My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 741 Not even a single bit of face!

Dugu Ling is very useful to everyone's reactions. What he likes most is watching other people's shocked expressions.

Just thinking about it made him feel good.

"Dugu Ling, do you want to steal someone from me?"

Li Siwen frowned. If Xiao Yun was really an ordinary dancer, he would never go against the Dugu family alone.

But, he must capture this person now.

"That's right, you just spent five hundred guan to buy her, right? I'll give you a thousand guan!"

Dugu Ling pouted behind him, and naturally Buqu sent him ten gold ingots.

Each one is ten taels, and ten is 100 taels.


Li Siwen's face turned cold instantly. He was going to spend money on himself, right?

What’s really special is that there are prodigal sons every year, and we saw a lot of them this year.

She's just a dancer, and you want to spend a lot of money on her?
I really don't know how much money your family has.

"If it's not enough, I'll give you another five hundred strings!"

As Dugu Ling spoke, another man brought out five gold ingots.

"Haha, Mr. Dugu is really rich, but this thing cannot be measured by money. Let's go!"

Li Siwen shook his head. Liu Peilan is the person that Brother Li wants. Let alone one thousand gu, even if you take out [-] gu, there is no way he will let go.

"Li Siwen, are you not going to give me Dugu Ling or the Dugu family face?"

Dugu Ling also sneered, and with a wave of his hand, the troops behind him blocked all the ways out.

"You should be exaggerating. You are just a son of the Dugu family, but my brother is the special envoy of His Majesty the Emperor.

If you dare to take action against him, aren't you afraid that His Majesty will be angry with your Dugu family?

When the time comes, you will inevitably be pushed out by your family to be held accountable. You must be able to see clearly the stakes here! "

Seeing Dugu Ling being so aggressive, Li Yanran couldn't stand it anymore.

Damn you, you are just a relative. I, the real princess, am here, how dare you make a mistake?

You are so stubborn that you don’t give any face to the Dugu family. Are you the only one who can represent the Dugu family?

If the Dugu family were all like you, then it would be excusable for you to disappear from Chinese history.

Seeing that little Li Yanran dared to speak nonsense here, Dugu Ling also had a look on his face and slapped her away.

But when his hand was about to fall on Li Yanran's face, Li Feng also grabbed his arm, and then slapped Dugu Ling on the face with a big-eared melon seed.


This sound was so crisp that all the guests in the hall took a breath.

This guard is too cruel, doesn't he know who he is opposite?
That's the noble son of the Dugu family. If you slap him in public, wouldn't it be like pressing the Dugu family's face to the ground and rubbing it like crazy?

After this slap, Dugu Ling felt that his mind went blank and his eyes were filled with stars.

"How dare you?"

The guard behind Dugu Ling was the first to react and rushed forward.

Li Siwen took out the sword from Li Feng's waist and placed it directly on Dugu Ling's neck.

"I see who dares to move!"

Seeing Li Siwen's action, the rest of the group froze in place.

No one expected that Li Siwen would dare to do this. He is the noble son of the Dugu family. Even if you are a special envoy, you don't dare to attack him easily.

"If you dare to hit me, if you dare to hit me, come to me. I want to see if he dares to kill me."

When had Dugu Ling experienced such humiliation? He didn't care about the sword around his neck and shouted loudly at Bu Qu behind him.

After hearing Dugu Ling's words, those Bu Qu also looked unkind and slowly moved forward.

As the opponent moved forward, Li Siwen and Li Feng could only retreat while holding Dugu Ling hostage.

To be honest, Li Siwen really didn't dare to do anything to Dugu Ling, after all, he was a member of the Dugu family.

If Dugu Ling was killed with a sword in public, not even his father, not even Li Zhi would be able to protect him.

In this way, they retreated to Xiao Yun's private room on the second floor.

"If you dare to rush in, I will risk my life and chop up Dugu Ling directly. You just wait to collect his body!"

After hearing Li Siwen's words, Dugu Ling's guards did not dare to make any mistakes and could only wait outside the door.

They didn't dare to press too hard, after all, rabbits would bite when they were anxious.

If this really makes the other party cornered, then Dugu Ling will be in danger.

"Go to Manager You and ask him to come over quickly!"


Seeing that there was no movement outside, Li Feng also pulled down the curtains and tied Dugu Ling tightly.

"Li Siwen, I advise you to let me go, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Even if he was caught, Dugu Ling didn't give in at all and still yelled at Li Siwen with his eyes wide open.

"Shut up!"

Li Yanran walked up to Dugu Ling, raised her hand and slapped him.

"You dare to hit me, even you little brat. If you dare to hit me, I will kill you!"

Forget about being slapped by Li Feng, now even Li Yanran dares to bully her.

Tolerable or unbearable.

If he hadn't been tied up, he would have killed someone.


