Seeing that Di Renjie was about to start preaching mode, Li Yanran also quickly changed the topic and told what happened in Fengxiao Pavilion.

"Is this happening? You can also touch Liu Jie's adopted daughter? And the people from the Dugu family dare to fight you?"

After listening to Li Yanran's words, Di Renjie was also a little stunned.

After all, the Liu Jie incident was one of the late emperor's few failures. It was somewhat inappropriate to send such a loyal minister to the Tang Dynasty to death.

If this is the case, once His Majesty wants to transcend the aura of Emperor Taizong, Liu Peilan's adoptive father will be an excellent chess piece.

At that time, it would be a good choice to increase one's own prestige by denying the late emperor's achievements.

But what the hell is the Dugu family?

That was a family that had been prominent in the world since the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and the biological mother of Gaozu, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Although it has gone through many twists and turns, its strength still cannot be underestimated.

I didn't expect that such a dandy boy from such a family would attack His Majesty's special envoy in full public view.

If this spreads out, one can imagine the fate of the Dugu family.

I have to say that it is really disappointing that Li Yanran encountered these two things when she went out.

"Well, so what do you think we should do next?"

Li Yanran still believes in Di Renjie's ability and wants to hear what he thinks now.

"First, Liu Peilan must be in our hands.

Although Liu Hongye had previously written to His Majesty, wanting to rehabilitate his father Liu Ji, His Majesty has not yet reached the peak of his situation, so he suppressed the matter.

If there is a chance later, Liu Peilan will be an excellent player.

Secondly, there is the Dugu family. After all, they are famous in the world and can be said to be the first royal family in the Tang Dynasty.

It would definitely be a good thing for Datang if they could be beaten through this incident.

If I can make them work for me, I can support them to fight against other aristocratic families, and then we can move from the front desk to the background.

Why not sit on a mountain and watch tigers fight! "

After all, Di Renjie had a quick mind and said everything he could think of in an instant.

Driving away tigers and devouring wolves is what a serious leader should do.

Otherwise, I would always have to fight against those aristocratic families, and I would always fail.

You must know that the aristocratic family has a great cause and they can withstand hardships, even if they fail countless times.

As long as they lose once, they will suffer a devastating blow.

But once the Dugu family steps forward and controls them from behind to fight against them, even if they lose, the only one who loses will be the Dugu family.

"Then do you think the compensation of 2 taels of gold from me and the Dugu family is too much?"

After hearing Di Renjie's analysis, Li Yanran also took a serious look at the Dugu family.

After all, 2 taels of gold is not a small amount. If you directly cripple the Dugu family, how can you let them play with you next?

"Not much. If I want the Dugu family to be completely used by me to fight against the aristocratic family, I must first make them cornered.

Otherwise, even if they agree to cooperate with us, they will not fully cooperate. "

Di Renjie shook his head. The combination of carrot and stick can be used at any time.

If there are only carrots, then the other party will definitely not be obedient.

"Well, so you are going to attack the Dugu family with all your strength and cause some trouble for them?"

After looking at Di Renjie, Li Yanran also nodded.

After all, you are the more evil person. As expected, none of these smart people are good at anything.

"Well, leave the matter regarding the Dugu family to me, and I promise to make this matter a success!"

Di Renjie nodded. If he wanted to do something, he would do it.

He had to let the Dugu family cry and beg him.

"Okay, I'll leave these to you. You can just withdraw the money you need from your account when the time comes.

If this is not enough, let Rishenglong Bank issue a flying money coupon from Chang'an.

In short, I have only one request, that the Dugu family become our pawns. "

Li Yanran nodded and walked directly inside.

While the two were talking, Li Siwen also came over.

"Brother Li, what are you going to do with Li Daosan?"

Hearing Li Daosan, Li Yanran also slapped herself on the head, but she actually forgot about that fool.

"Go and bring him here, I have something to ask him!"


Li Siwen left directly, explained to the imperial guards outside the door, and then came back.

"Brother Li, should you give up your position? After all, your identity is not easily exposed!"

Looking at Li Yanran sitting in the main seat, Li Siwen also scratched his head.

"Well, you are right, brother, please take a seat!"

Li Yanran jumped down from the chair and bowed respectfully to Li Siwen.

"Brother Li, don't do this, I'm scared!"

Seeing Li Yanran's attitude, Li Siwen also shuddered and took two steps back.

In his eyes, the seat in front of him was like a tiger that would devour him in one bite if he dared to sit on it.

"What are you afraid of? In Fengxiao Pavilion, don't you call me brother and brother easily?"

Li Yanran also took two steps towards Li Siwen, while Li Siwen kept stepping back.

