My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 734 Don’t embarrass me!

Pei Xinqi also smiled. It is better to listen to what you say than to listen to what you say.

Now he knew what to do next.

After all, Luoyang is too small. It is okay to build some water cargo ships, but sea-going ships are still not ready.

It seems that I am going to Yangzhou next to see that prosperous place.

"Now that you know it, why don't you pack it up quickly and go to Yangzhou!"


Pei Xinqi quickly saluted Di Renjie.

Although Di Renjie's official position was not high, he was just a small town commander.

But with the status of Princess Lishan and Di Renjie's intelligence, he will definitely be a person who will be granted the title of marquis and prime minister in the future.

It’s natural to do some planning yourself in advance.

Until evening, Li Siwen also rushed in in a hurry.

"Your Highness, it's almost time, let's go!"

Glancing at Li Yanran who was still reading, Li Siwen's eyes were full of excitement.

Although he had resisted before, the matter was settled, so he might as well enjoy it.

If you take Li Yanran to see the world by yourself, there is no reason for him to pay for it.

Thinking of killing Brother Li, he couldn't care less.

"Go for what?"

Li Yanran was stunned. Li Siwen was so confused and she didn't know what he meant.

"Fengxiao Pavilion, didn't we agree yesterday?"

Li Siwen was dumbfounded, what the hell is this?

Brother Li has Alzheimer's disease at a young age?Wasn’t it a matter of life and death yesterday?
Did you forget today?

Li Feng took a step forward, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Miss, it was so easy for me to forget this matter, and you brought it up again.

If looks could kill, Li Siwen would have been cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

"By the way, forget about this. Let's go and change clothes!"

Now Li Yanran also remembered. Today she made an appointment to go to Fengxiao Pavilion to experience drinking flower wine. How could she forget about it.

"Li Siwen, I remember you!"

When Li Yanran left, Li Feng glared at him and followed him after saying a harsh word.

"What's wrong with me!"

Li Siwen also spread his hands, his face full of grievances.

Not long after, Li Yanran changed her clothes.

"Go, go, go to Fengxiao Pavilion!"

Li Yanran patted Li Siwen on the shoulder, her eyes full of yearning.

"Brother Li Li, are you going to go out wearing this?"

Looking at Li Yanran's dress, Li Siwen was stunned.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing? Isn't this nice?"

Li Yanran raised her eyes, wondering what Li Siwen meant.

"Brother Li, those Fengyue people are the best at telling people what to eat. Who are the people who can go to those gold-selling caves?

Either rich or noble, which one is not rich in wealth?

If you go there wearing this coarse linen clothes, let alone experience it, I'm afraid you won't even be able to get in! "

Li Siwen was also embarrassed. Do you think you are going on a tour incognito to experience all things among the people?

You don't think it's embarrassing to wear these clothes, but I still think it's embarrassing.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier and wait for me to change clothes?"

Hearing this, Li Yanran also suddenly realized, turned around and ran towards the house.

"Li Feng, don't you go change your clothes?"

Looking at Li Feng who was still there, Li Siwen also frowned.

"I'm just a guard. If I dress like you, wouldn't I be trying to steal the young man's limelight?"

Li Feng, on the other hand, gave Li Siwen a polite nod.

Do you think everyone is as cool as you?

I'm not your kind of person.

"What you said is wrong. If you go to Fengxiao Pavilion with us, you are not representing yourself, but the face of me and Brother Li.

If you go out dressed like this, aren't you going to slap me and Brother Li in the face? "

Li Siwen shook his head, do you think you will be just a guard after you go out?

That's our face, we don't understand these things, we are just a defender of the ball.

"You still dare to say that if you hadn't mentioned drinking flower wine, the lady would have been like this?"

Li Feng's eyes almost popped out when he mentioned Fengxiao Pavilion.

If you weren't an asshole, would these things have happened?

There is still a face to say.


In an instant, Li Siwen was dumbfounded. Why was the blame thrown in his face again?

You are a manly man, why can't you get through this?

"What are you doing? Come on, I've changed my clothes!"

Li Yanran also attended the event dressed up, wearing brocade and satin, and fragrant jade in her arms.

He looks like a proper young man from a wealthy family.

"Can't go!"

Looking at Li Feng again, Li Siwen refused again.

"Are you itchy again? I've changed my clothes, but you still won't leave?"

"Brother Li, don't you feel that what Li Feng is wearing is a bit inappropriate? If you go to Fengxiao Pavilion, you will be embarrassed."

Li Siwen also told the reason. He didn't want to be embarrassed in the circle of nobles in Luoyang.

After all, he now represents the emperor, the princess, and his father.

He can't afford to lose this man.

"That's right, Li Feng goes to change clothes!"

Li Yanran also took a look at Li Feng's outfit. It was indeed a bit horrible and inappropriate for the time.