Li Yanran directly asked Li Feng to seal Dugu Ling's mouth, and then slapped Dugu Ling several times with both hands.


Dugu Ling was like a sealed hungry wolf, looking at Li Yanran with eyes full of killing intent.

After dealing with him for a while, Li Yanran was too lazy to talk to him and looked directly at Li Siwen.

"Looking at you like that, brother, what are you afraid of? A mere Dugu Ling doesn't matter."

"But, what should we do now?" Li Siwen was depressed. You don't care. You are now my younger brother. Even if you have any hat, you will still be put on my head.

But that was the Dugu family, and even Qi Wang, the fifth surname, had to give face to the other party.

What should I do if you do this?

"What should we do? Li Feng, jump down from the second floor, go back and call for help, and take down all these people who want to murder the imperial envoy."

Li Yanran didn't care at all. She really wanted to go back to Dugu's house.

I just don’t know if they can stand up to their own troubles, but if they are strong on the outside and do nothing on the inside, it would be boring if they don’t have much oil and water.


Dugu Ling on the side was instantly stunned when he heard Li Yanran's words.

You intend to murder the imperial envoy. You are a little kid no taller than a green onion, but you are slapped harder than anyone else.

He didn't know which family had taught him this little devil, but this tutor really made him shudder.


After hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Feng rolled over from the window without saying a word.

After hearing the news brought by the guards, Manager You's face was full of depression.

The young master himself was so bold that he dared to challenge Li Siwen, the unparalleled special envoy, in public. The most important thing was that it was because of a woman.

If his father found out about this, he would have to skin him.

But things must be resolved when they happen. Behind Li Siwen is not only the British Duke, but also the most favored Princess Lishan.

If they really offend the other party, it will be a catastrophe for the Dugu family.

"Bring 1000 taels of gold and follow me to Fengxiao Pavilion!"

At that moment, Manager You got on the carriage and headed towards Fengxiao Pavilion.

Not long after, there was another commotion below. Manager You had brought more than a dozen people to Fengxiao Pavilion.

Looking at the hall full of guests, he also smiled slightly and saluted everyone.

"I'm You Yuanshan, Tian is the general manager of the Dugu family. I hope you noble sons can give the Dugu family some face and leave for now.

All your expenses today will be taken care of by us. "

The first thing You Yuanshan said was to clear the place. After all, this was related to the conflict between the Dugu family and Li Siwen, and outsiders must not be allowed to watch the fun here.

"Should I say no?"

A dandy was watching the excitement, but when he heard that You Yuanshan, a small manager, dared to clamor to clear the place, he immediately became unhappy.

Hearing this, You Yuanshan also smiled and walked straight to the dude.


You Yuanshan raised his hand and slapped the man on the face.


After receiving a slap, the dude was completely stunned. He really didn't expect that someone would dare to slap him in the face in public.

"Do you want to die?"

The man slapped the table and was about to attack You Yuanshan, but Bu Qu behind him pinned him down on the table.

"You must be Zhang Qian, Zhang Sicao's son!"

You Yuanshan lowered his head and spoke softly to the dude.

"you know me?"

Zhang Qian was also stunned when he heard You Yuanshan reveal his identity.

"Your father and I spend more time together. If I help him teach his incompetent son a lesson, I'm sure he won't be angry!"

You Yuanshan said and slapped him again, without giving the other party any face.


Zhang Qian covered his face and looked at You Yuanshan with a smile on his face, and for a moment he didn't know what to do.

"Young Master, you'd better leave quickly, lest your father finds out about it. He'll have to deal with you when you get back!"

"Wait for me!"

Since the other party knows his identity and still dares to do this, it is obvious that he is not afraid of his father.

If that's the case, if he continues to mess around, there's no telling what the consequences will be.

It's true that he is a playboy, but that doesn't mean he has no brains.

If you are still unconvinced in the face of this situation, it is simply because you have something wrong with your brain.

At that moment, he also said a harsh word and ran out.

"The remaining gentlemen, please give the Dugu family this face, and I will definitely come to thank you someday!"

With Zhang Qian's lesson learned, the remaining people also shouted and ran out.

It's okay to watch the excitement, but the prerequisite is that you don't get burned.

Now the manager of the Dugu family is too powerful, and they don't want to get into any trouble.

"Manager You, all the people in Fengxiao Pavilion have left, and the remaining servants and dancing girls are all under our control!"

A guard came to You Yuanshan and told everything about the situation.

"Had this happened if I had done this earlier? A bunch of trash!"

You Yuanshan slapped him in the face.

"That's what Mr. You taught you!"

Even after the guard received a slap, he didn't dare to retort and hurriedly saluted to him.

"Come up with me!"

You Yuanshan sighed and went directly to the second floor and came outside Xiao Yun's private room.

"Manager You!"

"Manager You!"

"Manager You!"

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