My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 742: First hit the sap and then kidnap the person

Seeing You Yuanshan's figure, the guards all shuddered and hurriedly saluted each other.

"Xiao Langjun is inside?"

You Yuanshan rolled his eyes at everyone and opened the door to go in.

"Mr. You, they said that if we dare to go in, they will attack Xiao Langjun!"

Seeing You Yuanshan's actions, the guard at the door also hurriedly spoke to comfort him.

You Yuanshan glared at the other person, so frightened that the guard quickly retreated back.


After pushing it, the door did not open as he expected. It was obviously blocked from the inside.

"Li Xiaolangjun, please reply!"

Since he couldn't open the door, You Yuanshan shouted inside depressedly.

"what happened?"

Li Siwen came to the door and replied with a frown.

"I am You Yuanshan, the manager of the Dugu family. My young husband was young and frivolous, and he bumped into you.

I came here specifically to apologize, and I hope you will let me in. "

Hearing the reply, You Yuanshan quickly revealed his identity and purpose of coming.

"If you have anything to say, just say it outside, and your husband is not as bad as you say.

He was young and frivolous, he just wanted to murder the special envoy and the imperial envoy and wanted to rebel.

If this matter passes so easily, where will His Majesty's face be? "

Li Siwen also learned that no matter what the situation is, he should put the big hat on Dugu Ling first.

You are also an imperial envoy after all, and it is Li Zhi's face. So what if you are the noble son of the Dugu family?

How can you be more dignified than the current Saint?

"Young gentleman, don't say such angry words, you are just jealous because of a woman.

If Xiao Langjun really insists on saying that he is a special envoy, then there is a way to explain it.

You represent His Majesty's face, but to come to Fengxiao Pavilion now is not to blaspheme His grace? "

After all, You Yuanshan was not Dugu Ling. When he saw Li Siwen about to slap a hat on him, he also slapped a big hat on him with his backhand.

If you want to say that you are the noble son of the country, then the two are just fighting.

If you insist on saying that you represent an imperial envoy, if this matter spreads, you will be the first to have your head chopped off.

It's up to you to decide what's right or wrong!


Sure enough, as soon as You Yuanshan said these words, Li Siwen was stunned and turned to look at Li Yanran aside.

How should this be answered?
This imperial envoy has a good reputation, but when he meets someone who understands, he becomes a liability.

"Let the people in first and then talk!"

Li Yanran also saw that You Yuanshan was not an easy character to deal with.

It seems a bit too much to say in terms of words, so you might as well let people in first.

"Put it in?"

Li Siwen was stunned for a moment, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in Li Yanran's gourd.

"Well, let them in! Li Daosan, you will stand behind the door with a stick. When people come in, knock them down directly."


Looking at the stick handed over by Li Yanran, Li Daosan was stunned.

That was the manager of the Dugu family, even though he was leaning against a big tree.

But he is just a outsider, and the Pei family has to give some face to the Dugu family.

If he attacks the other party secretly, he will have to be kicked out of the house.

"I don't dare to do this!"

Seeing Li Daosan about to cry, Li Siwen also rolled his eyes at him.

"If you don't come, I will!"

Li Siwen also took the stick from Li Daosan's hand, his eyes full of excitement.

He already knew what Li Yanran wanted to do. Since he couldn't convince the other party with his words, he had to rely on his skills.

Beat the person first, even if you have a sharp tongue, it will not help.

"Li Xiaolang, everyone has their youthful and vigorous days, and besides, there is no way to go to war over a dancer.

In order to make up for our guilt, I specially prepared a thousand taels of gold as a small gift. "

Hearing that there was no sound inside, You Yuanshan also sneered.

After all, he is a young child, so that's all he can do.

They try to play tricks on me and criticize me, but they don’t even look at how much salt I’ve eaten.

"Then you come in first!"

Li Siwen gave Li Daosan a look and motioned for him to open the door.


Li Daosan really wanted to cry at this moment. He had provoked someone.

Not only did he tie up Dugu Ling of the Dugu family, but he also wanted to beat the manager of the family.

He really wanted to slap himself in the mouth.

"Don't go soon!"

Li Yanran kicked Li Daosan on the butt and shouted at him.


Li Daosan sighed and could only cover his buttocks and move the table blocking the door.

"You Yuanshan, you can only come in alone. If your guards follow you, be careful about your husband's life."

Li Yanran held Li Feng's sword on Dugu Ling's neck and said to You Yuanshan outside the door.

"Okay, open the door!"

You Yuanshan waved his hand, and all the guards around him also stepped aside.


Li Daosan opened the door bolt, and You Yuanshan rushed in when he saw Dugu Ling being held hostage.


There was a muffled sound, and You Yuanshan fell to the ground before he could react.

Seeing this scene, Li Daosan was trembling all over and felt dumbfounded. Is it so straightforward?

