My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 743 2 gold is not much!

Seeing the other party showing off the relationship between the Dugu family, Li Yanran also smiled.

To be honest, she really doesn't have any tricks against the powerful people in those places, but she is very capable of dealing with these aristocratic families.

After all, he is the emperor behind him. He has long wanted to weaken the aristocratic family, and the aristocratic family also sees it.

Therefore, in the past two years, except for the four major aristocratic families, all other wealthy families have been doing things with their tail between their legs.

He was just afraid that his father would catch him and use thunderous means.

At this time, your family has a great cause and is destined to be restrained by yourself.

"What do you mean? Our Dugu family has always been responsible for our duties. Do you want to make false accusations about anything we did?"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, You Yuanshan's eyes almost burst out.

The Dugu family really couldn't stand the torment. At the end of the day, Wang Shichong was in Luoyang and most of the family members were directly wiped out.

In the early Tang Dynasty, Dugu Huaien rebelled against the Tang Dynasty and was suppressed, killing a large number of people.

Now the Dugu family is in a state of severe disability, and they end up in Luoyang to lick their wounds.

No one knows what the consequences will be if the emperor is afraid of him again.

"I don't know if it's a false accusation or not. Anyway, this Dugu Ling dares to be so reckless even though he knows that my brother is a special envoy. The Dugu family is not much better."

Li Yanran looked at You Yuanshan coldly and directly told what happened just now.


You Yuanshan was really scared now. He glanced at Dugu Ling on the side. He wanted to report it to his father immediately and let him chop off the head of this prodigal son.

"You Yuanshan, do you agree with what my little brother said?"

Li Siwen smiled at Li Yanran.

Brother Li was Brother Li after all, and he calmed You Yuanshan down in just a few words.

He is truly worthy of being the boss chosen by me, Li Siwen.

Cow, so awesome!
"Xiao Langjun, I still say the same thing, if you have anything to do, please come out with it.

It's the Dugu family who did something wrong this time. I hope you won't be angry. "

Now You Yuanshan is completely convinced. It’s hard not to be convinced.

Everyone is going to complain to the emperor, and no matter how stubborn they are, they will be stabbed when the time comes.

"Haha, are you going to give in now? You were so energetic just now, didn't you want to fight to the death until the fish is dead and the net is broken?"

Li Siwen feels really comfortable now. How can you, an old gangster like you, make a big difference?

With Brother Li here, he really doesn't care about meat and vegetables and kills them all.

If I hit you, I still have to make you smile.

"Young Master, those are not my angry words. How dare I do this to you from a small family in the Dugu family.

Your Excellency has a lot, don't be ignorant of me.

Besides, I am just a small manager, and I cannot represent the Dugu family! "

You Yuanshan can be considered flexible and flexible, but in the current situation, hard steel will definitely not work.

He finally figured it out, this is a mess.

Li Ji was favored by Emperor Li Zhi, and Li Siwen was favored by Princess Lishan.

If there was a real fight, even if both sides suffered losses, he didn't know what happened to the Li family, and the Dugu family would definitely not be able to bear it.

"This is just a human saying. If you had said this a long time ago, would you still be like this?"

Li Siwen smiled, this is the attitude you should have.

When you meet me, Brother Li, even if I am the King of Heaven, I still have to put my tail between my legs and behave like a human being.

"No, of course not, it's all because You Yuanshan doesn't know how to praise!"

You Yuanshan's face was full of smiles, and he nodded crazily at Li Siwen.

"My brother is not an unreasonable person. Now it's up to you to draw the line. We can't get rid of this bad breath easily.

I think my brother is one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Chang'an, and he has never been threatened like this before! "

Those who should have been threatened have been threatened, and those who should have been apologized have been given.

He didn't really want to fight to the death with the Dugu family, so a little compensation would be enough.

"What do you say?"

"Yes, my little brother is right. How are you going to compensate me? But you are just a manager, can you manage things with your words?"

Li Siwen smiled, now it was finally the most exciting part of the blackmail.

How much profit and water can be squeezed out of these people depends entirely on Brother Li's control of details.

"Young Master, although You Yuanshan is only a general manager, he can still afford this responsibility.

Just give me a price. As long as the Dugu family can afford it, they won't even frown. "

Now that all the talk has come to this, You Yuanshan can only pretend to be fat.

After all, it concerned the Dugu family, and he believed that the head of the family would not blame him.

"Brother, you see they are so sincere, how much compensation should we give?"

Make an offer? Li Siwen looked directly at Li Yanran beside him.

Blackmail is a technical job, and Li Yanran is the best at it.

"Are you going to compensate me? It shouldn't be too much. The Dugu family are relatives of the emperor after all. It won't look good if both sides break up! That's all!"

Li Yanran also gestured with her fingers and spoke to You Yuanshan.

"Isn't it a little too little? I feel like we need at least this number to make up for the guilt in our hearts!"

