My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 747 The Dugu family’s plan!

After listening, Duguze also slapped the table with his eyes full of anger.

He was really convinced by this silly boy Dugu Ling.

It’s okay to be uneducated and incompetent. He tolerates eating, drinking and having fun.

But how could he offend Li Siwen?

Do you really think that the current Dugu family is still the same as the previous one?
He now wishes he could just strangle this thing to death. It has no use other than making trouble.

"Master, even if you kill Xiao Langjun, it will be useless. Now we should think about how to solve this matter!"

You Yuanshan also sighed. He had had such an idea once upon a time.

Now that the matter has come to this, killing that fool will not help.

The current thing is to find a way to get the 2 taels of gold.

"Solve it, how to solve it? 2 taels of gold, where can I steal so much money?

You are the manager of the family, and it’s not like you don’t know how much money we have. "

Duguze also glared at You Yuanshan. You, the manager, know better than me how much wealth this family has.

It seems that the Dugu family is rich, but they don't have that much capital.

"Master, if we sell our properties, shops, and manors now, and borrow some more, we can still make up 2 taels of gold.

I'm afraid it's too late at this time, after all, they are still waiting for a reply! "

You Yuanshan naturally knows the situation of this family. The Dugu family has become somewhat wealthy after Duguze took the helm.

But these cannot be taken out easily.

"You want me to hook up with my whole Dugu family for that traitor?
After spending this money, how can so many people in the family survive?

Do they all go to the streets to beg for food? "

Duguze also became angry when he heard that You Yuanshan wanted to sell his property to raise money.

All the money was spent to save the traitor, but he was really reluctant to give it up.

The son himself has several others, but he only has this little money.

If the son is gone, he can regenerate directly. If the money is gone, he will have to drink the northwest wind.

He was reluctant.

"Master, now it is no longer Xiao Langjun's business, but a matter of life and death of the Dugu family.

If he doesn't find a way to stop Li Siwen's mouth and goes to His Majesty's side, the Dugu family will definitely be feared by His Majesty.

By then, let alone drinking the northwest wind, your life may not be saved. "

Naturally, You Yuanshan doesn't want this, but isn't there nothing he can do now?

Where did Li Siwen put his words? If he doesn't see the money, he will die.

It costs money or your life, you have to weigh it yourself.

"Isn't there any other alternative?"

Duguze was also depressed, why did this matter become like this.

You said it's not good for you to just eat and wait for him to die?

Why bother provoking Li Siwen.

If you provoke someone, why should you report that you are Dugu Ling?

He once again had murderous intentions towards his stupid son. If he didn't kill such a rebellious son, he would really be sorry to the ancestors of the Dugu family.

"There are no alternatives, it just depends on whether you are willing to let it go!"

You Yuanshan thought for a moment and spoke to his family head again.

"Now that it's like this, if there's anything you can't bear to part with, just say it if you have anything to say!"

Duguze is also dying of anxiety. Now that the whole family is going to drink the northwest wind, there is nothing he can't bear to part with.

"Master, if I remember correctly, the fifth lady seems to be of marriageable age now, and it seems that Li Siwen has not married yet.

If Miss Fifth can be brought together to marry Li Siwen, this matter should be suppressed, and the 2 taels of gold will not need to be spent.

The most important thing is that you will be able to marry the British Duke from now on, and the Dugu family will also be able to take this opportunity to re-enter the upper echelons of the Tang Dynasty. "

You Yuanshan gritted his teeth and directly expressed his thoughts.

Although Duguze had several sons, he only had one girl like the fifth daughter, Dugulan.

Normally, Duguze treated this girl like the apple of his eye, a treasure.

He also made bold statements, saying that no one other than a prince or dignitary would ever marry this daughter.

But now the situation has gone beyond their imagination, and he really has no other ability except this method.

"Are you going to let me, Duguze, sell my daughter, or my most precious Lan'er?
You Yuanshan, did I give you face? "

Hearing You Yuanshan's words, Duguze slapped You Yuanshan in the face, his eyes full of murderous coldness.

"Master, I really can't think of any other way. If you don't want to, then take 2 taels of gold, or a treasure that is comparable to 2 taels of gold."

You Yuanshan knelt directly in front of Duguze, his eyes filled with grievances.

Isn't there nothing he can do?
Besides, who asked you to sell your daughter? This is called marriage.

Li Siwen was the noble son of the British Duke, and the British Duke Li Ji was the youngest compared to the other Dukes.

She still has at least ten years to live, so if Dugu Lan marries her, it will not be considered as a disgrace to the reputation of the Dugu family.

He didn't understand why Duguze wanted to refuse such a good thing that had the best of both worlds.

"Treasure, if you don't tell me I've forgotten it, there really is such a thing.

And if you look at it that way, maybe what happened this time is a good thing. "

Hearing the word "treasure", Duguze felt no longer sleepy instantly.

His Dugu family had three queens before, so how could he not have any treasures?

