My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 728: If you know you are wrong, just kneel down and say it!

Although this perfume is a good thing, it is too expensive. Even if he really transports it back to Japan, only those high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen can afford it.

Besides, I am considered a big customer, so it shouldn’t be difficult to ask for preferential policies.

"So Murakami Satoki has thanked Mr. Xiaolang on behalf of the people of Japan, but can the price be a little cheaper? After all, the price of the perfume and Yuye wine is too high."

"These are easy to talk about. I can give you a [-]% discount. What do you think?"

Li Siwen's eyes flashed with disdain. He had already discussed Murakami Satoki's thoughts with Di Renjie.

It's easy to talk about price reduction, profit sharing, etc. As long as the other party can accept your conditions, it doesn't matter.

"Thank you so much, young man. I will prepare the money right away."

Murakami Satoki stood up directly, saluted Li Siwen, and was about to leave.

If you don't eat, it's not as important as making money.

He has no appetite at all now, he just wants to quickly complete the transaction of perfume and jade liquor and transport them back to Japan.

"and many more!"

Seeing that the other party was actually leaving, Li Siwen was stunned.

Just now I thought this guy knew etiquette and knew how to advance and retreat, but I didn't expect that he turned out to be such a reckless person.

It seems that the Japanese are just Japanese, and they are far different from the people of the Tang Dynasty.

"My dear Mr. Murakami, I know it would be presumptuous to leave now, but I can't wait to complete the deal right now.

After everything is over, Murakami Saoki will hold a banquet to apologize. "

Murakami Satoki instantly felt his presumption, and turned around to salute Li Siwen.

What he fears most at the moment is that Li Siwen takes back his life. As the saying goes, the nights are long and the dreams are many, so he has no choice but to do this.

"Sit down first. I promise you that these are actually requirements."

Li Siwen sneered and asked Murakami Sato to sit back.


Murakami Satoki frowned and sat back in front of Li Siwen.

"Please give me some instructions, Mr. Xiaolang!"

"First of all, I don't want these perfumes and jade liquor from your Japanese currency, nor my Tang Dynasty's copper coins.

If you want this perfume and jade liquid wine, you can exchange it for gold. "

Li Siwen smiled and stated his first condition.

"Of course it's okay, Murakami Satoki wants it!"

Hearing this condition, Murakami Satoki was relieved.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to trade with Japanese currency when he came across the sea, so he had already exchanged the money for equivalent gold.

Although a lot of copper coins were exchanged for purchasing goods before, there was still a lot of gold.

"Secondly, I am going to organize a caravan to go to Japan for trade. Your caravan will be my guide and lead my fleet into Japan."

Faced with Li Siwen's second request, Murakami Saoki was a little embarrassed.

As Li Yanran said before, the Japanese country has always wanted to break away from the mainland, so it has been committed to the development of routes.

Over the years, several relatively safe routes have been opened up, but Li Siwen wants his own shipping route, which makes him a bit embarrassed.

After all, this is the lifeline for them to control the country's business. If Li Siwen controls this, the other party can unscrupulously transport Tang Dynasty's goods to the Japanese country.

By then, the country's businessmen, including himself, will be completely defeated by the other party.

Doing so is tantamount to killing the goose that lays the egg and destroying yourself.

The most important thing is that these routes are also related to Japan's national plans. If this is leaked, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Why, you don't agree?"

Seeing Murakami Satoki in a daze, Li Siwen's face instantly turned cold.

"Xiao Langjun, compared with the Tang Dynasty, the Japanese country is just a small land. The people there are barren. There is no need for you to go to your country to do business across the vast sea.

If you have any products you want to sell, we can completely cooperate and entrust your products to Murakami Satoki.

In this way, not only do you not have to take any risks, but you can also earn high profits, so why not! "

Murakami Satoki rolled his eyes and immediately thought of rhetoric.

If he can really reach a cooperative relationship with Li Siwen, he can purchase goods at low prices through Li Siwen.

Although he wants to share some profits, he doesn't know how much he can earn.

It’s not up to you to decide.

Li Siwen shouted: "Should I say no?"

Any fool can see that there is something wrong with Murakami Saoki's suggestion.

I also asked you to sell on my behalf. When the time comes, you just throw your hands and run away. Who will I ask for money from?

And am I the one who gives in for a little benefit?

What I want is everything about Japan.

"Then I can only apologize. There is no way Murakami Satoki will let your caravan go to Japan. This is my bottom line!"

Hearing Li Siwen's refusal, Murakami Satoki also shook his head.

As a knowledgeable businessman, he would naturally not dig his own grave.

He still knew very well what it meant to lure a wolf into the house.

"Twenty percent off!"

Li Siwen once again used his trump card to cut prices and make profits.

A businessman pursues profit. As long as he can give him benefits that he cannot refuse, let alone a route, even if he wants his mother, he will give it to him without mercy.

"Twenty percent off."

In Shimomura Kamisaki was also a little moved. A bottle of perfume at the lowest end now costs [-] guan. The [-]% discount means that even if he doesn't ship it to his home country, he can still make a net profit of [-] guan by selling it in Datang.

I have to say that this really moved his heart.

But people's hearts are boundless, and he wanted to see where Li Siwen's bottom line was.

