My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 740 I’m Dugu Ling!

Just when a few people were about to go downstairs, Sun Aniang came over to greet them, her eyes full of smiles.

Generally speaking, nobles from such wealthy families spend a lot of money. The higher their status, the more rewards they give. It's not because of anything else but face.

If I give too much and you give too little, doesn’t that mean you will lose your share?

Therefore, in this vicious cycle, eating and drinking are still relatively small, and this reward is the top priority.

"Well! Xiao Yun is very good, I am very satisfied, now I want to help her redeem her life!"

Li Siwen smiled and directly stated what he had discussed before.


As soon as these words came out, Sun Aniang's old face froze instantly, and the original smile was replaced by ice.

You must know that half of Fengxiao Pavilion's current prosperity is due to the services here, but the other half is entirely due to Xiao Yun.

Since she became famous, many rich and powerful nobles have come to visit her, but Xiao Yun is very strict.

Under such counter-propaganda, the number of people in Fengxiao Pavilion increased instead of decreasing, which led to the current climate.

There were people who wanted to redeem Xiao Yun before, but the other party refused to do so, so there was no need for him to say anything.

At this moment, the situation is a bit difficult to handle.

"what happened?"

Looking at the solidified Sun Aniang, Li Siwen's voice couldn't help but be full of coldness.

He knew that Xiao Yun was the opponent's cash cow, but so what?
I'm going to make a decision on this guy.

"It's okay, Xiao Yun, Aunt Sun treats you well and has been responsive to your requests in the past few years. Do you really have the heart to leave me like this?"

Sun Aniang knew that Li Siwen was not easy to mess with, so now she could only place her hopes on Xiao Yun.

You know when Xiao Yun comes here, she really treats him as her daughter.

Not only are they provided with the best food and clothing, but they are also very tolerant of her little temper. If it had been anyone else, they would have left the house and starved her for a few days before talking about it.

"Sun Aniang, Xiao Yun knows that you treat me like a daughter, but now my daughter has found someone who can be entrusted to her for life.

I hope grandma can let me go. I believe that the young man will definitely give you a suitable price. "

Xiao Yun also saluted Sun Aniang, with some gratitude in his eyes.

But she has a big responsibility and cannot stay here, so she can only make up for it with money.

"Sun Aniang, you also heard that Xiao Yun is willing to leave with me, so please bring her the deed of betrayal!"

Li Siwen smiled, spread his hands, and asked for Xiao Yun's deed of betrayal.

"Young Master, there are some things that I cannot decide. Xiao Yun can be considered the oiran of Fengxiao Pavilion, so I hope you can give me some time."

Now that Xiao Yun agreed, Sun Aniang had no choice but to delay it for a while.

"When? I will take that person away first. Come to me when you have thought about it!"

Li Siwen saw through the other person's thoughts at once. If he left now, Aniang Sun would definitely use force on Xiao Yun.

When the time comes to force her to refuse, she is not stupid, so how could she give him this opportunity.

"Young Master, although I, Fengxiao Pavilion, are not big, but if you forcefully take away my people like this, I'm afraid it will be bad for your reputation!"

If this person was taken away, she would have no room for bargaining.

"Master, have I given you face? Am I someone who cares about reputation?"

Li Siwen slapped her directly, and a mark instantly appeared on Sun Aniang's face.

Seeing Li Siwen being violent, the boys in Fengxiao Pavilion rushed up immediately and looked at the people in front of them fiercely.

These are all thugs raised by Fengxiao Pavilion. They usually do miscellaneous tasks to support the guests, but when someone really makes trouble, they don't care who they are.

Fight first and then talk about it. After all, the people behind you will step in to smooth things over.

"It's about to fight!"

"Zhen Zhen Zhen, Special Envoy Li loves beauty but not fame."

"Hey, there's a good show to watch!"

When the guests below saw this, no one wanted to leave at all. They didn't come out just to have fun.

Nowadays, there is a lot of fun to watch without spending money. If anyone leaves, it will be a pure fool.

Listening to the voice below, Li Siwen also frowned.

Although he didn't care about those false reputations, he couldn't bear to be looked at by so many people like monkeys.

"Auntie, what should I do?"

"Would you like to do it?"

"Get him!"

A group of thugs also stared at Li Siwen, looking like they wanted to eat people.

"Why, do you still dare to attack me?

Come on, if anyone dares to touch a hair on my head, I guarantee that everyone here will be killed!
Do you believe it? "

Looking at Sun Aniang in front of him again, Li Siwen also shouted at her.


Sun Aniang naturally knew that Li Siwen had a special status. He was not only the noble son of the Duke of the country, but now also the special imperial envoy of His Majesty the Emperor.

Taking action against the special envoy would be tantamount to a serious crime of treason, and this would be a serious crime that would kill the nine clans.

"Xiao Langjun, is there really no room for negotiation?

Xiao Yun is the lifeblood of my Fengxiao Pavilion. If she leaves, Fengxiao Pavilion will be finished.

Besides, you are the son of the Duke, and now you are His Majesty’s special envoy.

If you really bring a dancing girl home, it will be a kind of blasphemy to you, the Duke's Palace, and His Majesty.