And he also has some other ideas, maybe he can turn danger into safety and turn waste into treasure.

"What kind of treasure can be worth 2 taels of gold?"

Now it was You Yuanshan's turn to be confused. He had been staying in the Dugu family for more than ten years, and he had never heard that the Dugu family had such a precious treasure.

I'm afraid this master may have gone crazy because of success.

"You don't understand this. The former Emperor Yang Jian once gave my Dugu family a golden phoenix and a phoenix. It was a masterpiece of hundreds of craftsmen in the Sui Dynasty. Even after several wars, my Dugu family still guarded this artifact. It’s a masterpiece, let alone 2 taels of gold, you can’t buy it now even if it’s 10 taels of gold.”

Duguze also sneered. He had seen that magical object before, and said it was a miraculous craftsmanship.

Now he could only bear the pain and take this thing out.

"Isn't it said that that divine object was destroyed in the war a long time ago? It's still alive!"

Hearing Jin Feng Chao Huang's name, You Yuanshan was also stunned.

Legend has it that this thing was given by Yang Jian to Dugu Jialuo, the original Queen of Dugu, but it was transferred to Dugu Xin by the queen.

Rumor has it that the reason why Wang Shichong wanted to kill the Dugu family in Luoyang was because he couldn't get this sacred object, so he killed him in anger.

I didn't expect this thing to actually be alive.

"That's necessary. This thing is the lifeblood of my Dugu family. How could it be destroyed?"

Duguze smiled, how could this thing be lost?

"But why should this be given to Li Siwen? Wouldn't it be better to donate it to the Queen?"

Although this treasure is here, You Yuanshan can't figure out why he gave it to Li Siwen.

If this was dedicated to Wu Zetian, the profit he would get would far exceed the 2 taels.

"You don't understand. It's not that I don't want to give it away, but that I don't have the chance!"

Duguze shook his head. He also wanted to give it away, but there was no chance.

"You Yuanshan doesn't understand!"

Now You Yuanshan really doesn't understand what it means to have no chance.

"After all, the Dugu family is no longer what it used to be. We are indeed relatives of the emperor on the surface now, but it was even worse in the previous dynasty.

This golden phoenix and phoenix belong to the previous dynasty. If I really give it away, it will inevitably be used by someone with intentions.

When the time comes to tell us something about Bao Sui, we won’t be able to explain it clearly even if we are full of words.

So now I can only give this thing away and give it to the Queen through the hands of others.

At that time, no matter who sends it out, they will know that it is from the Dugu family.

By then we won't have to take any risks, and the Dugu family will be able to appear in front of His Majesty and the Queen. Why not! "

Dugu Ze sneered. Ever since he took over the Dugu family, he has been cautious every day and dared not do anything big.

The reason why the sons under him are what they are now is due to their nature and also due to my deliberate connivance.

Only by making the Dugu family harmless at all can they avoid unnecessary trouble.

Now that Dugu Ling had accidentally exposed himself to Li Siwen, he could only follow the trend.

The Dugu family has been silent for too long, and it is time to return to the emperor's sight.

"Is this the good thing the head of the family said?"

You Yuanshan now understood why the other party said that just now. If he could really achieve his idea, it would be equivalent to using Li Siwen's hand to deliver the golden phoenix and chaohuang to Wu Zetian for him.

This move is really skillful and wonderful.

The so-called moisturizing things silently is nothing more than that.

"How do you feel?"

Duguze was no longer nervous as before, and his eyes were full of calmness.

He believed that even Li Siwen would have a hard time resisting the temptation to please the queen.

"Master, this plan is very clever. I will inform Li Siwen immediately!"

How does it feel? You think so well, what else can I say.

"Forget it today, it's too late and they are probably asleep. Let's do it tomorrow!"

Duguze also yawned after saying that, as the saying goes, a broad mind means sleepiness.

Now that the problem was solved, a feeling of sleepiness came over him.

This bastard Dugu Ling, if he comes back, he will be punished no matter what.


You Yuanshan bowed and slowly withdrew.

Early the next morning, You Yuanshan wanted to go to the British Public Courtyard, but when he saw Duguze appearing in front of him, he was completely stunned.

"Master, what do you mean?"

You Yuanshan quickly saluted Duguze.

"I thought about it last night, it's the son's fault if he doesn't teach his father.

Since it was my incompetent son who caused the trouble, I, as a father, have to make amends to others. "

Duguze smiled, he must go to see Li Siwen.

Otherwise, how can you show your sincerity?

“You actually don’t have to do this.

After all, you are also the head of the Dugu family. It is not good to apologize to a young boy! "

Hearing Duguze's words, You Yuanshan also frowned.

In his opinion, the other party doesn't have to do this at all.

Isn't this too humble and too shameful to Li Siwen?

"Let's go."

Duguze didn't say anything and directly boarded the carriage at the door.


You Yuanshan also sighed and could only follow.


The driver whipped his horse whip and drove directly towards the British Monastery.

"Young Master, the Dugu family members want to see you!"

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