No room for change at all?
How painful this must be, Tate Meow is so cruel.

"Li Daosan, close the door!"

"Oh oh oh!"

When Li Daosan heard this, he quickly closed the door, bolted the door, and pushed the table over, all at once.

After finishing, he also leaned on the chair, breathing heavily.

Scared. Scared the baby to death.

"What are you doing standing still? I'm tied up!"

Looking at Li Daosan's appearance, Li Yanran was also convinced.

Just now, I have scared you into this. If you know who I am, I won’t be able to frighten you.

It's really useless.


Li Siwen also took action directly, pulled down another pair of curtains, and gave You Yuanshan a bundle set of the same style as Dugu Ling.

After doing this, the room fell into silence for a while.

"Why are you just standing there? Find something to block the door."

Li Yanran glanced at the two people standing dumbly and asked them to quickly block the door to prevent anyone from coming in.

"Oh oh oh!"

Li Daosan hurriedly grabbed a chair to block it, but Li Siwen went too far. He moved the bed and threw it against the door.

"Bring me a jug of wine!"

Li Daosan hurriedly brought a bottle of wine over and said to Li Yanran, "Young gentleman, do you want to drink to strengthen your courage?"

"Strengthen your head!"

Li Yanran snatched the wine and threw it on You Yuanshan's face.

"Who? Who attacked me!"

You Yuanshan woke up and shouted with his eyes wide open.

"Li Siwen, are you plotting against me? How dare you plot against me!"

Looking at the curtains on his body, You Yuanshan also understood that this special guy is simply a jerk.

I came here as a gift, but you beat someone up and then kidnapped someone. You are really not a thing.

"I've tricked you, and you, a little manager, dare to threaten me? Do you really think that I've spent all these years in Chang'an in vain?"

Li Siwen also put his face in front of You Yuanshan, his face full of coldness.

If I say one thing, you have a hundred words waiting for me. You really have a pair of sharp teeth.

Dugu Ling watched You Yuanshan being taken down, his face full of joy.

In his impression, You Yuanshan can be said to be the all-rounder of the Dugu family.

No matter how big or small the situation is, the other party can handle it properly.

Unexpectedly, this time it would be a mistake here, and the boat would capsize in the gutter.

Even You Yuanshan was overturned, and he was not so unbearable if he was captured by the opponent.

"Li Siwen, I come here with sincerity, I'm afraid it's not good for you to do this!"

People have to bow their heads under the eaves. After all, You Yuanshan has experienced things. Since he has been tricked, he can only admit defeat.

"Not good? That's not what you said just now. I can't handle such a big hat!"

Li Siwen also sneered. Will he give in now?

Weren't you crazy just now? The hat he wears is bigger than his own.

"Xiao Langjun, please draw a message and let everyone be harmonious and make money.

After all, the Dugu family is not a small family. If we really want to fight and lose both sides, I believe your father will not agree! "

You Yuanshan also smiled, feeling depressed for a while.

Don’t these idiots outside know how to break down doors and save people?

What a bunch of rubbish.


After hearing You Yuanshan's words, Li Yanran slapped her in the face.


"Xiao Langjun, I need an explanation!"

You Yuanshan ignored Li Yanran and stared at Li Siwen.

Ever since he entered the Dugu family, he had always slapped others in the mouth, and this was the first time a child had done this to him.

"That's the explanation!"

Li Yanran slapped her again with her backhand.

It seems that the Dugu family is really overbearing. Even just a manager dares to make such a noise.

"Li Siwen, are you really determined to expand this matter?"

After receiving two slaps in a row, You Yuanshan's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

I can forgive you for being a young boy with the first slap, but he has to remember this second slap.

This is no longer ignorant, but provocative.

Provoke him, You Yuanshan, provoke the Dugu family behind him.

"Expansion? I'm not afraid, but I don't know if your Dugu family is afraid!"

Li Siwen glanced at Li Yanran and had nothing to say.

He was really convinced by Brother Li's little temper.

"Haha, young man, my Dugu family is the natal family of Emperor Gaozu. Although the British public has a noble status, I'm afraid he won't let you do anything wrong!"

Seeing Li Siwen's indifferent expression, You Yuanshan also frowned.

Could it be that the other party doesn't know the relationship between the Dugu family and the royal family? Or is it that the other party came to Luoyang this time not just for the four aristocratic families, but also had other ideas.

"The British Duke is the Duke of the Tang Dynasty. Even if the Dugu family has a noble status, I am afraid they will not fall out with him just because of a small steward.

Besides, you also know the identity of my brother. He is here on behalf of His Majesty. You don't know what this means.

When my brother returns to Chang'an and informs Your Majesty what the Dugu family did in Luoyang, do you know what the Dugu family will face? "

(End of this chapter)

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