"I forgive Murakami Satoki for being unable to do anything."

Hearing Murakami Satoki's refusal, Li Siwen couldn't help but clenched his fists.

This guy is really a bit difficult to deal with. I don’t know if he is really patriotic or if he thinks the price he gave me is not enough.Di Renjie shook his head at Li Siwen. Although the bottom line they discussed before has not yet been reached, the more you lower the price now, the more the other party will take the initiative.

In the end, what you may have to face is not business, but blackmail.

"If you don't agree, please leave!"

Li Siwen stopped talking, and Di Renjie picked up the conversation and signaled for the other party to leave.

"Okay, in that case Murakami Saoki will leave!"

Murakami Riki frowned and glanced at Di Renjie. Although he didn't know the other person's identity, but now that he could speak, this person must have won Li Siwen's trust.

So he got up and left without hesitation.

"Xiao Langjun, I heard that many merchants from Japan came to the Tang Dynasty this time, but many of them are stranded in Yangzhou and other places. Later I will arrange for people to go to Yangzhou to find those merchants.

Even if the perfume and jade liquor are brought back to Japan at the original price, they can still make double the profit, let alone if we give them [-]% off the price. "

Di Renjie looked at Murakami Sato's back and slowly spoke to Li Siwen.


Li Siwen nodded, whether Di Renjie said that on purpose or whatever.

Murakami Satoki is not the only merchant in the Japanese country. He can definitely wander among them and wait for a price to sell.

You can always find someone who is not so greedy.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Murakami Satoki stopped instantly.

He knew that the other party's words were meant for him, and he might mean to disturb his mind.

But I have to say that what the other party said makes sense. He is not the only businessman coming from Japan this time.

But because he had the keenest sense of smell, he rushed to Luoyang immediately.

If he really wants to do this, someone will definitely agree to cooperate.

"Young Lord!"

Now that he had figured it out, Murakami Satoki turned around and walked back.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you left, it doesn't matter, we were just talking!
Since you don’t agree to cooperate, then please! "

Li Siwen looked at Murakami Sato and couldn't help but sneered.

I have to say that Di Renjie's move was really superb, taking advantage of his own strength.

Before, Murakami Satoki thought he had the initiative in negotiations, but what he didn't know was that the initiative was always in the hands of stronger people.

As for his self-confidence, in their opinion, it was simply ridiculous and humble.

"Xiao Langjun, if you really want to do business with Japan, then Murakami is definitely your best partner.

As is the case now, I am the first person to come to talk to you about cooperation, so my sincerity is the greatest. "

Murakami Satoki's face was full of flattery. Yes, he had completely lost the initiative in negotiations now.

If the perfume and jade liquid wine were really snatched away by his companions, then he would have to sit back and watch others grow bigger when he returned to Japan.

This was a situation he couldn't see.

"Really? Why don't I see any sincerity? I have made the biggest concession, what about you?
Turn around and leave. If this is what you call sincerity, then it's time for me to leave too. "

Li Siwen stood up slowly and was about to leave.

"Xiao Langjun, I was reckless just now, please stay!"

Murakami Satoki also quickly stood up and stood in front of Li Siwen.

It seems that the other party is really angry. If the other party steps out of this door, his visit to Luoyang will be in vain.

"Are you reckless? I don't feel it. You did the right thing.

After all, this is related to your Japanese business, so you should be cautious.

Originally, I thought that after my caravan arrived in Japan, I would hand over all the goods to you for sale.

Now it seems that we are destined to become enemies.

Saoki Murakami, you are very good, I hope you will not regret it! "

Li Siwen glanced at Murakami Satoki, and then patted him on the shoulder.

"Young Master, I am willing. I am willing to lead your caravan. Please give me this opportunity!"

Murakami Satoki was really panicked now, and knelt down in front of Li Siwen with a pop.

If, as Li Siwen said, his caravan transported goods to the Japanese country and left it to him to manage, it was hard for him to imagine how much profit he would make.

He really didn't know how to praise him. This was all his fault.

He had to make amends, otherwise not only him, but also the great nobles behind him would be implicated.

Then you and your family will all die.

"I agree now, is it a little late? In the Tang Dynasty, you just drink wine as a penalty instead of eating."

Li Siwen looked at Murakami Satoki who was kneeling on the ground with disdain, his eyes full of pride.

"Murakami Satoki went too far, please calm down my anger!"

Murakami Satoshi knocked his head to the ground, his eyes filled with fear.

"Please calm down, Mr. Xiaolang!"

How dare Murakami Sato say anything more? This was already related to his life and death, and he couldn't get a definite answer from Li Siwen.

Even if he knelt down and died here, he would not hesitate.

"Xiao Langjun, since this Murakami Satoki already knows how to repent, give him a chance!"

Di Renjie also smiled at Li Siwen and warned Li Siwen.

"Then I'll give you some face, sit down and talk!"

Li Siwen knew that this thing shouldn't go too far, so he turned around and sat back in front of the table.

"Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Xiaolang!"

At this time, Murakami Satoki was also relieved, and he quickly stood up and walked towards the table.

"Did I ask you to get up? Just kneel down. You should apologize for your recklessness just now!"


(End of this chapter)

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