My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 746 The sea chart depends on you!

Li Daosan was stunned when he heard the word Haitu.

He really didn't expect that this little guy would let him make a chart.

What is she doing?
"That's right, I want you to help me draw a sea chart from the Tang Dynasty to the Kingdom of Japan."

Li Yanran smiled and expressed her thoughts directly.

"The sea map from the Tang Dynasty to Japan? Why go to a place where birds don't poop?"

This time Li Daosan completely broke his guard. He originally thought that Li Yanran wanted the nautical map of the coast of Datang, but after working on it for a long time, he was going abroad.

Besides, what's the point of the Japanese country? It's a small country with poor land and poor people.

Wouldn't it be nice to keep him in Datang?

"Why do you have so many? Just ask if you can draw!"

Li Siwen also spoke to Li Daosan, just do whatever he asks you to do, and it's a lot of nonsense.

"It can be done, but I heard that from the Tang Dynasty to the Japanese country, one has to cross the vast sea. Although Japanese businessmen occasionally arrive in the Tang Dynasty, it is a narrow escape.

Even if the chart can be made, why risk going there? "

Li Daosan was dumbfounded. He had thought about the sea chart, but if he wanted to make it, he would have to go to Japan on a ship.

If there was even the slightest problem, his life would be decided at sea.

Because to make a bet, you have to risk your life.

He is not stupid, how could he do this?

Besides, he really didn’t think there was anything good to do in Japan, so why did he have to go there?

Isn't that a waste of money?

"Yes, this time we have contacted the Japanese merchant ships, and they will lead us to Japan according to their route.

Your task is to go out to sea with the ship, draw detailed charts and bring them back! "

Li Yanran nodded, let alone the Tang Dynasty, shipwrecks often occurred even in advanced later generations.

But these are not reasons.

No matter what, she must win this Japanese country.

"I don't want to go!"

Li Daosan was dumbfounded. Before I even said he was going, you sent me the task.

If I die on the road, who will draw a more magnificent geographical atlas than the Atlas of the Western Regions?

No matter what, he won't go.

"You don't want to go? I'm afraid it's not up to you! This matter is His Majesty's wish. Do you want to resist it?"

Li Siwen also sneered. Once something comes to you, you can't refuse it just by saying no.

It’s so easy to catch a big fish like you. Now I’ve caught the tail of the fish. Do you want to run away?
is it possible?
"Your Majesty's decree, does it mean that the Tang Dynasty will use troops against the Japanese country?"

Hearing that it was the emperor's order, Li Daosan immediately thought of one thing.

Could it be said that His Majesty is no longer limited to the territory on land, but is also preparing to start on the sea?
If this is the case, he will be prosperous if he can draw a sea chart to reach Japan.

Although it is not as good as his grandfather Pei Ju, it can definitely be passed down through the ages.

"It's too early to say this now. I don't know if the Tang Dynasty will use troops against Japan, but there is a saying that is very good.

Take precautions and be prepared.

Your Majesty's far-sighted plans are beyond the imagination of mere mortals like us! "

Li Siwen looked up at the ceiling without saying anything.

After all, this was Li Yanran's sudden idea, and no one can tell what will happen in the future.

But it’s okay to fool Li Daosan.

"Young Master is right. We can't speculate on the Holy Will without permission. It's Li Daosan who lost his composure!"

Although Li Siwen did not have a definite answer, Li Daosan also started to speculate on his own.

It is said that things are accomplished through secrets, and failures are revealed through words.

Before the Tang Dynasty was ready to conquer the Japanese country, this matter still could not be discussed.

But this is an opportunity anyway.

As the maternal son of the Pei family, he has been waiting for the opportunity to rise.

If this thing can really be done, then he will be proud and proud.

When the time comes, let alone his father, even Mr. Pei will look at him with admiration.

"So now do you want to take this next step?"

Looking at Li Daosan's enthusiastic eyes, Li Yanran knew that the matter should be settled.

After all, with his father as a big tree, it would be difficult for Li Daosan to escape from his grasp.

"Please also ask Xiao Langjun to hand over this matter to Li Daosan. Even if I die, I will complete the chart from the Tang Dynasty to the Japanese Kingdom!"

Li Daosan slowly saluted Li Siwen and begged the other party to leave the matter to him.

If such a good opportunity slips away like this, he would be the biggest fool in the world.

"Haha, okay then, you can recruit as many people as you want. As for the remuneration, it's up to you. My brother will never frown."

Hearing Li Daosan's words, Li Yanran also breathed a sigh of relief.

This kid finally took the bait. With Pei Ju's descendants as the master, this chart should be fine.

"Young Master, you still underestimate Li Daosan. Although I am not rich, I definitely don't lack those yellow and white things.