He really didn't know what Li Yanran wanted, and he was really scared.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Brother Li, don't cross. Oops!" As he spoke, Li Siwen also tripped on the steps and squatted down.

"Looking at you like that, didn't you tell me that my identity should not be exposed? In this case, why don't you take a seat!"

Li Yanran was also depressed. Was she that terrible?

What do you think of me, an innocent and lovely girl, in your stupid mind?


"Little Master, bring Li Daosan here!"

Just when Li Siwen was depressed, the Forbidden Army also brought Li Daosan over.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Daosan also frowned, wondering what the fuss was about.

"Come in when you're here!"

Li Siwen glanced at Li Daosan, stood up, wiped the dust off his butt and walked inside.

Sitting firmly on this chair that belonged to him for the time being, Li Siwen was also filled with emotion.

Since Li Yanran arrived in Luoyang, he hasn't sat on this lovely chair for a long time.

"Li Daosan, I have met Xiao Langjun!"

Seeing everyone sitting down, Li Daosan also bowed respectfully.

After all, this is a British public courtyard, and it is completely different from Fengxiao Pavilion.

Just standing there again made him feel a sense of solemn oppression.

"Okay, little brother, you won the bet before. Now if you want Li Daosan to do anything, just say it.

If he dares to refuse, your brother will definitely help you deal with him. "

Li Siwen glanced at Li Yanran. He was also very curious about Li Daosan and wondered why Li Yanran insisted on keeping him.

"Thank you brother, then I will ask!"

Li Yanran also jumped off the chair and came to Li Daosan.

"Little Master, don't look at me like that, I'm a little scared!"

Li Daosan couldn't help but get goosebumps as he was being looked around by Li Yanran.

"Li Daosan, your grandfather is Pei Ju, right?"

Li Yanran looked at Li Daosan again and asked the question she wanted to ask again.

"Young Master is right, my grandfather is Pei Ju and Pei Hongda."

Hearing this question, Li Daosan also nodded and replied with some pride.

"You must know Pei Ju's map of the Western Regions."

"Well, I have copied the Illustrated Records of the Western Regions when I was a child, and I often read extensively some of the geography books left behind by my grandfather. The young man asked why."

When it comes to Illustrations of the Western Regions, Li Daosan's technology will no longer be sleepy.

He is the son of the Pei family. Although his father taught him to study hard since he was a child, he has some indifference to Confucian classics.

I am only very interested in those geography books, and I often read them for several hours.

Then he was criticized by his father for not seeking advancement, and he was forbidden to see those things. After that, he was sent to Luoyang to support himself.

"You often read geography books, which makes you feel good.

Let me ask you one more thing, are you seasick? "

Li Yanran was even more happy when she heard that Li Daosan was indeed interested in geography.

She has a lot of things on her hands now, but the most difficult thing is the nautical map leading to the Japanese country.

If Li Daosan can really use it, it will help him solve a big problem.

"Seasickness? Young Master, are you kidding me? I am known as the Little White Dragon of Luohe River. I am seasick, so I am not the one making jokes."

Li Daosan rolled his eyes at Li Yanran, "You are too underestimated."

I am not an ordinary playboy. The low-level interests of eating, drinking and having fun are just a pastime.

His goal was to travel all over the Tang Dynasty and create a geographical atlas that was more magnificent than the Atlas of the Western Regions.

If you can't even sit on the boat, why not play with watermelon?

"Then I have a big thing here, do you dare to do it?"

Li Yanran didn't care at all whether he was the Little White Dragon of Luohe.

She only knew that this Li Daosan should be the person she was looking for.
Having excellent geographical knowledge and not getting seasick is a perfect fit for my needs.


Hearing the big news, Li Daosan immediately took two steps back.

He already quite understood Li Yanran's terror. Although Li Yanran was young, she was more difficult to deal with than Li Siwen.

It was hard for him to imagine what the big deal the other party was talking about could be.

"What? Have you forgotten your previous promise? If you dare to refuse me, you will be dead!"

Li Yanran looked at Li Daosan coldly, her eyes full of coldness.

I'm not a monster. Li Siwen is like that, and now Li Daosan is like that too.

You really thought I had a good temper and wouldn’t kill people, right?
"I said it, but the premise is that it does not violate the laws of the Tang Dynasty, just say it!"

Seeing Li Yanran's angry eyes, Li Daosan also stuttered and replied to her.

"Don't worry, I won't let you do anything that violates the laws of the Tang Dynasty. I will ask you to draw a sea chart for me!"

You rolled your eyes at Li Daosan, "What's the matter? In your mind, I am just that kind of vicious bad guy."

You also violated the laws of the Tang Dynasty, you idiot.

"Hai Hao Chart?"

(End of this chapter)

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