My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 725: People from Japan are coming!

Li Yanran nodded to Pei Xinqi. She always likes to work with smart people, such as Di Renjie.

She doesn't even need to say some things, she can understand them with just a look.

If her subordinates were all idiots like Cheng Chubi and Changsun Yan, she really didn't know how long she could live.

Letting go completely and letting the right people in the right positions is the best way to be a proprietor.

"Pei Xinqi understands!"

Pei Xinqi saluted again and then withdrew directly.

His heart has flown away now. The most important thing is to seize the time and spend money.

"Li Feng, you arrange for a group of forbidden troops to follow Pei Xinqi, and you must ensure his safety!"

Looking at Pei Xinqi's back, Li Yanran directly called Li Feng beside her.


Li Feng nodded and went out directly to arrange for the imperial army to protect Pei Xinqi.

After all, he is the young lady's baby now, and nothing can cause him to have problems.

"Brother Li, Brother Li!"

Not long after Pei Xinqi left, Li Siwen rushed over.

"what happened?"

"We're here for business. A businessman from Japan came to our shop and said he wanted to purchase perfume and jade liquor in large quantities!"

Li Siwen smiled and quickly stated his purpose.

"Japanese merchant?"

Li Yanran's eyes instantly filled with coldness when she heard this.

"Brother Li, what's wrong with you?"

Sensing that something was wrong with Li Yanran, Li Siwen was also stunned for a moment.

I don’t know what happened to the other party, but it happened suddenly.

"It's okay, they want perfume and jade liquor, then sell it to them, but I only want gold, let them trade it with me!"

Li Yanran sneered, the Japanese country has forgotten you.

These people are so ambitious that it seems that during their father's reign, the two sides had a huge naval battle over the dominance of North Korea.

It's called the Battle of Baijiangkou.

Although the entire Japanese army was wiped out in one battle, these people were all inexperienced white-eyed wolves. Since the Battle of Baijiangkou, they began to study the culture of the Tang Dynasty crazily.

Although they have been stable since then, the Japanese country has quietly risen since the Tang Dynasty and often plundered China.

In modern times, it took advantage of the Second World War to leave a heavy blood debt in China.

It's okay if you don't come over. Now that you're here, don't blame me for charging some interest first.

"Just gold?"

Now Li Siwen was a little confused, why only gold?
"That's right, and organize a caravan for me. I want to sail to Japan and do business with them!"

Li Yanran nodded and expressed her thoughts.

"Brother Li, are you okay? The Japanese country is just a small country. Crossing the vast sea to conduct trade is not worth the gain."

Li Siwen touched Li Yanran's forehead with his hand, his eyes full of doubts.

He really didn't understand what Li Yanran wanted to do.

In his opinion, the Japanese country was a barbarian land, and it was far away from the mainland of the Tang Dynasty. It was too dangerous to organize a caravan to go there.

"The gain is not worth the loss? I've told you a long time ago, I'm willing to give it up, but you still don't understand what I mean!"

Li Yanran shook her head and touched the tea cup in her hand, with a trace of inexplicable hatred flashing in her eyes.

"Brother Li, tell me carefully, what kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd?"

Li Siwen was even more confused now. He had already been confused about going to Japan to do business, but now the other party said he was reluctant.

This made him even more confused. Did the Japanese country have interests that he didn't know about?

"Li Siwen, you only know that Japan is a small country, but you know that it is actually a brutal hungry wolf.

From the monarchs to the common people, they all have the ambition to leave the Japanese country and occupy a wider territory. I conclude that there will be a war between the Tang Dynasty and the Japanese country.

The reason why I want to send a caravan to the Japanese country for trade is obviously to exchange what I have, but in fact it is to familiarize myself with the sea conditions in advance and prepare in advance for the invasion of the Japanese country. "

Li Yanran looked at Li Siwen with cold eyes.

Ghosts trade, ghosts exchange what they need.

One of the reasons why the Tang Dynasty did not go on an expedition to Japan was because it was indeed a barbarian country compared to the Tang Dynasty.

The second reason is that because they are separated by a vast sea and the waterway is impassable, the risk is too high and it is not suitable to take risks.

If he could make arrangements in advance and train some people who were proficient in sea routes, he could then lead the Tang navy to attack the Japanese country.

It would be easy to capture this place.

"Brother Li Li, do you want to go on an expedition to Japan?"

Li Siwen was really not calm now. He really didn't expect that Li Yanran was thinking about this.

The expedition to Japan was of no benefit to the Tang Dynasty.

"That's right, the dangers of Japan are even worse than tigers. Compared with Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla, they are hundreds of times more dangerous, so I have to plan in advance."

Li Yanran nodded. As someone who has been there, she knows the dangers of Japan better than anyone else.

If you don't fight him, he will inevitably attack Datang and China.

Therefore, she must find a way to kill this hungry wolf.

This is also the mission and responsibility she shoulders as an experienced person.

