My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 735: Composing poetry?I'll be your brain!

Judging from his clothes, this man was certainly not an ordinary person, so why did he become a driver?

I really don’t know which noble son can use such a coachman.

Li Yanran and Li Siwen got out of the car, and Li Feng stood obediently behind Li Yanran.

A pair of big eyes, always paying attention to the surrounding situation.

"It turns out to be Mr. Li Xiaolang, your distinguished guest, your honored guest!"

Seeing it was Li Siwen, the doormen immediately gathered around.

After all, Li Siwen was a wealthy man. Although he had only visited Fengxiao Pavilion a few times, they did not dare to neglect such a person at all.

"Okay, Mr. Xiaolang, it seems he is a regular customer!"

Looking at Li Siwen who was surrounded, Li Yanran said calmly next to him.

"Get the hell out of me!"

Li Siwen was also depressed. He had never been like this before, let alone a regular visitor.

He only came here two or three times, and it was someone else's treat.

Don't taint my innocence out of thin air.

My money is of great use, how can I waste it in a place like this?

"Little Master, this is it!"

After hearing Li Siwen's words, the boys noticed that he had a child with him.

This rich and noble son only plays with flowers, so a child of such a young age would be brought to a place like this.

Sure enough, this education starts from childhood, absolutely.

"You don't care, arrange a private room quickly and lead the way!"

Li Siwen glared at the boy, what does it have to do with you if I bring the child here.

I'll give you a lot of money, not so much nonsense.

"You are too talkative. There are three guests in the private room upstairs."

The boy also slapped himself, and then led the way.

Li Yanran followed Li Siwen and began to visit the famous Fengxiao Pavilion in Luoyang.

The decoration was quite luxurious, and there were many guests, so it was basically full.

On the big stage in the center, there were several Hu Ji dancers dancing Hu Ji, and people kept cheering next to them.

It's quite different from Chang'an, but this thing is somewhat unified.

"Xiao Langjun, please come with me!"

Seeing the three people staying there, the boy saluted again and led them up to the second floor.

Entering the private room, Li Siwen also gave up the main seat.

"Forget it, I'm here to learn more from you this time. If you let me, a child, take charge, how are you going to explain it to others!"

Li Yanran shook her head and directly moved Li Siwen to the main seat.

"Then I'll be more respectful than obedient!"

Li Siwen also smiled and sat directly at the top of the table.

"Here comes someone, why doesn't anyone come to say hello!"

After sitting down, Li Siwen also shouted towards the door.

"Here you go, young man, please don't rush me. Can't I help you? I wonder which girl you are familiar with?"

Hearing the shout, a woman with heavy makeup also pushed the door in and saluted Li Siwen.

Looking at the man's appearance, Li Feng, who was standing behind him, had a look of disgust on his face.


"No one knows me well, and I don't come here often, but I heard that there is a girl named Xiao Yun here who is very good at Hu Xuan dance. Please ask her to come over!"

Li Siwen glanced at Li Yanran beside him, and directly asked Feng Xiaoge's number one to come over and drink with him.

"Young gentleman, I'm afraid you don't know the rules of our Fengxiao Pavilion!"

A trace of embarrassment flashed on the woman's face, and she saluted Li Siwen again.

"Rules? Are you afraid that I can't afford it? Just tell me how much you need!"

Li Siwen was stunned, not knowing what this woman meant.

What rules does your Fengxiao Pavilion have? It's just that the one with the highest price gets it.

Brother Li is here. When comparing money with him, Datang really can't spare much money.

"It's not about money. If you want to invite Xiao Yun over, you must have money, and most importantly, you must have talent."

The woman smiled, she didn't care who you were, even if the King of Heaven came over.

This Xiao Yun of my own is very arrogant and has a very stubborn temper. He doesn't even know what surrender means.

You must know that there was a noble son who wanted to rely on his power to force Feng Xiaoge to submit. In the end, everyone including the proprietor behind Feng Xiaoge agreed, but Xiao Yun refused to obey and jumped into the river directly.

This time it was better, and almost no one was killed. In the end, due to pressure from many parties, the noble son had to lose a lot of money, and that was the end of the matter.

This also led to a generally accepted thing among Luoyang's aristocratic circles, that is, don't provoke Xiao Yun.

And in this single battle, Xiao Yun became completely popular. Countless dignitaries and noble sons were proud to have Xiao Yun as their companion.

"Talented? I'm here to be cool and unrestrained. I'm not here to suffer. Just tell me how much it will cost. I'm rich, young master!"

Li Siwen was dumbfounded. This was the first time he heard of such a rule.

I had heard of a talented man marrying a beautiful woman before, but I didn’t expect such a strange pair to exist in this romantic land.

If you are really noble, why are you in this filthy place?
Do you really think that you have emerged from the mire but not stained, and that you have washed through the pure ripples without being a monster?

"Li Xiaolangjun, can you stop forcing me?

I know that your family has a great business, which is beyond my comparison, but my Xiao Yun is also a strong person.

If you want to use force, Xiao Yun will definitely treat you with death.

At that time, not only will something happen to my Yunxiao Pavilion, but your reputation will also be greatly affected.

