My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 744: Butler You, the Dugu family will give you a generous burial!

You Yuanshan glanced at Li Yanran, then looked at Li Siwen aside.

This child is really troublesome, even more difficult to deal with than an adult like Li Siwen.

It would be great if this child was born in the Dugu family.

It's a pity that the descendants of the Dugu family are all losers like Dugu Ling.


"It's nothing, I think what my younger brother said is right, and His Majesty will definitely not object.

If you don't agree, then don't blame me for escorting you back to Chang'an. Go and explain to His Majesty in person! "

Li Siwen smiled. He knew that Li Yanran was trying to scare people, but sometimes unintentional words might become reality.

Now His Majesty is gradually expanding the emperor's prestige, and the biggest obstacle in front of this road is the aristocratic family.

What will happen then, only God knows.


You Yuanshan was silent for a while. He naturally wanted to eliminate the opposition between the two, because it was just jealousy.

Now, jealousy has turned into class antagonism.

This thing has gotten extremely bad now.

"Why did Mr. You make no sound when he came in? Nothing bad happened to him, right?"

"I don't know either, what should I do now?"

"Why don't you knock on the door? If something goes wrong, no one can afford it!"

"Yes, hit the door!"

A group of guards were lying at the door, but they couldn't hear the sound inside. After discussing for a while, they also started to knock on the door.


There was a loud noise, and the people who were talking were all startled.

"You all stop me!"

Before Li Siwen spoke, You Yuanshan couldn't hold it in any longer.

Scream directly at the group of fools outside.

You pretended to be deaf and dumb when you were needed, but now that you are not needed, are you both ears and eyesight again?
It’s really weird. I don’t know who taught such a group of idiots.

"Manager You, we know you are being coerced.

Don't worry, if they dare to touch you and Xiaolangjun, they will definitely cut them into pieces! "

"Keep hitting me!"


Hearing this, You Yuanshan really wanted to die now.

If these bastards go out and don't hang them on a tree and give them dozens of whips, he will write the character "Y" backwards.

"Stop it, Sun Yuan, if you dare to do it again."


Before You Yuanshan could finish speaking, the closed door was knocked open.

A group of guards looked at You Yuanshan and Dugu Ling who were tightly tied up, and instantly became angry.

"You hurry up and release our people, otherwise don't blame us for being ruthless!"

Sun Yuan took out the steel knife from his waist and spoke to them.

"Sun Yuan, I, please give up your weapons immediately and apologize to Mr. Li Xiaolang!"

You Yuanshan is crazy, he is really crazy.

A bunch of sticks, don’t you understand what’s happening now?
Now you are starting to say harsh words, what are you doing so early?

"Mr. You, don't worry, I've thought about it all.

The Dugu family has a noble status, no matter how bold Li Siwen is, he would not dare to do anything to you.

Of course, if he really attacks you, I will definitely chop off his head to avenge you.

The Dugu family cannot be insulted. "

The burly Sun Yuan's face was full of solemnity and he spoke to Li Siwen opposite.


You Yuanshan almost fainted from anger. Damn you, you big watermelon.

What is noble status, what is desperate revenge.

I and Dugu Ling are still alive. Are you going to send us away?

When Sun Yuan saw You Yuanshan's appearance, he waved his hand, and the guards of the Dugu family rushed over.

A steel knife was shot from the window, past the crowd and directly nailed to the wooden wall behind them.


Feeling the power of the steel knife, Sun Yuan also became alert, and then saw a man in white clothes flash past the window.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Li Feng?

"Young gentleman, Li Feng is late, please forgive me!"

Li Feng saluted Li Siwen slightly, and then stood in front of everyone.

"It's just one person, come on!"

As soon as Sun Yuan finished speaking, he heard a commotion outside. Hundreds of cavalry had surrounded the place, and dozens of forbidden troops rushed in from the door.


Seeing the imperial guards rushing from below, the guards of the Dugu family were all dumbfounded.

What should I do? I seem to be surrounded.

"We haven't lost yet. We must capture the thief first. As long as we can capture Li Siwen, no matter how many people they come, it will be useless.

Manager You, young man, don’t be afraid, Sun Yuan will save you. "

At this time, Sun Yuan was full of wisdom. He was not in a desperate situation yet, and there was still room for a comeback.

Seeing Sun Yuan rushing towards them, You Yuanshan really wanted to kill someone.

Do I want your cleverness?
You usually don't show mountains or rivers, but now you are awakened?
What does this mean?
"Whoever dares to move forward again, I will kill him first!"

Li Siwen also frowned, although he couldn't figure out what the Dugu family wanted to do.

But with so many people rushing over, it was impossible for him and Li Feng to protect Li Yanran alone.

So he also walked to You Yuanshan's side and pointed his sword at the other person's neck.

"Sun Yuan, stop it quickly, stop it!"

You Yuanshan was also depressed. He was not worried about his own safety. He had already sold his life to the head of the Dugu family long before he became the head steward of the Dugu family.