You Yuanshan was a little embarrassed now. He only wanted a thousand taels of gold, which was indeed a bit small. After all, he had prepared a thousand taels of gold before he came, and now that this was the result, he had to give him more.

So he gestured with two fingers generously.


Li Yanran was also surprised when she saw the other party's fingers.

Is it possible that the Dugu family is so rich?

I want 1 taels of gold, and you want to give me 2 taels. Are there such good people?
If this is the case, what I just did was indeed a bit too much.

What kind of opponent is this? It's just an automatic teller machine, the kind that withdraws one hundred and spits out two hundred.

"Brother, since Mr. You is so intentional, please forgive them. 2 taels of gold should help you vent your anger!"

"That's right, I really didn't expect the Dugu family to be so generous. If that's the case, I, Li Siwen, will teach this friend!"

Li Siwen also nodded excitedly. The gold was 2 taels. Even if Brother Li was stingy, he would still get 1000 taels.

After all, he is a wealthy family that has made its fortune since the previous dynasty. If you don't talk about anything else, just speaking of wealth, it is countless times stronger than his father.

"Wait a minute, how much did you say?"

Listening to the two singing and harmonizing, You Yuanshan was dumbfounded, and Dugu Ling on the side rolled his eyes and fainted.

2 taels of gold? If you compare one finger, isn't it worth a thousand taels of gold?

My Lord, what is going on?

"Twenty thousand taels of gold, didn't you say that yourself?"

Li Siwen glanced at You Yuanshan and didn't understand why he was so excited.

You said this yourself, I didn't force you to do anything.

"Wait a minute, you just stretched out your finger, didn't that mean 1000 taels?"

You Yuanshan felt that his tongue was a little knotted, and now he even wanted to die.

Who knows what your fingers are made of when you aristocratic families are so big.

One piece is worth 1 taels of gold, which is 1 taels. If converted into copper coins, it would be one hundred thousand taels.

2 taels of gold, which is 20 guan.

My God, what kind of ghost plot is this?

"Do you just look down on me like that? After all, I am also the son of the Duke and your Majesty's imperial envoy. Isn't 1000 taels of gold a disgrace to your Majesty?"
Or are you trying to trick me on purpose, and now you want to go back on your word? "

Li Siwen glanced at You Yuanshan coldly. Now he finally knew why the other party was so grand.

I originally thought I wanted 1000 taels. Is this possible?
Totally impossible.

If you speak out, you will throw water out. Since you understand something wrong, you have to bear the consequences of making a mistake.

"I, I, this seems to be more than I can afford! Even the Dugu family can't afford 2 taels of gold!"

You Yuanshan was sweating profusely, things were really serious now.

What should I do? What should I do?

One or two thousand taels of gold doesn't matter, he can make the decision, even if he tells Duguze about it, nothing will happen to him.

But with 2 taels of gold, even if the Dugu family spent everything they had, they still wouldn't be able to get that much.

After all, although the aristocratic families are rich, most of them are real estate such as land, manors, and shops.

Their cash flow is actually not as good as expected.

It is simply impossible to ask him to come up with 2 taels of gold rashly unless he sells his property.

Compared with 2 taels of gold, he believed that Dugu Ze was more inclined to kill Dugu Ling and himself.

Such words can not only calm Li Siwen's anger, but also leave so much money, why not do it.

After all, he was just a dandy's son. One of Duguze's sons died, and there were several others.

Not distressed.

"Can't you get that much? Then it seems that this matter is not so easy to understand. The Dugu family is really powerful, and they actually teased my brother like this.

Brother, I think it is necessary to report this matter to His Majesty when you return to Chang'an! "

When Li Yanran heard that the other party couldn't provide the money, she stopped working.

Just now I felt that the Dugu family were good people, but now that you have no money, that's a different story.

If this doesn't give you some strength, you really don't know who has the final say in Luoyang now.

"Well, little brother, you are right. I believe His Majesty would really like to hear about the situation of these big families.

Anyway, now that the Tang Dynasty is stable, the number of aristocratic families can still be reduced. "

Li Siwen also sang a double act following Li Yanran's words.

Isn't it just to improve the strength? I'm not stupid. You have to pay the money whether you pay it or not.

"Is it really necessary for this young man to do this? After all, the Dugu family is also the descendant of Queen Yuanzhen."

You Yuanshan knows that he is a piece of fish on the chopping board now, but he can't handle it however you want.

2 taels of gold, my god, he really can’t even think about it.

"So what if you are relatives of the emperor? People in the Tang Dynasty only need to know the imperial family name is Li. As for the Dugu family, it will be gone if they are gone."

Li Yanran smiled slightly and said something that made You Yuanshan tremble.

Dugu Ling on the side couldn't help but tremble even if he was pretending to be faint, and then continued to pretend to be dead with his eyes closed.

2 taels of gold, but he knew that even ten of them were not worth that much.

"Young Master, you can eat some food indiscriminately, but you can't say anything indiscriminately. If this matter comes to His Majesty's ears, I'm afraid it won't be good for you!"

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