must be little secrets between the two father and daughter that they could not have imagined.

This was all she could think of at the moment. As for what her precious daughter was thinking, she didn't know.

"Well, I will immediately send someone eight hundred miles away to see Yanran and see what kind of medicine she is planning to sell in her little gourd!"

Li Zhi nodded, Wu Zetian's idea coincided with his.

Now it can be said that there is no secret at all on my side. Even if the Qianqi Imperial Guard quietly dispatches, they can't hide it from the spies of those noble families.

At this moment, I can only rely on Li Yanran, but it's actually quite shameful to think about it.

He is the emperor of the Tang Empire, but he can't do anything and has to rely on the child Li Yanran.

But there is no way. Those who are capable work harder. Who knows that my daughter is capable?

If it were his incompetent sons, he wouldn't have to worry so much, because apart from eating, drinking and having fun, they don't know how to fart.

"Well, tell Yanran that no matter what she wants to do, the most important thing is her own safety, otherwise it depends on how I deal with her!"

Wu Zetian also smiled miserably. Naturally, she would not be as messy as a little woman, but she still had to say what needed to be said.

These words were ostensibly meant for Li Zhi to remind Li Yanran, but they were actually meant for Li Zhi.

If you let Xiao Yanran get even a little bit injured, I will definitely make you uneasy.

"Of course, I'll go right away!"

They are all an old married couple, no one knows who is who.

Li Zhi also shuddered, stood up and left directly.

"Come on!"

"The Empress!"

"Send this letter to Xu Jingzong."


Looking at the little eunuch's back, Wu Zetian was also in a trance.

"Yanran, Yanran, you must be good!"

After thinking about it, she picked up the memorial again and started reviewing it.

Li Zhi's people also quietly left Luoyang City and hurried towards Luoyang for [-] miles.

Xu Jingzong was also stunned when he received the letter sent from the palace.

Her Royal Highness went to Luoyang and took care of Zhang Maosun and the four great families. It was really crazy.

At the moment, they are also arranging for people to leave Chang'an to mobilize their own forces to protect Li Yanran's safety.

"Your Highness, Pei Xinqi wants to see you!"

"Pei Xinqi? He's back? Get someone in quickly!"

After hearing Li Feng's words, Li Yanran stood up instantly.

If he wanted to control the water transport of the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Minggu was his arms and legs, and Pei Xinqi was his heart.

Whether it is his terminal chain system or the construction of new cargo ships, they are all crucial.

It can be said that without Zhang Minggu, the boat will still have a lot of head, but without Pei Xinqi, his plan will have to be pushed back for a long time at least.

"Pei Xinqi, I have met His Highness!"

Pei Xinqi was brought in and saluted directly to Li Yanran.

"What happened? What happened to those docks!"

If you want the government to be harmonious and the rivers to be smooth, this dock is the top priority.

Boats are blood, rivers are blood vessels, and this dock is the node.

Responsible for communicating with nearby people and playing an important role in revitalizing the commercial and trade economy.

"Your Highness, there are signatures from the Liushou Mansion and the young man of the Li family, and the officials from all over the country are very cooperative.

There are already seventeen docks that have been identified, and in the early stage, they have basically included all the towns with developed trade.

The rest is long-term investment, so I came to report the news to His Highness. "

Pei Xinqi's eyes were full of excitement. It was said that there were people in the court who were good at becoming officials. With the identities of Liu Gu and Li Siwen, their plan to buy land to build a dock went very smoothly.

The local official was not willing to offend the two people for such a trivial matter, so the progress of the matter was far beyond Pei Xinqi's expectations.

Seventeen docks, including buying land and building docks, will cost at least [-] to [-] guan, which is [-] to [-] guan.

The one who spent the money was not jealous, he, the one who spent the money, was already jealous.

To be honest, he had never seen so much money in his life, and it really made him feel bad.

"Seventeen is not enough. How many should we plan in advance?"

Li Yanran also frowned when she heard that only seventeen people had been negotiated.

This is not just half of the original plan, but more than half of it.

You got me seventeen out of forty, and you still have the nerve to come back.

“The initial plan was forty, but it cost too much.

I feel that there is no need to invest so much at once. It is too wasteful. It is better to use docks to support docks.

Use the profits generated after building the docks to build new docks, so that all the money can roll in.