Please rest assured, Mr. Xiaolang, I will take care of the sea chart! "

A trace of anger flashed in Li Daosan's eyes.

A scholar dies for a confidant, and a woman tolerates a person who pleases her.

Now that such a good opportunity is in front of you, how can you tarnish yourself with yellow and white things?

I really look down on him.



Li Yanran and Li Siwen looked at each other, both of them confused.

Are there really good people in this world who do good deeds without leaving their names behind? You must know that going to sea is very dangerous, and you may be buried in the belly of a fish if you are not careful.

You should pay more for yourself, and now you can actually meet good people who don't take any money from you.

Now they just think about how many such good people come.

"Xiao Langjun?"

Looking at the stunned two people, Li Daosan also shouted, wondering what happened to them?
Did he speak too harshly just now?

But those are his words from the bottom of his heart.

Such a respectable thing will change once it is tainted with the smell of copper.

At that time, everyone in the world will think that they took the risk to go to sea for the high reward.

So this must definitely be mentioned upfront.

"I'm fine. In that case, just go down and prepare. I will arrange for you to follow the ship when we go to sea.

But the dirty talk is ahead, you must not leak this matter, otherwise there will be endless trouble! "

Li Siwen shook his head and said to Li Daosan again.

"Don't worry, young man. I know all this. In this case, Li Daosan takes his leave!"

Li Daosan saluted again, then turned around and retreated.

"Brother, when it comes to treating a noble person like Li Daosan, shouldn't you personally send him away?"

Li Yanran is really pleased with this Li Daosan now.

She only wants to say one thing about such a good person who does things without asking for reward.

Han Xin ordered troops, the more the better.

"My little brother is right, let's go, brother Li, I'll see you off!"

Li Siwen nodded and stood up to send Li Daosan away.

"Young Master, how can Li Daosan deserve it?"

Seeing Li Siwen walking up to him, Li Daosan was also a little flattered.

After all, the other party's identity was several levels higher than his own. He really couldn't stand this sudden situation.

"Let's go, let's go, you deserve this!"

Li Siwen also held Li Daosan's shoulders and walked outside.

"Your Highness, do you really think Li Daosan is reliable?"

Di Renjie looked at the two people's retreating figures and asked Li Yanran.

"So what if it's unreliable? Why don't we have such talents at our disposal?

So I always say that what is most important in this world is not the so-called reputation, power, or wealth, but talent.

Just like you, like Pei Xinqi, like Zhang Minggu.

It is precisely because of these talents that the Tang Dynasty can achieve such a prosperous age. "

Li Yanran smiled, she was really treating a dead horse like a living horse.

If Li Daosan can do it, then it will be done. If he can't do it, there is nothing he can do.

It can only be said that the time has not come yet. Anyway, there is still plenty of time, and she can afford to wait.

"Your Highness is right, but Di Renjie is really not a so-called talent. At most, he is just a little smart."

Di Renjie was also a little embarrassed when he heard Li Yanran praise him so much.

"Humility is good, but excessive modesty is hypocrisy. It's getting late, so you should rest early!"

After glaring at Di Renjie, Li Yanran also shook her head.

"Don't we have to wait for the Dugu family to come over?"

Di Renjie was stunned. Knowing that Dugu Ling was still in his hands, didn't he need to wait for someone to come and ask for him?
"Twenty thousand taels of gold. Do you really think the Dugu family will have that much cash? You have to give them time to prepare.

It should be tough tonight, but their people will definitely come over tomorrow. "

Li Yanran waved her hand, why can't your dignified Di Renjie figure out such a simple thing?

Do you really think that everyone is like you and has such good cash flow?
If the Dugu family could really spend so much money at once, then the Dugu family would have a big problem.

"Di Renjie understands!"

Di Renjie bowed and then withdrew.

You Yuanshan also rushed to Dugu Mansion and went straight to the door of Dugu Ze's room.

"Patriarch, something has happened!"

Looking at the door, You Yuanshan gritted his teeth and finally spoke.

"what happened?"

A low but not commanding voice came from the room.

"This is a bit troublesome!"

Hearing this voice, You Yuanshan also shuddered and said again.


The door was opened, and Duguze appeared in front of You Yuanshan wearing some clothes.

"Go to the side hall and talk!"

Duguze glanced at You Yuanshan and walked forward directly.

You Yuanshan hung far behind Duguze like a little daughter-in-law who had made a mistake.

Sitting on the chair, Duguze also looked at You Yuanshan doubtfully.

In his impression, this manager always looked calm and unhurried, so why did he become like this today.

"Tell me!"

"Master, this is what happened!"

You Yuanshan did not dare to hide anything, so he also told everything about the night.

"You bastard, you shouldn't have saved him. It would have been better to just let him die there!"

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