"But His Majesty will never let you agree. Brother Li, give up!"

Li Siwen sighed, no matter how powerful the Japanese country you mentioned is, it's useless, because the Tang Dynasty doesn't have this awareness at all.

It's true to nip problems in the bud, but they still have to be problems.Facing such a Japanese country, the empire would not take action at all.

"It is true that the harm caused by the Japanese country is not obvious now, but it will not be so in a few years.

As I said just now, there must be a battle between Japan and the Tang Dynasty.

By then, the Tang Dynasty will understand the power of this evil neighbor. When the time comes, I will write to my father and I will definitely wipe out the Japanese country in one fell swoop! "

Li Yanran smiled. She was still young, and her father was also in his prime.

She can afford to wait, so can Dad, and Datang can even afford to wait.

By then, you will understand what this princess is talking about.

"Brother Li, why do you conclude that there will be a war between the Tang Dynasty and the Japanese Kingdom?"

Li Siwen also had a bad temper, so he had to ask questions to find out.

"Baekje and Silla are at war. We, the Tang Dynasty, will definitely support Baekje in attacking Silla, and if Silla is small, they will definitely want to ask for help.

The Japanese country became their life-saving straw, and it happened that the Japanese country also had the intention of aggression.

What do you think they will do? "

Although Li Yanran didn't know the whole story of the Battle of Baijiangkou, she still had a general understanding.

The Tang Dynasty also wanted to occupy the Korean Peninsula, and Japan also wanted to use Silla and Baekje as a springboard to expand its territory.

When two tigers fight, there will be a battle.

"They must have hit it off, hiss!"

Li Siwen said he didn't know anything else, but in terms of military matters, he was also very insightful.

Li Yanran had made it clear. If he hadn't thought of it yet, he would be ashamed of his father, Li Ji.

"Brother Li, if that's the case, then I don't want to stay in Luoyang anymore."

After thinking for a moment, Li Siwen also saluted Li Yanran.

"What are you going to do if you don't stay in Luoyang?"

Li Yanran was stunned, wondering what Li Siwen wanted to do.

"I want to go to Yangzhou."

Li Siwen smiled and expressed his thoughts directly.

"Going to Yangzhou? Are you thinking about the prosperity of Yangzhou and don't want to stay in Luoyang?"

Hearing this, Li Yanran also smiled and teased Li Siwen.

"Brother Li, you underestimate me too much.

Since you want to conquer Japan, even though I, the younger brother, have no talent, I can still stand in the front line, which is fine.

Yangzhou is a prosperous area for shipping. I want to organize a caravan there to travel eastward to Japan to open up shipping channels for the empire.

When the war between the Tang Dynasty and the Japanese Kingdom really happens, I will be the vanguard and directly defeat the Japanese Kingdom. "

Li Siwen is 100% convinced of Li Yanran.

If the Tang Dynasty really goes to war with the Japanese country, then he will definitely be the pioneer.

"I underestimated you!"

Glancing at the excited Li Siwen, Li Yanran also nodded.

The Tang Dynasty prospered and was invincible in the world, not only because of its strong national power, but more importantly because of these passionate men.

It is precisely because of them that Datang can stand at the pinnacle of this world.

"That's why my father is also the British Duke of the Tang Dynasty. I still have this bravery!"

Li Siwen also scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Okay, then you can go to Yangzhou, but now is not the time.

The most important thing now is that you have to stabilize those Japanese merchants and make them agree to take our caravan on business.

After all, the sea route was difficult, and it took Japan a long time to develop a relatively safe sea route.

With them leading the way, we can save a lot of effort. "

Li Yanran smiled. It would be great if he could capture the sea channel that the Japanese had worked so hard to open up.

"I understand, brother Li, don't worry, just leave these to me!"

Li Siwen smiled, Brother Li really took advantage of him.

I want to make other people's money, and want their sea lanes, and now I want to pacify the Japanese country. I really give in.

Is this the so-called taking your money to buy your life?

"Well, but I have something to say up front. This seaway is dangerous and you can't go there no matter what.

I don’t want you to give me a chance and die before you start. This is the bottom line, you know? "

Although Li Siwen was a little more cautious than Cheng Chubi and the others, he was still a reckless man.

If he had a hothead and followed the caravan to the Japanese country, there would be another storm and he would have to die on the vast sea.

"Brother Li, how do you know that I want to go to Japan in person?"

Li Siwen was shocked, how did Brother Li know what he was thinking.

Even the roundworms in his stomach are nothing more than that.

"Nonsense, I said the Japanese country is so dangerous, it would be strange if you don't want to go and see for yourself.

So I have to give you a vaccination first, otherwise if something goes wrong with you, I will find a son to compensate the British father!

do you understand? "

Li Yanran walked up to Li Siwen and hammered him directly on the head.

"Brother Li, just keep talking. Why are you hitting someone? It hurts!"

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