As for the remaining money, you can invest it in other areas.For example, increase research on ships and shipping. "

Pei Xinqi was also a little embarrassed, but he really felt bad about spending money. As a noble son who had never enjoyed wealth, he felt it was better to take it easy.

"You are wrong, wrong!"

Li Yanran shook his head. In his opinion, Pei Xinqi's trick of Xu Tuzhi was good, but it was inappropriate now.

"Your Highness, please show me!"

Pei Xinqi was stunned and didn't know what Li Yanran meant.

“Now it seems that the investment is a bit big, but this is the first move, so-called leading with one step and leading with every step.

At this time, the advantages of water transportation have not been fully demonstrated. It is easy to build a wharf on these lands.

When water transportation is fully realized, there will definitely be countless people competing for it.

Noble families, dignitaries and even wealthy businessmen will all flock in like locusts. When the time comes, there will be competition for every place suitable for building a dock.

The money you have to build ten piers now may not be enough to build one by then. That's the so-called willingness.

If you don’t give up now, what will you gain then? "

To be honest, what Li Yanran lacks most now is money. It can be said that her working capital is slightly less than that of the national treasury.

Others, even if you are on the wealthy side, are nothing compared to Li Yanran.

What you can do with 10,000+ gold now, if you have to pay it several times later, isn't that just a disease?
Besides, what's the use of keeping this money now? Only by spending it and making money make money, is the way a successful businessman operates.


Pei Xinqi glanced at Li Yanran and said it was impossible not to be shocked.

He really didn't expect what Li Yanran said, and he didn't expect that spending money can lead to such great knowledge.

If that was the case, he still underestimated Li Yanran.

No wonder the other party was known as the most profitable royal relative in the Tang Dynasty. This foresight alone made him feel inferior.

"Okay, feel free to spend the money I give you. You don't have to save it for me.

As for what you said about researching new cargo ships and developing maritime transportation, just give me a figure. "

Li Yanran smiled. Pei Xinqi was a practical person, but he was a bit too petty.

It's my money you're spending, why do you feel bad?

"Isn't this good! Researching new cargo ships and developing shipping routes will cost a lot of money.

If not, you should wait until the water transport is profitable and make money before investing! "

Although Li Yanran was wealthy, Pei Xinqi still shook his head and refused based on the principle of saving money when he could.

These things are just his ambitions, not the key now.

No need.

"No, what we have to do is to be far ahead, I will give you another [-] yuan, and you can start this stall for me first.

When others start to compete for water transportation, we must find a way to jump out. Maritime transportation is the most critical link.

do you understand? "

Li Yanran sighed, this child is still too honest.

Doing business is a matter of one step, one step, one step at a time.

It’s so important to take advantage of opportunities.

If you don't do something yourself, others will do it.

Only by being the first to eat crabs can you make the most money.

"Fifty thousand or fifty thousand guan? You don't need that much, [-] or [-] guan is actually enough!"

Pei Xinqi was really stunned now. This wave of his hand was worth [-] yuan, which was too much.

He felt that his little heart was beating unexpectedly.

This feeling of spending money like water is simply too cool.

"It's only [-] yuan if it's okay. Do you know what's the most important thing here?"

Li Yanran shook her head, either don't do it, or do your best if you do it.

It's just 50 guan, not [-] guan. He can still get it.

"Your Highness, please show me!"

Pei Xinqi saluted, he would like to hear Li Yanran's opinions on these.

"Of course it's a talent, like you.

Water transportation can be realized from imagination to action, not because you have a plan in advance.

So what I want to say is, whether it is an excellent shipwright or a shipping talent, as long as there is a suitable one, I will get him.

No matter what the cost, let them work for me, okay? "

Li Yanran smiled. The most important thing in the 21st century is talent, and the most important thing in Datang is the same.

If you want to do something, without talents, it will definitely be half the result with twice the result, but if you have a professional counterpart, it will definitely be the result with twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, she did not hesitate to teach and share her own experience.

"Pei Xinqi understands. I really happen to know a few talents, so I'll contact them right away."

Pei Xinqi felt warm at the moment. He didn't expect that he was so important in the eyes of the princess.

Talent, talent.

Hehe, this metaphor is really appropriate.

“Well, just tell me if you have any difficulties, and I will help you if you can’t hire someone.

But all the money I give you must be spent on me, do you understand? "

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