But nothing happens to Li Siwen, otherwise the Dugu family will be in danger. "Mr. You, the Dugu family will remember you. Even after you die, the head of the family will give you a generous burial!"

Sun Yuan, however, didn't care and was focused on capturing Li Siwen.




Now everyone is confused. What is going on with Sun Yuan?
The situation at this moment is such that anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is something going on here.

Can't you just be a human being and use your brain to think about it?
Just as a few people rushed forward, several bows and arrows were directly nailed in front of Sun Yuan and the others.

Several Forbidden soldiers holding bows and arrows were setting arrows on the windows, their eyes full of coldness.

They knew that Li Yanran was here, and if anything went wrong with Her Royal Highness, everyone would be buried with her.


When Sun Yuan saw this, he simply threw away the steel knife in his hand and knelt directly on the ground.

It doesn't matter if You Yuanshan dies, that life is not his, but he doesn't want to lose his life because of it.

He understands that a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.


"Sun Yuan, it belongs to your uncle!"

You Yuanshan was about to explode with anger. When I was threatened just now, you said that the Dugu family would remember me.

When you come here, do you know that saving your life is important?

You were so reckless just now.

The co-authorship is all because of me, right?

"Mr. You, this is the end of the matter, surrender!"

Sun Yuan raised his head, looked at the angry You Yuanshan, and spoke to persuade him.

In the current situation, he has already lost. What's there to hold on to?

"My young man, we can discuss what you said. Please let me go now. I have some things to deal with!"

You Yuanshan really couldn't bear it anymore. He only had one thought now.

That is to kill Sun Yuan, a young man, otherwise he will be really angry to death.

So what if it was 2 taels of gold? It was the Dugu family who finally paid.

"it is good!"

Now that his own people are here, even if You Yuanshan is extremely capable, he can't change the world, so it doesn't matter if he is let go.

Li Siwen grabbed the sword and directly cut the curtains on You Yuanshan's body.

After being liberated, You Yuanshan rushed to Sun Yuan with a single stride, and then hit Sun Yuan in the face with a cannon punch.


Sun Yuan let out a scream and fell backward.

"A generous burial, right?"

"You don't want your life, right?"

"Looking for death, right!"

You Yuanshan was riding on Sun Yuan's body, and his fists hit Sun Yuan's face like raindrops.

Sun Yuan's face also swelled up while wailing, and by the time You Yuanshan got out of his anger, he had been smashed into a pig's head.

"Xiao Langjun, this matter is too important, and You Yuanshan can't decide it.

Please give me a chance to report back to the owner, I believe he will give you a satisfactory answer! "

After taking care of Sun Yuan, You Yuanshan also saluted Li Siwen.

He must report this matter to Duguze. After all, this is 2 taels of gold, and only the head of the family can make the final decision.

"Okay, you can leave, but Dugu Ling must stay!"

Seeing Li Yanran nodding, Li Siwen also happily agreed with the other party's idea.

You can leave, but Dugu Ling cannot leave.

"It's okay to let Xiao Langjun stay here, then I'll go first."

You Yuanshan glanced at Dugu Ling again. He now wished that the Dugu family did not have such an idiot son.

It’s really awesome that I can’t do anything, and I’m the No. 1 trouble maker.

"Brother, what do you think we should do with the remaining people?"

After You Yuanshan left, Li Yanran also looked at the Dugu family guard who was about to attack her just now.

You dare to threaten me, no one dares to do this even in Chang'an.

"How to deal with it? Beat me, beat me to death!"

Li Siwen also knew that Li Yanran was really angry this time, and he directly ordered the Imperial Army to deal with them.


Immediately, the sound of wailing sounded one after another in Fengxiao Pavilion, like a hundred ghosts walking at night, extremely terrifying.

You Yuanshan was running wildly in the carriage, and he couldn't help but shrink his neck when he heard the wailing behind him.

"Hurry up!"

While he was glad that he was not one of them, he urged the driver to return to Dugu Mansion quickly.

This night was destined to be sleepless, and they did not return to the British Gongyuan until all the guards of the Dugu family were beaten into pig heads.

"Your Highness, are you alright!"

Di Renjie had been waiting in the mansion for a long time, and when he saw Li Yanran coming back, he immediately went over to greet her.

"What can I do? I have arms and legs!"

Li Yanran was also a little embarrassed. After all, she went to drink flower wine and ended up with so many things happening. She really didn't expect it.

Meeting Liu Peilan was already too much, but I didn't expect to meet a playboy like Dugu Ling.

I have to say that this is no coincidence, and it is indeed correct.

"I told you I wouldn't let you go, but you didn't believe me. Fortunately, you're fine. Otherwise, would you be worthy of these people who follow you?"

Seeing that Li Yanran was indeed fine, Di Renjie breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he came back intact, otherwise he really wouldn't know what to do.

If there was something wrong with Li Yanran, not just one or two people might die, but the whole of Luoyang would be turned upside down.

"Okay, stop talking, let me tell you, this trip to Fengxiao Pavilion was really not in vain!"

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