My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 727: Come quickly, someone is running away!

Li Siwen was about to cry. What the hell was this?

I'm here to deliver the message, and it's you I want to see, not me.

If I say that you are not here right now, wouldn’t that mean that you are deceiving the emperor by changing the law?
If this was leaked, not only him, but also his father would be implicated.

"Li Siwen, you have grown up now, and it is time to take responsibility.

This princess now appoints you as the princess’s special envoy. You have full authority to help me contact my father’s envoy. "

Li Siwen said as he raised his legs to run, but Li Siwen grabbed him by the corner of his clothes.

"Li Siwen, are you going to rebel? Let me go quickly!"

Li Yanran was dumbfounded, why do you, such a fool, still want to use force?

Do you really think that this girl dare not deal with you?
"Brother Li, I really can't do it, please spare me!"

Li Siwen's eyes were filled with misery. He really couldn't take on this job.

"Li Feng, beat him up!"

Seeing that Li Siwen refused to submit, Li Yanran directly ordered Li Feng to deal with Li Siwen.

As for what happens next, let’s pass this level first.

Li Feng didn't care about Sanqi 21 and started fighting with Li Siwen, while Li Yanran also took the opportunity to run away.

36 meter, go is the best plan.

Let’s first understand what dad means when he comes.

Seeing Li Yanran sneaking away, Li Siwen exploded instantly, but Li Feng was also difficult to deal with, and he couldn't drag him out at all.

"Come quickly, someone is running away!"

In desperation, he couldn't care less and shouted directly at the top of his voice.

The knight was waiting in the front hall. When he heard the voice, he ran over and bumped into Li Yanran.

"Who is it? Why are you so reckless?"

"Thousand Cavalry Forbidden Arms has come a long way to meet Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Lu Buping quickly saluted Li Yanran and reported his identity at the same time.

"Thousand Cavalry Forbidden Army."

Li Yanran was dumbfounded when she heard the other party's identity.

The special meow is really afraid of whatever comes. This is such a coincidence.

"Your Highness, what is your intention?"

Lu Buping looked at Li Yanran's panic and asked him directly what he wanted to do.

"Didn't I hear that you were here to convey my father's will? I was anxious to see you!"

Li Yanran was also depressed. She was caught red-handed. What else could she say?

"Your Highness, please follow me to the main hall."

Lu Buping bent down to salute and asked Li Yanran to follow him to the main hall.

After all, he was here to convey the emperor's will, so he couldn't do it here.

"it is good!"

Li Yanran sighed, she had no choice but to go now.

"Your Highness, please!"

"and many more!"

Li Yanran glanced behind her coldly and asked Li Feng to take Li Siwen over.

"His Majesty ordered Princess Lishan to hurry up and tell you what kind of medicine you are selling in your gourd, so that I can feel at ease!

In addition, Cui Zhe and the others must be sent to Chang'an safely. If something cannot be done, they will take a detour and avoid the line between Luoyang and Chang'an. "

When several people came to the main hall, Lu Buping also hurriedly said what Li Zhi told him.

"Aren't you here to let me go back to Chang'an?"

After listening to Lu Buping's oral instructions, Li Yanran was relieved.

I really scared myself to death, this dad was not reliable at all.

If you send someone over, don't you know that you should inform them in advance?

Fortunately, I stayed calm, otherwise I would have jumped over the wall and escaped.

"Return to Chang'an? Your Majesty didn't say anything!"

Lu Buping shook his head, not hearing His Majesty mention this.

Princess Lishan is just a child, so she is homesick?
"It's okay if you don't say it. Let's do it this way. I'll write a letter of divorce for you to take back with me the things my father said."

Li Yanran also nodded, her father was really powerful after all.

She now finally knows what it means to strategize and win a victory thousands of miles away.

Even if the other party is thousands of miles away in Chang'an, he can control the situation in Luoyang in a timely manner and make the same judgment as himself.

Taking a detour back to Chang'an, this is really the same thing as a hero.


After hearing this, Lu Buping saluted directly and went to wait outside the door.

"Looking at you just now, I scared you to death!"

Looking at Li Siwen beside him, Li Yanran also glared at him.

This is so awesome that it can scare the living daylights out of you.

Really embarrassing myself.

"Brother Li, you also said that you were like this just now! You still have the nerve to tell me?"

Li Siwen curled his lips, his eyes full of disdain.

As for me, I don’t know who wanted to leave me here to take the blame just now, so I have to leave early.

"What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything. Since I had nothing to do, I went to the store. A new batch of goods arrived today."

Li Siwen looked helpless. I can't afford to offend you, so why can't I avoid you?

Out of sight, out of mind, run away first.

"Just stand there and don't move!"

"Brother Li, is there anything else?"

Li Siwen stopped and looked at Li Yanran with some fear.

Everyone knows that Brother Li is a master who will not take revenge overnight. Is he going to deal with himself now?
"Nonsense, just leave the small things in Lan Kwai Fong to Li Qing. Your task now is to deal with those Japanese merchants for me.