Isn't this a bad thing for both parties?I hope you will think twice. "

The woman also saluted again and repeated Xiao Yun's steadfastness.

"Haha, Ganglie, what if I say no! Do you believe what I say, Fengxiao Pavilion will have to close tomorrow?"

Li Siwen's stubborn temper also grew. Although he had not been to a place like this for a long time, a woman in charge of Fengxiao Pavilion dared to speak to him like this.

Do you really think that Li Siwen is some kind of soft persimmon?
"This" seeing Li Siwen being so tough, the woman lost her temper.

Who in Luoyang doesn't know how powerful Li Siwen is now. The Sanhe Gang was directly wiped out, and the four major aristocratic families were all sunk by each other.

What the other party just said was really not to scare him. One sentence could decide Feng Xiaoge's life or death. It was no joke.

"Young man, calm down, I wonder what kind of talent this young lady Xiao Yun wants?"

Li Yanran was still a little curious about Xiao Yun.

She really didn't expect that such a woman could exist in a place like this, which really made her look forward to it.

"When you came here, you also saw many poems hanging on our Fengxiao Pavilion. They were all done by Luoyang literati to make Xiaoyun smile.

As long as you can write poems that are not inferior to theirs, Xiao Yun will naturally come to accompany you. "

The woman glanced at Li Yanran, a child with extraordinary bearing, and smiled.

Being brought here by Li Siwen, the relationship between the two must be excellent.

Now that he has spoken, he should be able to persuade Li Siwen.

"Writing poetry, I'll be your big brain!"

When Li Siwen heard about writing poems, he immediately exploded.

What bothers me the most is writing poetry.

What is the situation in the Tang Dynasty? I can only write poems and songs in ordinary times. Why do I have to write poems in a place like this?

If I could compose poetry, I would be sitting here long ago, why would I need to spend money?
"Young Master, please don't be angry. I'm just writing poetry! I'll do it!"

Li Yanran smiled, isn't it just writing poetry?

What is her identity? She is the number one copywriter of the Tang Dynasty. These are just sprinkles.

"it is good!"

Since Li Yanran wanted to have fun, Li Siwen had no choice but to give up.

As soon as the so-called expert makes a move, you will know if there is any.

Li Yanran took action, and Xiao Yun and Lou Yun were already captured.

"What kind of flowers does Miss Xiao Yun like?"

Li Yanran glanced at the woman and asked Xiao Yun directly about his preferences.

As the saying goes, if you want to meet Xiao Yun, you should pick the one you like.

Don't write any poems that will be handed down from generation to generation, but if they are not valued, isn't it a waste?

"My Xiao Yun likes plum blossoms the most. She says plum blossoms are tough and will bloom even in the cold winter."

The woman thought for a while and told Xiao Yun's situation.

"Meihua, hehe, get a pen and paper!"

Li Yanran also smiled when she heard the word plum blossom.

She had heard too many Yongmei songs in this life, and originally she was afraid that the other party would do something weird.

Now she was enlightened.

"Get the pen and paper!"

The woman nodded and spoke directly to the boy outside.

Seeing the boy stomping up the stairs with a pen and paper, the people below immediately became interested.

This must be someone who wants to make Xiao Yun smile and write a poem.

Who wouldn’t want to join in the fun?

A group of people also looked at the elegant room on the second floor with their heads raised, and they also dismissed the Hu Ji dancing the Hu Xuan dance.

After all, whoever dares to write poetry here doesn't have two brushes, and they just don't know what level this person is today.

Can you please make Yiren smile and hang it on the beam of Fengxiao Pavilion?

"Xiao Langjun, I brought this pen and paper for you!"

The boy held the paper and pen and placed it directly in front of Li Siwen.

"What for me?"

Li Siwen was stunned. If I could compose poetry, would my face look like this?

The boy was stunned for a moment, wondering what was wrong with Li Siwen.

"Look at how clumsy you are, let me do it!"

The woman also smiled awkwardly, ran to Li Siwen and handed the pen and paper to Li Yanran.

"Okay, let me do it!"

Li Yanran also picked up the brush and started writing directly on the paper.

"The more awe-inspiring the wind blows in the snow, the stronger the integrity of the flowers."

"It will drift away when the time comes, and I will beg for mercy from Lord Dong even more shamefully."

Li Siwen was watching from the side and also started reading.

After finishing reading, a picture also appeared in Li Siwen's mind.

The wind and snow are howling, and everything is sad and silent, but a plum blossom stands firm in the wind and snow. Although it is swaying in the wind, it still blooms in the wind.

This scene is absolutely amazing.

"What a poem, what a poem! This young man is really talented and wise, I am amazed by him!"

Although the woman on the side couldn't understand the poem, the rainbow fart came out right away and she took a picture of it.

After all, these are the people around Li Siwen, Special Envoy Li, and they must be given some face no matter what.

"Do you understand?"

Li Siwen rolled his eyes at the woman.

"I'm a layman and can't understand these things, but it's written by this young man, so it's probably not bad. I'll go and give it to Xiao Yun to read."

The woman was stunned for a moment, then smiled awkwardly, saluted and left.

"Come out, come out!"

"Come and show us what a masterpiece it is!"

"That's right, Aniang Sun, just read it!"

(End of this chapter)

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