"Miss! I feel like what I'm wearing is pretty good. Besides, I don't have any other clothes to change into!" Li Feng looked at his clothes and felt a little aggrieved.

"Simple, I've already prepared it. It's in the third cabinet in your room. Go ahead!"


Hearing that Li Yanran had even prepared his own clothes, Li Feng had nothing to say and could only give in.

"Brother Li, you are so kind to Li Feng, why don't you prepare some clothes for me anytime!"

Looking at Li Feng's back, Li Siwen was also a little envious.

Although Li Siwen is good at these things, who wouldn't want to be cared about by Brother Li?

"You? If you have no father or mother and have grown up with me, let alone a suit of clothes, I will move it here for you even if it is Jinshan.

Li Feng may be just my personal guard to you, but to me he is also my family.

The brother who accompanies me to study, accompanies me to play on the swing, and considers everything for me.

Do you understand? "

Li Yanran glanced at Li Feng, her eyes full of gratitude.

When she came here, Li Feng was the first person she met and the first person who cared about him so much.

Over the past two years, if Li Feng had not been with her, she might not have been able to survive now.

"So this is ah!"

Now Li Siwen finally understood why Li Yanran was so kind to Li Feng.

This is no longer the relationship between master and servant, but the relationship between a little sister and a big brother.

"Yeah! So if you dare to bully Li Feng, I will definitely skin you!"

Li Yanran nodded, and then began to threaten again.

After all, this is his eldest brother. If she is so protective, he will fight to the death for anyone who dares to touch Li Feng.

"I don't dare. Li Feng is so fierce. Who among the people in Lishan dares to provoke him."

Li Siwen was really depressed now.

You also bullied Li Feng, Brother Li, what do you think?

With his poker face, no matter who he is, he can please him.

"That's good!"

Li Yanran smiled, and then saw a white figure slowly walking towards her.

"Stains stains."

Looking at Li Feng in front of her, Li Yanran couldn't help but pucker her lips.

"Miss, is there something wrong? I'll change it right away."

Li Feng frowned, looked at his outfit again, and scratched his head a little.

"No, no, it's fine."

"Li Siwen, as the saying goes, a man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle. If Li Feng puts on this outfit, I'm afraid even you will feel ashamed!"

Li Yanran quickly grabbed Li Feng's clothes and spoke to Li Siwen.

"Don't tell me, Li Feng looks much better in these clothes than those noble sons from aristocratic families.

As for you claiming to steal my limelight, that’s not necessarily the case.

Didn't you say that the most important thing about a person is not makeup, but temperament.

I follow the temperament flow! "

Li Siwen really wanted to slap Li Yanran now.

I admit that Li Feng is elegant and elegant in this dress, but there is no need to step on him.

I can understand your admiration for Li Feng, but why do you insist on stepping on me?

The younger brother is never as good as the elder brother!
"Tch, let's go!"

Too lazy to pay attention to the idiot Li Siwen, Li Yanran got on the carriage directly.

Li Siwen saw this and followed him. Li Feng glanced at the driver sitting in his seat and was stunned, and then pulled the driver off.


The driver who fell down and squatted on his butt was stunned, and Li Siwen was also stunned.

"Xiao Xiaolangjun, what is this?"

The driver looked at Li Feng sitting in his seat with his eyes wide open and his mind filled with questions.

"Li Feng, what do you mean?"

After coming back to his senses, Li Siwen also shouted at Li Feng with his eyes wide open.

Don't think that because Brother Li values ​​you, you can do whatever you want.

“Driving is my responsibility, I don’t trust leaving it to others!”

Li Feng took it as a matter of course.

After all, it is Li Feng's job to drive the lady. As long as he is here, no one can take this job away.

"Brother Li, look at him!"

Li Siwen had no choice but to ask Li Yanran for help.

When I take you to see the world, I want to drink wine, but now you are dressed so luxuriously and richly but you have to drive.

Isn't this embarrassing for yourself?

"Li Feng, you also have fun today. Besides, don't you know what it means to drink without driving and drive without drinking?"

Li Yanran also popped up her head and asked Li Feng to come over and join her.

"I don't like drinking! Besides, this is my mission, so sit down young man!"

However, Li Feng didn't give any face, and directly whipped the horse's butt with the whip.

He must abide by this bottom line.

Even if the young lady doesn't care, he, as a guard, cannot put his own safety in the hands of others.

"Brother Li, look at him!"

Li Siwen was going crazy. This was all nonsense.

Don't even listen to you?

"Let him go, he doesn't like drinking anyway! I can rest assured having him drive!"

Li Yanran also leaned on the carriage, closed her eyes and rested, looking forward to any surprises that Feng Xiaoge could bring to her.

"OK then!"

Li Siwen also leaned on the carriage.

Driven by Li Siwen, the carriage passed through the crowd and finally stopped outside Fengxiao Pavilion.

Seeing Li Feng jumping out of the car, the doorman at the door was also dumbfounded.

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