Remember, if you should make a profit, make a profit. You should understand what we want! "

Li Yanran really wants to kill Li Siwen now. Do you still need to do such trivial things as unloading the goods?
Have you forgotten what we discussed before?

Capturing Japanese merchants is the most critical thing right now.It's really a waste of time and money, with no ambition at all.

"Oh oh oh, I know, I've made an appointment with them to have a drink with them tonight, and I'll make sure to catch them right away!"

Li Siwen suddenly realized what he said and quickly replied to Li Yanran.

"Well, these Japanese businessmen can cross the ocean and reach the Tang Dynasty. They are definitely not easy to deal with. Why don't you let Di Renjie go with you?"

Although Li Siwen said it well, Li Yanran was still a little worried.

After all, these Japanese merchants are not easy-going people, so it is okay to say that they are desperadoes.

Li Siwen was still too green to deal with these people.

"There's no need for this!"

Li Siwen curled his lips. He had been practicing for so long.

Even Shitou should wake up, except of course those three fools.

After all, they stink and are harder than the stones in the latrine.

Now you ask Di Renjie to follow you, making it clear that you don't believe in yourself.

If even a few Japanese businessmen couldn't handle it themselves, they would have been in vain for so long.

"Let him go. Now is not the time to be angry. This is related to the future of Datang. No problems are allowed."

Li Yanran also shook his head. It wasn't that he couldn't trust Li Siwen, but that this matter was too important.

She couldn't make any mistakes.


Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Siwen was speechless and could only nod in agreement.

"Well, let's go."


After Li Siwen left, he went directly to find Di Renjie and told him all about the Japanese businessmen.

After making some plans, the two of them arrived at Zuixiang Tower at night, waiting for the Japanese businessmen to arrive.

"Xiao Langjun, people are here!"

Li Qing entered the box and whispered to Li Siwen.

"Bring someone in!"


Li Qing left, and within a short time he brought three Japanese people outside the box.

"and many more!"

Seeing that the Japanese were about to enter, the troops outside stopped them directly.

"May I ask what this means?"

Murakami Satoki couldn't help but froze when he saw the scene in front of him.

"My husband Junzhi allows the guest of honor to pass, and the rest can wait outside!"

Buqu glanced at the guards behind Murakami Satoki and asked them to wait outside.


Hearing this, Murakami Satoki's guard also took a step forward, his eyes full of caution.

"Why, what objections do you have?"

After Bu Qu heard this, without saying a word, he directly pulled out the horizontal knife from his waist, and a cold murderous aura poured out.


Feeling the opponent's momentum, Murakami Satoki and his guards took two steps back, with horror in their eyes.

Is this the Tang Dynasty?Is this the warrior of the Tang Dynasty?

Really great.

"If you want to come in, come in. If you don't want to come in, leave quickly!"

A trace of disdain flashed in Bu Qu's eyes, and he shouted directly at them.

The guard blocked Murakami Satoki behind him and stared at Bubu at the door.

Murakami Riki also turned around and talked to them in Japanese. The two looked at each other and stepped aside.


The door to the box was open, and after Murakami Satoki arranged his clothes, he entered alone.

"Murakami Satoki has met Xiaolangjun!"

Looking at Li Siwen in the main seat, Murakami Satoki also performed a standard Tang Dynasty cross-hand salute.

Glancing at Murakami Satuki, Li Siwen was also a little surprised.

Whenever Wai Guo Ren comes to the Tang Dynasty, it is usually the courtesy of his native country, but it is rare to think of Murakami Satoki.

Do as the Romans do, and this guy did it too quickly.

"Murakami Saoki, take a seat, right?"


Murakami Satoki saluted again and then sat in front of Li Siwen.

Looking at the other person's sitting posture, Li Siwen looked at himself again and couldn't help but feel a little achy.

Who is this special person from the Tang Dynasty and who is Wai Guoren?
Why does this guy look more professional than me?

It's really meowing a dog.

"Murakami Satoki, do you know what's going on when I ask you to come here this time?"

Li Siwen shook the emotions out of his mind and spoke to Murakami.

"Did Mr. Murakami promise that Murakami Sato would allow me to purchase large quantities of perfume and jade liquor?"

A flash of excitement flashed in Murakami Satoki's eyes. You must know that this perfume and jade liquor are the most magical things he has seen in the Tang Dynasty.

If you can purchase large quantities and bring them home, don’t even think about how much money you can make.

After all, things are rare and valuable. This perfume was a treasured commodity in the Tang Dynasty. Of course, there was a reason for its high price.

But the most fundamental thing is that its output is too small to meet consumption.

Therefore, this perfume has always been in short supply.

"Well, after thinking about it, since the Japanese country loves our Tang Dynasty goods so much, it makes sense for you to purchase some."

Li Siwen nodded and directly agreed to the other party's request.

Sure enough, sure enough, he agreed.

A trace of excitement flashed in Murakami Satoki's eyes, but this excitement was immediately replaced by sadness.

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