Rather than suffer those criticisms, it would be better to let Xiao Yun stay in Fengxiao Pavilion.

As long as you miss her, you can come over anytime.

And all your purchases at Fengxiao Pavilion are free of charge.

how is it? "

Sun Aniang was chosen to be the steward of Fengxiao Pavilion, so her ability was certainly one of them.

Since you can't use strength, you can only show weakness.

Know it with reason, move it with emotion. She believed that Li Siwen should be able to accept these.

"I said I don't care about the reputation, now you only have two ways.

Either make an offer now and I'll give you the money to take Xiao Yun away.

Either I take the person away now, and then send someone to seal up your Fengxiao Pavilion.

There is no third way! "

If Xiao Yun had no other identity, he would naturally not go into a big fight. Sun Aniang's compromise strategy was also very good.

I don't have to worry about my reputation, and I can eat and drink for free, but there are no buts.

"Since this young man insists, he will take Xiao Yun's contract of betrayal!"

Sun Aniang also sighed. Weird things happen every year, especially today.

When she met a playboy like Li Siwen, she really had nothing to say.

Who tells others to be better than themselves and the people behind them?

She could only settle for the next best thing.

Since the people can’t be kept, the money must also be kept.

Soon someone brought Xiao Yun's contract of sale and held it in front of Sun Aniang with both hands.

"This is Xiao Yun's deed of betrayal. If you really want to redeem him, five hundred guan!"

Sun Aniang raised her hand to sell herself, her eyes full of cruelty.

For five hundred strings, I still lost money!
"Young Lord!"

Before Sun Aniang could finish her words, Li Feng struck out like lightning and snatched the deed of betrayal from her hand.


Sun Aniang looked at her empty hands and was completely confused.

What the hell? Why did my own deed of betrayal end up in the other party's hands?
"Xiao Yun, it's so cheap for you to sell yourself. It was only the same amount of money! But now it's five hundred times more.

Sun Aniang, do you really think that I am the one who has been taken advantage of?"

After looking at the number on the sale contract, Li Siwen also spoke coldly to Sun Aniang.

"Little Prince, although Xiao Yun's contract of sale is not much, I have spent a lot of money on him in the past two years, five hundred guan is not much less."

Sun Aniang was about to cry.

Although Xiao Yun is good at everything, Xiao Yun's greater value is still above her fame.

Five hundred dollars to each other is definitely worth it.

Isn't it a bit too bullying for you to talk about the numbers on the contract of sale?

If the other party really wants to take the person away for the price mentioned above, the person behind her will kill her.

"Young man, please give the money to grandma!"

Looking at Sun Aniang's appearance, Liu Peilan behind her felt a little unbearable.

After all, the other party treated her well. If she really paid for her, she knew that Sun Aniang would definitely die.

"Okay! Since Xiao Yun said so, here it is!"

Li Siwen weighed the money bag in his hand, counted fifty gold cakes and threw them away.

"This is how I thank the young master. Xiao Yun, I must serve him well when I get there.

If I say that if you want to come back, the door of Fengxiao Pavilion will be open for you at any time. "

Sun Aniang ordered people to put away these golden cakes, and then gave instructions to the other party.

"Don't worry, Mom, Xiao Yun understands!"

Liu Peilan also saluted Sun Aniang again.


Li Siwen didn't want to follow Aniang Sun's ink and sleepless nights, so it was only right to get out as soon as possible.

"Xiao Langjun, do you want to leave now?"

Just when Li Siwen and the others were about to leave, a young man with a handsome face and a group of people in fancy clothes stood in front of them.

"you are?"

Looking at the person opposite, Li Siwen couldn't help but frown.

This man is not an ordinary person at first glance. The jade pendant on his waist is worth a lot of money. Who is this?
He has been in Luoyang for so long and has never seen him before.

"I'm Dugu Ling."

The man also reported his name very proudly.

"A lonely person?"

Hearing this name, not only Li Siwen, but also all the guests in the hall gasped.

You must know that the mother of the founding emperor Tang Gaozu was a woman from the Dugu family, and was later regarded as Queen Yuanzhen.

This Dugu family can be said to be the first and most powerful foreign relatives in the Tang Dynasty.

With this identity, how can it not surprise people.

"Dugu Ling?"

Li Yanran also chewed the other person's name secretly, feeling depressed.

What's wrong with me? If I come to Fengxiao Pavilion, I can not only meet Liu Jie's adopted daughter, but also a member of the Dugu family.

It's so weird that I don't know if I'm lucky or not.

The Dugu family did not have a prominent reputation in history and seemed to have disappeared since the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

But this does not mean that the Dugu family is not strong. You must know that it is a famous family with nine queens.

Such a family, even compared to the so-called Five Surnames and Seven Hopes, is no less generous.

As for why the other party is not famous in history, it may be that the other party is keeping a low profile and biding its time, or it may be the result of the emperors of all generations being afraid of their strength and under strong pressure.

Apart from anything else, one thing is certain, this Dugu Ling is definitely coming with bad intentions.

"Li Siwen, right? I want this Xiao Yun."

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